
Goal 1: Community Wealth
Section 1
Goal 2: Companies of Significance
Section 2
Goal 3: Industry Initiatives – Based Recruitment
Section 3
Goal 4: Marketing/Communication/Collaboration
Section 4
Goal 5: XXXX Campaign
Section 5
Goal 6: Financial Health
Section 6
2011 Goal Summary
Section 7
Goal 1:
To directly participate in increasing community wealth through job creation
and capital investment by attracting new employers to XXXX and
retaining/expanding the operations of current employers.
30% Weight
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Attract new jobs creating direct payroll of up to $50M (was 50M)
Attract new jobs creating direct payroll of up to $50.1-$78 (was 50-76)
Attract new jobs creating direct payroll of up to $78.1-$115M (was 76-110)
Attract new jobs creating direct payroll of over $115M (was 110)
Direct payroll is defined as the product of full-time equivalent positions multiplied by the
average annual salary as reported to the XXXX.
Considers only projects with direct XXXX involvement.
Counts three-year job projections as stated by company.
Considers attraction from out of market or retention/expansion within market if out of
market competition is involved.
If retention is involved, retention payroll may not exceed 20% of goal amount.
Each $100M of capital investment over $200M is credited as the equivalent of an
additional $5M of payroll.
2011 GOALS
Goal 2:
To directly participate in creating and retaining community wealth by
recruiting, retaining, or expanding companies that provide the greatest
economic benefit to the region.
10% Weight
Multiple credits may be earned on one project if the company matches more than one criterion
(e.g., a corporate headquarters employing 250 persons) or if the project is characterized by the
above criteria (e.g., 500 jobs and $40M of capital investment).
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Earn 0-8 credits
Earn 9-14 credits
Earn 15-22 credits
Earn 23 or more credits
A company of significance and impact includes a firm that meets any of the following criteria:
 A biosciences, animal health, or advanced technology company engaged in the
research, development, or production of innovative goods or services.
 An employer of 250 persons or more.
 A distribution facility in excess of 250,000 square feet.
 Documented commitment to environmental sustainability from a recruited company by
either leasing or building a renewable energy building or operating within a renewable
 A manufacturing or technology-focused facility with a capital investment of $25M or
 A regional, divisional, or national headquarters.
 A company employing at least 50 persons with average annual compensation 30%
higher than the county.
 For every two (2) early stage companies* attracted to the XXXX region, one (1) credit of
significance is awarded.
NOTE: The attraction/retention/expansion of jobs shall only be considered if there is clear
evidence the process took place in competition with other communities and the winning
city/state employed economic development incentives to facilitate the project.
*An early stage company is defined as one with a product or service that it is testing or still developing but
isn’t completely ready to go to market. Typically, a company that receives early stage financing has been in
business for less than three years.
2011 GOALS
Goal 3:
To attract companies within target industries identified as being uniquely
attractive to the XXXX region. Execute a strategic multi-faceted marketing and
communications campaign for each to support recruitment efforts. 15% Weight
Advanced Energy (wind, advanced transportation, biofuels):
 Level 1 – Engage at least 50 members in a LinkedIn group for XXXX Advanced Energy
 Level 2 – Coordinate a XXXX presence at a major international advanced energy trade
show/industry conference.
 Level 3 - Execute targeted “XXXX” impression campaign to location advisors that include
XXXX-branded signature gifts and XXXX messaging focused on business case assets of
the region, lifestyle assets and other information. Complete at least three mailings by the
end of 2011.
 Level 4 - Execute a national marketing campaign focusing on XXXX’s decision to locate
HQ and production in XXXX, including produced video, postcard direct mailings and print
ads; Utilize resulting video footage to create and distribute advanced energy industry
asset video.
XXXX (information technology):
 Level 1 – Plan and execute three IT Networking Happy Hours in concert with XXXX
marketing partners (local TV stations).
 Level 2 – Plan and execute six Tech Entrepreneur Speaker Program (ESP) events in
concert with XXXX and XXXX marketing partners
 Level 3 – Complete phase II of XXXX web site profiling XXXX assets, regional
innovators and emerging companies.
 Level 4 – Execute CIO/CTO roundtable or panel discussion event in concert with
regional IT industry partners
XXXX Animal Health Corridor (animal health + nutrition):
 Level 1 – Increase number of LinkedIn group members by 25% (2010 members = 452).
 Level 2 – Implement guest blog program featuring members of the XXXX Animal Health
Corridor Working Group. Post at least four guest blogs during 2011.
 Level 3 – Execute one targeted mailing featuring signature XXXX merchandise and
unique industry asset messaging to animal health location decision makers nationwide.
 Level 4 – Increase attendance of animal health companies at 2011 Homecoming by
2011 GOALS
XXXX (transportation, distribution, warehousing):
 Level 1 – Increase number of LinkedIn group members by 25% (2010 members = 75)
 Level 2 – Sponsor one industry-led event in the XXXX region featuring nationally
significant speakers and topics.
 Level 3 – Execute email postcard campaign highlighting unique industry concentration
and business case assets of the XXXX region to support relationship building with top
industry decision-makers. Email at least two postcards by the end of 2011.
 Level 4 – Place two articles with national trade media and five articles with regional news
Higher Education Initiative (area universities, academic institutions):
 Level 1 – Research, review and recommend national best practices to drive a
partnership program with regional colleges and universities.
 Level 2 – Convene task force of regional higher education leaders for program
development and collaboration.
 Level 3 – Hold at least two task force meetings throughout the year to define specific
goals and deliverables of the Higher Education Task Force.
 Level 4 – Develop a business case and marketing plan for implementing defined goals
and deliverables of the Higher Education Task Force; AND/OR directly involve member
institutions of the Higher Education Task Force in three XXXX recruitment projects.
Pipeline Activity Metric:
 Level 1 – Maintain new target industry related projects in XXXX pipeline at 2010 levels.
 Level 2 – Increase new target industry related projects in XXXX pipeline by 5%
 Level 3 – Increase new target industry related projects in XXXX pipeline by 5.1% - 8%
 Level 4 – Increase new target industry related projects in XXXX pipeline by 8.1% or
2010 Performance: 69 targeted industry projects representing a 6% increase.
This goal will be weighted by 60% on the completion of the marketing and communication elements and
by 40% on the level achieved in the Pipeline Activity Metric.
2011 GOALS
Goal 4:
With our strategic regional partners, execute an integrated marketing and
communication strategy that will elevate the XXXX region’s image as a top
choice for lifestyle, career and corporate investment; and maximize XXXX’s
ability to retain existing investor members and attract new members.
20% Weight
Level 1:
A. Establish the framework of a cooperative partnership with XXXX Convention and
Visitor’s Association focused on national promotion.
B. Adopt an organization-wide social media policy for online media; Include in 2011
XXXX Employee Manual and roll out during Q1 XXXX staff meeting.
C. Develop enhanced video content and viewer interface at XXXX.com for presenting
XXXX video library online.
D. Coordinate with key partners on a XXXX event for XXXX leadership and investors
(Greater XXXX of Commerce, XXXX) in Q1 2011.
Level 2:
Completion of above action items, plus:
A. Implement joint messaging and promotional tools in conjunction with area civic
organizations (e.g. Greater XXXX Chamber of Commerce; Downtown Council of
XXXX; XXXX Convention and Visitors Association).
B. Engage at least 100 members in a LinkedIn group for XXXX.
C. Post at least 20 existing XXXX videos on the XXXX.com video viewer interface.
D. Elevate existing partnership with other regional civic organizations to execute six
programs for XXXX, targeting young professionals in XXXX (e.g. Greater XXXX
Chamber of Commerce, etc.)
Level 3:
Completion of above action items, plus:
A. Initiate one new strategic partnership with another XXXX civic organization or create
one new XXXX program.
B. Develop and expand photo library highlighting regional lifestyle assets in partnership
with XXXX Convention and Visitors Association, and other local civic organizations.
Increase total downloads of photos within the library by 10%.*
C. Engage XXXX partners in social media efforts through creation of a guest blogging
program for the XXXX blog at XXXX.com. Publish at least 10 guest blog posts by the
end of 2011.
D. Develop at least two new or updated video elements for talent recruitment and/or
business attraction (XXXX Image Video, XXXX 2.0).
*2010 total photo downloads was 12,346
2011 GOALS
Level 4:
Completion of above action items, plus:
A. Initiate at least two new strategic partnerships with other XXXX civic organizations or
create two new XXXX programs
B. Expand XXXX social media outreach program to include event-based support video
featuring Q&A sessions with speakers and attendees. Post online at any XXXX
managed website or the XXXX YouTube channel and promote to XXXX investors and
partners as value added benefit. Log at least 500 hits to new video content (as
measured by Urchin web report system and YouTube download report).
C. Promote new video content and enhanced online interface with key targets and
investors (YouTube, Vimeo). Log at least 500 user sessions on the new video
interface at XXXX.com (as measured by the Urchin web report system).
D. Participate and provide professional support to execute publicity events surrounding
the opening of the XXXX. Secure at least three top-tier national media stories as a
result of our involvement.
2011 GOALS
Goal 5:
CAMPAIGN – all new
To conduct a five-year funding renewal campaign for investors at the $10,000
and greater level.
20% Weight
Level 1:
To recommit 50% of our investors for an additional five years and to increase the
amount of total net new funds committed by 5%
Level 2:
To recommit 50% of our investors for an additional five years and to increase the
amount of total net new funds committed by 10%.
Level 3:
To recommit 60% of our investors for an additional five years and to increase the
amount of total net new funds committed by 15%.
Level 4:
Level 4: to recommit 70% of our investors for an additional five years and to increase the
amount of total net new funds committed by 20%.
NOTE: Current investors in the $10,000 plus category equal 111 with an aggregate investment of
$2,418,000. In 2006 the comparable numbers were 52 investors and $968,000 … and it took all
NOTE: Net new money from investors in the $7500 will be counted toward the goal and two recommitted
investors in that category will be equal one recommitted investor in the $10,000 or greater
2011 GOALS
Goal 6:
To continue to develop XXXX as an organization characterized by fiscal
responsibility, good financial health, and satisfied investor.
5% Weight
Level 1:
Operate with a balanced budget unless otherwise authorized by the board.
Level 2:
Operate with a balanced budget unless otherwise authorized by the board, maintain an
investor retention rate of 88%, and add an additional 10 new investors or $75,000 in
investor income from both new investors and current investors.
Level 3:
Operate with a balanced budget unless otherwise authorized by the board, maintain an
investor retention rate of 90%, and add 15 new investors or an additional $110,000 in
investor income from both new investors and current investors.
Level 4:
Operate with a balanced budget unless otherwise authorized by the board, maintain an
investor retention rate of 92%, and add 20 new investors or an additional $150,000 from
both new and current investors.
2011 GOALS
Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
Goal 4
Goal 5
Goal 6
Level 4
Level 4
Level 4
Level 4
Level 4
Level 4
0 - 149
Level 1
- 249
Level 2
250 - 324
Level 3
325 - 400
Level 4
2011 GOALS