Great Depression (sample unit James McCubbin)

UbD Template 2.0
What effect did the Great Depression have on different social and ethnic classes of Americans?
Stage 1 Desired Results
 9-12.USH2.1.2.3 Discuss the causes and
effects of 20th century migration.
 9-12.USH2.1.4.4 Identify and analyze the
causes of the Great Depression and its
effects upon American society. (496.01e)
Students will be able to independently use their learning to…
 Examine a series of causes and effects to determine correlation and causality.
In this unit…
Examine causes and effects associated with the Great Depression to determine
correlation and causality.
Students will understand that…
 What impact did the Great Depression
 Economic growth and decline impacts
have on the economy of the United
families, societies, and nations.
 The Great Depression affected the
 How were the different ethnic groups
different social and ethnic classes of
affected by the Great Depression?
people in different ways.
 Economic change in the United States
has influenced and been influenced by
the government and society.
*The Great Depression influenced
governmental policy.
Students will know…
Students will be skilled at…
 Characteristics of economic decline.
 Evaluating how the Great Depression
affected the different social and ethnic
 Effects of the Great Depression on the
classes through reading primary source
people and the nation as a whole.
documents, viewing period pictures
 That based upon one’s social or ethnic
and documentary evidence, and
class the Great Depression affected
listening to audio recordings of
you in worsening degrees of severity.
individuals who lived during this time.
Race, gender, and family groupings all
 Examine cause and effect relationships
played an important role in
(and their intended/unintended results)
determining how the Great Depression
affected the different social and ethnic
groups in America.
Pre/Post-Great Depression
employment statistics for the various
social and ethnic groups in America.
Causes/Results of population shifts
due to high unemployment during the
Great Depression.
What New Deal programs existed and
how those programs could help those
affected by the Great Depression.
Vocabulary: Unemployment, Soup
Kitchen, Hoovervilles, migration,
Okies/Arkies, Dust Bowl, 1st and 2nd
New Deal, New Deal Programs
(alphabet agencies), Hobos.
Concepts: Stock Market Crash, Bank
Run, Margin Call, Trickle down
of the Great Depression to determine
which were simply correlational and
which were causal.
Analyze historical events to determine
whether there are causal or
correlational relationships.
Determine the meaning of words and
phrases as they are used in a text,
including vocabulary describing
political, social, or economic aspects
of history/social studies.
Clearly communicate ideas and
information in writing, in visual
formats, and in an oral presentation.
Stage 2 - Evidence
M, T
A, M
Evaluative Criteria
*Demonstration of
how the Great
Depression affected a
social/ethnic class
understanding of U.S.
economy circa 1930
*Clear factual
evidence to support
claim for group’s
receiving of
Assessment Evidence
Working individually students will use all the information they have gathered through
their research on unemployment, how the Great Depression affected their assigned social
or ethnic class through photographs, diaries, interviews, and secondary sources, their
own experience of writing a diary of an individual affected by the Great Depression, and
the results of their research on the various New Deal agencies and programs to create a
presentation that they will give to the President about how their assigned social or ethnic
group was affected by the Great Depression and why their group was deserving of
assistance based on their level of need. Using all of their gathered information the
students will create a presentation (of their own design [PPT, poster boards, essays, skits,
act it outs, etc.]) that is factual, engaging, and holds the audience’s attention.
Teacher created exam
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Teacher made pre-assessment
Learning Events
1. Great Depression unemployment research activity. See
2. Effect of Great Depression on different social/ethnic classes.
See GRASPS form
3. Great Depression Diary. See GRASPS form
4. New Deal Agencies research activity. See GRASPS form.
5. Assessment Task. See Assessment Task description.
Progress Monitoring
See the GRASPS forms for Standards for
Success and assignment rubrics (to be
Performance Task 1 “Unemployment”
(back to Learning Plan)
 To understand unemployment statistics of the various social and ethnic groups in America for before and during the Great
 Your role will be that of a researcher on the team that is preparing a report for President Roosevelt on what effect the Great
Depression is having on different social and ethnic classes of people in America.
 Report committee.
 Unemployment rates for the various social or ethnic classes differed before and during the Great Depression. Additionally,
that the unemployment rates for women and minorities were significantly higher than the unemployment rate for white men.
 President Roosevelt has ordered an in-depth study of how the Great Depression has affected the different social and ethnic
classes of people in America. You have been assigned to the team that is gathering information about the unemployment
statistics for the various social and ethnic groups for the time period before and during the Great Depression.
 You will prepare a spreadsheet report that highlights the unemployment statistics for the various social and ethnic classes for
the time period before and during the Great Depression. The various groups that you will research are: Farmers, Families,
Businessmen, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Women, and Children. You will then compile your information and
rank the various social and ethnic groups by which groups of people need help the most. Rank them from most to least and
include written justification for your rankings.
Standards for Success:
 Your product will be graded on how thorough your research is and how accurately you reflect that research in your
spreadsheet report and the accompanying compilation of the data and recommendations for which groups need help (ranking
them from most to least). Additionally, you will be graded on the strength of evidence that justifies your ranking list.
 That unemployment rates for the various social or ethnic classes differed before and during the Great Depression.
Additionally, that the unemployment rates for women and minorities were significantly higher than the unemployment rate for
white men.
 In order for student work to demonstrate that it met the standards it will have to show that the students were able to locate and
organize unemployment statistics for the various social or ethnic classes before and during the Great Depression. Students will
also have to demonstrate the ability to rank the groups according to their level of need and be able to justify their rankings in
Task Overview:
1. Students will be paired up and will research the unemployment statistics for the various social or ethnic classes in America
before and during the Great Depression.
2. After conducting their research the groups will create a spread sheet that represents what those unemployment statistics were.
3. Students will then discuss with their partner what the statistics show and they will then rank the various social or ethnic class
based upon their level of need.
4. Finally, students will be required to write up a written justification for their rankings.
Performance Task 2 “Effect of Great Depression”
(back to Learning Plan)
 To understand how the Great Depression affected the various social and ethnic groups in America.
 Your role will be that of a researcher on the team that is preparing a report for President Roosevelt on what effect the Great
Depression is having on different social and ethnic classes of people in America.
 Report committee.
 The Great Depression had a significant impact on a wide variety of Americans. Given its recent occurrence there is a great deal
of pictures, diaries, personal interviews, and secondary sources that can bring to life the plight of those affected
 President Roosevelt has ordered an in-depth study of how the Great Depression has affected the different social and ethnic
classes of people in America. You have been assigned to the team that is gathering photographic, written, and audio evidence
depicting how the Great Depression is affecting the various social and ethnic groups during the Great Depression.
 Using the Internet, texts, and personal interviews, you will gather evidence relating to how the Great Depression affected a
particular social and ethnic class (you will be assigned a social or ethnic class based upon your preference and the needs of the
class to ensure proper coverage of the various social and ethnic groups in the report to the President). Given that we are
researching a historical event from the 1930s; your evidence can come from online sources, texts, family photos, or interviews
with family members that lived during the Great Depression. The evidence gathered should be reflective of how the Great
Depression affected all the various social and ethnic classes, not just one or several classes. You will then catalog your evidence
into a portfolio along with written observations of how the Great Depression affected your assigned social or ethnic class that the
Report Committee will use in the creation of their report for President Roosevelt.
Standards for Success:
 Your product will be graded on how thoroughly you gathered evidence depicting how the Great Depression affected your
assigned social or ethnic class in America. For your assigned social or ethnic class you will include in your portfolio numerous
examples of photographs, diaries, audio/video recordings, or reliable secondary sources. Additionally, you will be graded on
how well thought out and written your observations are for your assigned social or ethnic groups affected by the Great
 In order for student work to demonstrate that it met the standards it will have to show that the students were able to locate and
organize photographs, diaries, personal interviews, and secondary sources into a coherent portfolio that accurately reflects what
the individuals from the various social and ethnic classes experienced during the Great Depression.
Task Overview:
1. Students will work individually and based upon their preference and the needs of the class they will be assigned a social or
ethnic group and using online sources, texts, family photos, or interviews with family members that lived during the Great
Depression students will gather information about how the various social and ethnic classes were affected.
2. After conducting their research the student will create a portfolio that highlights the experiences of individuals from the various
social or ethnic groups that were affected by the Great Depression.
Finally, students will be required to write up their observations about how the Great Depression affected Americans.
Performance Task 3 “Diary”
(back to Learning Plan)
 To understand how the Great Depression affected the various social and ethnic groups in America.
 Your role will be that of a member of one of the various social or ethnic groups that were affected by the Great Depression.
You have offered your personal diary to the researchers who are preparing a report for President Roosevelt on how the Great
Depression has affected the various social or ethnic groups in America.
 Self/Researchers
 The Great Depression had a significant impact on a wide variety of Americans. Given the higher literacy rate many
individuals wrote in diaries or journals about their experiences during the Great Depression.
 You are a member of one of the various social or ethnic groups that have been affected by the Great Depression. Because you
are literate, you have been keeping a diary of how the Great Depression has affected you and/or your family.
 Having assumed an identity of an individual that has been affected by the Great Depression, you will write a diary (minimum
10 entries) that highlights your experiences, thoughts, feelings, hopes, fears, etc. While not assigning a specific length, your
entries should be very thorough and accurately reflect the experiences of an individual from one of the various social or ethnic
classes affected by the Great Depression.
Standards for Success:
 Your product will be graded on how thoroughly and accurately you relate your experiences as an individual who has been
affected by the Great Depression.
 In order for student work to demonstrate that it met the standards it will have to show that the students were able assume the
identity of an individual from one of the social or ethnic classes that were affected by the Great Depression and write a series
of diary entries (10 minimum) that thoroughly highlights the plight of one person or a family. The diary entries will include
use of unit vocabulary, be written so the reader can understand the experiences, thoughts, feelings, fears, etc. of the writer.
Task Overview:
1. This is an individual assignment.
2. Students will assume the identity of an individual from one of the social or ethnic classes that were affected by the Great
3. Students will then write a series of diary or journal entries (10 minimum) that highlight the plight of their assumed identity.
4. Students will be required to use unit vocabulary and thoroughly immerse the reader in the life of their character.
Performance Task 4 “New Deal Agencies”
(back to Learning Plan)
 To understand what agencies or programs the 1st or 2nd New Deal created to help individuals from the various social or
ethnic classes who have been affected by the Great Depression.
 Your role will be that of a member of President Roosevelt’s administration who has been tasked with summarizing the
different New Deal agencies or programs and for whom they were created and how those agencies or programs were
supposed to provide relief, recovery and reform to the American economy.
 Researchers
 The Federal Government took an active role in trying to provide Relief, Recovery, and Reform through the New Deal
agencies and programs it created in the 1930s.
 President Roosevelt has ordered a study to determine how the Great Depression has affected the various social or ethnic
classes of Americans. You, as part of his administration, have been given the assignment to summarize the various New
Deal agencies or programs and explain for whom they were created and how those agencies or programs were supposed to
provide relief, recovery and reform to the American economy.
 Using an annotated graphic organizer you will summarize the different New Deal agencies or programs and explain how and
who those programs have been designed to help.
Standards for Success:
 Your product will be graded on how well you design and use your graphic organizer to summarize the different New Deal
agencies or programs and how well you explain for whom they were created and how those agencies or programs were
supposed to provide relief, recovery and reform to the American economy.
 In order for student work to demonstrate that it met the standards it will have to show that the students were able to identify
and explain the different New Deal agencies and programs created by the Roosevelt administration. Additionally, the
students will have to explain who the programs were created to help and just how those programs were supposed to provide
relief, recovery, and reform for those affected by the Great Depression.
Task Overview:
 Review and model note taking and summarizing so that students will be prepared for the activity.
 Working with their partner students will research the various New Deal agencies and programs and create an annotated
graphic organizer that explains the New Deal agency or program and thoroughly explains for whom the agency or program
was created and how it provided relief, recovery, and reform to the individual and national economy.
Assessment Task
(back to Learning Plan)
 To understand how different social and ethnic classes of people in America were affected by the Great Depression
 Your role will be that of an adviser to President Roosevelt on what effect the Great Depression is having on different
social and ethnic classes of people in America.
 The President of the United States.
 President Roosevelt has ordered an in-depth study of how the Great Depression has affected the different social and
ethnic classes of people in America. The information has been gathered in the form of photographs, primary source
documents, and audio recordings, unemployment statistics, diary entries, interviews, secondary sources and report on
New Deal agencies.
 You will prepare a factual, engaging report presentation (PPT, poster boards, essays, skits, act it outs, etc.) on how the
Great Depression has affected your assigned social or ethnic class Americans along with a recommendation for why
your assigned social or ethnic group is worthy of receiving government assistance. You will then verbally deliver the
report to the President along with your recommendations. Use the information you have gathered throughout this unit
to prepare your report.
Standards for Success:
 Your product will be graded on how thoroughly your summary report reflects the information you gathered.
Additionally, your report will be graded upon how much detail you provide in making your recommendations to the
President as well as how well you verbally present your findings to the President.