Qualifications and Certifications for the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Miss Black and Gold Pageant Omicron Upsilon Chapter Xavier Hairston-Khan Chapter President Bryan Jones Chapter Vice President Miss Black and Gold Pageant Coordinating Chair Dencil Smith Secretary Christopher Smith Treasurer HISTORY The Miss Black and Gold Pageant under the sponsorship of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., is an outgrowth of the long tradition of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. chapters designating outstanding young the opportunity to represent a chapter of Alpha. The Fraternity recognizes the valuable support rendered to it by the many friends of Alpha Phi Alpha - and these endeavors serve as one mechanism to applaud such support. For some time, several of the Fraternity’s five geographical regions have sponsored Miss Black and Gold Pageants as a part of their conventions. Since the early 1970’s, there has been increasing support of these pageants on a national scale. The first national Miss Black and Gold Pageant was held during Alpha’s 1976 General Convention in New York City. Miss Denise Smith, representing Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, was awarded the first crown. The Pageant was deferred following that first event - to be reinstated during the Fraternity’s 1982 General Convention in Los Angeles, California. AWARD CATEGORIES Sashes and crown are awarded to eligible contestants in the following categories. Miss Black and Gold Pageant Winner Miss Black and Gold Pageant 1st Runner Up Miss Black and Gold Pageant 2nd Runner Up OFFICIAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Miss Black and Gold Pageant Omicron Upsilon Chapter To enter an Official Miss Black and Gold Pageant, you must meet certain basic requirements and agree to abide by all rules of the Local, District, Regional and National Miss Black and Gold Pageants now in effect or as announced hereafter. Contestant must agree that the time, manner and method of judging shall be solely at the discretion of the Miss Black and Gold Pageant Committee and that the decision of the judges will be final. Contestant must agree that if she is selected as the winner of this pageant, she will not sign a management contract with any individual or corporation, and that she will not give any written or verbal endorsement of any mercantile commodity or commercial organization, nor will she permit any photographs to be used in connection with any advertised commodity or service not associated with this contest, without the permission of the Miss Black and Gold Pageant, coordinator and his committee. A contestant must be single and never married, or had her marriage annulled and must not be and never have been pregnant. A contestant must be a high school graduate. A contestant must be a female whose age shall not be less than seventeen (17), nor more than twenty-five years (25). A contestant must be of good moral character and shall not be convicted of any crimes and shall possess talent, poise, personality, intelligence, charm and beauty. A contestant must possess and display TALENT in NOT MORE THAN a four-minute talent routine, in which the routine must be presented live and not by way of motion picture film. This requirement does not apply to vocal or instrumental recording used in conjunction with her live presentation. This talent may be singing, dancing, dress designing, etc. or she may give a maximum four-minute talk. A contestant may be either amateur or professional. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Omicron Upsilon Chapter Official Applicant’s Agreement Miss Black and Gold Pageant I, ___________________________, hereby apply as a contestant in the Miss Black and Gold pageant at the educational institution, ___________________________________________________________________________________. I CERTIFY to the Omicron Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated that I am enrolled in a College/University. I am between the age 17 and 25, or I will become 17 prior to the Miss Black and Gold Pageant held on February 23, 2008, and my age will not exceed 25 years prior to the Miss Black and Gold Pageant held on that day. I CERTIFY that I am available on the day of February 23, 2008 to compete in the Miss Black and Gold Pageant at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I understand that if I am elected “Miss Black and Gold”, the title belongs to the Miss Black and Gold Pageant / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and I am only holding the title until the next Miss Black and gold winner is elected the following year. I understand that during the year of my reign, if I am elected Miss Black and Gold, that I cannot endorse, make appearances, advertise, or take photographs with or for any products, institutions, organizations, or persons, on behalf of the Miss Black and Gold Pageant, without written permission from the Miss Black and Gold Pageant Coordinator, Christopher Smith. I hereby give permission to the Miss Black and Gold Pageant committee to use my photographs, voice, and service gratis in connection with the Pageant. I hereby release the Miss Black and Gold Pageant / Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., from any and all claims for damages or injuries which may be sustained while participating in any activity of the Pageant or during any reign as the Miss Black and Gold winner. I agree that any conduct on my part, at anytime, which in the eyes of the Miss Black and Gold Pageant committee will discredit the good image of the Pageant or Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., shall result in my immediate dismissal from all Pageant activities, and forfeiture of all rights, titles, and privileges connected thereto. I understand that when I affix my signature to the foot of this Official Applicant’s Agreement, I am committed to abide by all the rules and regulations of the Miss Black and Gold Pageant-Contestant’s Rules and Guidelines. I CERTIFY that I have read, understand and meet the requirements of all the above stipulations and have made all the statements in this Official Applicant’s Agreement. Applicant’s Signature______________________________________Date______________________ Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Omicron Upsilon Chapter Miss Black & Gold Pageant Talent and Biographical Sheet Contestant’s Name: ______________________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________Age: ________________________ College/ University Representing: _________________________________________ College Campus Address: __________________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________________________ Do you have any serious diseases or illness? If so, please explain. ___None.___________ ________________________________________________________________________ Year in College: ___________________ Type of Degree: _________________________ Overall GPA: _____________________ Date of Anticipated Graduation: ______________ Major: ________________________ List special training/ talent you have __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Your Philosophy of Life: ________________________________.__________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Give interesting facts about yourself for publicity: ________ ______________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ What is your ambition and why? ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Please state any awards or scholarships received: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Any additional information that would be of interest to the MC or Judges: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ TALENT COMPETITION Type of talent you will perform (please list your talent in detail, i.e., title, author, publisher) ________________________________________________________________________ (If you are using music, your music must be edited on a CD) PROPS Describe your props (you must provide) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Any Additional Information ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ MISS BLACK AND GOLD PAGEANT JUDGING and SCORING RULES SCORING The Maximum score attainable by a contestant is 100. Competition and scoring by all pageants (i.e. College, District and Region) shall be as indicated in the following categories: 1. ACHIEVEMENTS & PROJECTION (10 points max.) Before an audience contestants will give their name, age, College/University, highest level of Alpha Phi Alpha they are representing (Chapter, District, Region), outlines their achievements in school, social, civic or community activities, plans for the future and philosophy of life while projecting a good public speaking ability. The time limit for this event is one and one-half minutes (90 seconds). 2. SWIM WEAR (10 points max.) Form, figure, posture and carriage are considered in an overall evaluation of health and physical well being. Attire: One-piece swimsuit in good taste 3. CREATIVE AND PERFORMING ARTS (20 points max.) Scoring is based on originality, technical ability, appropriateness of selection and costume, and stage presence during vocal, instrumental, dramatic, acrobatic or gymnastic, or dance performance and can not exceed four (4) minutes. Instrumentalists, other than a pianist must provide their own instruments and any labor changes connected with transporting such instruments. Contestants are responsible for providing talent props and any other equipment necessary for their performance. Attire: Performing talent attire should be the attire the contestant feels comfortable in. It must be in good taste. 4. ORAL EXPRESSION, POISE AND APPEARANCE (30 points max.15 Each) This area of the competition usually involves having the contestant respond to a question on current events, issues of national concern etc. Each contestant is asked the same question. Scoring in this category is based on the contestant’s grooming/appearance, grace, poise, posture and carriage along with coordination and composure. Also considered, is the contestant’s ability to articulate, her wit, intelligence, imagination, and her ability to think on her feet. Further, her ability to speak with eloquence and magnetism when answering questions are strongly considered. This is a thirty (30) second time limit event. Attire: Evening gown. No gloves of any kind. No heels should exceed 3 inches. 5. SCHOLARSHIP (20 points max.) The contestant’s academic achievements will also be scored. The contestant Should/ will provide their College/University GPA on the previous form. The winner of this pageant will be required to submit an official transcript to the State Miss Black and Gold Ball Committee in preparation for the next level of competition.