PROFILE 1 1 2 3 4 5 Your name Phone Email Web site Academic Position Qualification and Granting Institution 6 Current Academic Responsibilities 7 Research Interest and Projects (current) Current Research Interest Current Academic Research Projects (on-going) 8 Major Recent Publications (Journals & Conference Proceedings) JOURNALS DR ABDUL KADIR BIN OTHMAN 03-32585007/013-9823953 KOORDINATOR FACULTY PhD ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE – UiTM MASTERS OF SCIENCE MANAGEMENT – UPM BACHELOR OF CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION – UiTM DIPLOMA IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION – UiTM OSM701 RESEARCH METHODS OSM601 RESEARCH METHODS OSM761 CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS MANAGEMENT OSM751 SERVICE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Multiple Intelligences and Career Orientation: Development and Validation of Research Instrument (Principle Researcher) Adjustment Model in Enhancing High Academic Performance in Undergraduate International Students (Co-Researcher) Emotional Intelligence on Information System Success: An Extension of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (CoResearcher) Developing a Contingency Model of Work-Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction by Addressing the Influence of Personality Traits on the Relationship (Co-Researcher) Developing a Contingency Model of Leadership Styles as Influence by Organizational Culture in Malaysian Public Universities (Co-Researcher) The Antecedent and Consequence of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMDs) Innovative Tourism Event Professional Competency Model in Tourism Industry The Influence of Multiple Intelligence and Career Orientation: The Validation of HAMBA Multiple Intelligence Scale. The Journal of Knowledge Economy & Knowledge Management The Effectiveness of Digital Library Portal towards Users’ Satisfaction: Views of Malaysian University Students. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 4(13). The Moderating Effect of Emotional Labor on the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Career Role Effectiveness. Business Management Quarterly Review, 2(3) The Moderating Effect of Neuroticism on the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Research, June 2011 An Early Study on Perceived Social Support and Psychological Adjustment among International Students: The Case of a Higher Learning Institution in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Society, 12(2) Emotional Intelligence and Employees’ Innovator Role: The Moderating Effect of Service Types. Asian Social Science 7(10), 2011. International Students' Experiences of Self-Efficacy and Socio-Cultural Adjustment in Malaysia: A Preliminary Quantitative Study. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, June 2011 The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Tacit Knowledge Sharing in service Organization, in Knowledge Management in Emerging Economies. Hersey PA: IGI Global. Displaying employees’ organizational citizenship behavior at the workplace: The impact of superior’s emotional intelligence CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS and moderating effect of leader-member exchange. VisionThe Journal of Business Perspective, 14(2), Jan-June 2010. Book review: Research Companion to Emotions in Organizations. Vision-The Journal of Business Perspective, 14(2), Jan-June 2010. The Influence of Work Motivation on Emotional Intelligence and Team Effectiveness Relationship. Vision – The Journal of Business Perspective, 13(4). ISSN 0972-2629 Emotional Intelligence and Service Quality: A proposed Model. Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship, 13(2). ISSN 0128-7494 Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Labour and Work Effectiveness in service Organizations: A Proposed Model. Vision – The Journal of Business Perspective, 12(1). ISSN 0972-2629 The Effect of Personality Traits on the Relationship between Organizational Conflict and Job Performance in Telecommunication Company. Conference Proceedings. Evaluation of Learning for Performance Improvement International Conference. Some Preliminary Empirical Evidence of Cross-Cultural International Students’ Adjustment in Malaysia. The 4th International Conference on International Studies (ICIS) The Influence of Multiple Intelligence and Career Orientation: The Validation of HAMBA Multiple Intelligence Scale. Conference Proceedings. The International Conference of Academy of Human Resource Development (Asia & Mena Chapter) and the International Conference on Knowledge, Economy and Management (ICKEM), Istanbul, Turkey. Examining the Predictive Power of Leadership Competency Dimensionality in Higher Educational Institutions. Conference Proceedings. International Congress on Interdisciplinary Business and Social Science 2012, Jakarta, Indonesia The moderating effect of service types on the relationships between emotional intelligence and organizational role. Conference Proceedings ICMAR 2010. Emotional intelligence and service providers’ innovator role: The moderating effects of service types. Conference proceedings ICIMM. The moderating effect of gender on the relationship between emotional intelligence and job role effectiveness CSSR 2010 The moderating effect of gender on the relationship between emotional intelligence and organization role. CSSR 2010 The influence of supervisors' emotional intelligence on nonbank supervisory employees' organizational citizenship behavior. CSSR 2010 The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Enhancing Educators’ Effectiveness. Conference Proceedings International Conference of Education. Brunei. CRM Strategies to Support B2B Relationship: A Conceptual Framework for Public Universities. Conference Proceedings International Conference of Education. Brunei. Emotional Intelligence and Work Effectiveness: A Preliminary Study. The 4th National Human Resource Management Conference 2008: Conference Proceedings The Role of Emotional Intelligence to Enhance Tacit Knowledge Sharing. Knowledge Management International Conference 2008: Conference Proceedings The moderating effect of Emotional Labour on the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Career Role Effectiveness. The 2nd International Conference of Marketing and Retailing (INCOMaR II) 2009: Conference Proceedings The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Job Role Effectiveness. The 1st International Conference on ArabMalaysian Global Business and Entrepreneurship: Conference Proceedings 10 Involvement in Professional Organizations 11 Participation in continuing education and community service 12 Interest/Hobby IEEE MQA Consultant for IKTP Consultant for Groom Big Project, NPC Consultant for Malaysian Transformer Manufacturing Consultant for SIRIM Academic Mission – Bachelor in Customer Service Motivational Talk for SUK Terengganu Motivational Talk for Ministry of Health Southern Region Motivational Talk for Kolej Jururawat, Mentakab, Pahang Invited speaker for SIRIM seminar Travelling, Hiking