K. R. MANGALAM WORLD SCHOOL , SOUTH CITY – I, GURGAON CLASS VIII : HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK : ( MAY / JUNE 2011) ENGLISH Name of book – Emma Author -- Jane Austen 1. Book Review Read the book and prepare a book review Make a list of its characters Major Minor Summarise the story Write a character sketch of the protagonist. 2. BUDDING AUTHOR Look at the following picture and imagine a story of your own and write in about 150 words 3. Collect information (pictures, facts etc. from newspapers and internet) on following topics. Global warming Role of women in contemporary society 4. Make a Power Point Presentation of recent national and international events which will include at least 30 headlines. fo’k; & fganh 1- xq.k laf/k ds iqLrd fpg~u cukb,A 2- Hkkjr dh thounkf;uh ufn;k¡ pkVZ ij ekufp= cukdj ;k fpidkdj Hkkjr ds mRrjh] nf{k.kh vkfn Hkkxksa dh ufn;k¡ n”kkZb, vkSj muesa ls fdlh ,d unh ij 20 iafDr;k¡ fyf[k,A vuqØekad & 1 ls 5 ¼mRrjh Hkkjr½ vuqØekad & 6 ls 10 ¼nf{k.kh Hkkjr½ vuqØekad & 11 ls 15 ¼iwohZ Hkkjr½ 1 vuqØekad & 16 ls 20 ¼if”kpeh Hkkjr½ ladsr fcUnq %& unh dk mn~xe] yEckbZ] pkSM+kbZ] izkphu ;k vU; uke] ml ij cuh ifj;kstuk,¡ unh ds ykHk o gkfu vkfnA 3- d{kk ik¡p Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr gksdj LØSi cqd cuk,¡A ● ohjkaxuk & vuqØekad 1&4 ● jktuhfrK efgyk & vuqØekad 5&8 ● efgyk vkfo’dkjd & vuqØekad 9&12 ● dof;=h & vuqØekad 13&16 ● f[kykM+h efgyk & vuqØekad 17&20 MATHS 1. 2. Make a scrap book on the ancient and modern Indian mathematicians. Do the assignment attached Square and Square Roots Q.1 Find the square root of 0.004 correct upto 2 places of decimal. Q.2 Find the smallest 6 digit number which is a perfect square. Q.3 Find the smallest number which must be added to 1567 so that it becomes a perfect square. Q.4 Find the value of 147 243 Q.5 The area of a square field is 30.25 m2. Calculate the perimeter of the square field. Q.6 Find the length of a side of square playground whose area is equal to the area of a rectangular field in dimension 72m and 338 m. Cubes and cube roots Q. 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30 of Assignment Booklet Pg. no. 7 SCIENCE Q.1 Final out why CNG is preferred as a fuel over diesel Prepare report on the advantages and disadvantages of CNG as an automobiles fuel. Q.2 Find out about the independent organizations who have been activity incurved in conservation of our natural resources eg. CHIPKO movements, Green Peace etc. Q.3 On a map of India mark all the national parks and wild sanctuaries that you know of Indicate what kinds of animals are protected on those regions. Q.4 Collect information from the magazines or from doctors and prepare a note on the importance of consuming Iodised salt. You can also look for this information on the internet. Q.5 Investigate the level of awareness about water pollution in your area. Collect data on the sources of drinking water and the methods of sewage disposal. 2 Q.6 Visit ten families in your neighbourhood and enquire about the kind of clothes they use, the reason for their choice and advantages of using them in forms of cost, durability and maintenance. Q.7 Find out the locations of the deposits of iron, aluminium and Zinc in India. Mark these in an outline map of India In which farm are the deposits found? Q.8 Imagine that friction suddenly vanishes. How would life be affected. Q.9 Visit a shop which sells sport shoes. Observe the soles of shoes meant for various sports. Describe your observation. SOCIAL STUDIES - HISTORY / CIVICS Find out about the revolt of 1857 and provide the following information – 1) 2) Trace the causes of revolt of 1857. Write about Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi. In what ways would she have been an unusual woman for her times? 3) What was the result of the revolt? In what ways did the British change their policies as a result of the rebellion of 1857? GEOGRAPHY Collect the land used data of Gurgaon and also find out the type of soil here. Find out how has the Land -use been changed here over the years. Suggest some measures for land conservation and write about the best land use according to you. Or Draw a Flow chart on various types of resources with two examples each. laLd`r 1- ,dkn”kr% foa”kfri;ZUra laLd`rla[;k”kCnkuke~ ,da iqfLrdkfpg~ua jp;rA ¼X;kjg ls chl rd laLd`r & la[;kokph “kCnksa dk ,d iqLrdfpg~u cukb,A½ 2- b.VjusVlgk;r;k ds’kke~ vfi i¥~p&izeq[k&laLd`rdohuka rs’kka jpukuka p laf{kIrfooj.klfgra ukekfu fy[kr fp=ohfFkif=dk;ke~A ¼baVjusV dh lgk;rk ls fdUgha ik¡p izeq[k laLd`r&dfo;ksa vkSj mudh jpukvksa dk laf{kIr fooj.k&lfgr uke fp=ohfFkif=dk esa fyf[k,A½ 3- egkHkkjrL; dkf”pr~ i¥~pdFkk% ifBRok vHkh’VdFkklkja lfp=a fp=ohfFkif=dk;ke~ fy[krA ¼i`’Blhek & 2½ ¼egkHkkjr dh dksbZ ik¡p dgkfu;k¡ if<+,] tks vkidks lcls vPNh yxs] og dgkuh fp=lfgr fp=ohfFkif=dk esa fyf[k,A½ FRENCH 1. Make a project on France (Refer Leçon – O) 2. Préparez votre carte d’identité (Prepare your Identity Card) 3. Dérivez votre famille en 15 lignes 3 4. (Describe your family) – 15 lines Revise leçon 1, 2 and 3 ********* 4