Executive Summary Intelligent Parallel Parking and Obstacle Avoidance System Spring 2011 Senior Design Project Nischal Basnet Department of Electrical Engineering University of New Orleans New Orleans, LA USA nbasnet@uno.edu Parallel parking is considered as one of the most difficult maneuvers to perform while driving. Due to the need of precisely calculated parking maneuvers, even experienced drivers find it very difficult to parallel park. Hence, almost all the vehicle companies at present are conducting research and designing new autonomous parking system. As there has been improvement in the artificial intelligent industry, more car manufactures are upgrading their product by adding smart technology. As stated in [1], in 2003, Toyota added Intelligent Parking Assist System (IPAS) in its two car models Hybrid Prius and Lexus, becoming the first car manufacturer to introduce automatic parking system to the customer. Following the lead of the Toyota, other vehicle companies such as BMW, Ford and Volkswagen have introduced this feature to their newer car models. Our product, Intelligent Parallel Parking and Obstacle Avoidance System (IPPOAS), also looks to tap into the same market that the above companies are eyeing for, by making the system affordable and reliable. The parking system of manufactures like Ford only performs the steering maneuvers and requires the driver to manually operate the gas pedal. Also, in the presence of an obstacle, the driver is required to hit the brake manually as described in [2]. In contrast, IPPOAS will completely replace the driver for the purpose of parallel parking. Also, the addition of obstacle detection system on top of autonomous parallel parking makes the system much safer and reliable. IPPOAS contains Intelligent Parallel Parking and Obstacle Avoidance System. The system is comprised of autonomous vehicle navigation and microprocessing systems. The system measures an available parking space, checks whether the space is large enough for parking, aligns the car correctly in the traffic lane and then performs the necessary parallel parking maneuvers into the parking spot. In addition to parallel parking, the system can detect static obstacles, like road blocks and dynamic obstacles, like pedestrians, in the vehicle’s path. If dynamic obstacles are detected, the vehicle stops until the obstacle moves out of the way. If static obstacles are detected, the vehicle maneuvers around the obstacle ensuring a collision free trajectory. The product provides an economic solution to autonomous parallel parking and can be added to any regular vehicle thus encompassing a wider customer base. Department of Electrical Engineering, The University of New Orleans 1 Although, most of the leading car manufactures offer the feature of autonomous parallel 2 parking in their new model cars, so far there is no company that provides intelligent parking assist system regardless of the manufacturer and the make or model. IPPOAS is the one and only of its kind in the market. The competitors of IPPOAS are the new age smart cars that come equipped with autonomous or semi-autonomous parking features. This trend could encourage customers to buy a new smart car rather than add the IPPOAS to their existing one. However, cost analysis shows that only a small percentage of our customer base opt for investing in a new smart car instead of conveniently and economically installing the smart IPPOAS for $2500 to their existing vehicles. In the coming years, we plan to research other autonomous car features like an integrated GPS navigation system and autonomous lane changing capabilities. By staying in touch with newer cutting edge technologies, we can expand our business to provide these products related to IPPOAS and stay ahead in the competition. Our product will be bought by customers who own and operate a four-wheeled vehicle. The typical customer will be the eventual end-user of an automobile. The customer will belong to age group of driving license holders and have an income of more than $ 35,000 annually. The median income of an American household is about $ 49,945 (US Census 2009). We have chosen a sum of $ 35,000 so that we can target more than 50% of Americans as viable customers. The customer will be technology savvy and interested in the new age artificial intelligence features. SmartWagon will have a large share and responsibility in the autonomous automobile feature industry. Due to the lack of companies providing separate installation of independent navigation systems, SmartWagon can attract a large base of customers In the first year, SmartWagon will debut its primary branch in New Orleans and will operate in the New Orleans metropolitan area only. In the consecutive years, we plan to expand our business and open secondary branches in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston. We are planning to spend about $100,000 to market our product through advertisements in the first year. We will publish advertisements in the newspaper, radio and television in order to inform our customers about our services. Also, we will distribute flyers and advertise in popular local web sites. Most importantly, we will maintain a company website that will have details about our product and the services we provide to our customers. IPPOAS will be custom-tailored for different makes and models of vehicles. It will be sold for a flat rate of $2500 per installation with a warranty of two years. The selling price is calculated by breakeven analysis presented in a table at the end of the report. SmartWagon will also provide the necessary repair and maintenance service to the IPPOAS. SmartWagon's target customers are middle and upper socioeconomic class of drivers of all driving ages, education, and family status. IPPOAS is easy to use because it can perform the required parking maneuver with the press of a button, saving time and unnecessary discomfort for the drivers. From the customer description of the make, year, model, and modification of their vehicle, the necessary information needed to install the IPPOAS on the particular vehicle will be pulled from the company's database. Thus, creating a database of the most popular makes and models of 3 cars used in the United States will be the first task of our company. To create this database, SmartWagon will collect all the necessary information about a vehicle model and use this information to design a robust IPPOAS customized to fit the particular model. Before approving a certain design, it will be rigorously tested in simulation and then in the field to minimize any errors. SmartWagon will operate as a private partnership organization with a total starting capital of $ 700,000. There will be four departments: marketing, accounting, administration, and technical department. The heads of the first three departments will report to the CEO who will also head the technical department. SmartWagon estimates to sell four hundred units in the first year. Our initial sales will provide us with a good understanding of the market trends and the customer's demand. Based on our statistics from the first year, we will increase production in the following years. The expense is estimated by summing the direct costs, which involve the cost of making and selling a product, and the general and administrative expenses, which involve the costs of operating a business. Advertisement is the primary means of marketing and has been allocated an amount of $100,000. For the consecutive four years, we plan to open a new branch of the company each year and thus we require more capital every year. To start the company, we require $700,000, out of which the partners will invest $600,000 in equity obtained as sponsorships. Rest of the $100,000 will be borrowed from the bank. Our project has a total annual income of about $800,000 in gross profits and $200,000 in net profits with estimated sales of four hundred units. In the consecutive years, the project is expected to yield an increase of 50% on net profits from each branch, with an additional branch added each year. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) to the investors is 68% in the first year and is projected to increase in the following years.