The Ohio State University Ohio State Teaching Enhancement Program Graduate Teaching Fellows University Center for the Advancement of Teaching Application Form 2015 – 2016 Academic Year This application is to be completed by interested departments or programs wanting to submit a nominee for the Graduate Teaching Fellow program. To be considered for the program, this application must include a preliminary plan for TA support with the proposed project components undertaken by the Fellow. Selection will be based on the quality of the proposed plan, strength of departmental support for the plan, and the experience of the graduate student being nominated as a Fellow. Department/Program Department/Program Chair (please print or type) Part I This section is to be completed in collaboration between the department/program chair, faculty mentor, and Graduate Teaching Fellow nominee. For ideas on potential program components, go to <> or contact UCAT. Please tell us your tentative plan to enhance the teaching support for your TAs, with a focus on all potential projects to be undertaken by the Fellow (attach additional sheets if necessary): Describe the strengths of the current programming and culture of teaching support for TAs; and identify how your proposed project will connect to and enhance them (attach additional sheets if necessary): 2015-2016 Graduate Teaching Fellows Program application, page 1 of 4 Part II This section is to be completed by Graduate Teaching Fellow nominee: Graduate Teaching Fellow nominee Nominee’s e-mail address Nominee’s campus address Nominee’s telephone List all strengths, including teaching and other experiences, that would make you a successful Graduate Teaching Fellow (attach additional sheets if necessary): Part III This section is to be completed by the faculty mentor: Faculty mentor Faculty mentor’s e-mail address Faculty mentor’s campus address Faculty mentor’s telephone Briefly describe how you plan to assist the Graduate Teaching Fellow with the implementation of the proposed plan as well as coordinate these efforts with the needs of the department (attach additional sheets if necessary). 2015-2016 Graduate Teaching Fellows Program application, page 2 of 4 Part IV This section is to be signed by the department/program chair, faculty mentor, and Graduate Teaching Fellow nominee, respectively. Departmental Commitment If selected as a participating department/program, the chair agrees to the following: provide a faculty member who will serve as liaison to the Graduate Teaching Fellow program and will mentor the Fellow in designing a program that truly meets the needs of the department and its TAs implement the activities designed by the Graduate Teaching Fellow, augmenting the seed money provided this year (either $200 or $400) institutionalize activities based on those developed by the Graduate Teaching Fellow and modified by feedback collected as part of the ongoing support offered to departmental TAs provide the Graduate Teaching Fellow as light a teaching load as possible in the academic year (reduced teaching assignment is necessary for the Fellow to have the time to participate in the seminar and to plan and implement a program to enhance teaching by other TAs) Chair’s Signature Faculty Mentor Commitment If selected as a participating department/program, the faculty mentor to the Fellow agrees to: serve as liaison to the Graduate Teaching Fellow program and the department/program mentor the Graduate Teaching Fellow in designing a program that truly meets the needs of the department and its TAs help implement the activities designed by the Graduate Teaching Fellow meet individually with the UCAT program coordinator and Fellow at least once in the academic year to discuss project progress attend meetings as scheduled (at least once) with all Fellows and their faculty mentors throughout the 2015-2016 academic year Faculty Mentor’s Signature 2015-2016 Graduate Teaching Fellows Program application, page 3 of 4 Nominee’s Commitment If selected to represent a participating department/program, the Graduate Teaching Fellow agrees to: register for ESEPSY 7434: Graduate Teaching Fellows Seminar, 3 credits (June 14, 2015, through July 30, 2015, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:50pm - 4:30pm, in 300 Younkin Success Center) participate in the course to share ideas with other Fellows and assist in each other’s project planning assist with departmental preparation and ongoing support of new TAs work with a faculty member to devise a program to provide on-going systematic teaching support throughout the academic year to TAs in home department participate in a maximum of three meetings per semester during the 2015-2016 academic year meet individually with the Graduate Teaching Fellows coordinator and faculty mentor at least once in the academic year to discuss project progress complete a final assessment report of the program Nominee’s Signature Proposals will be accepted until 5:00pm (ET) on Monday, April 6, 2015 Please return completed forms to Alan Kalish, Director University Center for the Advancement of Teaching 260 Younkin Success Center 1640 Neil Avenue For more details, see <> or e-mail UCAT at 2015-2016 Graduate Teaching Fellows Program application, page 4 of 4