NOTIFICATION Mining Act 1971 and Mining Regulations 2011 PROGRAM NOTIFICATION – EXPLORATION PROGRAM FOR ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AND REHABILITATION (PEPR) USE THIS FORM TO: Provide notification of exploration programs conducted in accordance with a PEPR approved for an ongoing period. Refer to the determination for exploration PEPRs (Ministerial Determination 013) when completing this notification. Further information on exploration requirements in South Australia is available on the Department of State Development (DSD) Minerals website <>. A program notification must be provided to DSD 21 days prior to the start date of each new program of works using this PEPR program notification template. All rehabilitation is to be completed within 3 months after the expiry of this program notification. Please note that a program notification incorporates and takes the place of a park access notification which is required for proposals located within parks and reserves. In accordance with DSD policy, this document is not considered to be in the public interest and will not be released to the public without the consent of the tenement holder. SECTION A – GENERAL DETAILS DSD PEPR reference number <Provide the DSD PEPR reference number that the notification has been submitted against.> Field stints Single stint Tenement details <Provide EL, RL or MC tenement number(s) here.> Tenement holder(s) (for each tenement) <Include company name, address and contact details.> Operating company <Include company name, address and contact details of the exploration company that will conduct the program.> Project supervisor/contact person(s) <Indicate the contact person(s) for the proposed program and the person in charge of field supervision and implementing compliance monitoring requirements (including details of relevant experience and qualifications).> ☐ Multiple stint ☐ Project/prospect name Location details <Provide general location details.> Proposed project schedule (maximum 12 months) Start date End date DECLARATION In accordance with regulation 65(8) the information contained in this notification is to the best of my knowledge true and accurate, and the proposed exploration activities will be conducted in accordance with the approved PEPR. Name Position Company Email Phone Date I agree ☐ Exploration PEPR program notification template | June 2015 1 Exploration PEPR program notification SECTION B – ACCESS TO LAND Landowner details and consultation (r. 65(1)(c)) Using the table below, provide relevant landowner and stakeholder details, including occupier and land manager details, and summarise the results of consultation that has been undertaken on the proposed operation. Landowners include freehold landowners, Aboriginal land, Defence managed land (except the WPA), council, perpetual and pastoral lease holders, lessees or sub-lessees and government departments. Tenement Stakeholder, landowner and station name Land tenure Land use Date notice of entry (Form 21) served Date use of declared equipment (Form 22) served Type of Date waiver of exempt land exemption (Forms 23A, 23B) obtained Date Landowner concerns raised and how consultation/access addressed agreement and/or permits signed/authorised <Tab to add rows.> Additional information List any other supporting information and/or documents submitted with the application, including land access approvals/permits required to conduct the proposed exploration program. <Include text here.> Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA) Yes ☐ Will activities be conducted within the WPA? If yes, indicate if you have an access permit in place. No ☐ <If yes, include text here.> What is the expiry date of the access permit? <Include date here.> Identify closure periods that may impact on the exploration program <Include text here.> Exploration PEPR program notification template | June 2015 2 Exploration PEPR program notification SECTION C – ENVIRONMENT DETAILS Land use and tenure Using the table below, select the land tenure and land use that the proposed exploration activities will occur in. Include additional information where prompted. Land tenure Applicable Land use Applicable Freehold ☐ Grazing ☐ Pastoral lease ☐ Cereal/cropping ☐ Perpetual lease ☐ Residential ☐ Crown land ☐ Township ☐ Mining reserve ☐ Industrial ☐ Aboriginal freehold and leasehold (Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara and Maralinga Tjarutja lands) ☐ Tourism ☐ Forestry reserve ☐ Marine reserve ☐ National parks, conservation parks, conservation reserves, regional reserves* ☐ Conservation <If national parks is selected, please provide the name of the park here.> Other* ☐ <If other is selected, describe the land tenure here.> Defence – Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA) ☐ ☐ Defence – Cultana ☐ Road reserve ☐ Native vegetation heritage agreements* ☐ <Provide the name of the area here.> Orchard/vineyard ☐ European heritage sites ☐ <Provide the name of the site here.> Sites of scientific significance (geological monuments, fossil reserves etc.) ☐ <Provide the name of the site here.> ☐ Other (e.g. historic mining) <Provide the name of the site here.> * Indicates more information required in field immediately below. Hydrology Yes ☐ No ☐ Is the program area located within any prescribed watercourses or prescribed surface water areas under the Natural Yes ☐ Resources Management Act 2004 (NRM Act)? If yes, provide the name(s). No ☐ Is the program area located within water protection areas defined under the River Murray Act 2003? If yes, provide the name(s). <If yes, provide the name(s) here.> <If yes, provide the name(s) here.> Groundwater Is the proposed program located within a prescribed wells area or prescribed water resource area? If yes, provide the name of the area. Yes ☐ No ☐ <Insert the name of the area here.> Exploration PEPR program notification template | June 2015 3 Exploration PEPR program notification Environmentally sensitive locations Is this specific program located within or close to any environmentally sensitive locations identified in the approved PEPR? Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ <If yes, include text here.> Identify the environmentally sensitive location(s) applicable to this program. Mark these areas on a locality plan. <If yes, include text here.> SECTION D – EXPLORATION ACTIVITIES Exploration activities (scope) Briefly describe the exploration activities to be conducted during the proposed program (including ancillary activities described within the approved PEPR). Please note that activities proposed must be consistent with the activities described within the approved PEPR. <Include text here.> Drilling activities Using the table below summarise the maximum drilling requirements for the proposed program. Tenement Drilling type Maximum Maximum number drillhole of depth (m) drillholes Maximum number of sumps required at each site Maximum size Average size of each of sumps drill pad* (m2) (no (length x excavation required) depth x width) (m3) Number of Average volume (m3) of sites material to be excavated requiring pad (excluding sumps) excavation Total number of drillholes (add each row to calculate the total). Total number of sumps (maximum number of sumps x drillsites for each row, then add each row to calculate the total). Total volume of sumps (maximum size of sumps x number of sumps for each row, then add each row to calculate the total). Total number of pads requiring excavation (add each row to calculate the total). TOTAL Total metres proposed (maximum number of holes x average depth for each row, then add each row to calculate the total). Total area of disturbance (number of holes x average size for each row, then add each row to calculate the total). Total volume of material to be excavated (number of sites requiring excavation x average volume for each row, then add each row to calculate the total). * The footprint includes all areas of disturbance associated with the drillsite. Costeans and bulk sample disposal pits Using the table below, outline costean/bulk sample disposal pit requirements (excludes drilling sumps) planned for the proposed program. Tenement Number of Size of costean costeans/pits (length x width) (m2) Average depth (m) Volume excavated (m3) Total volume excavated (m3) (number of costeans/pits x volume) Total area of disturbance* (length x width) (m2) <Tab to add rows.> TOTAL Total number of costeans/pits (add each row to calculate the total). Total volume of material to be excavated (add each row to calculate the total) Total area of disturbance (number of costeans/pits x area of disturbance for each row, then add each row to calculate the total). *Includes storage of excavated material at the site (e.g. topsoil and subsoil segregation). Exploration PEPR program notification template | June 2015 4 Exploration PEPR program notification Access to work areas Will existing tracks require upgrading? Yes ☐ No ☐ Will access off existing tracks be required? Yes ☐ No ☐ Where access is required off existing tracks (includes drill traverses and seismic lines), include the number of new tracks and the total area of disturbance (i.e. length (km) and width (m) of new tracks). <Include text here.> Campsites, storage and equipment laydown areas Is a campsite required? Yes ☐ No ☐ Is a storage and equipment laydown area required? Yes ☐ No ☐ If a camp and or laydown area is required, briefly describe the camp and/or laydown area and include the locations on a map. <Include text here.> Groundwater drilling and investigation activities Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Will any water wells be drilled to supply water for the program? If yes, attach a copy of the relevant licence/permit required in accordance with the NRM Act. Yes ☐ No ☐ Will mineral drillholes be used as a water supply well? If yes, attach a copy of the licence (where required) for the extraction of water in accordance with the NRM Act (i.e. programs located within a prescribed wells area or prescribed water resource area). Please note that mineral drillholes used to supply water that are not permitted under the NRM Act (i.e. a permitted water bore) must be decommissioned in accordance with the approved PEPR water supply wells. Yes ☐ No ☐ Will water drilling and/or groundwater investigation activities be conducted during the program? If yes, attach permits/licences required in accordance with the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 (NRM Act). Water affecting activities Will any water affecting activities be undertaken? If yes, attach a copy of the permit required in accordance with the NRM Act. Water supply management Other exploration methods and/or ancillary activities Describe any other exploration methods (e.g. seismic) and/or ancillary exploration activities (bag farms, core storage areas, bulk sample disposal pits etc.) required for the proposed program. <Include text here.> Other relevant information Provide any other relevant information. <Include text here.> SECTION E – MAPS Provide a map showing the following information, where applicable: tenement boundaries exploration activities (including access tracks and other ancillary exploration activities such as camps and equipment laydown areas) any areas of environmental significance any other requirements as agreed to in the approved ongoing/project PEPR. All maps must conform to the standards outlined in the determination for exploration PEPRs (Ministerial Determination 013). <Attach maps here.> Exploration PEPR program notification template | June 2015 5 Exploration PEPR program notification SECTION F – SUBMISSION OF EXPLORATION PEPR PROGRAM NOTIFICATION An electronic version (PDF preferred) is to be submitted to DSD. A hard copy of the exploration PEPR program notification together with an electronic version can be submitted if the file size is too large to email. The information in both the hard copy and electronic version must be identical. Submissions should be marked ‘Attention: Exploration Regulation’ and forwarded by email, post or courier: Email Post Mineral Tenements and Exploration Branch Resources and Energy Department of State Development GPO Box 320 Adelaide SA 5001 Courier Mineral Tenements and Exploration Branch Resources and Energy Department of State Development c/- Level 7, 101 Grenfell Street Adelaide SA 5000 Exploration PEPR program notification template | June 2015 6