European Economic and Social Committee Brussels, 16 September 2015 Revised version SUMMARY of the main decisions taken by the Bureau of the European Economic and Social Committee at its meeting on 15 September 2015 _____________ This document is not the official minutes and is not binding. EESC-2015-03736-00-02-TCD-TRA (FR) 1/12 Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99 — 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel — BELGIQUE/BELGIË Tel. +32 25469011 — Fax +32 25134893 — Internet: EN 1. ORGANISATION OF PLENARY SESSION PROCEEDINGS AND CHANGES TO THE MEMBERSHIP OF COMMITTEE BODIES 1.1 Draft agenda for the September 2015 plenary session The draft agenda (EESC-2015-03530-00-01-CONV-POJ-TRA) had been sent to all Committee members in good time. Having received a draft EESC resolution regarding the situation of the refugees currently hosted in various EU Member States, the Bureau decided to instruct a drafting group, made up of one member per group and supported by the secretariat, to prepare a compromise text, to be put to the vote by the Assembly. 1.2 Deadlines for tabling amendments October plenary session Under current rules (Rule 51 of the Rules of Procedure), amendments must be tabled by 5 p.m. on Monday 5 October, with the exception of amendments for discussion by the groups, where the deadline would be 12 noon on Wednesday 7 October. December plenary session Under current rules (Rule 51 of the Rules of Procedure), amendments must be tabled by 5 p.m. on Monday 7 December, with the exception of amendments for discussion by the groups, where the deadline would be 11.30 a.m. on Wednesday 9 December (if amendments were tabled in a language other than one of the three pivot languages, the opinion in question would be placed on the agenda of the second sitting of the plenary session, on Thursday 10 December). 1.3 Preliminary draft agenda for the working session of the October 2015 plenary session in conjunction with the five-yearly renewal (EESC-2015-03736-42-00-NB-TRA – Item_B.2.a)1 ECO/382 EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (communication) NAT/650 Continuing education and training (CVET) in rural areas (own-initiative opinion) REX/440 Energy – a factor for development and a deeper accession process in the Western Balkans (owninitiative opinion) 1 As the five-yearly renewal takes place in October 2015, the members' term of office would expire on 20 September. Opinions for the October session, before a newly formed Assembly, would be presented by a rapporteur-general. EESC-2015-03736-00-02-TCD-TRA (FR) 2/12 REX/442 The role of the EIDHR in democratic transition – Tunisia, a case study (information report) REX/448 Situation of women in the Euro-Mediterranean region (information report) 1.4 Preliminary draft agenda for the working session of the December 2015 plenary session (EESC-2015-03637-43-00-NB-TRA – Item_B.2.b) INT/771 Report on Competition Policy 2014 ECO/383 Action plan on fairer corporate taxation SOC/524 Engaged universities shaping Europe (own-initiative opinion) SOC/525 A European Agenda on Migration (communication) CCMI/138 Contribution of indigenous coal and lignite resources to the EU's energy security (own-initiative opinion) CCMI/139 The role of engineers in reindustrialising Europe (own-initiative opinion) CCMI/140 Strengthening the European chemical industry's innovative capacity and competitiveness through nanotechnology (own-initiative opinion) NAT/672 CAP simplification (exploratory opinion) NAT/675 Revision of the legislative framework for emissions trading (ETS) TEN/563 Communication on e-freight (rolling programme) TEN/574 Digital single market strategy (communication) REX/449 Review of EU trade policy (own-initiative opinion) REX/452 EU Action plan against migrant smuggling (2015-2020) (communication) 1.5 Legislative programme The Bureau took note of memo EESC-2015-03736-22-02-NB-TRA – Item_B.3.a) rev. It took the following decisions: EESC-2015-03736-00-02-TCD-TRA (FR) 3/12 Referrals received The Bureau was asked to allocate the referrals to a section and a category (A, B, B+, C) and to decide on a provisional date for discussion by the Plenary Assembly. 1. Arrangements for products originating in certain states which are part of the ACP Group of States provided for in agreements establishing, or leading to the establishment of, Economic Partnership Agreements (recast) COM(2015) 282 final – 2015/0128 COD (C) (REX-OCT.) 2. Launching the public consultation process on a new energy market design (communication) COM(2015) 340 final (A-9) (TEN-JAN. 2016) 3. Regulation setting a framework for energy efficiency labelling COM(2015) 341 final – 2015/0149 COD (A-9) (TEN-JAN. 2016) Expected referrals Subject to the corresponding letter of referral being received, the Bureau was asked to allocate the referrals to a section and a category (A, B, B+, C) and to decide on a provisional date for discussion by the Plenary Assembly. 4. Enlargement strategy and main challenges 2015-2016 (rolling programme) (B+) (REX-DEC.) 5. Future of the EU's relations with the ACP countries (green paper) (rolling programme) (A-12) (REX-DEC.) 6. Action Plan on Capital Markets Union (rolling programme) (A-9) (ECO-FEB. 2016)2 7. Legal framework on securitisation (rolling programme) (A-9) (ECO-JAN. 2016)2 8. Regulation amending the regulation on the Structural Funds - specific measures for Greece COM(2015) 365 final - 2015/0160 COD (B) (ECO-OCT.) 9. Green paper on retail financial services and insurance (rolling programme) (A-9) (INT-MARCH 2016) 2 It was proposed that the two study groups be made up of the same members. EESC-2015-03736-00-02-TCD-TRA (FR) 4/12 10. Internal market strategy for goods and services (rolling programme) (A-9) (INT-FEB. 2016) 11. Delivering a new deal for energy consumers (communication) COM(2015) 339 final (A-9) (TEN-JAN. 2016)3 12. Accelerating energy system transformation – an integrated SET Plan (rolling programme) (A-9) (TEN-JAN. 2016) 13. European Agenda on Migration: Second implementation provision - Permanent relocation mechanism in the event of crisis under the Dublin system COM(2015) 450 final – 2015/208 (COD) (A-15) (SOC/REX-TO BE CONFIRMED)4 14. European Agenda on Migration: Second implementation provision - Common EU list of safe countries of origin COM(2015) 452 final – 2015/211 (COD) (A-15) (SOC/REX-TO BE CONFIRMED)4 Exploratory opinions The Bureau authorised the following exploratory opinion: Future of the EU Urban Agenda (exploratory opinion requested by the future Dutch presidency) (A-9) (ECO-FEB. 2016) Change of title The Bureau authorised changes to the titles of the following own-initiative opinions: 3 4 CCMI/140 Initial title: Strengthening the European chemical industry's innovative capacity and competitiveness through nanotechnology New title: Nanotechnology for a competitive chemical industry It was proposed that the study group formed for this referral be made up of the same members as for the file referred to in point 2 (COM(2015) 340). Based on the model of the SOC/525 study group, made up of SOC and REX members, currently working on the first implementation provision of the European Agenda on Migration, the Bureau decided to set up a single study group. The groups would ensure that there was a proper balance between the two sections when appointing members, rapporteurs and corapporteurs. EESC-2015-03736-00-02-TCD-TRA (FR) 5/12 1.6 SOC/523 Initial title: Improving the performance of national work-based learning systems New title: Improving the performance of national dual training systems Own-initiative work The three proposals submitted by the CCMI were withdrawn during the meeting. 1.7 Work in progress and future work The Bureau was briefed on the programme of work in progress. 1.8 Changes in study group membership The Bureau authorised the change in size of the following study groups: INT/771 Report on Competition Policy 2014 NAT/672 CAP simplification NAT/675 REX/452 1.9 from B+ to A-9 from A-12 to A18 Revision of the legislative framework for emissions trading from A-9 to A-15 (ETS) EU action plan against migrant smuggling (2015-2020) from A-9 to A-15 Change in the membership of Committee bodies Appointment On 20 July 2015, the Council of the European Union had appointed the following new member: Gustav Norkārklis, replacing Armands Krauze (Gr. III – LV) who had resigned. 2. GENERAL MATTERS 2.1 Review of the activity of the sections (REX, TEN, ECO, NAT, SOC and INT) and CCMI activity report 2013-2015 The Bureau took note of the activity reports for the 2013-2015 period presented by the presidents of the CCMI and the sections (REX, TEN, ECO, NAT, SOC and INT). EESC-2015-03736-00-02-TCD-TRA (FR) 6/12 2.2 Review of the activity of the College of Quaestors during the 2013-2015 term of office Ms Batut and Mr Hernández Bataller, members of the College of Quaestors, presented a report on the main activities carried out during the 2013-2015 period. 2.3 Review by the Budget Group president for the 2013-2015 period The Budget Group president, Mr Wilms presented the report on the group's activities between April 2013 and September 2015. The Bureau members congratulated him on his work during the term of office. 2.4 Review by the Communication Group president for the 2013-2015 period The Communication Group president, Ms Morrice presented her end-of-term report to the Bureau. The Bureau members congratulated her on her achievements. 2.5 2014 activity report for the categories The Bureau took note of the information memo on the 2014 activity report for the categories. 2.6 Evaluation of European Union policies by the EESC The secretary-general presented a memo on the development of the evaluation of EU policies by the EESC. After an in-depth discussion, the Bureau agreed on the broad outlines of the project as set out in paragraphs I and II of the memo, subject to the corrections proposed by the Group II president being added. The Bureau would receive a further memo, focusing on the procedures for implementing the evaluation work, before the end of the year. 2.7 2015 studies programme a) Analysis document The Bureau took note of the complete overview of studies under way and funding allocated to each of them. b) Proposal for a new study The Bureau authorised the CCMI study on a Research project on new attitudes to consumption and production, in connection with collaborative consumption and the prevention of planned obsolescence, up to a ceiling of EUR 15 000. EESC-2015-03736-00-02-TCD-TRA (FR) 7/12 c) Cancellation of a study The Bureau authorised the cancellation of the NAT section study on Good practice in balanced territorial development. 2.8 Request to set up permanent study groups a) SOC section The inclusion of the Roma The rights of disabled people The Bureau authorised the setting up of permanent study groups on The inclusion of the Roma and The rights of disabled people (increased to 12 members), and the costs for the first meetings of the two study groups during the fourth quarter of 2015. b) INT section Social economy enterprises The Bureau authorised the setting up of a permanent study group on Social economy enterprises. 2.9 Change to the Smart Islands project Having taken note of the Budget Group's position, the Bureau approved the proposed changes to the Smart Islands project, subject to the appointment by the TEN section, in agreement with the groups, of a new project leader under the new term of office. 2.10 The future membership of the CCMI The Bureau agreed in principle to an increase in the membership of the CCMI, by adding three additional EESC members and three delegates. 3. BUDGETARY MATTERS 3.1 Summary of the Budget Group meeting held on 7 September 2015 Mr Wilms presented the summary of the Budget Group meeting held on 7 September 2015 to the Bureau. EESC-2015-03736-00-02-TCD-TRA (FR) 8/12 3.2 Budgetary requests by the sections and other bodies The Bureau authorised all of the following requests: SUBJECT I. SECTION ESTIMATED RESPONSIBLE COSTS (EUR) COST INCREASE (EUR) New requests 1. Conference "Energy and digital changes: the impact on employment and the role of economic and social actors in Europe" SOC 30 805 - 2. Conference on the "European Week for fighting organised crime" SOC 35 890 - 3. Conference on "Common social values and principles and social governance", co-organised with the Luxembourg ESC during the Luxembourg presidency SOC 24 615 - 4. EESC participation in the EU highlevel meeting on the TTIP REX 45 877 - 5. REX/449 - Review of EU trade policy - third study group meeting REX 11 342 - 6. Hearing on "Labour market integration of refugees in the context of implementation of the European Agenda on Migration" SOC 20 278 - 7. European Consumer Day 2016 INT 39 283 - 8. Participation by a CCMI delegation in the Manufuture conference in Luxembourg on 23 and 24 November 2015 (follow-up to CCMI/121 and CCMI/112) CCMI 9 423 - 9. SDO and UNEP conference on SDGs, EESC, 12-13 November 2015 (NAT) 24 209 - 10. Group II meeting GR. II 129 137 - 11. Second meeting of the EU-Africa Network of Economic and Social Actors REX 28 036 - EESC-2015-03736-00-02-TCD-TRA (FR) 9/12 12. Delegation to the European Forum for new ideas (EFNI) (Sopot) GR. I 6 727 - 13. Delegation to the SME Congress in Katowice GR. I 6 727 - 14. Employers Group industrial policy GR. I 27 270 - 15. Mission to Central America - El Salvador REX 33 564 - 16. Extraordinary Employers (Luxembourg) GR. I 59 234 - GR. I 82 688 - 80 816 seminar meeting Group on of the bureau II. Amended requests 1. Thematic seminar on "The reindustrialisation of Europe: agriculture – food manufacturing, distribution and commerce" The Bureau also took note of the following urgent requests: Urgent request approved by the Budget Group president and the Committee president SUBJECT SECTION ESTIMATED RESPONSIBLE COSTS (EUR) COST INCREASE (EUR) 1. NAT bureau meeting on 3 September NAT 15 954 - 2. Extraordinary meeting of the REX bureau REX 12 089 - 3.3 Reallocation of operational budgets – budget item 1004 The Bureau approved the revised breakdown of operational budgets under item 1004. 3.4 Implementation report on budget item 1004 – second quarter of 2015 The Bureau took note of the quarterly report. 3.5 Summary report on the president's expenditure The Bureau took note of an information memo on expenditure by the EESC president from 1 May to 31 August 2015. EESC-2015-03736-00-02-TCD-TRA (FR) 10/12 4. COMMUNICATION MATTERS 4.1 Report by the Communication Group president The Communication Group president presented her report to the Bureau (EESC-2015-03736-01-00NB-TRA – Item E.1). 5. INTERNAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS 5.1 2015 annual report on the secretariat's human resources and staffing policy The secretary-general presented the 2015 annual report on the secretariat's human resources and staffing policy, with particular emphasis on the recent adoption of a new staff chart, the measures taken in the areas of training and staff mobility and the impact of both the cooperation agreement with the European Parliament and the entry into force of the new Staff Regulations. He also mentioned the steps taken to ensure a better balance among staff in terms of age, sex and nationality. 5.2 2014 annual activity report (Article 66(9) of the Financial Regulation) The secretary-general presented the main thrust of the annual activity report. 5.3 Preparations for the Committee's 2015-2020 renewal a) Information on the renewal procedure Mr Alexopoulos, the deputy secretary-general, presented an information memo on the procedure for the Committee's renewal. He also briefed the Bureau on the schedule for the Council's adoption of the final list of Committee members. b) Renewal of structures Having noted the presentation by the three groups of a list of structures to be set up during the inaugural session of October 2015, the Bureau agreed to these proposals, subject to the addition of the Colombia-Peru Internal Consultative Group (three members, one per group) and the replacement of the phrase EU-Turkey "contact group" by "Joint Consultative Committee". EESC-2015-03736-00-02-TCD-TRA (FR) 11/12 c) Committee activities during the transitional period (2nd part) The Bureau approved the provisions regarding Committee activities during the transitional period, together with the list of events discussed by the Budget Group – without following up on the oral request made by the Quaestors (see Item D.1, page 3). Given that information was still being received regarding the appointment of new members, the Bureau decided to authorise a number in excess of the ceiling of 200 participants stipulated for the information sessions for new members on 22 and 23 September 2015. Subject to confirmation of the appointment of the members concerned, it also authorised the mission requests made by Mr Gkofas and Ms Sharma and those announced by the Group I president (three members) and the ECO section (two members) and the TEN section (three members). 5.4 Draft meetings schedule for the EESC and its constituent bodies (2016) The Bureau took note of the draft meetings schedule for the EESC and its constituent bodies for 2016. 5.5 EU laissez-passer – Inter-service agreement The Bureau took note of the information memo on the new provisions regarding the laissez-passer. 6. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Committee president Mr Malosse, chairing the Bureau for the last time, thanked his members and all the members of the secretariat on the excellent work achieved. 7. DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING The 631st Bureau meeting would take place on Wednesday 7 October 2015, beginning at 4 p.m., in conjunction with the Committee's five-yearly renewal. _____________ EESC-2015-03736-00-02-TCD-TRA (FR) 12/12