At least not overtly, see their bios here.

State taps experts for hydrofracking review
Adgate, John
Colorado School of Public Health
Chair: Environmental and Occupational Health Department
John Adgate, PhD, MSPH
Professor, Chair
Research Interests:
■Exposure Assessment
■Risk Assessment & Environmental Health Policy
■Children's Exposure to Pesticides
■Asthma & Allergen Sampling
■Air Pollution Exposure Analysis (VOCs and Particulate Matter)
■Exposure Reduction Interventions
■University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, MSPH, Environmental Science and Engineering
■University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and Rutgers University, PhD, Environmental Health
Human health risk assessment of air emissions from development of unconventional natural gas
resources – by Lisa M. McKenzie, Roxana Z. Witter, Lee S. Newman, John L. Adgate, Colorado School
of Public Health, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado, USA
Air Pollution Exposure and Risk Near Unconventional Natural Gas Drill Sites: Example from Garfield
County, Colorado | John Adgate, PhD, MSPH
Goldman, Lynn
George Washington University
Dean: GW School of Public Health and Health Services
Fracking: Abundant Energy, But at What Cost?
Huffpost | October 24, 2012
by Lynn R. Goldman.Dean, George Washington University School of
Public Health and Health Services
The Health Impact Assessment of New Energy Sources: Shale Gas
Extraction | April 30, 2012 - May 1, 2012 (video)
BIO: As Dean of SPHHS, Dr. Goldman’s responsibilities are informed by her broad and deep public policy
and academic experience. She joined the school in August 2010 from Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health, where she had been Professor of Environmental Health Sciences
since July 2000.
In that capacity, she served as principal investigator of the National Children’s Study Center at Hopkins.
That ambitious research initiative, part of an DHHS study that follows 100,000 children from birth to age
21, is examining the interaction of numerous environmental influences – including biological, chemical,
and social factors, genetics, culture and family, and geography – on children’s health. Dr. Goldman was
also the co-PI of the National Study Center for Preparedness and Critical Event Response, which
supports the mission of the Department of Homeland Security through research and educational
initiatives designed to build the science of preparedness.
Prior to joining Hopkins, Dr. Goldman was Assistant Administrator for Toxic Substances in the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency from 1993 to 1998 under President Bill Clinton. Under her watch, the
EPA overhauled the nation’s pesticide laws, expanded right-to-know requirements for toxin release,
reached consensus on an approach to testing chemicals with endocrine-disrupting potential, developed
standards to implement lead screening legislation, and promoted children’s health and global chemical
Dr. Goldman also worked in environmental health for the California Department of Public Health
Services. Among other responsibilities, she managed a statewide environmental epidemiology program
that focused on childhood lead poisoning, birth defects, and occupational health.
Dean Goldman is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Environmental Defense Fund.** She is a
member of the Institute of Medicine, where she has chaired or served on committees focused on
secondhand smoke, public health preparedness, environmental health, and health sciences policy. She is
also a member of the National Academy of Sciences Board on Environmental Sciences and Toxicology.
Jackson, Richard, University of California, Los Angeles
Chair: Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Fileding School of Public
Research Interests: Chair of Environmental Health Sciences
Richard J. Jackson has done extensive work in the impact of the environment
on health, particularly relating to children. Dr. Jackson chaired the American
Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Environmental Health. He did extensive
work on pesticides in California, and has also focused on epidemiology,
infectious diseases and toxicology. Over the past decade much of his work has
focused on how the 'built environment' including how architecture and urban
planning affect health. He recently served on the Board of Directors of the
American Institute of Architects and has written and spoken extensively in the above areas. Currently,
Dr. Jackson has been working on policy analyses of environmental impacts on health ranging from
toxicology, chemical body burdens, terrorism, sustainability, climate change, urban design and
architecture. In addition, he is developing policy analyses in related areas, such as how farm, education,
housing, and transportation policies affect health.
PBS Video: Dr. Richard Jackson, UCLA School of Public Health | The UCLA professor and PBS host
describes what it means to build a healthy community
Book Review: “Making Healthy Places - Designing and Building for Health, Well-being, and
Sustainability” : Institute of the Environment and Sustainability Professor & Department of
Environmental Health Sciences Chair Richard Jackson co-authored a new publication that addresses the
built environment.
** Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) is represented by K&L Gates LLP, a lobbying firm. In addition to
representing EDF, the following K&L employees also represents:
Amy Carnevale: Next Energy
Timothy Peckingpaugh: NextEnergy, Peabody Energy Corp
James A Sartucci: Sprague Energy Corporation
See K&L Gates list of clients:
K&L Gates is an associate member of the Marcellus Shale Coalition