Are you interested in becoming a qualified early childhood professional? Center and Family Child Care professionals can attain their Child Development Associate (CDA) in Family, Infant/Toddler, or Preschool, the entry level national credential, by officially registering with Rutgers Southern Regional Child Care Resource & Referral Agency’s (RSRCCR&R) Tuesday Night Trainings series. The CDA is the entry-level national certification for the early childhood profession. The credential requires 120-hours of training in 6 content areas that require a minimum of 10 hours per competency. Rutgers CCR&R is an approved CDA provider. Use the Rutgers Tuesday Night Trainings to fulfill your competency requirements through an approved CDA provider. Our trainers will provide technical assistance for competency statement and portfolio development, and we will monitor ALL your professional development hours to prepare you for your assessment application. The workshops will provide essential professional development in the following categories: CDA CORE COMPETENCY TOPICS: I. To establish and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment II. To advance physical and intellectual competence III. To support social and emotional development and to provide positive guidance IV. To establish positive and productive relationships with families V. To ensure a well-run, purposeful program that is responsive to participant needs VI. To maintain a commitment to professionalism VII. HOW DO I GET STARTED? Contact Ingrid Campbell at to officially register for the CDA courses, OR simply attend the Tuesday Night Training and register with the Agency trainer. Registration fee is $25; make check/Money order out to “Rutgers Southern Regional-CDA”. Visit the Council for Professional Recognition at for more credential information. All our Tuesday Night classes qualify for CDA credit. You can access the state's ECE training opportunities from PINJ. Click on the "Find a Training" site on the left column, search for "Rutgers Southern Regional CCR&R" to access the training calendar, workshop times, locations, and descriptors. Complete the workshop registration and connect with the Registry should you need to cancel your reservation for a training. All Tuesday Night trainings are from 6 PM to 8 PM. Please arrive on time; training hours cannot be given if a participant is more than 15 minutes late. All CDA participants are required to sign in upon entry. Bring light refreshments for yourself. Please come prepared to learn and participate: your CDA portfolio, paper, pen, an open mind. Rutgers Southern Regional Child Care Resource and Referral Agency January-March 2016 CDA Training Schedule Children will not be able to attend workshops due to liability concerns. Unless otherwise specified, the CCR&Rs will host the regional workshops at our respective locations in Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties. Training Cancellation Procedure Connect to PINJ to cancel the class you registered to attend. Same-day cancellations accepted until 5 PM that training day OR (if not in the Registry): Call the Rutgers Southern CCR&R office to cancel attendance BEFORE 5 PM on training day. CCR&R Training Cancellations: Rutgers Southern Regional CCR&R may cancel trainings for: 1. Low attendance 2. Weather-related concerns 3. Trainer emergency An email will be sent to REGISTERED providers and a notice will be posted in the respective CCR&R office. Please check your email on the scheduled training day. CDA Date of publication Child Development Associate INVESTING IN OUR FUTURE January 12 Let’s Move: Knowing the benefits of physical activity in regards to promoting healthy children is the basis for this workshop. Come ready to experience, learn, and understand Let’s Move! Child Care Goals and best practices for physical activity (wear comfortable clothing). (CA1) January 19 Using the EIP/IEP or 504 Plan to plan the curriculum Effective teachers use the early intervention (EI), Individualized Education Plans (IEP), or ADA 504 to meet the needs of children. We will help you ‘read’ and implement the goals of the plans to better communicate outcomes to families and EI, Child Study Team, or 504 support members. (CA5) January 26 Brain Development: Birth to Age 8 Every moment and experience matters in brain development. Explore brain development from prenatal to age eight. Connect how daily program and home experiences promote or hinder sensitive periods. Become a champion for synaptic synergy. (CA8) February 2 Planning for Early Writing in ECE Effective teachers incorporate writing into all aspects of the day. Early writing is an important part of language and literacy. Learn to identify and describe the various stages of early writing from infants and toddlers to age 8, and how to plan this important skill in your program curriculum. (CA2) February 9 Being Creative: What is Art? Learn how to effectively incorporate developmentally appropriate art experiences in the classroom/home meeting the ERS’s and standards. Let’s look at why 3D art is important and how art can take form inside as well as outside. (CA2) February 16 Families: Planning Conferences Family/teacher conferences are an important part of communication and family involvement. Years of research have shown how family involvement can lead to positive learner outcomes. Learn what to do before, during, and after the family/teacher conference. (CA4) February 23 Planning for ELL Students Welcoming children with diverse linguistic needs into your home/program requires planning and proven methods. Walk away with strategies and easyto-access resources to enhance the language development of ALL learners. (CA2) Rutgers CDA Training Team: Dr. Ingrid E. Campbell Maria Cardona Dr. Cheryl Chavis Kelli Costa Beverly Ramos Tasha Travis Rutgers Southern Regional CCR&R Agency Atlantic: 609-365-5027 Cape May: 609-898-5500 Cumberland: 856-462-6800 Gloucester: 856-537-2322 Salem: 856-469-6100 March 1 Communicating with staff, children, and the community. Professional communication starts with YOU. Explore how personal and professional experiences define your ‘role’ in the early childhood profession. Explore strategies to enhance communication with your children, families, colleagues/administration, and the community.(CA6) March 8 Developing and Managing Policies In this session we will discuss why policies are an important part of running any early childhood program. What should policies look like and why do we need them? Once it’s developed, how do we ensure that policies are effectively implemented and accurately followed? Review strategies to promote ‘buy-in’ and consensus building from all stakeholders. Bring your Family and Staff Handbooks. (CA5) March 15 Being Creative: What is Music? Do your children enjoy music informally? Do you have the appropriate resources? Do you only have musical experiences when they are teacher-directed? Let’s develop fun and exciting ways to encourage children to participate in musical activities on their own. Come prepared to “teach” one favorite creative movement activity. (CA2) March 22 Nutrition: What do you eat??? Let’s discover the benefits of offering healthy food to all children! We will discover new strategies and ideas to encourage healthy eating. (CA1) March 29 Teaching conflict resolution Conflict can be a normal and healthy part of early childhood. Learn how implementing the “Pyramid Model” teaches children and adults to manage stress, control emotions, and to be respectful of differences through conflict resolution strategies. (CA 6)