OCTOBER GSO Meeting Notes

OCTOBER GSO Meeting Notes
1. Review of Last Meeting --- It was good!
2. Google Poll Results --- Meet your Chairs!
a. Leadership Chairs: Kadie, Allison, Emma
b. Communications Chair: Jennifer
c. Events Chair: Lindsay
d. Floating Chairs: Blair, Steven, Anne, Sukwon, Kayla
3. Review of Last Event --- It went well!
4. Faculty Meeting – Comps updates are inside.
5. Upcoming Social Events
OUT! Classroom A, 7-9pm
b. Pub Crawl Updates
c. Book Exchange and Potluck – Planning is beginning!
d. Do you have an event idea? Let us know!
6. Career Related Events --- We want to put together an event series for the
spring semester, including an Alumni Panel, a resume workshop, and a
convention 101 workshop. Interested in helping? Have an idea? Let us know!
7. David will be representing the GSO on a committee for the undergraduate
program development. He will keep us updated.
October Faculty Meeting notes follow GSO notes.
1. Review of Last Meeting (September)
a. It was well attended!
b. We discussed events and structure of this year’s GSO
c. See previous meeting notes for more information.
2. Google Poll Results --- Meet your Chairs!
a. Leadership Chairs: Kadie, Allison, Emma
b. Communications Chair: Jennifer
c. Events Chair: Lindsay
d. Floating Chairs: Blair, Steven, Anne, Sukwon, Kayla
3. Review of Last Event (Google and the World Brain)
a. Great Attendance! 13-14 attendees. Thanks for coming!!!
b. We received some great feedback from students who really enjoyed
how it combined a social event with something related to
librarianship and our schoolwork.
4. Faculty Meeting (Complete meeting notes follow GSO notes below)
a. Comprehensive Exams
i. Committee has reviewed possible changes and proposed a
change to the SOIS faculty and administration.
ii. The recommended change to the Comps option is to require an
intensive writing class in students’ last semester that would
both utilize the majority of the student’s graduate classwork
and provide the student with a piece of writing that could be
publishable, while providing the student with a large amount
of direction from the faculty teaching the course. This would be
instead of the comp exams. A thesis option would still be
available, and this class might be able to serve as a way for
students pursuing the thesis option to put together their
iii. There was also discussion about possibly altering thesis
requirements. It sounded like the amount of credits required
for students pursuing the thesis option would be lowered to
include the thesis requirements. If this change is made, it will
be done so at the same time as the comps changes.
iv. These changes could be in place as soon as next Fall (2014),
but may not happen next year at all. The faculty were not
agreeing on a timeline for these changes to unfold.
b. Virtual Lounge
i. There was also some discussion about the Rate-A-Professor
section in the virtual lounge. Some faculty were concerned
about their employers providing a space for students to
critique their performance that the faculty could not look at
and/or learn from.
ii. Long story short: Legal has been consulted; We can keep the
Rate-A-Professor forum; Nothing will be changing.
iii. HOWEVER, we do need a list of why you think the Virtual
Lounge is important! We would like to share some of these
opinions at the next faculty meeting. Please send Kadie your
comments before the next faculty meeting (second Friday in
c. Next Faculty Meeting – Emma, David, and Kadie are attending on
behalf of our organization.
5. Upcoming Social Events
a. Pub Crawl Update
i. Friday, November 9th, from 7pm-12am
ii. We will plan on spending 1 hour at each bar. The time frame
will allow people to get dinner beforehand and go elsewhere
on their own before bar close, if they wish.
iii. Location: North Avenue. (It is within BOSS distance.) People
will be able to come and go as they please.
iv. If you haven’t turned in your T-Shirt money yet, shame!
Contact Allison or Emma to turn it in.
v. There will be a few extra shirts for sale at the event. GSO will
front the money for those.
b. GAME NIGHT at Golda!
i. TOMORROW, 10/29, 7-9pm in Classroom A.
ii. Contact Steven if you would like to volunteer.
iii. Please consider supporting our campus library by spreading
the word and attending! It would be really great if this could be
a well-attended event for the Learning Commons!
c. Book Exchange and Potluck!
i. The last event of the semester! In the works!
ii. SAVE THE DATE: Study Day 12/13, Evening ---Take a break
and settle before finals or after projects are due!
iii. We are looking for a location! Anyone interested in hosting?
Contact Kadie.
d. Dinner/Movie at Lovehandle is postponed --- possibly as a spring
e. Any other event ideas? Let us know! Here are some of the possible
events we brainstormed:
i. Red Arrow/Petit Ice Skating over Winter Break
ii. Tailgate at a Brewers game
iii. Trivia Night fundraiser? Silent Auction?
iv. GSO Sponsored Workshops (See #5: Career-Related Events)
6. Career-Related Events
a. We want to put together more events for SOIS graduate students that
are useful for our careers and academics. Here is what we are thinking
for the spring:
b. SOIS Alumni Panel discussing finding a job, early careers.
i. We would stream this for online students as well.
c. We also discussed expanding on this panel and creating a series of
events, possibly including:
i. Resume Building Workshop
ii. Conference 101 Workshop
d. We need to get moving on this, -- it should happen early next
semester, so students applying for jobs can get something out of it.
Are you a floating chair or just interested in helping out? Contact
7. David is going to the undergrad program committee this Friday, it talks about
the undergrad program development. He will be representing the GSO as a
student who did the undergrad program at UWM and is now in graduate. He
will be keeping us updated on their plans.