Style sheets for preparing a manuscript for production

Minderbroedersstraat 4 – bus 5602
3000 Leuven, Belgium
T + 32 16 32 53 45 • F + 32 16 53 52
E •
Format and delivery of the manuscript
Information for authors and editors
To facilitate an efficient production process we kindly request all authors to prepare their manuscript
according to a standard format. In this document you find all the necessary information about our
Standard format. For the delivery of the manuscript files we also use a standard procedure, as well
for the digital delivery as for the delivery in out-print. Further in this document you find practical
guidelines about the Delivery of the manuscript files. If your publication will appear in a specific
series, you best check the additional guidelines gathered in the document Additional
Standard format
The text corpus
General rule
- The text should be delivered as ‘flat’ as possible, preferably without lay-out
- Whatever style you use, please use it consistently
- Limit the use of subtitles, if possible to 2 levels below the main title of the contribution
Deliver the text in a recent version of MS Word
Page setting: A4 format with (minimum) 2 cm margins on all four sides
Always use one font and size, preferably: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Use line spacing 1,5 throughout
Justify your text on the left only
Switch off the MS Word automatic hyphenation function
Words you like to have in italic or in bold have to be written this way in the text
Your manuscript must be numbered consecutively from the first to the last pages
- Complete sentences has to be placed within “double quotation marks”
- Partial quotations has to be placed within ‘single quotation marks’
- Quotations running over more than one line: start each line with an indent on the left so that
the quotation becomes a separate text block
- Partial quotations keep their place within the running text corpus
- Omissions in quotations are mentioned with rounded brackets (…)
- Additions and clarifications are placed within square brackets […]
Attention: for every inclusion of text fragments, images and data under copyrights, the author has to
request and receive permission of the original author or rightful claimant. The author and not the
publisher is responsible in this respect.
Special words
- Foreign words are placed in italic or within ‘single quotation marks’, as the author prefers
- In case of an edited volume: please contact the editors for the use of a uniform style
- Specific terms are placed within ‘single quotation marks’
Format and delivery of the manuscript. Information for authors and editors
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Minderbroedersstraat 4 – bus 5602
3000 Leuven, Belgium
T + 32 16 32 53 45 • F + 32 16 53 52
E •
- Use dashes
- Use one hard return in the body of the text only to end a paragraph. In all other cases, let the
text automatically wrap around
- Indicate new paragraphs with a tab, not with an extra blank line
Attention: the first paragraph after a chapter title, quotation, blank line or (sub)heading is not
- Use the MS Word note function
- Notes should always be grouped at the end of the manuscript or at the end of each
chapter/contribution; even though they are formatted as footnotes in the book!
- For notes, references and the bibliography you use a uniform style and chose the system that is
standard within your research field
Attention: In case of an edited volume with contributions of several authors, it is the task of the
editor(s) to deliver a uniform bibliography and note system. At best the contributors are
informed by the editor(s) in advance about the system that will be used in the volume.
- For the preparation of an index or register you have to highlight the words you want to include
on the first proof-sheets of the manuscript
- To generate an index or register automatically, you need to contact the publishing house in
advance before submission of the final manuscript
Tables should be compiled using tabs (as few as possible); not spaces!
Keep in mind: the maximum width of the table on the page is 12 cm
Figures should have a minimum resolution of 300 DPI in the format in which they have to be
Figures will only be printed in black and white, unless other agreements have been made with
the publisher
Standard divisions in a book
The interior of a printed book usually contains three major parts: a front matter, a text corpus, and a
back matter. Here below we present a plausible book structure by way of example. Few books contain
all divisions as presented here, and the sequence can also slightly differ. This example can be used as a
checklist for your own manuscript.
Format and delivery of the manuscript. Information for authors and editors
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Minderbroedersstraat 4 – bus 5602
3000 Leuven, Belgium
T + 32 16 32 53 45 • F + 32 16 53 52
E •
Front Matter
Book half title (only the main title)
Series title, frontispiece, or blank if no series title has to be mentioned
Title page (main title, subtitle, series title, authors name, editor)
Copyright page (will be inserted by the editor)
Table of contents
List of illustrations/graphs/tables
Foreword (by someone else than the author)
[Recto first page]
[Verso first page]
[Recto second page]
[Verso second page]
Text corpus
Back Matter
End notes
List of contributors
Illustration credits
Colofon (tob e inserted by the publisher)
Delivery of the manuscript files
Text corpus
Tables, graphs, and figures are not included in the body of the text, but should be delivered in a
separate file
In the body of the text you indicate clearly within square brackets where the table/graph/figure
should be inserted
Use the same numbering in the separate file as in the body of the text. This reference consists of
the number of the chapter and the order of rank. For instance: [figuur 1.1]
Deliver the complete and final text corpus as well in a MS Word-file, as in a PDF-file (if
Deliver a complete paper print-out of the text corpus; this out-print should be printed on one
side and be delivered in loose leaf form, without staples or paperclips. There should be no
difference between the digital and printed version
Format and delivery of the manuscript. Information for authors and editors
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Minderbroedersstraat 4 – bus 5602
3000 Leuven, Belgium
T + 32 16 32 53 45 • F + 32 16 53 52
E •
Attention: Make sure you deliver the final manuscript. Later, you will have the opportunity literally
to dot the i’s and cross the t’s. But there is no further opportunity for rewriting, moving, completing
or adding texts.
Deliver a separate file for the cover, containing the following information:
 Complete title and subtitle
 Complete and correctly spelled first and last names of the author(s)/editor(s) as they should
appear on the sleeve
 Suggestion for the jacket blurb text (approx. 150 words)
 If available, suggestion for visual material (can be enclosed)
 Two-line CV for the author(s)/editor(s) (approx. 20-30 words)
Graphs and tables
For the out-print:
Print each graph/table out on a separate page; the print quality is not important here. Put the outprints between the pages of the text corpus where they have to be placed.
In the digital file:
Place each graph/table on a new page in your file ‘Graphs/Tables’.
For the out-print:
Print each figure out on a separate page; the print quality is not important here. Put the out-prints
between the pages of the text corpus where they have to be placed.
In the digital file:
Place each figure on a new page in your file ‘Figures’.
The image files should be JPEG, TIFF or EPS.
Subscripts accompanying graphs/tables/figures should be delivered in a separate MS Word-files, in
the correct sequence and with the correct numbering.
Format and delivery of the manuscript. Information for authors and editors
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