MUSCLES TO KNOW Muscle Name Action Muscles of Facial Expression Occipitalis Frontalis Orbicularis oculi Orbicularis oris Buccinator Zygomaticus Platysma Muscles of Mastication (Eating) Temporalis Masseter Neck Muscles Sternocleidomastoid Trapezius Muscles that move the Shoulder and Arm Latissimus Dorsi Deltoid Pectoralis Major Rotator Cuff Muscles that move the Vertebral Column Erector spinae Muscles of the Thoracic Wall External intercostals Internal intercostals Diaphragm Muscles of the Abdominal Wall Rectus abdominus External oblique Internal oblique Transverse abdominus Muscles that move the Forearm and Hand Biceps brachii Triceps brachii Brachialis Brachioradialis Flexor carpi ulnaris Flexor carpi radialis Extensor carpi radialis Extensor carpi ulnaris Flexor digitorum Extensor digitorum Muscles that move the Thigh Gluteus maximus Gluteus medius Rectus femoris Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis Fourth member of quadriceps… Sartorius Adductor Muscles Muscles that move the Leg Biceps femoris Semimembranosus Semitendinosus Muscles that move the Ankle and Foot Tibialis anterior Gastrocnemius Soleus Fibularis longus Extensor digitorum longus Unit 4 Notes: Movement of the Muscles 1. Let’s review… using the picture, tell what type of connective tissue surrounds the following: a. Muscle surrounded by a ____________________ b. Fascicle surrounded by a ____________________ c. Muscle Fiber (Cell) surrounded by a ___________________ What we’re going to look at now are the individual muscle fibers (cells) and the characteristics that they have which contribute to the movement of the muscle. 2. The following picture shows an individual muscle fiber (cell) from the picture above. Let’s fill in the blanks. Note: The _________________ (cell membrane) is surrounded by __________________ (connective tissue). 3. The following picture shows an individual myofibril from the picture above. Let’s fill in the blanks. 4. Fill in the blanks about a MYOFIBRIL: a. The light band is also called the ____ band, and has a dark midline interruption called the ____ disc. The ____ disc marks the end of the _________________ and is formed by a disc-like membrane. b. The dark band is also called the ____ band, and has a lighter central area called the ____ zone (which contains the M line). The ____ zone lacks __________________________, so it looks a bit lighter than the rest of the A band. c. Striations in skeletal muscle are formed by the locations of ____________ and ____________ filaments. 5. Within each myofibril there are millions of contriactile units called sarcomeres. The bands of a muscle are actually formed by many myofilaments packed together. There are two types of myofilaments: __________________________________ & _________________________________ 1. Myofilament type #1: THICK FILAMENTS a. Contain which type of protein? b. What are the purpose of the ATPase enzymes that thick filaments contain? c. Which “band” do the thick filaments form? d. What are some other names for the small projections off of the thick filaments? e. What is the purpose for these projections? 2. Myofilament type #2: THIN FILAMENTS a. Contain which type of protein? b. Also contain… c. What are the thin filaments anchored to? d. Thin filaments extend throughout the I band, and through part of the A band. What is the name of the zone where thin filaments do not exist? Let’s Review a Few Definitions… a. Sarcolemma: b. Myofibrils: c. Sarcomeres: d. Myofilaments: e. Sarcoplasmic Reticulum: f. There are also multiple nuclei and mitochondria scattered throughout the muscle fiber, surrounding the myofibrils. So, in summary, as you work your way smaller in a muscle…. • _______________ – surrounded by epimysium • ______________ – surrounded by perimysium • ______________– surrounded by endomysium/sarcolemma • ______________ – sections called sarcomeres, surrounded by sarcoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and nuclei • __________________ – 2 types are actin & myosin LET’S NOW ANSWER THE QUESTION… HOW/WHY DOES A MUSCLE CONTRACT??? 1. These are the special functional properties of muscles that enable them to perform their duties… a. Irritability: b. Contractility: c. Conductility: d. Elasticity: 2. Define “Motor Unit”: Pictured to the left is a motor unit. We looked at motor units when we identified nervous tissue. What you are seeing in the picture are muscle fibers running across, with the nerve fibers, or axons (the “branches”) branching into the muscle. On the end of the axons are the axon terminals (the “berries”) forming junctions with different muscle fibers. Something important to realize… nerve endings (axon terminals) and muscle fibers don’t physically touch! They are REEEEAAAAALLLLY close to each other…. 3. Define Neuromuscular Junction: 4. Define Synaptic Cleft: How does our neurons stimulate muscle contraction!? 5. What steps occur to stimulate muscle movement??? a. b. c. d. e. f. g. How does the muscles create movement?? Sliding Filament Theory Now, it’s great to know that the muscle contractions are stimulated by the influx of sodium ions creating an action potential. But we still need to look at how the muscle contraction itself occurs. To understand this concept, we must look at the Sliding Filament Theory. When muscle fibers are activated by the nervous system due to an action potential being released, Calcium ions happen to be released by the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The release of Ca+2 allows troposin & tropomyosin to stop blocking the binding sites on the actin… which allows the heads (crossbridges) on the thick filaments to attach to the binding sites on the thin filaments. This attachment allows the sliding to begin. Energized by energy from ATP, each cross-bridge attaches and detaches from the thin filaments several times in a single contraction. Each time, the cross-bridges work like an oar to keep moving the thin filaments closer and closer together. They attach, pull, detach. Attach, pull, detach. As this process is happening in every sarcomere throughout the muscle, the muscle itself is contracting. The whole series of events takes just a few thousandths of a second!!! 6. Changes that occur within the sarcomere… a. b. c. Where’s all this energy coming from? As a reminder, energy comes from ATP because of breaking one of the phosphate bonds. Breaking a bond releases energy, which your body can use. When this energy is used by your body, heat is also usually released – which is why we say that your muscular system can help control your body temperature. However, where are your cross-bridges (heads) of your thick filaments getting all of this ATP from, so they can move back and forth? Muscles only store very limited supplies of ATP – only 4 to 6 seconds’ worth. Since ATP is the only energy source that can be used to move the cross-bridges back and forth (which contract the muscle), ATP must be regenerated continuously if contraction is to continue. 7. The three sources of ATP Regeneration… a. Direct Phosphorylation of ADP by Creatine Phosphate b. Aerobic Respiration c. Anaerobic Glycolysis and Lactic Acid Formation 8. Which of the three pathways for ATP regeneration is the main source of ATP, producing some 95% of ATP used in muscle activity? C6H12O6 (aq) + 6O2 (g) → 6CO2 (g) + 6H2O + 36 ATP 9. Shown above is the overall equation for aerobic (cellular) respiration. Using this reaction as a basis for reasoning, explain why proper blood circulation (as well as proper breathing) would be important for your muscles. MUSCLE FATIGUE 10. When can you tell that your muscle is fatigued? 11. What are some things that can happen in your muscles if they lack oxygen? TYPES OF MUSCLE CONTRACTIONS 12. What are isotonic contractions? Give examples. 13. What are isometric contractions? Give an example. MUSCLE TONE / EFFECT OF EXERCISE ON MUSCLES 14. What is muscle tone? 15. What can muscle inactivity lead to? 16. What are some examples of aerobic exercise? 17. What impact do aerobic exercises have on muscles? 18. What are some examples of resistance exercises? 19. What impact do resistance exercises have on muscles?