Hair Stylist Practical Lab I Fall 2010 Algonquin College School of Hospitality & Tourism Instructor: Office Hours: Office: Phone: e-mail: Mondays Fridays OR by appointment. Text Book and Other Resources The text for this course is Pivot Point Cosmetology Fundamentals, school uniform & your hairstylist Kit purchased from the First Class Bookstore A copy of the text, school uniform and kit can be purchased in the First Class Bookstore located in D building. Other information and resources will be posted on Blackboard or handed out in class. Policies and Guidelines All students should be familiar with the following policies and guidelines that are in place for this course: 1. Although there is no mark for attendance, per se, your assignments will be assessed, to a certain extent, on the degree to which the concepts and requirements presented and discussed in class are reflected in the finished product. 2. Homework and in-class assignments cannot be made up. Missed exercises will be given a 0 (zero). If, however, you are able to provide a physician's note and/or a coherent, valid written explanation (in proper workplace format), then the 0 (zero) will be altered to reflect an excused absence. 3. All written assignments must be submitted by the specified deadline. Any assignment not handed in by that time will be deemed late (unless sufficient cause is given), and will be penalized at a rate of Section Number: 250 Page 1 of 8 30 hours Hair Stylist Practical Lab I Fall 2010 10% per day up to a maximum of 5 (five) days, weekends included. If the assignment is not handed in after five days, it automatically receives a 0 (zero). 4. There is no late "submission" for oral presentations. 5. In the case of an absence for a group presentation, the remaining members can elect either to present OR to forfeit their marks. An absent group member is not grounds for postponing a presentation. 6. Homework assignments can not be handed in late and can not be made up. 7. Group assignments must be accompanied by a memo that outlines the role played by each group member in the preparation of the assignment. a. If I am in doubt as to the veracity of the memo, then group members will be examined on the contents of the assignment and their role in the preparation of the assignment. Section Number: 250 Page 2 of 8 30 hours Hair Stylist Practical Lab I Fall 2010 Class Schedule* Week Dates 1 Sep. 7 1 Sep. 8th th 2 Sep. 14th 2 Sept. 15th 3 Sept. 21st 3 4 4 Sept. 22nd Sept. 28th Sept. 29th Topics & Deliverables INTRODUCTION AND ORIENTATION Student Policy and Procedure for Lab Application and Use of Salon Equipment Shampooing and Conditioning Techniques Practice on (partner) using proper manipulations and blow dry hair *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment Retouch Colour Application & 9-section perm wrap *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment Solid Form Horizontal (#1) Cut & Blow Dry with Round Brush *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment Retouch Colour Application, Virgin Colour Application, 9section perm wrap *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment Solid Form Horizontal Cut (#2) & Blow Dry With Round Brush Blow Dry and finish with Curling Iron (Spiral Curl) Blow Dry and finish with Flat Iron *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment *Assessment on Retouch Colour Application and 9-section perm wrap Practice Virgin Colour Application and Contour Wrap *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment Section Number: 250 Page 3 of 8 30 hours Hair Stylist Practical Lab I Week Dates Fall 2010 Topics & Deliverables 5 Oct. 5th *Assessment of Solid Form Cut (#3), Blow Dry and finish with either Flat Iron or Curling Iron Blow dry and finish with Flat Iron (creating curls) Blow dry and finish with a Curling Iron (creating waves) *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment 5 Oct. 6th *Assessment of Virgin Colour Application Practice Contour Wrap and Cap Highlights *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment 6 Oct. 12th Teacher Demo (on live model) Solid Form with more advanced techniques Wash (using proper scalp manipulations) and Blow dry (partner) finish with either flat iron or curling iron *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment 6 Oct. 13 *Assessment on Contour Wrap Practice Cap highlights and weaved foiled/packaged highlights *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment 7 Increase Layer Form (planar/conversion) cut (#1), blow dry with nozzle pick and finish with flat iron Oct. 19th Blow dry using diffuser and scrunching soften ends with curling iron *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment 7 Oct. 20th *Assessment on Retouch Application, Virgin Application, Highlights, 9-section wrap, and contour wrap Practice Weaved foil highlights (packaged) and Bricklay pattern perm wrap *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment Oct. 26th Pin Curl set on long hair mannequin Increase Layer Form (planar/conversion) cut (#2), blow dry with round brush and finish with flat iron Blow dry using diffuser and scrunching soften ends with curling iron Comb-out (with fingers) pin curl set Oct. 27th *Assessment on Weaved foil highlights Teacher Demo (on live model) full colour application *including basic consultation Practice Bricklay perm wrap *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment 8 8 th Section Number: 250 Page 4 of 8 30 hours Hair Stylist Practical Lab I Week 9 9 10 10 11 11 Dates Nov. 2nd Nov. 3rd Nov. 9th Nov. 10th Nov. 16th Nov. 17th Fall 2010 Topics & Deliverables *Assessment of Increase Layer Form (planar/conversion) cut (#3), blow dry with round brush and finish with flat iron or curling iron 9-section (on base) roller set in long hair mannequin Graduated Horizontal cut(#1), set in rollers (off base) Comb out long hair set redefining the curls using fingers Comb out cut using proper brushing/softening techniques Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment *Assessment of Bricklay pattern perm wrap Students perform full colour service on mannequin (demicolour) including proper consultation and timing of colour product Debrief results *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment Graduated Horizontal cut(#2), Blow dry with round brush *Assessment on Graduated Horizontal cut (#3) blow dry and finish with flat iron or curling iron Contour roller/pincurl set using rollers and pincurls Proper comb out techniques to soften and blend waves Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment Teacher Demo (on live model) full perm service *Including consultation Practice: retouch colour application, virgin colour application, weaved highlights, 9-section wrap and contour wrap *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment Set long Hair in preparation of up-do using pin curls/rollers Wash (using proper scalp manipulations) and Blow dry (partner) finish with either flat iron or curling iron 5-Strand Loops Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment *Assessment of retouch application and 9-section perm wrap Students perform full perm service on mannequin including proper consultation and timing of product Debrief results *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment Section Number: 250 Page 5 of 8 30 hours Hair Stylist Practical Lab I Week 12 12 13 13 14 14 Dates Nov. 23rd Nov. 24th Nov. 30th Dec. 1st Dec. 7th Dec. 8th Fall 2010 Topics & Deliverables Uniform Layer Cut (#1), blow dry and finish with curling iron Prepare long hair mannequin for up-do using curling iron Single strand knots Two strand knots Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment Practice: retouch colour application, virgin colour application, weaved highlights, cap highlights, 9-section wrap and contour wrap, bricklay pattern wrap *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment *Assessment on Uniform Layer Cut (#2), blow dry and finish with flat iron or curling iron Prepare mannequin for up-do roller set on Dry hair using spray Single Strand Twist Two-strand Twists Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment Teacher Demo (on live model) full low light service *including consultation Students perform full low light service (demi-colour) on mannequin including proper consultation and timing of product *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment Final Exam *Model required Scalp Treatment, Cut (your choice), Blow Dry and finish with either flat iron or curling iron *Roller set (preparation for up-do) *On mannequin Up-do with 2 components *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment Final Exam *on mannequin Retouch application Virgin application Weaved foil application Perm wrap *Disinfection of tools/implements and salon equipment *Schedule subject to change Section Number: 250 Page 6 of 8 30 hours Hair Stylist Practical Lab I Fall 2010 Notes: 1. Due dates refer to the date on which the final draft is to be submitted. 2. Unless otherwise indicated, it is expected that readings will be completed by the first class of the week. Evaluation at a Glance Due Date Value Validation In-class Assessments Attendance and maintenance of salon and equipment Retouch colour application & 9-section perm Throughout semester 15% (.5% each lab) Sept. 29th 3% Solid form cut and style Oct. 5th 3% Virgin colour application Oct. 6th 3% Contour wrap Oct. 13th 3% Weaved foil highlights Oct. 27th 3% Increase Layer cut and style Nov. 2nd 3% wrap Section Number: 250 Page 7 of 8 30 hours Hair Stylist Practical Lab I Fall 2010 Bricklay pattern perm wrap Nov. 3rd 3% Graduated cut and style Nov. 9th 3% Retouch application and 9-section perm wrap Nov. 17th 3% Uniform cut and style Nov. 30th 3% Retouch application Oct. 20th 4% Virgin application Oct. 20th 4% Cap highlights Oct. 20th 4% 9-section perm wrap Oct. 20th 4% Contour perm wrap Oct. 20th 4% Mid-term Final Cut & Style (on model) Roller Set Dec. 7 th 5% 5% Up-do with 2 components 5% Retouch application 5% Virgin application Weaved foil application Dec. 8th Perm wrap 5% 5% TOTAL Section Number: 250 5% 100% Page 8 of 8 30 hours