(Ratified 12-10





Chapter Affiliation

Lambda-Lambda Chapter at Elon University

Elon, North Carolina 27244

Chartered September 21, 1973




Section 1. Name

This organization shall be known as The Lambda-Lambda Alumni

Association of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. The organization shall be located at Elon University in Elon, North Carolina and at www.KappaSigmaElon.org , where the current Grand Treasurer’s mailing address will be published. The web site will make most of its content available to the public. Some content will be restricted to members, defined below, as directed by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Purpose

The objectives and purposes of the organization are to perpetuate the

Lambda-Lambda Chapter of The Kappa Sigma Fraternity experience following graduation by fostering brotherhood and fellowship, to encourage and support the undergraduate Lambda-Lambda Chapter of Kappa Sigma, to foster brotherhood and fellowship among both the graduates and undergraduates of the Lambda-Lambda Chapter of

Kappa Sigma, to encourage contributions to the Elon Kappa Sigma endowment for scholarship, to support the programs and services of the National Headquarters of Kappa Sigma, and to support the programs and services of Elon University.

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Section 1. Membership

While it is expected that membership will be alumni from the Lambda-

Lambda Chapter at Elon University, any alumnus of the Kappa Sigma

Fraternity who is in good standing shall be eligible for membership in this organization. Membership shall be established upon proof of affiliation and payment of dues.

Section 2. Dues

Dues of $25 annually shall be payable by July 1 each year. A onetime payment of a Lifetime Alumni Membership shall be authorized at

$300. The Alumni Association Board of Directors can modify the annual or lifetime dues amounts at its discretion. The undergraduate chapter shall make semi-annual payments to the Association in amounts determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 3. Fiscal Year

The organization’s fiscal year shall be July 1 to June 30.

Section 4. Rights and Privileges

All Kappa Sigma brothers are welcome to participate in the organization. Membership shall entitle each brother to full membership rights within the Association:

1. Listing in the annual or lifetime membership directory.

2. Full voting rights at Association meeting (or by on-line voting) to change Bylaws or elect Board members.

3. Full access to all general sections of the web site:


4. Association newsletters, mailings or on-line correspondence.

5. Automatic invitation to all Association social functions and special events.


Section 1. Board of Directors

The organization shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of five elected officers (the Executive Committee) and four ex-officio

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Directors. The Board of Directors shall be elected by Members biennially in the odd years at the Fall/Homecoming Weekend meeting at Elon. These nine Directors shall conduct the affairs of the

Association and make all appropriate decisions by majority vote except to change the Bylaws or elect new Board members. Directors may communicate and vote via written correspondence by postal or electronic mail, telephone calls or meetings held pursuant to

ARTICLE V. In addition, a Board of Advisors shall advise the Board of

Directors and shall include ex-officio Advisors and Members who serve at the discretion of the Board.

Section 2. Executive Committee

Officers of the Lambda-Lambda ion of Kappa

Sigma hall consist of the following: Grand Master (GM); Grand Procurator (GP);

Grand Master of Ceremonies (GMC); Grand Scribe (GS); Grand

Treasurer (GT).

Section 3.

Ex-officio Directors

Ex-Officio Directors shall consist of the Alumnus Advisor, Assistant

Alumnus Advisor, and current chapter Grand Master and Grand

Treasurer. The Alumnus Advisor and Assistant Alumnus Advisor shall be designated by Kappa Sigma National. In the event that there is more than one Assistant Alumnus Advisor, the brother with seniority in the position shall be the designated Board member.

Section 4. Board of Advisors

The Board of Advisors shall consist of a Chair appointed by the

Board; ex-officio members including the Elon Faculty Advisor, the

Elon University Kappa Sigma Scholarship Committee Advisor, the current Alumnus of the Year designee, the Webmaster, any other

Assistant Alumnus Advisors, and other Members at the discretion of the Board. The Board of Advisors shall fulfill its designated assignments from the Board of Directors, advise the Board of

Directors regarding Association affairs, serve as a Nominating

Committee for Board of Director elections, and recruit Association leadership. These members will be listed on the official web site with contact information available for all members.

Section 5. Terms of Office for Directors

Two years with renewal up to six years total service. No Board member may serve as a Director for more than six years continuously.

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Section 4. Election of Directors

The Board of Advisors shall serve as a Nominating Committee which will present a slate of candidates at the September Board meeting to be voted on by Members present at the Fall Homecoming Board meeting each year. If there are more than two candidates for an office, voting will continue by attrition until a candidate has a majority vote. Any Member of the Association in good standing (i.e., fully paid dues) may be nominated for and be elected to any office or assigned a Committee Chair.

Section 5. Election Dates

Elections of the officers of the Lambda-Lambda of Kappa Sigma hall take place during the Fall/Homecoming

Meeting of the Association with Members notified thirty days in advance of the slate. Members may vote by email absentee ballot if they are not able to be present.

Section 6. Vacancies

Vacancies on the Board of Directors from any cause other than expiration of the term of the officer shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board of Directors. The officer so elected shall hold office for the remainder of the unexpired term of the member of the Board whom he succeeds.

Section 7. Removal From Office

Should any Director fail to perform his duties, or through his conduct bring harm to the Association, he may be removed at a duly constituted meeting of the Board of Directors by two-thirds approval of the Members present, in person or by on-line voting.


The duties and responsibilities of the members of the EC are outlined within the sections below:

Section 1. Grand Master (GM)

1. The GM shall exercise such functions and duties as would normally be those of the President, or presiding officer under parliamentary law.

2. The GM shall chair, preside, arrange and conduct all meetings of the Board of Directors and the Association.

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3. The GM shall be the major liaison officer representing the

Association within its membership and with other alumni, the undergraduate Lambda-Lambda Kappa Sigma

Fraternity, Elon University, and other organizations.

4. The GM shall be responsible for leadership that ensures that all

Association activities are executed in compliance with the Bylaws of the Association, and any other rules or laws applicable from

Elon University, Kappa Sigma National, and any relevant government entity.

5. The GM shall c onduct an audit of the Association’s financial business using a Certified Public Accountant within 60 days of the end of the fiscal year, June 30, and report to the Board at its

September meeting.

Section 2. Grand Procurator (GP)

1. The GP shall assist the GM in the performance of his duties, acting as vice president.

2. In the event of the GM’s disability, the GP shall succeed to his powers and duties until relieved from such duties by action of the

Board of Directors or the next election.

3. The GP shall also oversee any special project development and report on progress of same to the EC and the Association.

Specifically, the GP shall be responsible for the social activities and fellowship development of all alumni functions, from Board to member meetings and events.

Section 3. Grand Master of Ceremonies (GMC)

1. The GMC shall be responsible for any ritualistic work in which the

Association engages, such as formal meetings, promoting ritual proficiency programs, or organizing and training ritual initiation team(s).

2. The GMC shall serve as parliamentarian at all Director, EC and

Association meetings.

3. The GMC is responsible for the preparation and conduct of the ritual for deceased brothers.

4. The GMC is responsible for compliance with Kappa Sigma

National policies including the Code of Conduct.

Section 4. Grand Scribe (GS)

1. The GS shall serve as recording and corresponding secretary of the Association.

2. The GS shall maintain a role of membership of the Association, keeping a current roster of names, initiation dates, initiation

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number, chapter designation, residence/e-mail addresses, and phone numbers.

3. The GS shall prepare and distribute all written announcements of the Association.

4. The GS shall prepare, publish, and distribute all minutes of

Association and EC meetings of reports on other events and activities.

5. The GS shall issue, from time-to-time, a newsletter to Association members summarizing past and planned Association events, activities, goals, and accomplishments.

6. The GS shall create and maintain email group lists for the

Membership, the Board of Directors and the Board of Advisors.

7. The GS shall act as the liaison with the Alumni Webmaster and have co-responsibility with the Webmaster to ensure that the

Alumni Web Page is both current and accurate.

Section 5. Grand Treasurer (GT)

1. The GT shall serve as Chief Financial Officer of the Association.

2. The GT shall bill, collect, and record all dues from Members and the Chapter and other charges to the Association.

3. The GT shall act as custodian of all funds of the Association, depositing such funds in a reliable bank while keeping accurate and detailed record of all transactions.

4. The GT shall promote fundraising, annual giving campaigns, permanent gifts, and endowments, providing financial impetus to the Association.

5. The GT is charged with maintenance and investment of all

Association funds.

6. Separate Accounts for designated special projects shall be established by the GT at the request of the EC and/or the


7. The GT shall make disbursements only on order of the GM for expenses less than $500 or the Board of Directors approved by a simple majority of that committee,

8. The GT shall prepare financial statements annually within 30 days of the end of the fiscal year and upon request of the GM or Board of Directors.


Section 1. Association Meetings

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1. Regular Meetings Regular meetings of the Association shall be three times annually at a location determined by the GM as follows: a. September: on the first Saturday after Labor Day b. Fall: in conjunction with the Lambda-Lambda Chapter during

Homecoming Weekend c. Spring : on the first Saturday in April

The EC may change these dates with thirty days notice to all

Members via posting on the Association Web site.

2. Other meetings At the discretion of the GM/Board of Directors, and with proper notification of all Directors or Members, special meetings of the Association may be held on an “on-call” basis.

These may be telephone conference calls or email discussions.

Votes may be verbal, written or electronic as long as a record is made of the actual vote by the GS or his alternate.

3. Quorum A quorum shall consist of at least five Directors for Board meetings or at least ten members of the Association for

Membership meetings.


Section 1. Alumnus of the Year

At Elon University’s Homecoming each year, the Association shall present this award to a deserving alumnus who has best advanced the interests of the Association and Lambda-Lambda Chapter. The recipient shall receive an individual plaque with a permanent plaque to be maintained at the Lambda-Lambda Chapter House and available for display at the Association meetings. Voting shall be by ballot (mail, e-mail or vote during a meeting) of the Board of Directors based on recommendations by a committee of the previous ‘Alumnus of the Year ’ recipients chaired by the most recent recipient.

Section 2. Other Awards The Board of Directors may establish other awards or programs at its discretion.



The Association shall pay its annual membership dues to Kappa

Sigma National Fraternity by October 1 st each year to remain in good

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standing, to be able to vote at Conclave, to benefit by exposure and the resources available, and to be protected by the liability policy provided by the national organization regarding risk assessment capability for the acts and omissions of the officers of the Association.


Section 1. Adoption

An affirmative majority vote of a quorum of the Membership required for the adoption of these Bylaws, which shall become effective at once.


Section 2. Amendments

Amendments to these Bylaws may be made at a regular meeting, or a special meeting with thirty days notice to all Members, by the sanction of a quorum, with two-thirds of those voting members present necessary to overturn an existing by-law. Alumni who recommend amendment changes must present to the EC in a topic, discussion and recommendation format.

Section 3. Robert’s Rules of Order

All proceedings of the Association shall be conducted under and pursuant to Robert’s Rules of Order.

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