Meteorite Impacts-Location-Terrestrial-General

!Meteorite Impact References-by Location-Terrestrial, General
*Aherns, T.J., and O'Keefe, J.D., 1990, Large impact craters on the Earth (abstr.):
Abstracts for the international workshop on meteorite impact on the early Earth, LPI
Contribution, v.746, p. 3
*Barringer, R.W., 1964, World's meteorite craters, "astroblemes": Meteoritics, v.2, p.
*Beals, C.S., 1958, Fossil meteorite craters: Sci. Amer.., v.199, n.1, p.32039
*Beals, C.S., 1958, A survey of terrestrial craters: Nature, n.4608, p. 559.
*Beals, C.S., Ferguson, G.M., and Landau, A., 1956, Analogies between lunar and
terrestrial topography: Jour. Roy.Astron.Soc.Canada., v.50, p. 203-250.
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Astron. Soc. Canada, v.59, p. 199-216.
*Beals, C.S., Innes, M.J.S., and Rottinberg, J.A., 1963, Fossil meteorite craters: inMiddlehurst, B.M., and Kuiper, G.P., eds., The Moon, meteorites, and comets: Chicago,
Ill., Univ. of Chicago Press, v.4, Chapter 9,p. 235-284.
*Boon, J.D., 1938, Established and supposed examples of meteoritic craters and
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*Boon, G.D., and Albritton, C.C., 1937, Meteorite scars and ancient rocks: Field and
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*Bucher, W.H., 1965, The largest so-called meteorite scars on cointinents as
demonstrably tied to major terrestrial structures: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., v.123, p.897-903.
*Classen, J., 1977, Catalogue of 230 certain, probable, possible, and doubtful impact
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*Dachille, F., 1962, Interactions of the Earth with very large meteorites: Bull. of South
Carolina Academy of Science, v.24, p .7.
*Dence, M.R., 1972, The nature and significance of terrestrial impact structures: Eath
Phys. Branch Contr., v.393 (93 sites).
*Dence, M.R., 1972, The nature and significance of terrestrial impact structures: Proc.
24th Int. Geol. Congr., Sect. 65, p. 77-89.
*Dence, M.R., Grieve, R.A.F., and Robertson, P.B., 1977, Terrestrial impact structuresprincipal characteristics and energy considerations: in- D.J. Roddy, R.O. Pepin, and R.E.
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*Dietz, R.S., 1946, Geological structures possibly related to lunar craters: Pop.
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*Dietz, R.S., 1963, Astroblemes-ancient meteorite scars on Earth: in- The solar system,
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*Dietz, R.S., 1963, Astroblemes-ancient meteorite impact structures on the Earth: inMiddlehurst, B.M., and Kuiper, G.P., eds., The Moon, meteorites, and comets: Chicago,
Ill., Univ. of Chicago Press, v.4, Chapter 9,p. 285-.
*Dressler, B.O., Grieve, R.A.F., and Sharpton, V.L., eds., 1994, Large meteorite impacts
and planetary evolution: GSA Special Paper SPE293, 358 p.
*Freeberg, J.H., Terrestrial impact structures-a binliography: USGS Bull. 1220,
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*Frey, H., 1977, Early impact basins and the onset of plate tectonics: NASA/GSFC Xdoc X-922-77-172.
*Frey, H., 1980, Crustal evolution of the early Earth- the role of major impacts:
Precambrian Res., v.10, p. 195-216.
*Glikson, A.Y., 1976, Earliest Precambrian ultramafic-mafic volcanic rocks-ancient
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*Goodwin, A.M., 1976, Giant impacting and the development of continental crust: inB.F. Windley, ed., The early history of the Earth. wiley, New York, N.Y., p. 77-98.
*Green, D.H., 1972, Archean greenstone belts may include equivalents of lunar maria?:
Earth and Planetary Sci. Letters, v.15, p. 263-270.
*Grieve, R.A.F., 1980, Impact bombardment and its role in proto-continental growth on
the early Earth: Precambrian Res., v.10, p 217-247.
*Grieve, R.A.F., 1987, Terrestrial impact structures: Annual Review of Earth and
Planetary Sciences, v.15, p. 245-270.
*Grieve, R.A.F., 1988, Terrestrial impact craters-an overview (abstr.): AGU 1988 fall
meeting, EOS )Trans. AGU), v.69, n.44, p.1289.
*Grieve, R.A.F., and Pesonen, L.J., 1992, The terrestrial impact cratering record:
Tectonophysics, v.216, p. 1-30.
*Grieve, R.A.F., and Pilkington, M., 1996, The signature of terrestrial impacts:
Australian Geological Survey Organisational Journal, v.16, p. 399-420.
*Grieve, R.A.F., Pilkington, M., and Parmentier, E.M., 1990, Large impact basins and
the early Earth (abstr.): Abstracts for the international workshop on meteorite impact on
the early Earth, LPI Contribution, v.746, p. 18-19.
*Grieve, R.A.F., and Robertson, P.B., 1979, The terrestrial cratering record I: Icarus,
v.38, p.212-229.
*Grolier, M.J., 1985, Bibliography of terrestrial impact structures: NASA Tech.
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*Hartman, W.K., 1977, Cratering in the solar system: Sci. Amer., Jan. 1977, v.236, n.1,
p. 84-99.
*Hartman, W.K., et al, 1980, Chronology of planetary volcanism by comparative studies
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*Hey, M.H., 1966, Catalogue of meteoritics: London (139 sites).
*Hut, P., Shoemaker, E.M., Alvarez, W., and Montanari, A., 1991, Astronomical
mechanisms and geologic evidence for multiple impacts on Earth (abstr.): Abstracts of
papers submitted to the 22nd lunar and planetary science conference, v.22, 1991, p. 603604.
*Khryanina, L.P., and Ivanov, O.P., 1977, Structure of meteorite craters and astroblemes:
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*King, E., 1976, Space geology: New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., p. 95-129.
*Krinov, E.L., 1966, Giant meteorites: Pergamon, Elmsford, N.Y.
*Matsui, T., and Kuramoto, K., 1990, A possible role of heavy bombardment in
continental growth pattern (abstr.): Abstracts for the international workshop on meteorite
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*Melosh, H.J., 1990, Giant impacts and the thermal state of the early Earth: in- Origin of
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*Millman, P.M., 1971, The space scars of Earth: Nature, v.232, p. 161-164.
*Monod, T., 1965, Contribution a'l'establishment d'une liste d'accidents circulaires
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*O'Connell, E., 1965, A catalogue of meteorite craters and related features with a guide
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*Palme, H., Janssen, M-J, Takahashi, H., Anders, E., and Hertogen, J., 1978, Meteorite
material at five large impact structures: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v.42, p. 313-323.
*Palme, H., Wolf, R., and Grieve, R.A.F., 1978, New data on meteortic material at
terrestrial impact craters: Lunar Planet. Sci. X, p.856-858.
*Pike, R.J., 1972, Geometric similitude of lunar and terrestrial craters: Internat. Geol.
Cong., 24th, Montreal, Canada, 1972, Comptes rendus, sec. 15, p. 41-47.
*Rampino, M., 1997, Defending the crater chain (letter): Geotimes, v.42, n.6, p. 4.
*Rampino, M.R., and Volk, T., 1996, Multiple impact event in the Paleozoic- Collision
with a string of comets or asteroids: Geophys. Res. Letters, v.23, p. 49-52.
*Roddy, D.J., 1977, Large-wscale impact and explosion craters- comparisons or
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R.O. Pepin, and R.B. Merrill, eds., Pergamon, Elmsford, N.Y., p. 185-246.
*Sandner, W., 1977, Studien uber Meteoritenkrater: Sirius, Heppenheim (West Germany)
(138 sites).
*Shoemaker, E.M., 1977, Why study impact craters?: in- Impact and explosion cratering,
D.J. Roddy, R.O. Pepin, and R.B. Merrill, Pergamon, Elmsford, N.Y., p. 1-10.
*Shoemaker, E.M., and Eggleton, R.E., 1961, Terrestrial features of impact origin: inGeophysical Laboratory/Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Cratering Symposium,
Wasington, D.C., 1961, Proceedings, Livermore, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Report
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*Short, N.M., 1965, A comparison of features characteristic of nuclear explosion craters
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