Position Description Band B5 - Department for Education and Child

Updated 02/14
Position Title:
Position Focus:
Period of Appointment:
Head of Campus
Girls’ Education Years 8-12
Band B-5
Roma Mitchell Secondary College
From 28/01/2016
Fraction of Time
The Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) is entrusted by the South Australian
community to work together with young people and their families to lead and deliver high quality public
education and care.
DECD is a diverse organisation made up of local school, preschool and care communities that are
open to all. Schools respect the local ethos, culture, history, vision and values within their own distinct
community, providing all students the opportunity to excel.
The school context is defined by the Governing/School Council constitution, the School Context
Statement, Site Improvement Plan, Annual Reports and other planning documentation. The School
Context statement and other general information about the school is available on the school’s website.
Roma Mitchell Secondary College is a large complex multi campus secondary college which has four
campuses co-located onto the one site – Girls’ Education Campus, Special Education Campus, CoEducation Middle Years Campus and Co-Education Senior Years Campus.
Statistics Relevant to the Position
Index of Educational Disadvantage:
Total Student Enrolment (Feb approx.):
Total Teaching Staff (Feb approx. FTE.):
104 (including 24 leaders)
The position is classified as Band B-5 by virtue of the requirement to provide leadership of significant,
specific school programs or functional areas in schools. Refer to Table 3 in Schedule 5 of the 2012
Enterprise Agreement for further clarification.
A School Leader Band B-5 will be involved in the analysis of the needs of students and the translation
of DECD educational policy and frameworks into appropriate education programs to meet the needs of
all students.
A School Leader Band B-5 will be an active contributor to whole-school leadership.
Typically a School Leader Band B-5 will be accountable for the effective management of the teaching
staff and resources of a defined area of the school's operation and for the oversight and leadership of
the educational programs provided utilising these resources.
Work Level Definitions
Required Knowledge and Experience
- Demonstrates an in-depth knowledge of several specific areas of expertise and understanding
of the relationship to other areas of expertise
- Has prior successful experience in educational leadership, typically school-wide
- Authorised to make significant decisions relating to the area of designated responsibility within
the framework of the school's strategic plan, policies and budget
Responsibility and Accountability
- Has delegated accountability for significant school programs or functional areas
- Contributes to the overall management of the school through active leadership in policy
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formulation and decision making
Working Relationships
- Reports directly to the principal
- Cultivates and influences the professional practices of a significant component of the
personnel at the school
- Provides direct performance and development support for a team of other staff including other
- Accountable for a significant proportion of school staff
Role Diversity
- Has diverse responsibility within specific school programs or functional areas
- Undertakes a diversity of tasks to contribute to whole-school leadership
Complexity in the Role
- Leads large scale improvement by using high creativity, innovation, and breaking with the past
to create new modes of operating
- Responsible for multiple interdependent improvement projects
- Focus of role is on leadership to transform practices or processes i.e. cultural leadership
Resource Management
- Delegated to make decisions regarding the staff and budget relating to the area of designated
- Entrusted to use the available resources to deliver the best organisational outcomes
Strategic Outcomes Required
- Shapes and leads the strategic directions of the school in the area of responsibility
- Inspires the sense and purpose of the school’s vision and goals
- Leads school improvement
General Requirements
All DECD employees are expected to uphold the Code of Ethics for the South Australian Public
Sector. Note: A copy of the code and related information for DECD employees is available at:
Employees have a responsibility to ensure they are aware of, properly administer and comply with all
legislation and regulations relevant to the performance of their duties and/or their role including equal
opportunity and relevant workplace health and safety legislation and related departmental
responsibilities and procedures, including child safety.
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Summary of Key Responsibilities
School leaders have specific designated areas of assigned responsibility.
School leaders may carry out teaching duties pursuant to the conditions of the Enterprise Agreement.
(Brief role description – 5 dot points or less)
Provide leadership of the Girls' Education Campus within a large complex multi campus
secondary college. Ensure the development, implementation and review of policies, practices,
procedures and programs occurs within the Girl's Education Campus to make certain there
are smooth operations and the management of resources and student matters. Work closely
with the Heads of Campus of the Middle Years Co-Education Campus, Senior Years CoEducation Campus and Special Education Campus to ensure there is a consistent approach
across the campuses.
Provide leadership in the school's quality accountability and improvement program through the
collection and analysis of achievement, attendance and behaviour data within the Girls'
Education Campus and for all girls across the campuses, to ensure a culture of continuous
improvement for female students in line with the Site Improvement Plan and school priorities.
Provide leadership in the development of curriculum content, structure and pedagogy in girls'
education across the four campuses that focuses on improving the learning outcomes for
female students. Implement a case management approach for female students at risk and
those on flexible learning programs.
Provide leadership in the development and implementation of the Girls' Education Campus
transition programs so that students are effectively supported in their movement between
schools and to post school pathways such as further education or training.
Oversee the Student Services team to ensure that appropriate support services and programs
are provided which meet the career and wellbeing needs of students across the four
Other duties as may be required by the principal from time to time
Reporting/Working Relationships
Responsible to and answerable to the principal
Reports directly to the principal
Provides direct performance and development support for the Girls’ Education Campus
leadership team including Assistant Principals, Senior Leaders, Year Level Leaders and other
leaders. Click here to enter text.
Leads and is accountable for the improvement in operations and learning outcomes in the
Girls’ Education Campus and female students across the school.
Is a member of the Executive Leadership and Leadership teams.
Works collaboratively with the other Heads of Campus to ensure consistency of policies,
practices and procedures to ensure smooth operations across the large complex multi campus
secondary school.
Specific Requirements
Click here to enter text.
For a Deputy Principal Position:
 Provides leadership and management across the school.
 Deputises for the principal in his / her absence.
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School leaders are required to provide both leadership and management in a school, an alliance or
cooperative of schools, or a unit attached to a school.
Statement of Key Outcomes
(Group into major areas of responsibility/activity (with headings if preferred))
Click here to enter text.
Shapes and leads the strategic directions of the Girl's Education Campus and girls' education
within the context of a large complex multi campus secondary college.
Policies, practices, procedures and programs have been implemented within the Girls'
Education Campus, which have ensured continuous improvement in programs, operations,
management of resources and student matters which are consistent with the other three
Quality assurance procedures are in place to collect, monitor and analyse student data as
outlined in the Site Improvement Plan, for example, achievement, attendance and behaviour
data, and the effective communication of these within the Annual Report.
Student learning outcomes are improved through the development of an innovative and
rigorous school curriculum and teaching strategies that engage and challenge female
Supportive case management, flexible learning and transition programs have been
successfully implemented for students within the Girls' Education Campus.
Career and wellbeing needs of students are being met through the effective implementation of
appropriate student support programs and services across the four campuses.
Other duties are effectively managed as negotiated.
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Appropriate check box (external or internal) must be selected
☒Externally advertised positions
Applicants do not need to be currently employed in DECD. However, applicants must be either
currently registered or able to be registered to teach in South Australia, and meet DECD’ minimum
employment requirements before taking up an appointment.
Minimum DECD requirements include:
Recognised teaching qualifications and registration as a teacher in South Australia;
an active on-line application in the Employable Teacher Register (ETR);
a cleared DECD Employment Declaration;
Australian residency or current work permit;
Reporting Abuse and Neglect training; and
an approved First Aid certificate.
NOTE: For positions with a period of appointment of 12 months or less the minimum DECD
requirements above must be current at the time of lodging the application.
At the conclusion of a term of appointment:
permanent DECD employees will be placed according to the terms of their substantive
appointment and the policies in operation at the time;
employees originally from other public sector organisations with a right of return, will be
managed according to the provisions of the Public Sector Act 2009 (SA) and any applicable
public sector determination or policies;
applicants who are not permanent employees of DECD do not hold placement rights with
DECD at the conclusion of the appointment.
DECD is an equal opportunity employer.
☐Positions of 12 months or less advertised internally at the site
Commences in the current year:
Applicants must be in a permanent, PAT, TPT or temporary (contract) position (not TRT) at this
worksite during the period for which applications are being accepted for the position.
Please note: If a teacher in a temporary appointment at the site is the successful applicant for a
position that extends beyond the term of their original appointment to the school, the original
appointment will not be automatically extended.
Commences in the following year:
Applicants must have a guaranteed placement at the worksite at the beginning of that school year.
Teachers who are currently in a temporary position or TRT role in a school are not guaranteed a
teaching position in that school for the following year. These teachers cannot apply for leadership
positions being advertised internally with a commencement date during the following year.
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In addressing these criteria, it is essential that applicants provide evidence which demonstrates their
personal skills and abilities, knowledge and experience.
These should be developed with reference to the role statement and school’s context statement.
Essential Requirements
(Maximum of 6 criteria)
Personal Skills and Abilities
Demonstrated high level skills in establishing effective working relationships with staff,
students, parents and members of the wider community.
Highly developed communication skills, both written and verbal which are effective with a
diversity of groups and individuals.
Demonstrated ability to initiate and manage whole school change processes, and support
teams to achieve educational and organisational improvement.
A comprehensive knowledge and understanding of current educational theory and practice as
relevant for this position, and the implications for improving outcomes of female students,
including students at risk.
Experience (including community experience)
Demonstrated high level organisational and educational leadership and a record of success in
achieving agreed goals, that improves the outcomes for female students, in collaboration with
Demonstrated success in the development and implementation of effective strategies that
ensures responsible behaviours appropriate to female students.
Desirable Requirements
(Maximum of 2 criteria)
Desirable requirements will only be used as a final determinant in distinguishing between applicants
who have otherwise met all the essential criteria to an equivalent degree.
Appropriate check box (full or modified) must be selected
☒Full Application
The length of the written application and CV should each generally not exceed 1,500 words. (Refer to
Merit Instruction 5 http://www.decd.sa.gov.au/hrstaff/pages/recruitment/meritdocs/)
☐Modified Application (for positions of 12 months or less)
Provide details re application and CV
Click here to enter text.
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