S&I Framework S&I Simplification - Cross Initiative Meeting Notes Date: 3/29/12 Name: S&I Simplification WG Agenda/Objectives: Topic 1. Introductions 2. Review Analysis of Assumptions, Pre/Post Conditions (Gary) 3. Core Stakeholders, Actors, Roles 4. DES/CEDD Update (John) 5. USHIK Update (Mike/Robin) 6. New Business 7. Adjourn Time Allotted 10:00 – 10:05 EDT 10:05 – 10:20 EDT 10:20 – 10:35 EDT 10:35 – 10:45 EDT 10:45 – 10:55 EDT 10:55-11:00 EDT 11:00 EDT Gary Dickinson, Kosta Makrodimitri, Meredith Lewis, Freida Hall, Jennifer Barrett, Robin Barnes, Mike Fitzmaurice, John Donnelly Wiki has new documents posted with draft assumptions, pre/post conditions for TOC, LRI, PD, esMD: Column C is each initiatives assumptions, pre and post conditions Column D is the requirement type Column E is the fulfillment aspect Column F shows traceability Column G is the requirements related to core requirements in the core matrix Column H involves core actions required to fulfill the pre/post condition or requirement Column I specifies applicability to a specific person Column J specifics when this is relevant Column K posts the level of requiredness per se Column L is a restatement of column C Might collapse the core requirements into the master list; core requirements have two aspects – data at rest and also data in motion (interchange of information) Column E is generally repeated in column J There is some collapsibility or consolidation that could occur in the matrix Reverse engineering is going on from the LRI Use Case to LOI Six axes within LOINC, which is why you can have variation in a LOINC result Just want to make sure the way LOI is being operated will fit with the goals of the core matrix Bob is going to review Gary’s work related to PD (Which would then be complete aside from column F) esMD has been added; trying to substantially reuse assumptions and pre/post conditions as they move from Use Case 1 to 2 and 3 Perhaps ask someone from esMD to review the entries for that section - Bob Dieterle would be able to Stakeholder/actor/role – Hope that column I is a role entry, but need to be in sync with the Use Case I could be an actor or a role, or just a role Hierarchy from stakeholder to actor to role Some roles explicitly describe actors and roles; earlier use cases really just describe the actor S&I Use Case Simplification Workgroup 3/29/2012 1 Meeting Notes S&I Framework S&I Simplification - Cross Initiative If we could specify components of one Use Case that could be registered for reuse by drilling down to data and actions, that would be ideal Challenge is that there is a master list that people choose from in addition to those that they add If not computable, it is simply a list; need to manage and maintain that list appropriately Role-based authorization and access control could lead to allowing roles to be computable Do we want to include these things in the core matrix if it isn’t computable? Core matrix as it stands just enumerates the actors and then defines them Amy made a list of stakeholders Maybe agreement across SDOs/developers – given stakeholder is category 1, 2 etc Finite numbers to make it computable and avoid people having to redefine each stakeholder/actor Computable means it would show up in a transaction somewhere – in code somewhere (role) Stakeholder and actor would be more of a reusable enumeration – how much concern do we want to have about usability for this? Have them out there for Use Cases, but drilling down to actual activity and functionality would be more applicable to defining role When you discuss moving patients along the continuum of care, there is a phenomenon that has to do with the size of the organization that is managing the patient Dependent on the part of the organization management as to who does what – “role” In one you can have a physician being the care manager; in another setting you can have an unlicensed professional acting as the care coordinator, then a payer, then a case manager, then additional organizations So many different ways that roles can be expressed – delegation of function into role is really important Encourage resources from other work groups to contribute definitions of the roles for their Use Cases Perhaps create a smaller sub work group to do this CEDD/DES – Working to expose CEDD to the other groups at the Face to Face and still trying to resolve the DES/CEDD crosswalk USHIK – Releasing a new version of the site today with enhanced search capability; will get returned data elements from all of the different portals in USHIK Waiting for feedback on the template from S&I Leadership USHIK will be in the Face to Face in the second half of the day – third afternoon session entirely S&I Use Case Simplification Workgroup 3/29/2012 2