Code of Conduct.pdf

GNCTR 2015 Competition Competitor Code of Conduct
Competitors need to understand and adhere to all aspects of this document and, if necessary,
seek clarification in order to avoid placing themselves in conflict with the standards.
These standards are intended to protect the GNCTR 2015 Organizing Committee and the
competitors by ensuring that circumstances do not arise that damage the reputation of either
GNCTR or the students. These standards are also intended to help competitors avoid or
prevent activities that could negatively impact their experience at the competition.
1. The requirement to comply with these standards of conduct is a condition of competing.
Competitors who fail to comply with these standards may be subject to disciplinary action up
to and including dismissal from the competition. Competitors should contact their team
captain for advice and assistance on the interpretation or application of this policy directive.
2. GNCTR 2015 competitors are to act with honesty and integrity and in accordance with any
professional standards and / or governing laws and legislation that have application to the
responsibilities you perform and a duty to compete at GNCTR 2015 to the best of their
3. Impartiality, honesty and integrity must be exercised by every GNCTR 2015 competitor in
the conduct of their duties. Competitors’ conduct should instill confidence and trust and must
not bring the GNCTR 2015 into disrepute.
1. The conduct and language of GNCTR 2015 competitors in the workplace must meet
acceptable social standards and must contribute to a positive work environment. An
competitor’s conduct must not compromise the integrity of the GNCTR 2015.
2. All GNCTR 2015 competitors have the right to expect, and the responsibility to create, an
environment where all competitors are safe. Violence at the competition is unacceptable and
will not be tolerated. Violence includes any attempted or actual action by any person,
including another competitor, of any physical force so as to cause injury to a competitor and
includes any express threat of violence.
3. Competitors must report any incident of violence directed towards themselves or their cocompetitors. Any competitor hearing a threat, including a threat to a co-competitor, must
report that threat if he or she has reasonable cause to believe that the threat is serious. Any
incident or threat of violence at the competition must be addressed immediately.
4. Competitors are to treat each other in the workplace with respect and dignity and must not
engage in discrimination or harassment based on any of the prohibited grounds covered by
the BC Human Rights Code. The prohibited grounds are race, colour, ancestry, place of
origin, religion, family status, marital status, physical disability, mental disability, sex, sexual
orientation, age, political belief or conviction of a criminal or summary offence unrelated to
the competition.
5. Sexual harassment is any conduct, comment, chant, gesture or contact of a sexual nature
that one would find to be unwanted or unwelcome by any individual, or that might, on
reasonable grounds, be perceived by that individual as placing a condition of sexual nature
on competition performance.
6. Personal harassment means any conduct whether verbal or physical that is discriminating in
nature, based upon another person’s race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political beliefs,
religion, marital status, physical or mental disability, sex, age or sexual orientation. It is
discriminatory behaviour, directed at an individual, that is unwanted or unwelcome and
causes substantial distress in that person and serves no legitimate work-related purpose.
7. The GNCTR 2015 Organizing Committee has a zero tolerance policy with respect to
Personal /Sexual Harassment. Personal/Sexual Harassment in any form is strictly prohibited
GNCTR 2015 Competition Competitor Code of Conduct
and may be grounds for termination as a volunteer, or, in the case of an competitor,
immediate dismissal.