7th Grade Science Lessons

3.1 Lesson Plans
Week of 10-08-2012
Lesson Component
Essential Question
Varied, high quality, big
overarching question –
connecting to real life.
Objective SWBAT:
Consider Bloom’s
Anticipatory Set:
Prior knowledge/Relevant to
student’s lives. Anticipatory set is
your warm up to get students ready
for the lesson itself. Might be your
do it now or your 5 minute warm
up- should relate to the lesson to
get them excited about learning.
Activities: Modeling
3.1 Major geologic events
such as earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, midocean ridges, and mountain
formation are associated
with plate boundaries and
attributed to plate motions.
How can major geologic
events be attributed to plate
movement? What evidence
supports the theory of plate
tectonics? What are the
effects of plate movement
along plate boundaries?
SWBAT will identify the
layers of the earth by
coloring and gluing the layer
to the foldable,
demonstrating a relationship
exist between the earth
structure and natural
processes with at least 95%
3.1 Major geologic events
such as earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, midocean ridges, and mountain
formation are associated
with plate boundaries and
attributed to plate motions.
Using observations and
inferences what kind of
work does a detective do?
What kind of detective work
do scientists do?
Earth Layers Foldable
Types of Plate boundaries
and what geographic
features they determine kinesthetic
Do Now: make up hand
motion for earthquakes,
mountain formation and
deep ocean trenches.
Lab – snickers lab
I DO: Model how plate
tectonics work, types of
plate boundaries
WE DO: Complete
definition and examples in
graphic organizer and paste
in science notebook on how
tectonic plates work and
types of boundaries
YOU DO: Complete
I DO: Model lab safety and
procedure, model vocab
activity, model assessment
WE DO: complete
vocabulary activity, plate
boundary lab procedure
worksheet and
YOU DO: Complete 1-8
vocabulary matchup exercise
Do Now: On a white board
Describe in detail what you
believe to be at the center of
the earth
I DO: Modeled the earth
layers foldable and review of
the earth layer information
WE DO: choose colors for
the layer after class
discussion of hot and cool
YOU DO: complete the
foldable activity
SWBAT identify three types
of plate boundaries and
what type of geologic
formations are associated
with each one by drawing
your favorite type of plate
boundary and describing it
in your science notebook
with 85% accuracy.
Leif Observation p2 for
3.1 Major geologic events
such as earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, midocean ridges, and mountain
formation are associated
with plate boundaries and
attributed to plate motions.
How can major geologic
events be attributed to plate
movement? What evidence
supports the theory of plate
tectonics? What are the
effects of plate movement
along plate boundaries?
SWBAT demonstrate types
of plate boundaries in a lab
using 1-8 vocabulary
matchup exercise with 90%
Do Now: on a half sheet of
paper, sketch and explain
how convection currents
provide energy to move
earth tectonic plates.
3.1 Major geologic events
such as earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, midocean ridges, and mountain
formation are associated
with plate boundaries and
attributed to plate motions.
How can major geologic
events be attributed to plate
movement? What evidence
supports the theory of plate
tectonics? What are the
effects of plate movement
along plate boundaries?
SWBAT recognize the
layers of the Earth,
understand how convection
currents drive plate
movement and understand
which types of plate
boundaries are associated
with which geologic features
by completing a practice
assessment with 70%
Test review
Thyme oil convection
3.1 Major geologic events
such as earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, midocean ridges, and mountain
formation are associated
with plate boundaries and
attributed to plate motions.
How can major geologic
events be attributed to plate
movement? What evidence
supports the theory of plate
tectonics? What are the
effects of plate movement
along plate boundaries?
SWBAT complete the plate
tectonics formative
assessment with 70%
Do Now: On a white
board, predict what you
think will happen when we
heat the oil in the pan with a
I DO: Convection current
demonstration, model layers
if the Earth, model plate
boundaries and geologic
WE DO: Class discussion
on unit progress.
YOU DO: Complete
practice formative
Formative assessment on
plate tectonics.
Assessment, peer grade
and reteach deficiencies
Do Now
I DO: Model test
WE DO: Go over testing
policies and review
YOU DO: Complete
sketches in graphic
organizer in science
High Level Thinking
What activities, questions
or thinking students will be
engaged in while learning
Closure/Student Reflection
Varied Learning Abilities
Measurement criteria to
determine how results will
be used to inform future
Homework/Follow up
3.1 Major geologic events
such as earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, midocean ridges, and mountain
formation are associated
with plate boundaries and
attributed to plate motions.
How can major geologic
events be attributed to plate
movement? What evidence
supports the theory of plate
tectonics? What are the
effects of plate movement
along plate boundaries?
SWBAT will identify the
layers of the earth by
coloring and gluing the layer
to the foldable,
demonstrating a relationship
exist between the earth
structure and natural
processes with at least 95%
Identify the layers of the
earth by coloring and gluing
the layer to the foldable,
demonstrating a relationship
exist between the earth
structure and natural
processes with at least 95%
Collecting, analyzing and
interpreting data, making
predictions, applying and
using scientific knowledge
Analyzing written
information, comparing
mixtures and solutions,
classifying physical
properties, and drawing
Analyzing written
information, comparing
mixtures and solutions,
classifying physical
properties, and drawing
Analyzing written
information, comparing
mixtures and solutions,
classifying physical
properties, and drawing
Socratic discussion on what
you would like to learn
about plate tectonics,
volcanos, and earth quakes
On a ticket out the door
record one fact you learned
today about the earths layers
A written reflection of what
the student learned from
this activity in their science
Review missed assessment
questions as a class.
Heterogeneous grouping
Extra Time and
Heterogeneous grouping
Extra Time and
Heterogeneous grouping
Extra time
Draw your favorite type of
plate boundary and describe
what type of geographic
features it is responsible for
it in your science notebook
with 85% accuracy.
1-8 vocabulary matchup
Socratic discussion of
assessment and wrap up
Recognize the layers of the
Earth understand how
convection currents drive
plate movement and
understand which types of
plate boundaries are
associated with which
geologic features with 70%
accuracy by completing a
practice assessment.