November 3, 2010
The meeting of the Centre Region Community Tennis Association was called to order by
President Cheryl Gigante, November 3, 2010 at 7:10 p.m. at the Centre Region Council of
Governments Building, 2643 Gateway Drive, State College.
Present were: Cheryl Gigante, Bobbie Hayes, Cheree Jones, Cooper Josephs, Joan Nessler,
Carol Oliver, Laurene Phillips, Ron Smith, and Margie Swoboda.
The minutes were approved as distributed.
Distribution of the minutes was discussed. They should be approved by the president and then
sent to all Board Members prior to the next meeting.
The Meet and Greet tennis get-together on October 17 at Spring Creek Park was discussed. It
probably should not be held when other tennis activities are going on. There were eight
individuals plus board members of the CTA in attendance. How can we best advertise the event?
More flyers at tennis courts was suggested.
Margie Swoboda attended the Valley Forge Middle States Tennis Workshop at which 61 tennis
associations were represented. Grant information was gathered. Fund raising was discussed.
One individual raised $8 million, principally from banks, in two years for an indoor facility.
Corporate people should be on the tennis boards. Facebook is the number one method of
communication. All activities of a tennis group need to be charged for as in $25 for a Meet and
Greet get together. Some other fund raising ideas are tennis calendars, dinners, etc. Junior
Tennis is a major tennis-building program for communities.
The Website is being worked on by Carol Oliver.
The Trunk Show was discussed. Carol Oliver, Laurene Phillips, and Cheryl Gigante are making
an effort to contact entrepreneurs, such as Rapid Transit, the G-Man restaurant, and the Tail line
of clothing. Buying food and drinks at the restaurant with the possibility of getting a cut of any
clothing sales is being considered. Women will be able to try on clothing and then place an
order. A date for the Trunk Show needs to be scheduled. February may be the time of the first
Trunk Show, for which an entry charge of $5.00 is expected.
Cheryl Giganate noted the possibility of a Strawberries and Cream at Wimbledon, during the
2011 Wimbledon Tournament, possibly at the Lemont Village Association’s Grain Elevator and
Coal Sheds and including large TV screens.
Minutes, 11/3/10 (2)
Ron Smith read a proposed letter to the State College Area School District Board relative to
attaining free use of the SCASD tennis courts for community-based tennis events by CRCTA.
After a lengthy discussion whether or not a protest of the charge for the SCASD tennis courts in
the Summer of 2010 should be included in the letter, it was decided to send the original letter
with editorial changes to both Superintendent Richard Mextorf and President of the School
Board, Ann McGlaughlin.
Adding a female junior representative to the CRCTA Board was discussed. Caitlin
McGlaughlin, a freshman tennis player, will be asked to be a junior representative to the CRCTA
by Margie Swoboda.
Cheryl Gigante suggested that Tony Wilson, headmaster of the Nittany Christian School, has
good contacts with the USTA, is a tennis fan, and is willing to work with fund raising. He has
suggested the need for a strategic plan for the CRCTA. A CRCTA Board with corporate
presence is needed for greater success.
A year calendar was suggested by Cheryl Gigante for all of the CRCTA events. This will be a
major agenda item in a future meeting.
The next meeting was scheduled for December 1 at 7:00 at the COG building.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ron Smith, Secretary