General assembly at campus Agenda Prayer: Kalembe Betty National anthem Busoga anthem: guild president Guild president: Victoria nabirye welcomed students both new and continuing. Applauded administration for WiFi, renovations, expansion of computer lab, identify gifted lecturers Dean of students: othieno Nicholas, thanks for coming. Shape your future, not vice versa. Guild elections begin on 8th May and all students are advised to take part. Accounts office: namaganda jalia thanks for financial support. Thanked principal for smooth operation of the college. 10% centenary, 90% baroda Librarian: kyakuwaire Jackline, library isn't well stocked, thanks for choosing kumi University despite the limited resources. Try to be disciplined (academic purposes) when using the WiFi (Tropics254) Academic registrar: Elawange Bruno, thanks for choosing kumi University, there are many better but you've chosen to be with us. 29 staff for regular students, 31 for in-service. Thanks for always attending lectures, exams in June. Coursework 30% and tests 10% compulsory attendance and presentation 5% . Fine 100k for missing examinations. direct entry maximum course units is 8 per semester. School practice twice for teachers 1st at end of year 1, 2nd at end of year 2, year 3 for research. Regular and weekend students are slow at paying tuition which leads to slow decision making at the college since there no money. University IDs to be issued soon, photos will be taken in May. Registration numbers are issued. Results almost out both in-service and full-time students. In-service 600+ regular and weekend only 95. Do mobilization on behalf of the university. Examination malpractice is a crime. May God bless you. Students concern Awaali - as individuals we all have challenges that's why we take long to pay tuition. Students should be marketing agents for the university. Semester interactions at least once. Recognize burial of deceased of university members. Course units not so clear. Advertising the campus eg radio etc. IDs take long. Kalembe Betty - difference in tuition. On admission and actual. Internships Reactions Dean says assemblies will be held oftenly. Highlighted responsibilities of some cabinet members eg. guild president, finance minister etc. Ar, internships are held twice for degree students each costing 150000/= to facilitate supervisors. Course breakdown to be displayed on notice board for clarification by students, hardcopies also to be made available. Encouraged students to keep files for documents already used, eg past examination records, bankslips etc. Put it clear the institution is affiliated to kumi University and other universities. NCHE approves tropics college. Closure