7th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage ICARD Co-Sponsors Include: ADTI – Acid Drainage Technology Initiative ASMR – American Society of Mining and Reclamation IMWA – International Mine Water Association INAP – International Network for Acid Prevention MEND – Mine Environment Neutral Drainage RMRHSRC – Rocky Mountain Regional Hazardous Waste Substance Research Center SME – Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc. March 26-30, 2006 St. Louis, Missouri Richard I. Barnhisel, Editor This meeting also serves as the 23rd Annual Meetings of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation 3134 Montavesta Rd. Lexington, KY 40502 i 7th ICARD Conveners Co-Chair Charles H. Bucknam SME Environmental Division Planning Committee Chair Newmont Metallurgical Services Co-Chair Richard I. Barnhisel Executive Secretary American Society of Mining and Reclamation 7th ICARD Organizing Committee Charles Bucknam, Chair David R. Williams, Co-Chair Richard Barnhisel, Clive Bell, Adrian Brown, David Chenoweth, Linda Figueroa, Anne-Marie Fleury, Kim Lapakko, Virginia McLemore, Don Ramey, Carol Russell, Charles D. Shackelford, Larry Todd, Gilles Tremblay, Rens Verburg, Tom Wildeman, Anne Williamson ii 7th ICARD Technical Committee Richard Barnhisel Co-Chair and Editor of the Proceedings Charles Bucknam Co-Chair Ross Gallinger – Plenary-International Scope and Programs Case Studies – Lessons Learned I & II – Virginia McLemore, Chair Case Studies – Lessons Learned I Kirk Nordstrom Co-Chair Case Studies – Lessons Learned II Dr. Terrence D. Chatwin - Co-Chair Characterization I – Rebecca A. Miller, Chair Characterization I – Sharon Diehl, Co-Chair Characterization II – Shannon Shaw, Chair Characterization II – Rens Verburg, Co-Chair Closure/Land Use Issues – Dave Williams, Chair Closure/Land Use Issues – Chris Waygood, Co-Chair Emerging Technologies – Andy Robertson, Chair Emerging Technologies – Doug Peters, Co-Chair Forestry/Ecology – Dr. John Harrington, Chair Social - Governmental - Sustainability Issues – George Robinson, Chair Impacts I - Surficial Impacts – Jim Ranville, Chair Impacts I - Surficial Impacts – Kathy Smith Co-Chair Impacts II - Subsurface Impacts – Christoph Wels, Chair Impacts II - Subsurface Impacts – Mike Milczarek, Co-Chair IMWA - Mine Water Issues – Dr. Christian Wolkersdorfer, Chair IMWA - Mine Water Issues – Dr. Robert Kleinmann, Co-Chair Legacy/Abandoned Mine Lands – Carol Russell, Chair Legacy/Abandoned Mine Lands – Joe Galetovic, Co-Chair Management – Harry Posey Session Chair Modeling – David Blowes, Chair Modeling – Christopher Carlson, Co-Chair Pit Lakes/Backfill – Issues Brian Park, Chair Pit Lakes/Backfill Issues – Devin Castendyk, Co-Chair Prediction – Kim Lapakko, Chair Prediction – Bill White, Co-Chair Prevention and Control – Gilles Tremblay, Chair Soils and Overburden – W. Lee Daniels, Robert Darmody, Co-Chairs Treatment I – Linda Figueroa, Chair Treatment I – Paul Younger, Co-Chair Treatment II – Tom Wildeman Chair, and Chair Poster Paper Sessions Treatment II – Jim Gusek Co-Chair iii Reviewers The Session Chairs and the Technical Editor wish to thank the following persons who served as reviewers of one or more papers of the Proceedings of the 7th ICARD in order to assist us in providing high quality papers included in this volume. Cathy Ager, Tom Al, Richard Amos, Patrick Angel, Steve Atkin, Michel Aubertin, Bryan Ayres, Jeff Bain, Laurie Balistrieri, Werner Balderer, Richard Barnhisel, Peter Beckett, Roger Beckie, John Bennett, Craig Benson, Valerie Bertrand, David Bird, David Blowes, Guido M. Bocchio, Judith Bolis, Robert Borden, Mike Boulay, Rob Bowell, Andrea Brookfield, David Brown, Lain Bruce, Paul Brown, Bruce Buchanan, Charles Bucknam, Jim Burnell, Barbara Butler, Robert Butler, Jack A Caldwell, Andrew Campbell, Christopher Carlson,Vanessa Carney, Brian Caruso, Devin N. Castendyk, David Chambers, John Chapman, Stan Church, Jim Conca, Kevin Conroy, Andrew Grigg, Charles Cravotta, Paul Dahlen, Lee Daniels, Robert Darmody, Nand Dave, Stephen Day, Brian Dempsey, Cliff Denholm, Ken DeVos, Sharon Diehl, Kelly Donahue, Jennifer Engstrom, Grant Feasby, Faramarz Doulati, Ben Faulkner, AnneMarie Fleury, David Fey, Jeff Filipone, Jim Finley, Helen Folger, Martin Foote, Karl Ford, Kurt Friese, Scott Frostad,Joe Galetovic, Ross Gallinger, Christopher H. Gammons, Andrew Garvie, Jerry Gavette, Blair Gibson, Harma Greben, Gwen Geidel, Tom Gillis, Celia Greenman, Michael Gunsinger, James Gusek, Kathryn Haering, Phil Hageman, Jane Hammarstrom, Bob Hedin, Kevin Hallberg, Jack Hamilton, John Harman, John Harrington, Kate Heal, John Jambor, Heather Jamieson, Charlene Hogan, Adam P. Jarvis, James P. Jonas, Margarete Kalin, Bruce Kelley, D. Kelley, Laureen Kelly, Denis Kemp, Houston Kempton, Robert Kleinmann, Dan Klein, Al Koski, John Kwong, Lopaka Lee, Mark Loveall, Jannie Maree, Kim Lapakko, Bruce Lipin, Mark Logsdon, Ann Maest, Lindsey Maness, Vincent Martin, Uli Mayer, Ulrich Mayer, Robert McCandless, Gene McClelland, Richard McGregor, Virginia McLemore, Cheryl McRae, Brent Means, Peri Mehling, Mike Milczarek, Rebecca Miller, John Molson, Kevin Morin, Suzette Morman, Jean Morrison, Kevin Myers, Jack Nawrot, Bob Newcomer, Craig Nichol, David Nimmick, Kirk Nordstrom, Mike O'Kane, David Orava, Zenah Orndorff, Matt Owens, Brian T. Park, Nadine Piatak, Philippe Poirier, Harry Posey, Hugh Potter, Amy Pruden, Marja-Liisa Räisänen, Jim Ranville, Bob Reisinger, J.M. Rendu, Andrew M Robertson, John Robertson, Connie Romano, Maria do Rosário, Art Rose, Cheryl Ross, Pierre Rousseau, Michael Royle, Carol Russell, Maritz Rykaart, Piers Sadler, Matt Sares, Bill Schafer, Nabil Shafike, Russ Schnitzer, Greg Schoen, Stephan A. Schroeder, Paul Schruben, Colin Seeley, John C. Sencindiver, Kelly Sexsmith, Shannon Shaw, Ray Sinclair, Jeff Skousen, Steve Slater, Kathy Smith, Leslie Smith, Allen Sorenson, Mark Stanton, Lisa Stillings, Frank Stapelfeldt, Barry Stewart, Warwick Stewart, Ben Stoikovich, Gilles Tremblay, Ed Trujillo, John Van Brahana, Rob van Hille, Rens Verburg, Phil Verplanck, Kimery Vories, Rik Vos, Anne Wagner, Jake Waples, George Watzlaf, Chris Waygood, Christoph Wels, Paul Weber, Bill White, Matt Wickham, Thomas Wildeman, Hannah Wilkinson, David R Williams, Karen Williams, Anne Williamson, Mark Williamson, Ward Wilson, Wes Wilson, Laurie Wirt, Christian Wolkersdorfer, Douglas Yager, Bill York, Carl Zipper iv VIEWING PROCEEDINGS PAPERS AND ABSTRACTS All oral papers, posters, and ICARD abstracts are located on this CD in PDF format. This CD contains 2651 pages of text for the 229 papers and abstracts, in addition to the cover or index pages numbered with Roman numerals. There are three sections in this index: 1) ICARD Oral Technical Sessions, arranged according to the time and day presented and this begins on page vi, with the ICARD poster papers at the end of this portion, this begins on page xxv. 2) Authors of ICARD Oral and Poster papers, arranged alphabetically according to the first author; this begins on page xxxvi. 3) “Hot Stuff” Poster papers, with the first being the titles followed with a listing according to the authors, both of these are actually arranged alphabetically according to the first author, beginning on page xlvii. Note that the “hot stuff” posters were not incorporated in with the ICARD sessions although many of these abstracts are related to the various ICARD topics. Each abstract and/or paper is in a PDF format. However, if you opened the Word version the links are as hyperlinks and should open using most browsers. Please note these links are attached to the author whereas the PDF version, papers are attached to the page number. If you opened the Word version, the page numbers will not open the file. Lastly, you may get a message when using the PDF version that the paper cannot be opened, however, by clicking OK it may open anyway. The first index that follows is arranged according to the order the papers were presented at the meetings. Simply place the pointer on the page number in the right hand column and click the left button and the desired article should appear. The second index that follows the meeting index is for arranged in alphabetical order according to the primary author’s name, but there maybe some exceptions due to changes received after this process was started. Again, place the pointer on the page number and click the left mouse button. The entire proceedings are indexed to accommodate full text searching. To locate articles containing a specific topic, there are several ways to find appropriate articles, key words, just click on the index search icon (usually this icon at the top of the page is a pair of binoculars) over a sheet of text) and type in the word or words for which you would like to search. These words in the entire CD should become available in this search. What to do if you have a damaged CD. Each CD’s has been automatically verified during the burning process at the publisher, The American Society of Mining and Reclamation. It is always possible that a disc may become damaged later. If this occurs, return the damaged CD to ASMR and it will be replaced at no cost as long as Richard Barnhisel is involved with ASMR as their Executive Secretary. v Monday P.M. - Title: Plenary: International Scope and Programs: Mr. Ross Gallinger Session Chair Oral Paper Authors Linking the World to Eliminate Acid Rock Drainage http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0623-Gallinger-ON.pdf Mend in the 21ST Century http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2133-Temblay-ON-1.pdf Addressing Acid Drainage in the Australian Minerals Industry http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0090-Bell-AU.pdf Partnership for Acid Drainage Remediation in Europe (PADRE): Building A Better Future Founded on Research and Best Practice. http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2571-Younger-UK-3.pdf Acid Drainage Technology Initiative: Ten Years of Mining Industry, Government Agencies and Academia Collaboration in the Metal and Coal Mining Sectors in the USA http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2159-VanZyl-NV.pdf Page R. Gallinger, A. Fleury 623 G. Tremblay, C. Hogan 2133 L.C. Bell 90 P.L. Younger, C. Wolkersdorfer, R.J Bowell, L. Diels 2571 D.J.A. van Zyl, S. Parsons, V. McLemore, R.J. Hornberger 2159 Monday P.M. - Title: Management: Dr. Harry Posey Session Chair Oral Paper Authors Environmental Management Plans: A Key Tool in Ensuring Successful Long-Term Environmental Management at Closed Mine Sites with ML/ARD http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0098-Bellefontaine-BC.pdf Design and Implementation of A Strategic Review of ARD Risk in Rio Tinto http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1657-Richards-UK.pdf Mine Water Management in European Environmental Policy: An Assessment of Recent Legislative Developments http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0001-Amezaga-UK.pdf vi Page K. Bellefontaine, W. Price 98 D.G. Richards, R.K. Borden, J.W. Bennett, D.W. Blowes, M.J. Logsdon, S.D. Miller, S. Slater, L. Smith, G.W. Wilson J.M. Amezaga, P.L. Younger 1657 1 Application of Risk Management to Abandoned Mine Sites in the Canadian North http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1358-Nahir-QC.pdf M. Nahir, M. van Aanhout, S. Reinecke 1358 Monday P.M. - Title: Mining Legacy: Ms. Carol Russell Session Chair, Mr. Joe Galetovic Co-Chair Oral Paper Authors Successfully Lowering the Risks and Costs Associated with the Legacy of the Abandoned Brukunga Pyrite Mine, South Australia http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0365-Cox-AU.pdf Relations Among pH, Sulfate, and Metals Concentrations in Anthracite and Bituminous CoalMine Discharges, Pennsylvania http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0378-Cravotta-PA.pdf Lessons Learned from the U.S. Geological Survey Abandoned Mine Lands Initiative – 1997-2002 http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0623-Gallinger-ON.pdf Water Quality Evolution in Flooded and Unflooded Coal Mine-Pools http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1565-Perry-PA.pdf Water Quality from Above-Drainage Underground Mines Over A 35-Year Period http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2044-Skousen-WV.pdf Page R. Cox, P. Grindley, J. Taylor, S. Pape 365 C.A. Cravotta III 378 B.A. Kimball, S.E. Church, J.M. Besser 944 E.F. Perry, H.W. Rauch 1565 J. Skousen, L. McDonald, B. Mack, J. Demchak 2044 Monday P.M. - Title: Social, Government-Sustainability Issues: Mr. George Robinson Session Chair Oral Paper Authors Page ARD Geochemistry in the Developing World – Dealing with Uncertainty, Regulations and the Need for Characterization of Mine Waste http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1250-McRae-ON-1.pdf Application of Geo-Environmental Models to Accelerated EIA and Permitting Processes for an Andean Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1903-Schmiermund-CO-1.pdf Applications of a Global Mineral-Resource Assessment for Addressing Issues of Sustainable Mineral Resource vii C. McRae, K. DeVos 1250 R.L. Schmiermund, M. C. Lazo, C.C. Parnow 1903 J.M. Hammarstrom, J.A. Briskey, 703 Development http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0703-Hammarstrom-VA.pdf K.J. Schulz, S.G. Peters, W.J. Bawiec Monday P.M. - Title: Forestry & Wetlands as Post-Mine Land Uses: Dr. John Harrington Session Chair Oral Paper Authors Creating Wetlands for Compensatory Mitigation by Reclamation of Iron Mine Tailings Basins at the Republic Mine in Marquette County, Michigan http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2503-Workman-WI.pdf Evaluating Forest Productivity on Reclaimed Mine Land in the Western United States http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0721-Harrington-NM.pdf Growth of Three Appalachian Hardwood Species in Different Mine Spoil Types With and Without Topsoil Inoculation http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1976-Showalter-VA.pdf Surface Mine Reforestation Research: Evaluation of Tree Response to Low Compaction Reclamation Techniques http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0045-Angel-KY.pdf Carbon Sequestration on Mined Lands Supporting Abandoned Grasslands: Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation and Distribution http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0012-Amichev-VA.pdf Page R.D. Workman, M.P. Owens, C.L. Wolverton, G.J. Goodman 2502 J.T. Harrington, M. W. Loveall 721 J.M. Showalter, J.A. Burger 1976 P.N. Angel, D.H. Graves, C. Barton, R.C. Warner, P.W. Conrad, R.J. Sweigard, C. Agouridis 45 B.Y. Amichev, J.A. Burger 12 Tuesday A.M. - Title: Case Studies: Lessons Learned I: Dr. Virginia McLemore Session Chair, Dr. D (Kirk) Nordstrom Co-Chair Oral Paper Seneca Surface Coal Mines--A 40-Year Case Study in Reclamation Techniques— Triumphs and Failures: Two Studies of Shrub Establishment http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0922-Karo-CO.pdf Long-Term Performance of Vertical Flow Ponds – An Update http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1704-Rose-PA.pdf Mine Drainage Challenges From A TO Z In The United States viii Authors Page R.A. Karo 922 A. W. Rose 1704 C. Russell 1785 http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1785-Russell-CO.pdf Advances in Development of Bioreactors Applicable to the Treatment of ARD http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1410-Nordwick-MT-2.pdf Strategic Planning for ARD Remediation http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0282-Brett-AU.pdf Geochemical and Geotechnical Characteristics of FilterPressed Tailings at the Greens Creek Mine, Admiralty Island, Alaska http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0350-Condon-AK.pdf Mineral Solubility and Weathering Rate Constraints on Metal Concentrations in Ground Waters of Mineralized Areas Near Questa, New Mexico http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1383-Nordstrom-CO.pdf S. Nordwick, M. Zaluski, B. Park, and D. Bless 1410 D. M. Brett 282 P.D. Condon, K. G. Lear 350 D.K. Nordstrom, R.B. McCleskey 1383 Tuesday A.M. - Title: Treatment I: Dr. Linda Figueroa Session Chair, Dr. Paul Younger Co-Chair Oral Paper Authors Properties of Treatment Sludge During Sedimentation and Consolidation Tests http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1531-PedroniQC.pdf Applications of Biological H2S Production from Elemental Sulfur in the Treatment of Heavy Metal Pollution including Acid Rock Drainage http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0271-Bratty-BC.pdf Case Studies of Costs and Longevities of Alkali-Based Water-Treatment Plants for ARD http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1333-Morin-BC.pdf Utilizing Industrial Wastes and Alterative Reagents to Treat Acidic Drainage http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2618-Zinck-On-2.pdf Passive Treatment of A Cyanide and Arsenic Laden Process Water at the RPM Gold Mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2377-Wildeman-CO.pdf Challenges of Passive Treatment of Metal Mine ix Page L. Pedroni, J. Dromer, M. Aubertin, G. Kennedy 1531 M. Bratty, R. Lawrence, D. Kratochvil, B. Marchant 271 K.A. Morin, N.M. Hutt 1333 J. Zinck, W. Griffith 2618 T.R. Wildeman, 2377 A.P. Pinto, L.A. Tondo, L.A. Alves T.S. Rötting, 1753 Drainage in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Southern Spain): Preliminary Studies Paper is not available Microbiology of Sulfate-Reducing Passive Treatment Systems http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1620-Pruden-CO.pdf AMD Treatment in New Zealand – Use of Small-scale Passive Systems http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2142-Trumm-NZ.pdf R.C. Thomas, C. Ayora, J. Carrera A. Pruden, L.P. Pereyra, S.R. Hiibel, L.Y. Inman, N. Kashani, K.F. Reardon, D. Reisman D.A. Trumm, M. Watts, P. Gunn 1620 2142 Tuesday A.M. - Title: Characterization I: In the Field – Case Studies Ms. Rebecca Miller Session Chair, Dr. Sharon Diehl Co-Chair Oral Paper Authors Page Geochemical Controls on Waste-Rock Dump Seepage Chemistry at Several Porphyry Mines in the Canadian Cordilleran http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0439-Day-BC.pdf What’s Weathering? Mineralogy and Field Leach Studies in Mine Waste, Leadville and Montezuma Mining Districts, Colorado http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0507-Diehl-CO.pdf Geochemistry and Hydrogeology of Acid Mine Drainage in the Great Falls-Lewistown Coal Field, Montana http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0630-Gammons-MT.pdf Geostatistical Modeling of Acid Rock Prediction Uncertainty http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1717-Rossi-FL.pdf Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of Ni-Cu Sulfide Tailings, Thompson, Manitoba, Canada http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2011-Sidenko-MA.pdf Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Quiulichcha Tailings Impoundment from the Polymetallic Z-Pb-(AgBi-Cu) Deposit Cerro de Pasco, Peru. http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2198-Wade-CH.pdf Hyperspectral Sensing of Acid Mine Drainage – Two Colorado Case Studies x S. Day, B. Rees 439 S.F. Diehl, P.L. Hageman, K.S. Smith 507 C.H. Gammons, T.E. Duaime, W.S. Botsford, S.R. Parker, T. Grant M.E. Rossi 630 N.V. Sidenko, B.L. Sherriff, J. VanGulck 2011 C. Wade, B. Dold, L. Fontboté 2198 P.L. Hauff, D.C. Peters, 738 1717 http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0738-Hauff-CO.pdf D.W. Coulter, M.A. Sares, D.A. Bird, F.B. Henderson III, E.C. Prosh Tuesday A.M. - Title: Impacts I: Surficial Impacts Dr. James Ranville Session Chair, Dr. Kathy Smith Co-Chair Oral Paper Authors Page Phytostabilization of Fluvial Tailings Deposits in the Clark Fork River Flood Plain http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1371-Neuman-MT.pdf Comparison of Dissolved Copper Concentration Trends in two Rivers Receiving ARD from an Inactive Copper Mine (Marinduque Island, Philippines) http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0426-David-PH-2.pdf Pollution of A River Basin Impacted by Acid Mine Drainage in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain) http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1850-Sarmiento-ES.pdf Mercury Discharges from Small Scale Gold Mines in North Sulawesi, Indonesia: Managing a Change from Mercury to Cyanide http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2354-Whitehouse-DC.pdf Mine Water Management at the Catchment Scale: Case Studies from North-East England http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0665-Gozzard-UK.pdf Integrating Bioavailability Approaches into Waste Rock Evaluations http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1642-Ranville-CO.pdf Predicting Toxic Effects of Copper on Aquatic Biota in Mineralized Areas by Using the Biotic Ligand Model http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2055-Smith-CO.pdf Impacts on Water Quality and Biota from Natural Acid Rock Drainage in Colorado’s Lake Creek Watershed http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0158-Bird-CO.pdf xi D.R. Neuman, W.M. Schafer 1371 C.P.C. David, G.S. Plumlee 426 A.M. Sarmiento, J.M. Nieto, M. Olías, C.R. Cánovas 1850 A.E. Whitehouse, 2354 H.H. Posey, T.D. Gillis, M.B. Long, A.A.S. Mulyan E. Gozzard, W.M. Mayes, M.I. Morrison, A.P. Jarvis J. Ranville, E. Blumenstein, M. Adams, L. Choate, K. Smith, T. Wildeman K.S. Smith, J.F. Ranville, M.K. Adams, L.M. Choate, S.E. Church, D.L. Fey, R.B. Wanty, J.G. Crock D.A. Bird, M.A. Sares, G.A. Policky, T.S. Schmidt, S.E. Church 665 1642 2055 158 Tuesday P.M. - Title: Case Studies: Lessons Learned II: Dr. Virginia McLemore Session Chair, Dr. T. Chatwin Co-Chair Oral Paper Authors Page Effects on Element Mobility by the Construction of A Wetland on the Marine Shore Porphyry Copper Tailings Deposit, Bahía De Ite, Peru http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0498-Diaby-CH-2.pdf The Marine Shore Porphyry Copper Mine Tailings Deposit at Chañaral, Northern Chile http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2480-Wisskirchen-CH-2.pdf Long-Term Monitoring of Kidston’s “Store/Release” Cover System Over Potentially Acid Forming Waste Rock Piles http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2385-Williams-AU.pdf Long Term Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) Management at PT Freeport Indonesia http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1774-Rusdinar-IN.pdf Case Study on the Remediation of Water Ingress to Old Gold Workings Linked to Active Mining Areas in South Africa http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1483-Palmer-ZA.pdf Characterization of the Waste Rock and Pit Walls at the Jundee Gold Mine Site in Western Australia and Implications for Long-term Issues http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1961-Shaw-BC.pdf Oral Paper N. Diaby, B. Dold, E. Buselli, R. Vicetti 498 C. Wisskirchen, B. Dold 2480 D.J. Williams, D.J. Stolberg, N.A. Currey 2385 Y. Rusdinar 1774 M, Palmer, C. Waygood, I. Lea 1483 S. Shaw, J. Martin, G. Meiers, M. O’Kane, C. Wels 1961 Tuesday PM. - Title: Modeling Mr. David Blowes Session Chair, Authors Geochemical Characterization and Water Quality Prediction at the Antamina Mine http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0291-Brown-ON.pdf Water Migration in Covered Waste Rock, Investigations Using Deuterium as A Tracer http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1142-Marcoline-BC.pdf Investigations into the Depth and Rate of Weathering on Witwatersrand Gold Tailings Dam Surfaces as Key Information for Long-Term ARD Risk Assessments xii Page D. Brown, R. Verburg, H. Letient, C. Aranda 291 J.R. Marcoline, L. Smith, R.D. Beckie 1142 N. Bezuidenhout, P. D.S. Rousseau 128 http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0128-Bezuidenhout-ZA.pdf Computational Methods for Acid Mine Drainage Management: Simulation of Hydrogeochemical Processes in Abandoned Underground Coal Mines http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0966-Kruse-UK.pdf Numerical Simulations of Long Term Unsaturated Flow and Acid Mine Drainage at Waste Rock Piles http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0582-Fala-QC.pdf Hydrogeological and Geochemical Characterization of a Waste Rock Pile from a Porphyry Copper Deposit in the Semi-Arid South West USA http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2217-Walder-NM-1.pdf Modeling of A Waste Rock Dump Design to Control Acid Rock Drainage at the Svartliden Gold Mine, Northern Sweden http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1079-Linklater-AU.pdf Preliminary Results of the Water Flow Modeling in an Acid Drainage Generating Waste Rock Pile Located at the Uranium Mining Site of Poços de Caldas – Brazil http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0611-Franklin-BR.pdf N.A.S. Kruse, P.L. Younger, V. Kutij 966 O. Fala, J. Molson, M. Aubertin, B. Bussière, R.P. Chapuis I.F Walder, T. Stein, T. Shelly Jr., 582 C.M. Linklater, J.W. Bennett, N. Edwards 1079 M. Franklin, H. Fernandes, G. Yeh, J.P.S. de Azevedo 611 2217 Tuesday P.M. - Title: Characterization II: Formation & Process Ms. Shannon Shaw Session Chair, Dr. Rens Verburg Co-Chair Oral Paper Authors Page Protocols Affecting the Reactivity of Mine Waste During Laboratory-Based Kinetic Tests http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0247-Bowell-UK.pdf Antimony Leaching from Stibnite and Complex Ores http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0993-Kwong-ON.pdf Laboratory Studies of Sphalerite Decomposition: Applications to the Weathering of Mine Wastes and Potential Effects on Water Quality http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2090-Stanton-CO.pdf Pyrite Oxidation Rates from Humidity Cell Testing of Greenstone Rock http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1007-Lapakko-MN-1.pdf xiii R.J. Bowell, D.J. Sapsford, M. Dey, and K.P. Williams 247 Y.T.J. Kwong, A. Pratt, G. Botton 993 M. R. Stanton, C. D. Taylor, P. A. Gemery-Hill, and W.C. Shanks III 2090 K.A. Lapakko, D.A. Antonson 1007 Parametric Study on the Water Content Profiles and Oxidation Rates in Nearly Saturated Tailings Above the Water Table http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0405-Dagenais-QC.pdf Iron Dynamics in Acid Mine Drainage http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2411-Williamson-CO.pdf Field Measurements of Surface Gas Fluxes and SurfaceWater Conditions for Mine Waste Rock Management http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0866-Kabwe-BC.pdf Natural Iron Hydroxide Precipitates: Their Acid Generation Potential in Ground Water Associated With Tailings http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0885-Kalin-ON.pdf A-M. Dagenais, M. Aubertin, and B. Bussière 405 M. A. Williamson, C. S. Kirby, and D. Rimstidt L.K. Kabwe, G.W. Wilson and J.M. Hendry 2411 M. Kalin, A. Fyson, G. Meinrath 885 866 Tuesday P.M. - Title: Impacts: Subsurface Impacts Dr. Christoph Wels Session Chair, Dr. Mike Milczarek Co-Chair Oral Paper Authors Page Groundwater Response to the End of Forty Years of Copper Heap Leach Operations, Bingham Canyon, Utah http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0214-Borden-AU.pdf Nickel and Uranium Loading Estimates from A 20-Year Old Waste Rock Pile: A Comparison of Field Estimates and Laboratory Leaching Tests http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0676-Guerin-SK.pdf Assessment of Groundwater Impacts at the Historic Mount Morgan Mine Site, Queensland, Australia http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2311-Wels-BC.pdf Reactive Transport Modeling of AMD Release and Attenuation at the Fault Lake Tailings Area, Falconbridge, Ontario http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1673-Romano-BC.pdf Source Manipulation in Water Bodies of Flooded Underground Mines – Experiences from the Wismut Remediation Program http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1514-Paul-DE.pdf Predictions and Reality: Generation of Strongly NetAcidic Mine Waters Through Flooding of Underground Coal Mine Workings with Limestone Roof Strata, xiv R.K. Borden, V. Peacey, B. Vinton 214 F. Guerin, R.V Nicholson, L. Smith, R. Beckie 676 C. Wels, L. Findlater, C. McCombe 2311 C.G. Romano, K.U. Mayer, D.W. Blowes 1673 M. Paul, U. Jenk, J. Meyer, M. Gengnagel 1514 P.L. Younger, P. Thorn 2542 Blenkinsopp Colliery (Northumberland, UK) http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2542-Younger-UK-1.pdf Modeling of Groundwater Inflow to A Large Open-Pit in Low-Permeability Mountainous Terrain http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0140-Birch-AZ.pdf Hydrogeologic Characterization of Ground Waters, Mine Pools and the Leadville Mine Drainage Tunnel, Leadville, Colorado http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2439-Wireman-CO.pdf M. Birch, B. Semmens, L. Smith, D. Banton, N. Hall 140 M. Wireman, J. Gertson, M. Williams 2439 Wednesday A.M. - Title: Prediction: Mr. Kim Lapakko Session Chair, Mr. Bill White Co-Chair Oral Paper Authors Page Advances in Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) Characterization of Mine Wastes http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2098-Stewart-AU.pdf Short-Term Acid Rock Drainage Characteristics Determined by Paste pH and Kinetic NAG Testing: Cypress Prospect, New Zealand http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2289-Weber-NZ.pdf Comparison of Measured and Mineralogically Predicted Values of the Sobek Neutralization Potential for Intrusive Rocks http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0820-Jambor-BC.pdf Simulations of the Neutralizing Capacity of Silicate Rocks in Acid Mine Drainage Environments http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0564-Eary-Co.pdf Hydrogeogeochemical Characterization of Effluent from Mine Waste Rock, Cluff Lake, Saskatchewan http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2207-Wagner-BC.pdf Scale up Effects on Mass Loading Rates in an Arid Arctic Environment http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0109-Bertrand-ON.pdf Construction of Two Large-Scale Waste Rock Piles in a Continuous Permafrost Region http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0187-Blowes-ON.pdf xv W.A. Stewart, S.D. Miller, R. Smart 2098 P.A. Weber, J.B. Hughes, L.B. Conner, P. Lindsay, R.St.C. Smart J.L. Jambor, J.E. Dutrizac, M. Raudsepp 2289 L.E. Eary, M.A. Williamson 564 K. Wagner, L. Smith, R. Beckie 2207 820 V. Bertrand, P. Anand, 109 R. Verburg, C. Goodings D. Blowes, M. Moncur, 187 L. Smith, D. Sego, J. Bennet, A. Garvie, C. Linklater, D. Gould, J. Reinson Wednesday A.M. - Title: Treatment II: Dr. Thomas Wildeman Session Chair, Mr. James Gusek Co-Chair Oral Paper Authors Page The Effect of Neutralization Method and Reagent on the Rate of Cu and Zn Release from Acid Rock Drainage Treatment Sludges http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1198-McDonald-AU.pdf Successful Implementation and Operation of A Passive Treatment System in an Extremely Cold Climate, Northern Quebec, Canada http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0980-Kuyuck-ON.pdf A Modular Field-Bioreactor for Acid Rock Drainage Treatment http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2675-Zaluski-MT.pdf Mechanisms of Nickel and Zinc Removal in Oxic Limestone Systems and the Application to Metal Mine Drainages http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1302-Miller-CO.pdf The Use of Basic Oxygen Steel Furnace Slag (BOS) as A High Surface Area Media for the Removal of Iron from Circum Neutral Mine Waters http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0234-Bowden-UK.pdf Sustainable Mine Drainage Treatment Through the Passive Production of Saleable Iron Oxide Solids http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0746-Hedin-PA.pdf Effective Passive Treatment of Mine Effluent Using A Phosphate Reactive Medium http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1728-Ross-WA.pdf D.M. McDonald, J.A. Webb, R.J. Musgrave 1198 N. Kuyucak, F. Chabot, J. Martschuk 980 M.H. Zaluski, D.R. Bless, L. Figueroa, H.O. Joyce A. Miller, L. Figueroa, T. Wildeman 2575 L.I. Bowden, K.L. Johnson, A.P. Jarvis, H. Robinson, N. Ghazireh , P.L. Younger R.S. Hedin 234 C.S. Ross, R.B. Verburg, B. Stasney, L. McCloskey 1728 1302 764 Wednesday A.M. - Title: IMWA Mine Water and Environment: Dr. Christian Wolkersdorfer Session Chair, Dr. Robert Kleinmann Co-Chair Oral Paper Authors Page Acid Mine Drainage Tracer Tests http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2490-Wolkersdorfer-DE.pdf On the Relevance of Meromixis in Mine Pit Lakes http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0200-Boehrer-DE.pdf xvi C. Wolkersdorfer 2490 B. Boehrer, M. Schultze 200 Assessment of a Treatment Scheme for Acidic Mining Lakes Using CO2 and Calcium Oxides to Precipitate Carbonates http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2344-Werner-DE-2.pdf Acid Drainage Prevention Guidelines for Scottish Opencast Coal Mining: The Primacy of the Conceptual Model http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2558-Younger-UK-2.pdf Development and Operation of a Water Balance at Rio Paracatu Mineracão, Brazil http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1632-Puhlmann-BR.pdf The Aznalcóllar Pit Lake – Water Quality and Options of Control http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1927-Schultz-DE.pdf The Role of Dissolved Carbon Dioxide in Governing Deep Coal Mine Water Quality and Determining Treatment Process Selection http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0833-Jarvis-UK.pdf F. Werner, B. Graupner, B. Merkel, C. Wolkersdorfer 2344 P.L. Younger, D.J. Sapsford 2558 T. Puhlmann, C. Voss, J. Esper, R.D. Amaral 1632 M. Schultze, K. Friese, J. Sánchez, E. López 1927 A.P. Jarvis 833 Wednesday P.M. - Title: Pit Lakes/Backfill: Mr. Brian Park Session Chair, Dr. Devin Castendyk Co-Chair Oral Paper Authors Page Post-Betze Pit Lake Water Quality Prediction, Nevada http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1863-Schafer-MT.pdf Geochemical Prediction and Remediation Options for the Proposed Martha Mine Pit Lake, New Zealand http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0306-Castendyk-NY.pdf Pit Lake Water Quality Modeling Calibration of the Main Pit, Tyrone Mine, New Mexico, USA http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2240-Walder-NM-2.pdf Predicted and Observed Water Quality Data from the Coal Mine Pit Lake Bärwalde, Laustz, Germany http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2333-Werner-DE.pdf Pit Backfill: Yea or Nay, A Montana Example http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2397-Williams-MT.pdf Reclamation and Closure of Summer Camp Pit Lake, xvii W.M. Schafer, M. Logsdon, G. Zhan, R. Espell D.N. Castendyk, J.G. Webster-Brown 1863 I.F. Walder, N. Blandford, T. Shelly Jr. 2240 F. Werner, M. Müller, B. Graupner 2333 R. D. Williams 2397 J.V. Parshley, 1495 306 Nevada: A Case Study http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1495-Parshley-NV.pdf Microcosm Testing of Municipal Sewage and Green Waste for Full-Scale Remediation of an Acid Coal Pit Lake, in Semi-Arid Tropical Australia http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1177-McCullough-AU.pdf Innovative Water Treatment Plant Utilizing the South Mine Pit at the Copper Basin Mining Site in Tennessee, USA http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2529-Wyatt-TN.pdf R.J. Bowell, J. Ackerman C.D. McCullough, M.A. Lund, J.M. May 1177 G. Wyatt, F. Miller, J. Chermak 2529 WEDNESDAY P.M. - Title: Prevention and Control: Mr. Gilles Tremblay Session Chair Oral Paper Authors Findings of International Review of Soil Cover Design and Construction Practices for Mine Waste Closure http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1804-Rykaart-BC.pdf The Use of In Situ Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity to Provide an Understanding of Cover System Performance Over Time http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1259-Meiers-AU.pdf The Effect of Water Table Elevation on Acid Mine Drainage from Reactive Tailings: A Laboratory and Numerical Modeling Study http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1473-Ouangrawa-QC.pdf Performance of the Acid Rock Drainage Mitigation Waste Rock Trial Dump at Grasberg Mine http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0030-Andrina-BC.pdf Surface Paste Disposal of High-Sulfide Tailings – Field Cell Monitoring and Pilot Plant Testing http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2170-Verburg-WA.pdf Toward Source Control of Acid Rock Drainage http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1435-Olsen-CO.pdf Hydraulic Placement of A Dry Cover System – Design and Performance Monitoring of the Kennecott Ridgeway Mine Tailings Dam Cover System http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0539-Duckett-SC.pdf xviii Page M. Rykaart, D. Hockley, M. Noel, M. Paul 1804 G.P. Meiers, L.S. Barbour, C.V. Qualizza 1259 M. Ouangrawa, J. Molson, M. Aubertin, G. Zagury, B. Bussière 1473 J. Andrina, G.W. Wilson, S. Miller, A. Neale 30 R. Verburg, P. Newman, M. Fordham 2170 G.J. Olson, T.R. Clark, 1435 T.I. Mudder, M. Logsdon R. Duckett, M. O’Kane 539 Choosing Representative Climate Years for Predicting Long-Term Performance of Mine Waste Cover Systems http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1421-O’Kane-AB.pdf M. O’Kane, S.L. Barbour 1421 Wednesday P.M. - Title: Emerging Technologies: Dr. Andrew Robertson Session Chair, Mr. Doug Peters Co-Chair Oral Paper Authors Page Using Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys to Identify Potential Hazards at Coal Waste Impoundments: Examples from West Virginia http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0902-Kaminski-PA.pdf Characterizing and Tracking Reactive Mixture Alterations: New Tools for Passive Treatment System Design and Monitoring http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1605-Place-CO.pdf Conceptual Methods for Recovering Metal Resources from Passive Treatment Systems http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0690-Gusek-CO.pdf Mixtures of Waste Rock and Tailings: Resistance to Acid Rock Drainage http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2369-Wickland-BC.pdf The Application of Blended Waste Rock and Tailings for Cover Systems in Mine Waste Management http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2424-Wilson-BC.pdf Insights into Hydrodynamic and Geochemical Processes in A Valley-Fill ARD Waste-Rock Repository from an Autonomous Multi-Sensor Monitoring System http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2262-Wangerud-CO.pdf V. Kaminski, R. W. Hammack, W. Harbert, T. Ackman, J. Sams G. Veloski D. L. Place, L. Figueroa, T. Wildeman, D. Reisman 902 J.J. Gusek, T.R. Wildeman, K. W. Conroy 690 B. Wickland, W. Wilson, D. Wijewickreme, D. Fredlund G. W. Wilson, J. Miskolczi, A-M. Dagenais, I. Levesque, Q. Smith, L. Lanteigne, L. Hulett, D. Landriault K. Wangerud, R. Versteeg, G. Heath, R. Markiewicz A. Richardson 2369 1605 2424 2262 Wednesday P.M. - Title: Soils and Overburden: Dr. W. Lee Daniels Session Chair, Dr. Robert Darmody Co-Chair Oral Paper Authors Page Alkalinity Producing Cover Materials for Providing Sustained Improvement in Water Quality from Waste Rock Piles http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2120-Taylor-AU.pdf xix J. Taylor, B. Guthrie, N. Murphy, J. Waters 2120 Design and Construction of Limestone Blended Waste Rock Dumps - Lessons Learned from a 10-year Study at Grasberg http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1287-Miller-AU.pdf The Influence of Climate, Vegetation, Layer Thickness, and Material Properties for Performance of the Cover Systems at the Golden Sunlight Mine http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0849-Junqueira-BC.pdf Saturated and Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties Characterization at Mine Facilities: Are We Doing it Right http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1273-Milczarek-AZ.pdf Leaf Area and Root Density Measurements for Use in Cover Performance Evaluations on Semi-Arid Reclaimed Mine Lands http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1694-Romig-NM.pdf Upward Migration of Constituents in Soil Covers at Semi-Arid Mine Sites http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1345-Munk-NM.pdf Characterization of Goathill North Mine Rock Pile, Questa Molybdenum Mine, Questa, New Mexico http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1219-McLemore-NM.pdf S. Miller, Y. Rusdinar, R. Smart, J. Andrina, D. Richards 1287 F.F. Junqueira, G.W. Wilson, C. Nichol, S. Dunlap 849 M.A. Milczarek, D. van Zyl, S. Peng, R.C. Rice 1273 D. Romig, L. Munk, T. Stein 1694 L. Munk, M. Jaworski, M. Jojola, D. Romig 1345 V.T. McLemore, K.M. Donahue, E. Phillips, N. Dunbar, P. Walsh, L.A.F. Gutierrez, S. Tachie-Menson, H.R. Shannon, V.W. Lueth, A.R. Campbell, G.W. Wilson, B.M. Walker 1219 Predicting Depth to Sulfidic Sediments in the Coastal Plain of Virginia http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1453-Orndorff-VA.pdf Z.W. Orndorff, W.L. Daniels 1453 xx Thursday A.M. - Title: Closure & Land Use Issues: Mr. R. Dave Williams Session Chair, Mr. Chris Waygood Co-Chair Oral Paper Authors Page Mine Closure Planning in Peru http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1051-Letient-PE.pdf Incorporation of Natural Slope Features into the Design of Final Landforms for Waste Rock Stockpiles http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0059-Ayres-SK.pdf The Evolution of Evapotranspiration Cover Systems at Barrick Goldstrike Mines http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2585-Zhan-UT.pdf ARD Management at Geita Gold Mine http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2000-Sibilski-ZA.pdf H. Letient, R. Marsland, M. Marticorena, H. McLeod B. Ayres, B. Dobchuk, D. Christensen, M. O’Kane, M. Fawcett G. Zhan, W. Schafer, M. Milczarek, K. Myers, J. Giraudo, R. Espell U. Sibilski, R. Stephen 1051 59 2585 2000 Sunday P.M. - Title: ICARD Poster Paper Session: Dr. Thomas Wildeman Overall Poster Session Chair Case Studies: Lessons Learned I: Dr. Virginia McLemore and Mr. D. Nordstrom Co-Chairs Poster Paper Authors Savage River Mine - Practical Remediation Works http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0810-Hutchison-AU.pdf Case Study on the Remediation of the Defunct Coal Mine Arbor Colliery, in Mpumalanga South Africa http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2281-Waygood-ZA.pdf Hydrogeology of South Bison Hill http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0336-Chapman-SK.pdf Predicted Versus Actual Water Quality at Hardrock Mine Sites: Effect of Inherent Geochemical and Hydrologic Characteristics http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1122-Maest-CO.pdf Microbial Study of the Marine Shore Porphyry Copper Tailings Deposit Bahia de Iti, Peru http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0493-Diaby-CH-1-eabs.pdf xxi Page B.J. Hutchison, D. Brett 810 C. Waygood, M. Palmer, R. Schwab 2281 D. Chapman., S.L. Barbour, M.A. O’Kane A. Maest, J. Kuipers, K. MacHardy, G. Lawson 336 N. Diaby, B. Dold, C. Holliger, R. Vicetti, E. Buselli 493 1122 Characterization I: In the Field – Case Studies: Ms. Rebecca Miller and Ms. Sharon Diehl Co-Chairs Poster Paper Authors Cemented Paste Backfill Leachate Characteristics Snap Lake Diamond Mine http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0476-DeVos-ON.pdf Measurement of Moisture Conditions for Mine Waste Storage Facilities Using the Deep Diviner Moisture Probe http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0528-Dobchuk-SK.pdf Airborne Geophysical Survey for Mapping Acid Mine Drainage http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1654-Brown-ON-abs.pdf Natural Acid Rock Drainage Associated with Hydrothermally Altered Terrane in Colorado http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1844-Sares-CO-eabs.pdf Net Acid Production, Acid Neutralizing Capacity and Associated Geophysical, Mineralogical, and Geochemical Characteristics of Animas River Watershed Rocks, Silverton, Colorado http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2540-CO-abs.pdf Geochemical Characterization of Mine Waste from the Pike Hill Superfund Site in Vermont, USA http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1582-Piatak-VA.pdf Geochemistry and Secondary Mineralogy at the SulfideRich Excelsior Waste Rock Dump from the Polymetallic Zn-Pb-(Ag-Bi-Cu) Mineralization Cerro de Pasco, Peru http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2078-Smuda-CH-1.pdf A Simplified Method for Estimation of Jarosite and Acid-Forming Sulfates in Acid Mine Wastes http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1070-Li-AN-eabs.pdf Effects of Particle Size on Drainage Quality from Three Lithologies http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1026-Lapakko-MN-2.pdf xxii Page K. DeVos, R. Verburg 476 B. Dobchuk, S.L. Barbour, J. Dobchuk, M. O’Kane 528 B. Brown 1654 M.A. Sares, J.P. Kurtz, 1844 D.J. Bove, J. Neubert D.B. Yager, AE. McCafferty, M.R. Stanton, S.F. Diehl, R.L. Driscoll 2540 N.M. Piatak, J.M. Hammarstrom, R.R. Seal II 1582 J. Smuda, B. Dold, K. Friese, P. Morgenstern 2078 J. Li, R.StC Smart, R. Schumann, G. Levay 1070 K.A. Lapakko, J.N. Engstrom, D.A. Antonson 1027 Characterization II: Formation and Process Ms. Shannon Shaw and Dr. Rens Verburg Co-Chairs Poster Paper Authors The Use of Synthetic Jarosite as an Analog for Natural Jarosite http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0458-Desborough-CO.pdf Mineralogical, Geochemical and Isotopic Study of the Active Tailings Impoundment Carén from the Porphyry Copper Deposit El Teniente, Chile http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2084-Smuda-CH-2.pdf Acid Production from the Leaching of Pyrite and Chalcopyrite http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0648-Gerson-AU-eabs.pdf Spatial and Temporal Water Chemistry Variations in Acid Rock Drainage from the Tailings at the Ruttan Mine, Leaf Rapids, Manitoba, Canada http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0580-Etcheverry-MB-abs.pdf Page G.A. Desborough, K.S. Smith, H.A. Lowers, G.A. Swayze, J.M. Hammarstrom, S.F. Diehl, R.L. Driscoll, R.W. Leinz J. Smuda, B. Dold, J. Spangenberg 458 A.R. Gerson, J.E. Thomas 648 D.J. Etcheverry, B.L. Sherriff, N.V. Sidenko 580 2084 Emerging Technologies: Dr. Andy Robertson and Mr. Doug Peters Co-Chairs Poster Paper Authors Page Growth Inhibition of Cellulomonas flavigena Induced by Copper and Zinc: Determination of Toxicity Thresholds and the Combined Effects of Copper and Zinc on the Growth of a Cellulolytic-Fermenting Bacteria http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1768-Ruhs-CO-eabs.pdf Utilization of Mobile Computing and GIS to Evaluate Reclaimed Lands in Missouri http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0964-Kim-IL-eabs.pdf In Situ Treatment of Metal Mine Tailings Using EOS® http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0233-Borden-NC-abs.pdf xxiii A. Ruhs, L. Figueroa, T.R. Wildeman 1768 K. Kim, K. Horton, P. Pursell, K. Garnett 964 R.C. Borden 233 Poster Paper Forestry: Dr. John Harrington Chair Authors Developing A Method of Site Quality Evaluation for Quercus Alba and Liriodendron Tulipifera in the Eastern Kentucky Coalfields http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0364-Cotton-KY-abs.pdf C. Cotton, C. Barton Page 364 Impacts I: Dr. Jim Ranville and Dr. Kathy Smith Co-Chairs Poster Paper Authors Page Leachate and Enzyme Bioassay Toxicity Assessment Tests at the Tip Top Mine, A Marginally Impacted Site http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1314-Moehle-CO.pdf Assessment of ARD Effects on River Ecosystem Using Benthic Aquatic Macroinvertebrates (Marinduque Island, Philippines) http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0422-David-PH-1-eabs.pdf Poster Paper J. Moehle, J. Ranville, L. Choate, T. Wildeman, P. Ross 1314 C.P.C. David 422 Management: Dr. Harry Posey Chair Authors Managing A Capped Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) Repository Using Semi-Autonomous Monitoring and Modeling http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2188-Versteeg-ID.pdf Disposal, Reprocessing and Reuse Options for Acidic Drainage Treatment Sludge http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2604-Zinck-ON-1.pdf Measurement of Oxygen Consumption and Diffusion in Exposed and Covered Reactive Mine Tailings http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1156-Martin-QC.pdf Page R. Versteeg, K. Wangerud, A. Richardson, T. Rowe, G. Heath 2188 J. Zinck 2604 V. Martin, M. Aubertin, B. Bussière, M. Mbonimpa, A. Marie Dagenais, M. Gosselin 1156 IMWA Mine Water and Environment: Dr. Chris Wolkersdorfer and Dr. Robert Kleinmann Co-Chairs Poster Paper Authors Page Acid Mine Drainage in Czech Republic – Legal Regulations, Pollution, Management http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1603-Gulikova-CH-abs.pdf Proposal for an Innovative Approach to Prevent Acid Drainage from Uranium Mill Tailings Based on the Application of Na-Ferrate (Iron VI) xxiv V. Pisa, E. Gulikova 1603 H.M. Fernandes, D. Reinhart, V. Sharma, L. Lettie, 602 http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0602-Fernandes-BR.pdf Poster Paper Mining Legacy: Ms. Carol Russell Chair Authors Precipitating Iron Minerals at Low pH: A New Consideration in Passive Technology http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0457-Denholm-PA-abs.pdf Mining Mitigation in Norway and Future Improvement Possibilities http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1952-Segalstad-NO.pdf Reclaiming the Copper Basin of Tennessee http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0598-Faulkner-WV-eabs.pdf Hydrogeological and Geochemical Assessment of Historic Tailings in Minas Gerais, Brazil http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0325-Chapandeiro-BR.pdf The Abandoned Mine Openings Mapping on Coal Mining Reclamation Program of the Santa Catarina State-Brazil http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0655-Gomes-BR.pdf Abandoned Mines in Canada http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0774-Hogan-ON.pdf Poster Paper M.R. Franklin, L.J. Daly C.F. Denholm, G.T. Hilton, T.P. Danehy, S.L. Busler, M.H. Dunn T.V. Segalstad, I.F. Walder, S. Nilssen 457 B.B. Faulkner, F.K. Miller, F.D. Russell E. Chapadeiro, F. Vasconcelos, C. Loureiro, I. Braga 598 C.M. Hogan, G.A. Tremblay W.M. Schafer Pit Lakes/Backfill Mr. Brian Park Devin Dr. Co-Chairs Poster Paper Authors Biological Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage at the Island Copper Mine Pit Lake: Results from an Enclosure Study http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2332-Wen-BC-abs.pdf In Situ Chemical and Biological Treatment Leading to Successful Water Discharge From Anchor Hill Pit Lake, Gilt Edge Mine Superfund Site, South Dakota, U.S.A http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference xxv 1952 325 C.J. Gomes, R.R. Neto, 655 A.S.J. Krebs, J.E. Amaral, L. Santos, T.M. Amboni Modeling Mr. David Blowes Chair Authors Probabilistic Modeling of Long-Term Mass Loads from a Covered Dry-Stack Tailings Facility http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1889-Schafer-MT-2-abs.pdf Page M.E. Wen, G.W. Poling, C.A. Pelletier, J. Chapman, E.L.J. Bingham B.T. Park, K.W. Wangerud, S.D. Fundingsland, M.E. Adzic, 774 Page 1889 Page 2332 1065 Proceedings/2006/1065-Park-MT-eabs.pdf In-Situ Coal Pit Lake Treatment of Acidity When Sulfate Concentrations Are Low http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1106-Lund-AU.pdf Processes Controlling Geochemical Variations in the South Pit Lake, Elizabeth Mine Superfund Site, Vermont, USA http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1936-Seal-VA.pdf N.M. Lewis M.A. Lund, C.D. McCullough, Y. Yuden R.R. Seal II, L.S. Balistrieri, N.M. Piatak, C.P. Garrity, J.M. Hammarstrom, E.M. Hathaway Element Distribution in Water and Sediments of an Acid C. Wisskirchen, Mine Drainage Discharge Lake (pH ~1) of the Zn-Pb(B. Dold 3, K. Friese, Ag-Bi-Cu) Deposit, Cerro de Pasco (Peru) W. Glaesser http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2470-Wisskirchen-CH-1.pdf Arsenic in Oxidation Products of High Sulfide, K.A. Salzsauler, Refractory Aresenopyrite Mine Waste, Snow Lake, B.L. Sherriff, Manitoba, Canada N.V. Sidenko http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1823-Salzsauler-WA-abs.pdf The Contrasting Geochemistry of Surface Water in the B.L. Sherriff, Tailings of Central Manitoba Gold Mine, Canada N.V. Sidenko http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1974-Sherriff-MB-eabs.pdf Aluminum Precipitation in Acidic Pit Lakes at the J.K. Horbaczewski Gibbons Creek Lignite Mine, Texas, USA: Field Observations vs. Laboratory Simulations http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0785-Horbaczewski-TX.pdf Poster Paper Prediction: Mr. Kim Lapakko, Chair Authors Challenges in Using Laboratory-Scale Waste Rock Testing to Define the Geochemical Behavior of Waste Rock Piles http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1258-McRae-ON-2-abs.pdf A Modification of Column-Type Humidity Cells to Accommodate Very Fine-Grained Mineral Processing Wastes http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1912-Schmiermund-CO-2.pdf xxvi 1106 1936 2470 1823 1974 785 Page C. McRae 1258 R.L. Schmiermund 1912 Prevention and Control: Mr. Gilles Tremblay, Chair Poster Paper Authors Three Comparative Evaluations of Technologies for Eliminating Acid Generation from Waste Rock http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1400-Nordwick-MT-1.pdf Mixing of Waste Rock to Lower the Release of Mg+2 and SO4-2 at Argyle Diamond Mine http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1824-Samaraweera-AU.pdf The Use of Microencapsulation to Prevent Acid Rock Drainage http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0578-Eger-MN-abs.pdf Page S. Nordwick, N. Lewis, D. Jordan, D. Bless 1400 S. Samaraweera, R. Borden, A. D’Almaida, E. Griebe P. Eger, P. Mitchell 1824 578 Social, Governmental-Sustainability Issues: Mr. George Robinson, Chair Poster Paper Authors Page Sustainable Mining Best Practices and Certification http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0555-Earley-CO.pdf Application of Geo-Environmental and Biotic Ligand Models in the Life Cycle of Mine Development – A Flowchart for Integration http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1920-Schmiermund-CO-3.pdf D. Earley III, M.W. Staub 555 R.L. Schmiermund, J. Ranville 1920 Soils and Overburden: Dr. W. Lee Daniels, Robert G. Darmody Co-Chairs Poster Paper Authors Page Use of Land Capability Classification System in the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (Public Law 95-87) http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2031-Sinclair-NE.pdf Microbial Activity in Fabricated Soils for Landscape Rehabilitation http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0943-Kefeli-PA-abs.pdf H.R. Sinclair, Jr. R.R. Dobos 2032 V. Kefeli, 943 M. Kalevitch, M. Dunn Subsurface Impacts: Dr. Christoph Wels and Dr. Mike Milczarek, Co-Chairs Poster Paper Authors Page The Source, Attenuation and Potential Mobility of Arsenic at New Britannia Mine, Snow Lake, Manitoba http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2030-Simpson-MB-abs.pdf Influence of Perched Water Tables Below Mine Waste Rock on Metal Loadings to Streams, Prospect Gulch, San Juan County, Colorado xxvii S.J. Simpson, B.L. Sherriff, N. Sidenko, J. Van Gulck, K. Londry R.H. Johnson, L. Wirt, R.R. McDougal, D.L. Fey 2030 844 http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0844-Johnson-CO-abs.pdf Treatment I: Dr. Linda Figueroa and Dr. Paul Younger, Co-Chairs Poster Paper Authors Page Remediation of Acid Mine Drainage in the Sugar Creek Watershed, Missouri: Technology and Costs for Use in TMDL Assessment http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0076-Behum-IL-1.pdf Removal of Metal Ions from Mine Effluents Using Bacterial Reactions by Sulfate Reducing Bacteria http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0344-Choudhury-AK-eabs.pdf Comparison of Apatite IITM Treatment Systems at Two Mines for Metals Removal http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0846-McCloskey-MT-eabs.pdf Oxidative Dissolution at Basic pH of A Pyrite-Rich Sludge Doped with Fly Ash This paper is not available, check link to the abstracts Remediation of Groundwater Contaminated with Zn, Pb and Cd using a Permeable Reactive Barrier with Apatite II http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2514-Wright-NM.pdf Neutralization of Acid Rock Drainage Using A Fluidized Limestone Reactor http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0581-Evans-AN-eabs.pdf P.T. Behum, E.D. Christensen 76 A. Choudhury, S. Bandopadhyay, S. Schiewer, T.E. Wilson A.L. McCloskey, B. Stasney, J. Wright, J.L. Conca, N. Yancey, N. Lewis, H. Joyce R. Pérez-López, J. Cama, J.M. Nieto, C. Ayora J. Wright, J.L. Conca 344 L. Evans, R. Green, D. Scott, J. Milne 581 846 1545 2514 Treatment II: Dr. Tom Wildeman and Mr. Jim Gusek, Co-Chairs Poster Paper Authors Page Acid Neutralization and Metals Retention in SulfideRich Mining Wastes Induced by the Addition of Fly Ash This paper is not available, check link to the abstracts Iron and Manganese Removal in a Vertical Flow Reactor for Passive Treatment of Mine Water http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1831-Sapsford-UK.pdf Successful Dewatering of Acid Mine Drainage Materials http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0935-Kaye-PA.pdf Sustainable Remediation of Acid Rock Drainage by Regenerating Clinoptilotite http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference xxviii R. Pérez-López , J.M. Nieto, G.R. Almodóvar D.J. Sapsford, A. Barnes, M. Dey, K.P. Williams, A. Jarvis, P. Younger, L. Liang P. Kaye 1555 L.Y. Li, M. Chen, J. Grace 1078 1831 935 Proceedings/2006/1078-Li-BC-abs.pdf CCSA System for Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1926-Schneider-BR.pdf Funding Requirements for Long-Term Post-Mining Discharge Treatment http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0421-Danehy-PA-abs.pdf Implementation of Passive Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in the Mid-Continent Region: The Le Bosquet Clean Streams Project http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/0086-Behum-IL-2.pdf Mitigating AMD Impacts in New Zealand Using Engineered Wetlands http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/1170-McCauley-NZ-eabs.pdf Poster Paper C. Schneider 1926 T.P. Danehy, G.T. Hilton, C.F. Denholm, S.L. Busler, M.H. Dunn P.T. Behum, G.A. Canty, R.W. Nairn 421 C.A. McCauley, A.D. O'Sullivan, P. Weber, P. Lindsay 1170 Hot Stuff Posters: Dr. Tom Wildeman Chair Authors Investigation of Time Trends in Bioavailable Metals in the Tri-State Mining District Through Analyses of Metals Concentrations in Tree Rings http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2632-Andrews-OK.pdf Carbon Sequestration on Reforested Minelands in Appalachia http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2633-Barton-KY.pdf Evaluating the Effects of Water Chemistry Variation on the MetPlate™ Enzyme Bioassay, When Used to Screen for Metals Contamination in Mining Impacted Soils and Waters http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2634-Blumenstein-CO.pdf Assessment of Microbial Activity in Field Site Sulfate Reducing Bioreactors http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2635-Buccambuso-CO.pdf Copper, Iron, Manganese, and Zinc Behavior in North Fork Clear Creek, Colorado http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2636-Butler-CO.pdf Removal of Manganese and Zinc from Mining Influenced Waters http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference xxix 86 Page W.J. Andrews, R.W. Nairn 2632 C.D. Barton, B.J. Koo D. Graves 2633 E.P. Blumenstein, J.F. Ranville, L.M. Choate 2634 E. Buccambuso, L. Figueroa, D.Reisman 2635 B.A. Butler, J.R. Ranville, P.E. Ross 2636 M.L. Chambers, A.L. Deaguero, P.L. Sibrell, 2637 Proceedings/2006/2637-Chambers-CO.pdf Distribution of Arsenic, Selenium, and Other Trace Elements in Pyrite in Appalachian Coal Basins in Alabama, Kentucky, and West Virginia http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2638-Diehl-CO.pdf A Rapid, Inexpensive Leach Test to Assess Potential Leaching of Soluble Constituents from Mine Wastes, Soils and Other Geologic Materials http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2639-Hageman-CO.pdf Dissolved Copper Recovery from Mine Seepage Water at Batu Hijau Site, Newmont – Indonesia http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2641-Lestari-Indonesia.pdf Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in Reforested Mine Sites within the Eastern Kentucky Coal Fields http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2642-Littlefield-KY.pdf Development of a Rapid Assessment Method for Quantifying Carbon Sequestration on Reclaimed Coal Mine Sites http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2643-Maharaj-KY.pdf Suitability of Post-SMCRA Reclaimed Mines for Reforestation http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2644-Grath-VA.pdf Optimization of A Pulsed Limestone Bed Reactor at the Argo Tunnel in Idaho Springs, Colorado http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2645-Miller-CO.pdf TCLP Investigations: The Development of A Rapid Screening Field Assessment Test http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2646-Moehle-CO.pdf Microbiology of Sulfate-Reducing Passive Treatment Systems http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2647-Pruden-CO.pdf A Tale of Two Metal Removal Mechanisms; Seasonal Trends in Biotic and Abiotic Metal Removal in A Sulfate xxx T.R. Wildeman S.F. Diehl, M.B. Goldhaber, A.E. Koenig, M.L.W. Tuttle, L.F. Ruppert, H.A. Lowers, J.M. Morrison P.L. Hageman 2638 2639 R. Lestari, E. Artone, N. Dwipayana, S.R. Djalilah 2641 T. Littlefield, C. Barton, M. Arthur 2642 S. Maharaj, C.D. Barton, A.D. Karathanasis, H.D. Rowe, S.M. Rimmer J. McGrath, C.E. Zipper, J.A. Burger 2643 A.W. Miller, P.L. Sibrell, T.R. Wildeman 2645 J. Moehle, J. Ranville, T. Wildeman 2646 A. Pruden, L.P. Pereyra, S.R. Hiibel, K.F. Reardon, L. Figueroa, D. Reisman T.L. Rutkowski, J.J. Gusek, 2647 2644 2648 Reducing Bioreactor http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2648-Rutkowski-CO.pdf Hydrologic and Water Quality Characteristics of LooseDumped Mine Spoil http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2649-Taylor-KY.pdf Arsenic Speciation in Drainage Impacted by Gold Mine Tailing Deposits. Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2650-Vaconcelos-BR.pdf Acid Mine Drainage Mitigation at Riacho Dos Machados Mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2651-Vilela-BR.pdf Mine Water for Heating and Cooling Using Geothermal Heat Pump Systems http://www.asmr.us/Publications/Conference Proceedings/2006/2652-Watzlaf-PA.pdf xxxi T.R. Wildeman T.J. Taylor, C.T. Agouridis, R.C. Warner, C.D. Barton, D.H. Graves, P.N. Angel F.M. Vaconcelos, V.S. T. Ciminelli, B. Sasdelli 2649 O.V. Vilela, G.S.P. Pereira, O. Gobbo 2651 G.R. Watzlaf , T.E. Ackman, W.A. Williams 2652 2650 FIRST AUTHOR 7th ICARD PAPER TITLE PAGE Note: Links to the section below do not exist, search for either the name, title, or page number should take you to the paper you wish to open. Amezaga, J.M. Mine Water Management in European Environmental Policy: An Assessment of Recent Legislative Developments 1 Carbon Sequestration on Mined Lands Supporting Abandoned Grasslands: Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation and Distribution 12 Performance of the Acid Rock Drainage Mitigation Waste Rock Trial Dump at Grasberg Mine 30 Surface Mine Reforestation Research: Evaluation of Tree Response to Low Compaction Reclamation Techniques 45 Incorporation of Natural Slope Features into the Design of Final Landforms for Waste Rock Stockpiles 59 Remediation of Acid Mine Drainage in the Sugar Creek Watershed, Missouri: Technology and Costs for Use in TMDL Assessment 76 Implementation of Passive Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in the Mid-Continent Region: The Le Bosquet Clean Streams Project 86 Bell, L.C. Addressing Acid Drainage in the Australian Minerals Industry 90 Bellefontaine, K. Environmental Management Plans: A Key Tool in Ensuring Successful Long-Term Environmental Management at Closed Mine Sites with ML/ARD 98 Amichev, B.Y. Andrina, J. Angel, P.N. Ayres, B. Behum, P.T. Behum, P.T. Bertrand, V. Scale up Effects on Mass Loading Rates in an Arid Arctic Environment 109 Investigations into the Depth and Rate of Weathering on Witwatersrand Gold Tailings Dam Surfaces as Key Information for Long-Term ARD Risk Assessments 128 Birch, M. Modeling of Groundwater Inflow to A Large Open-Pit 140 Bird, D.A. Impacts on Water Quality and Biota from Natural Acid Rock Drainage in Colorado’s Lake Creek Watershed 158 Construction of Two Large-Scale Waste Rock Piles in a Continuous Permafrost Region 187 On the Relevance of Meromixis in Mine Pit Lakes 200 Bezuidenhout, N. Blowes, D. Boehrer, B. xxxii Borden, R.K. Groundwater Response to the End of Forty Years of Copper Heap Leach Operations, Bingham Canyon, Utah 214 Borden, R.C. In Situ Treatment of Metal Mine Tailings Using EOS® 233 Bowden, L.I. The Use of Basic Oxygen Steel Furnace Slag (BOS) as A High Surface Area Media for the Removal of Iron from Circum Neutral Mine Waters 234 Protocols Affecting the Reactivity of Mine Waste During Laboratory-Based Kinetic Tests 247 Applications of Biological H2S Production from Elemental Sulfur in the Treatment of Heavy Metal Pollution including Acid Rock Drainage 271 Brett, D. M. Strategic Planning for ARD Remediation 282 Brown, B. Airborne Geophysical Survey for Mapping Acid Mine Drainage Bowell, R.J. Bratty, M. 1654 Geochemical Characterization and Water Quality Prediction at the Antamina Mine 291 Geochemical Prediction and Remediation Options for the Proposed Martha Mine Pit Lake, New Zealand 306 Hydrogeological and Geochemical Assessment of Historic Tailings in Minas Gerais, Brazil 325 Chapman Hydrogeology of South Bison Hill 336 Choudhury, A. Removal of Metal Ions from Mine Effluents Using Bacterial Reactions by Sulfate Reducing Bacteria 344 Geochemical and Geotechnical Characteristics of FilterPressed Tailings at the Greens Creek Mine, Admiralty Island, Alaska 350 Developing A Method of Site Quality Evaluation for Quercus Alba and Liriodendron Tulipifera in the Eastern Kentucky Coalfields 364 Successfully Lowering the Risks and Costs Associated with the Legacy of the Abandoned Brukunga Pyrite Mine, South Australia 365 Relations Among pH, Sulfate, and Metals Concentrations in Anthracite and Bituminous Coal-Mine Discharges, Pennsylvania 378 Brown, D. Castendyk, D.N. Chapadeiro, E. Condon, P.D. Cotton, C. Cox, R. Cravotta III, C.A. Dagenais, A-M. Parametric Study on the Water Content Profiles and Oxidation Rates in Nearly Saturated Tailings Above the Water Table 405 xxxiii Danehy, T.P. David, C.P.C. David, C.P.C. Day, S. Denholm, C.F. Funding Requirements for Long-Term Post-Mining Discharge Treatment 421 Assessment of ARD Effects on River Ecosystem Using Benthic Aquatic Macroinvertebrates (Marinduque Island, Philippines) 422 Comparison of Dissolved Copper Concentration Trends in two Rivers Receiving ARD from an Inactive Copper Mine (Marinduque Island, Philippines) 426 Geochemical Controls on Waste-Rock Dump Seepage Chemistry at Several Porphyry Mines in the Canadian Cordilleran 439 Precipitating Iron Minerals at Low pH: A New Consideration in Passive Technology 457 Desborough, G.A. The Use of Synthetic Jarosite as an Analog for Natural Jarosite 458 DeVos, K. Cemented Paste Backfill Leachate Characteristics - Snap Lake Diamond Mine 476 Diaby, N. Microbial Study of the Marine Shore Porphyry Copper Tailings Deposit Bahia de Iti, Peru 493 Diaby, N. Effects on Element Mobility by the Construction of A Wetland on the Marine Shore Porphyry Copper Tailings Deposit, Bahía De Ite, Peru 498 Diehl, S.F. What’s Weathering? Mineralogy and Field Leach Studies in Mine Waste, Leadville and Montezuma Mining Districts, Colorado 507 Measurement of Moisture Conditions for Mine Waste Storage Facilities Using the Deep Diviner Moisture Probe 528 Hydraulic Placement of A Dry Cover System – Design and Performance Monitoring of the Kennecott Ridgeway Mine Tailings Dam Cover System 539 Earley III, D. Sustainable Mining Best Practices and Certification 555 Eary, L.E. Simulations of the Neutralizing Capacity of Silicate Rocks in Acid Mine Drainage Environments 564 Dobchuk, B Duckett, R. Eger, P. The Use of Microencapsulation to Prevent Acid Rock Drainage 578 Etcheverry, D.J. Spatial and Temporal Water Chemistry Variations in Acid Rock Drainage from the Tailings at the Ruttan Mine, Leaf Rapids, Manitoba, Canada 580 Neutralization of Acid Rock Drainage Using A Fluidized Limestone Reactor 581 Numerical Simulations of Long Term Unsaturated Flow and Acid Mine Drainage at Waste Rock Piles 582 Evans, L. Fala, O. xxxiv Faulkner, B.B. Reclaiming the Copper Basin of Tennessee 598 Fernandes, H.M. Proposal for an Innovative Approach to Prevent Acid Drainage from Uranium Mill Tailings Based on the Application of Na-Ferrate (Iron VI) 602 Franklin, M. Preliminary Results of the Water Flow Modeling in an Acid Drainage Generating Waste Rock Pile Located at the Uranium Mining Site of Poços de Caldas – Brazil 611 Gallinger, R. Linking the World to Eliminate Acid Rock Drainage 623 Gammons, C.H. Geochemistry and Hydrogeology of Acid Mine Drainage in the Great Falls-Lewistown Coal Field, Montana 630 Gerson, A.R. Acid Production from the Leaching of Pyrite and Chalcopyrite 648 Gomes, C.J. The Abandoned Mine Openings Mapping on Coal Mining Reclamation Program of the Santa Catarina State-Brazil 655 Mine Water Management at the Catchment Scale: Case Studies from North-East England 665 Nickel and Uranium Loading Estimates from A 20-Year Old Waste Rock Pile: A Comparison of Field Estimates and Laboratory Leaching Tests 676 Conceptual Methods for Recovering Metal Resources from Passive Treatment Systems 690 Hammarstrom, J.M. Applications of a Global Mineral-Resource Assessment for Addressing Issues of Sustainable Mineral Resource Development 703 Gozzard, E. Guerin, F. Gusek, J.J. Harrington, J.T. Evaluating Forest Productivity on Reclaimed Mine Land in the Western United States 721 Hauff, P.L. Hyperspectral Sensing of Acid Mine Drainage – Two Colorado Case Studies 738 Hedin, R.S. Sustainable Mine Drainage Treatment Through the Passive Production of Saleable Iron Oxide Solids 764 Abandoned Mines in Canada 774 Hogan, C.M. Horbaczewski, J.K. Aluminum Precipitation in Acidic Pit Lakes at the Gibbons Creek Lignite Mine, Texas, USA: Field Observations vs. Laboratory Simulations 785 Hutchison, B.J. Savage River Mine - Practical Remediation Works 810 Jambor, J.L. Comparison of Measured and Mineralogically Predicted Values of the Sobek Neutralization Potential for Intrusive Rocks 820 xxxv Jarvis, A.P. The Role of Dissolved Carbon Dioxide in Governing Deep Coal Mine Water Quality and Determining Treatment Process Selection 833 Johnson, R.H. Influence of Perched Water Tables Below Mine Waste Rock on Metal Loadings to Streams, Prospect Gulch, San Juan County, Colorado 844 Junqueira, F.F. The Influence of Climate, Vegetation, Layer Thickness, and Material Properties for Performance of the Cover Systems at the Golden Sunlight Mine 849 Kabwe, L.K. Field Measurements of Surface Gas Fluxes and Surface- Water Conditions for Mine Waste Rock Management 866 Kalin, M. Natural Iron Hydroxide Precipitates: Their Acid Generation Potential in Ground Water Associated With Tailings 885 Using Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys to Identify Potential Hazards at Coal Waste Impoundments: Examples from West Virginia 902 Seneca Surface Coal Mines--A 40-Year Case Study in Reclamation Techniques— Triumphs and Failures: Two Studies of Shrub Establishment 922 Kaye, P. Successful Dewatering of Acid Mine Drainage Materials 935 Kefeli, V. Microbial Activity in Fabricated Soils for Landscape Rehabilitation 943 Lessons Learned from the U.S. Geological Survey Abandoned Mine Lands Initiative – 1997-2002 944 Utilization of Mobile Computing and GIS to Evaluate Reclaimed Lands in Missouri 964 Computational Methods for Acid Mine Drainage Management: Simulation of Hydrogeochemical Processes in Abandoned Underground Coal Mines 966 Successful Implementation and Operation of A Passive Treatment System in an Extremely Cold Climate, Northern Quebec, Canada 980 Kwong, Y.T.J. Antimony Leaching from Stibnite and Complex Ores 993 Lapakko, K.A. Pyrite Oxidation Rates from Humidity Cell Testing of Greenstone Rock 1007 Effects of Particle Size on Drainage Quality from Three Lithologies 1027 Mine Closure Planning in Peru 1051 Kaminski, V. Karo, R.A. Kimball, B.A. Kim, K. Kruse, N.A.S. Kuyucak, N. Lapakko, K.A. Letient, H. xxxvi Li, J. Li, L.Y. A Simplified Method for Estimation of Jarosite and AcidForming Sulfates in Acid Mine Wastes 1070 Sustainable Remediation of Acid Rock Drainage by Regenerating Clinoptilotite 1078 Linklater, C.M. Modeling of A Waste Rock Dump Design to Control Acid Rock Drainage at the Svartliden Gold Mine, Northern Sweden 1079 Lund, M.A. In-Situ Coal Pit Lake Treatment of Acidity When Sulfate Concentrations Are Low 1106 Predicted Versus Actual Water Quality at Hardrock Mine Sites: Effect of Inherent Geochemical and Hydrologic Characteristics 1122 Maest, A. Marcoline, J.R. Water Migration in Covered Waste Rock, Investigations Using Deuterium as A Tracer 1142 Martin, V. Measurement of Oxygen Consumption and Diffusion in Exposed and Covered Reactive Mine Tailings 1156 Mitigating AMD Impacts in New Zealand Using Engineered Wetlands 1170 McCauley, C.A. McCloskey, A.L. Measurement of Moisture Conditions for Mine Waste Storage Facilities Using the Deep Diviner Moisture Probe 846 McCullough, C.D. Microcosm Testing of Municipal Sewage and Green Waste for Full-Scale Remediation of an Acid Coal Pit Lake, in Semi-Arid Tropical Australia 1177 McDonald, D.M. The Effect of Neutralization Method and Reagent on the Rate of Cu and Zn Release from Acid Rock Drainage Treatment Sludges 1198 McLemore, V.T. Characterization of Goathill North Mine Rock Pile, Questa Molybdenum Mine, Questa, New Mexico 1219 McRae, C. ARD Geochemistry in the Developing World – Dealing with Uncertainty, Regulations and the Need for Characterization of Mine Waste 1250 McRae, C. Challenges in Using Laboratory-Scale Waste Rock Testing to Define the Geochemical Behavior of Waste Rock Piles 1258 Meiers, G.P. The Use of In Situ Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity to Provide an Understanding of Cover System Performance Over Time 1259 Milczarek, M.A. Saturated and Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties Characterization at Mine Facilities: Are We Doing it Right 1273 Design and Implementation of A Strategic Review of ARD Risk in Rio Tinto 1287 Miller, S. xxxvii Miller, A. Moehle, J. Morin, K.A. Mechanisms of Nickel and Zinc Removal in Oxic Limestone Systems and the Application to Metal Mine Drainages 1302 Leachate and Enzyme Bioassay Toxicity Assessment Tests at the Tip Top Mine, A Marginally Impacted Site 1314 Case Studies of Costs and Longevities of Alkali-Based WaterTreatment Plants for ARD 1333 Munk, L. Upward Migration of Constituents in Soil Covers at Semi-Arid Mine Sites 1345 Nahir, M. Application of Risk Management to Abandoned Mine Sites in the Canadian North 1358 Phytostabilization of Fluvial Tailings Deposits in the Clark Fork River Flood Plain 1371 Neuman, D.R. Nordstrom, D.K. Mineral Solubility and Weathering Rate Constraints on Metal Concentrations in Ground Waters of Mineralized Areas Near Questa, New Mexico 1383 Nordwick, S. Three Comparative Evaluations of Technologies for Eliminating Acid Generation from Waste Rock 1400 Advances in Development of Bioreactors Applicable to the Treatment of ARD 1410 Choosing Representative Climate Years for Predicting LongTerm Performance of Mine Waste Cover Systems 1421 Olson, G.J. Toward Source Control of Acid Rock Drainage 1435 Orndorff, Z.W. Predicting Depth to Sulfidic Sediments in the Coastal Plain of Virginia 1453 The Effect of Water Table Elevation on Acid Mine Drainage from Reactive Tailings: A Laboratory and Numerical Modeling Study 1473 Case Study on the Remediation of Water Ingress to Old Gold Workings Linked to Active Mining Areas in South Africa 1483 In Situ Chemical and Biological Treatment Leading to Successful Water Discharge From Anchor Hill Pit Lake, Gilt Edge Mine Superfund Site, South Dakota, U.S.A 1065 Nordwick, S. O’Kane, M. Ouangrawa, M. Palmer, M. Park, B.T. Parshley, J.V. Reclamation and Closure of Summer Camp Pit Lake, Nevada: A Case Study 1495 Paul, M. Source Manipulation in Water Bodies of Flooded Underground Mines – Experiences from the Wismut Remediation Program 1514 Properties of Treatment Sludge During Sedimentation and Consolidation Tests 1531 Pedroni, L. xxxviii Pérez-López, R. Pérez-López, R. Perry, E.F. Piatak, N.M. Pisa, V. Place, D. L. Oxidative Dissolution at Basic pH of A Pyrite-Rich Sludge Doped with Fly Ash 1545 Acid Neutralization and Metals Retention in Sulfide-Rich Mining Wastes Induced by the Addition of Fly Ash 1555 Water Quality Evolution in Flooded and Unflooded Coal Mine-Pools 1565 Geochemical Characterization of Mine Waste from the Pike Hill Superfund Site in Vermont, USA 1582 Acid Mine Drainage in Czech Republic – Legal Regulations, Pollution, Management 1603 Characterizing and Tracking Reactive Mixture Alterations: New Tools for Passive Treatment System Design and Monitoring 1605 Pruden, A. Microbiology of Sulfate-Reducing Passive Treatment Systems 1620 Puhlmann, T. Development and Operation of a Water Balance at Rio Paracatu Mineracão, Brazil 1632 Integrating Bioavailability Approaches into Waste Rock Evaluations 1642 Design and Implementation of A Strategic Review of ARD Risk in Rio Tinto 1657 Reactive Transport Modeling of AMD Release and Attenuation at the Fault Lake Tailings Area, Falconbridge, Ontario 1673 Ranville, J. Richards, D.G. Romano, C.G. Romig, D. Leaf Area and Root Density Measurements for Use in Cover Performance Evaluations on Semi-Arid Reclaimed Mine Lands 1694 Rose, A. W. Long-Term Performance of Vertical Flow Ponds – An Update 1704 Rossi, M. E. Geostatistical Modeling of Acid Rock Prediction Uncertainty 1717 Ross, C.S. Effective Passive Treatment of Mine Effluent Using A Phosphate Reactive Medium 1728 Challenges of Passive Treatment of Metal Mine Drainage in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Southern Spain): Preliminary Studies 1753 Growth Inhibition of Cellulomonas flavigena Induced by Copper and Zinc: Determination of Toxicity Thresholds and the Combined Effects of Copper and Zinc on the Growth of a Cellulolytic-Fermenting Bacteria 1768 Long Term Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) Management at PT Freeport Indonesia 1774 Rötting, T.S. Ruhs, A. Rusdinar, Y. Russell, C. Mine Drainage Challenges From A TO Z In The United States 1785 xxxix Rykaart, M. Salzsauler, K.A. Findings of International Review of Soil Cover Design and Construction Practices for Mine Waste Closure 1804 Arsenic in Oxidation Products of High Sulfide, Refractory Aresenopyrite Mine Waste, Snow Lake, Manitoba, Canada 1823 Samaraweera, S. Mixing of Waste Rock to Lower the Release of Mg+2 and SO4-2 at Argyle Diamond Mine 1824 Sapsford, D.J. Iron and Manganese Removal in a Vertical Flow Reactor for Passive Treatment of Mine Water 1831 Sares, M.A. Natural Acid Rock Drainage Associated with Hydrothermally Altered Terrane in Colorado 1844 Sarmiento, A.M. Pollution of A River Basin Impacted by Acid Mine Drainage in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain) 1850 Schafer, W.M. Post-Betze Pit Lake Water Quality Prediction, Nevada 1863 Schafer, W.M. Probabilistic Modeling of Long-Term Mass Loads from a Covered Dry-Stack Tailings Facility 1889 Schmiermund, R.L. Application of Geo-Environmental Models to Accelerated EIA and Permitting Processes for an Andean Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit 1903 Schmiermund, R.L. A Modification of Column-Type Humidity Cells to Accommodate Very Fine-Grained Mineral Processing Wastes 1912 Schmiermund, R.L. Application of Geo-Environmental and Biotic Ligand Models in the Life Cycle of Mine Development – A Flowchart for Integration 1920 Schneider, C. CCSA System for Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage 1926 Schultze, M. The Aznalcóllar Pit Lake – Water Quality and Options of Control 1927 Seal II, R.R. Processes Controlling Geochemical Variations in the South Pit Lake, Elizabeth Mine Superfund Site, Vermont, USA 1936 Segalstad, T.V. Mining Mitigation in Norway and Future Improvement Possibilities 1952 Shaw, S. Characterization of the Waste Rock and Pit Walls at the Jundee Gold Mine Site in Western Australia and Implications for Long-term Issues 1961 Sherriff, B.L. The Contrasting Geochemistry of Surface Water in the Tailings of Central Manitoba Gold Mine, Canada 1974 Showalter, J.M. Growth of Three Appalachian Hardwood Species in Different Mine Spoil Types With and Without Topsoil Inoculation 1976 Sibilski, U. ARD Management at Geita Gold Mine xl 2000 Sidenko, N.V. Simpson, S.J. Sinclair, Jr. H.R. Skousen, J. Smith, K.S. Smuda, J. Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of Ni-Cu Sulfide Tailings, Thompson, Manitoba, Canada 2011 The Source, Attenuation and Potential Mobility of Arsenic at New Britannia Mine, Snow Lake, Manitoba 2030 Use of Land Capability Classification System in the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (Public Law 95-87) 2032 Water Quality from Above-Drainage Underground Mines Over A 35-Year Period 2044 Predicting Toxic Effects of Copper on Aquatic Biota in Mineralized Areas by Using the Biotic Ligand Model 2055 Mineralogical, Geochemical and Isotopic Study of the Active Tailings Impoundment Carén from the Porphyry Copper Deposit El Teniente, Chile 2078 Smuda, J. Geochemistry and Secondary Mineralogy at the Sulfide-Rich Excelsior Waste Rock Dump from the Polymetallic Zn-Pb-(AgBi-Cu) Mineralization Cerro de Pasco, Peru 2084 Stanton, M. R. Laboratory Studies of Sphalerite Decomposition: Applications to the Weathering of Mine Wastes and Potential Effects on Water Quality 2090 Stewart, W.A. Advances in Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) Characterization of Mine Wastes 2098 Taylor, J. Alkalinity Producing Cover Materials for Providing Sustained Improvement in Water Quality from Waste Rock Piles 2120 Tremblay, G. Mend in the 21ST Century 2133 Trumm, D.A. AMD Treatment in New Zealand – Use of Small-scale Passive Systems 2142 Acid Drainage Technology Initiative: Ten Years of Mining Industry, Government Agencies and Academia Collaboration in the Metal and Coal Mining Sectors in the USA 2159 Surface Paste Disposal of High-Sulfide Tailings – Field Cell Monitoring and Pilot Plant Testing 2170 Managing A Capped Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) Repository Using Semi-Autonomous Monitoring and Modeling 2188 van Zyl, D.J.A. Verburg, R. Versteeg, R. Wade, C. Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Quiulichcha Tailings Impoundment from the Polymetallic Z-Pb-(Ag-Bi-Cu) Deposit Cerro de Pasco, Peru. 2198 Wagner, K. Hydrogeogeochemical Characterization of Effluent from Mine Waste Rock, Cluff Lake, Saskatchewan 2207 xli Walder, I.F. Hydrogeological and Geochemical Characterization of a Waste Rock Pile from a Porphyry Copper Deposit in the Semi-Arid South West USA 2217 Walder, I.F. Pit Lake Water Quality Modeling Calibration of the Main Pit, Tyrone Mine, New Mexico, USA 2240 Wangerud, K. Insights into Hydrodynamic and Geochemical Processes in A Valley-Fill ARD Waste-Rock Repository from an Autonomous Multi-Sensor Monitoring System 2262 Waygood, C. Case Study on the Remediation of the Defunct Coal Mine Arbor Colliery, in Mpumalanga South Africa 2281 Weber, P.A. Short-Term Acid Rock Drainage Characteristics Determined by Paste pH and Kinetic NAG Testing: Cypress Prospect, New Zealand 2289 Wels, C. Assessment of Groundwater Impacts at the Historic Mount Morgan Mine Site, Queensland, Australia 2311 Biological Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage at the Island Copper Mine Pit Lake: Results from an Enclosure Study 2332 Predicted and Observed Water Quality Data from the Coal Mine Pit Lake Bärwalde, Laustz, Germany 2333 Assessment of a Treatment Scheme for Acidic Mining Lakes Using CO2 and Calcium Oxides to Precipitate Carbonates 2344 Mercury Discharges from Small Scale Gold Mines in North Sulawesi, Indonesia: Managing a Change from Mercury to Cyanide 2354 Wen, M.E. Werner, F. Werner, F. Whitehouse Wickland, B. Mixtures of Waste Rock and Tailings: Resistance to Acid Rock Drainage 2369 Wildeman, T.R. Passive Treatment of A Cyanide and Arsenic Laden Process Water at the RPM Gold Mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil 2377 Long-Term Monitoring of Kidston’s “Store/Release” Cover System Over Potentially Acid Forming Waste Rock Piles 2385 Williams, R. D. Pit Backfill: Yea or Nay, A Montana Example 2397 Williamson, M. A. Iron Dynamics in Acid Mine Drainage 2411 Wilson, G. W. The Application of Blended Waste Rock and Tailings for Cover Systems in Mine Waste Management 2424 Hydrogeologic Characterization of Ground Waters, Mine Pools and the Leadville Mine Drainage Tunnel, Leadville, Colorado 2439 Williams, D Wireman, M. xlii Wisskirchen, C. Element Distribution in Water and Sediments of an Acid Mine Drainage Discharge Lake (pH ~1) of the Zn-Pb(-Ag-Bi-Cu) Deposit, Cerro de Pasco (Peru) 2470 Wisskirchen, C. The Marine Shore Porphyry Copper Mine Tailings Deposit at Chañaral, Northern Chile 2480 Wolkersdorfer, C. Acid Mine Drainage Tracer Tests 2490 Workman, R.D. Creating Wetlands for Compensatory Mitigation by Reclamation of Iron Mine Tailings Basins at the Republic Mine in Marquette County, Michigan 2502 Remediation of Groundwater Contaminated with Zn, Pb and Cd using a Permeable Reactive Barrier with Apatite II 2514 Innovative Water Treatment Plant Utilizing the South Mine Pit at the Copper Basin Mining Site in Tennessee, USA 2529 Net Acid Production, Acid Neutralizing Capacity and Associated Geophysical, Mineralogical, and Geochemical Characteristics of Animas River Watershed Rocks, Silverton, Colorado 2540 Predictions and Reality: Generation of Strongly Net-Acidic Mine Waters Through Flooding of Underground Coal Mine Workings with Limestone Roof Strata, Blenkinsopp Colliery (Northumberland, UK) 2542 Acid Drainage Prevention Guidelines for Scottish Opencast Coal Mining: The Primacy of the Conceptual Model 2558 Wright, J. Wyatt, G. Yager, D.B. Younger, P.L. Younger, P.L. Younger, P.L. Partnership for Acid Drainage Remediation in Europe (PADRE): Building A Better Future Founded on Research and Best Practice. 2571 Zaluski, M.H. A Modular Field-Bioreactor for Acid Rock Drainage Treatment 2575 The Evolution of Evapotranspiration Cover Systems at Barrick Goldstrike Mines 2585 Zhan, G. Zinck, J. Disposal, Reprocessing and Reuse Options for Acidic Drainage Treatment Sludge 2604 Zinck, J. Utilizing Industrial Wastes and Alterative Reagents to Treat Acidic Drainage FIRST AUTHOR HOT STUFF PAPER TITLE xliii 2618 PAGE Andrews, W.J. Investigation of Time Trends in Bioavailable Metals in the TriState Mining District Through Analyses of Metals Concentrations in Tree Rings 2632 Barton, C.D Carbon Sequestration on Reforested Minelands in Appalachia 2633 Blumenstein, E.P. Evaluating the Effects of Water Chemistry Variation on the MetPlate™ Enzyme Bioassay, When Used to Screen for Metals Contamination in Mining Impacted Soils and Waters 2364 Buccambuso, E. Assessment of Microbial Activity in Field Site Sulfate Reducing Bioreactors 2635 Butler, B.A. Copper, Iron, Manganese, and Zinc Behavior in North Fork Clear Creek, Colorado 2636 Removal of Manganese and Zinc from Mining Influenced Waters 2637 Distribution of Arsenic, Selenium, and Other Trace Elements in Pyrite in Appalachian Coal Basins in Alabama, Kentucky, and West Virginia 2638 Chambers, M.L. Diehl, S.F. Hageman, P.L. A Rapid, Inexpensive Leach Test to Assess Potential Leaching of Soluble Constituents from Mine Wastes, Soils and Other Geologic Materials 2639 Lestari, R. Dissolved Copper Recovery from Mine Seepage Water at Batu Hijau Site, Newmont – Indonesia 2641 Littlefield, T. Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in Reforested Mine Sites within the Eastern Kentucky Coal Fields 2642 Development of a Rapid Assessment Method for Quantifying Carbon Sequestration on Reclaimed Coal Mine Sites 2643 Maharaj, S. McGrath, J. Suitability of Post-SMCRA Reclaimed Mines for Reforestation 2644 Miller, A.W. Optimization of A Pulsed Limestone Bed Reactor at the Argo Tunnel in Idaho Springs, Colorado 2645 Moehle, J. TCLP Investigations: The Development of A Rapid Screening Field Assessment Test 2646 Pruden, A. Microbiology of Sulfate-Reducing Passive Treatment Systems 2647 Rutkowski, T.L. A Tale of Two Metal Removal Mechanisms; Seasonal Trends in Biotic and Abiotic Metal Removal in A Sulfate Reducing Bioreactor 2648 Hydrologic and Water Quality Characteristics of LooseDumped Mine Spoil 2649 Arsenic Speciation in Drainage Impacted by Gold Mine Tailing Deposits. Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil 2650 Taylor, T.J. Vaconcelos, F.M. xliv Vilela, O.V. Acid Mine Drainage Mitigation at Riacho Dos Machados Mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil 2651 Watzlaf , G.R. Mine Water for Heating and Cooling Using Geothermal Heat Pump Systems xlv 2652