Minutes BPHT Meeting 16/05/04, 9.30 am at the Church Present

Minutes BPHT Meeting 16/05/04, 9.30 am at the Church
Present; Helen Harry, David Reynolds (trustee), Margaret Walter, Tony Scott,
Graham Batchelor, Kim Sutherland, Joyce and Don Binney, Max Willetts, Dave
Taylor (trustee), Kim, Ruth Waters, Jane Batchelor (Chair).
Apologies; Liz Angelo-Roxborough.
Minutes last meeting:
General meeting 28/9/03 accepted, proposed Max, seconded Don.
Trustees meeting 3/12/03, circulated.
Matters arising
 Conservation Plan finished, copy to be kept in church. (Actioned by Jane who put
a great deal of effort and many, many hours in research , writing, proof reading
 Information panels installed. (Actioned by Jane)
 Church painted, Resene donated 50 L paint (Painting contract, Funding
application and donation negotiated by Jane)
 Transit permission sought and received for walkway marker posts.
 Marker posts made and placed. (Actioned by Graham Batchelor and Murray
 Mulch received Fairlie Timber treatment and Barwoods delivered, mostly done by
Daniel Holdem, remainder to be spread on workday.
 Mowing- no further progress. Mowing of Heritage walk, church grounds, Rowan
tree avenue, and around Anniss Cottage has been done by Graham Batchelor in
the interim.
 BP stamp - David R to investigate the possibility of producing a postage stamp in
conjunction with NZ Post
 Timber donation by Blakely Pacific, pinus radiata to be treated preferred option,
and talks with representative planned for 17/5/04. (To be negotiated by David
Financial report
 Thanks to Margaret for accounts.
 Bank balance stands at $9,821, most of which is committed funding for specific
projects. Available for discretionary purposes is $671.
 A donation of $500 gratefully, received from Tekapo Lions at the instigation of
Neville Smith.
 $100 from donation box yet to be banked.
 ECAN call in of submissions to Aoraki Water trust,
 Lion F applic declined,
 Comm post donated 200 envelopes,
 AD Halley trust applic declined,
 Prof Cookson, Cant History Foundation , - appreciation visit and poss funding
for cemetery guide,
 NZHPT confirm registration grp 2,
 C Baker, D Studholme,
 MDC re BP water,
 Joint Committee Co-op Parishes Canty request to speak at Methven next
 J Beck, $600 budgeted and approved for council Long Term Council
Community Plan for service component of rates, confirmed council total
heritage fund is $1000,
 J Espie NZHPT re window conservation.
Outward : (Actioned by Jane)
 G Lucking thanks for contribution to Conservation Plan,
 AD Halley and Lion F applications,
 B Albiston support of registration,
 Church of Good Shepherd thanks for sound system donation
 Transit permission walkway markers
Creative NZ application for funding for concert,
 Thanks to Jo Holdem and Cameron Murray for bike race collection,
 Garry Harris for roof repair,
 Brian Upchurch for mulch delivery,
 Tekapo Lions for walkway construction,
 Community trust feedback,
 Lottery feedback on accountability
 Resene thanks donating paint
 MDC thanks for paying rates
 Newsletter to 100 by mail and 80+ email.
 Church service in Feb (Organised by Liz Angelo-Roxborough, Ruth
 NZHPT tour of Church and Cob cottages (Organised by Jane)
 Thomson family reunion at Church (Actioned by Liz R)
 Visit from congregation of St Columba, Hornby church tour.
 Christening planned for June in association with a public church service.
General Business
 Church organ restoration - planned application to Community Trust.(Jane
 Future events, suggestions invited.
 Creative NZ application has been made for Christopher Cape
performance, provisionally arranged for 2 sessions in November this year
(Jane negotiating)
 Weddings Ruth pointed out a need for further upgrade of the church
before marketing it further as a site for significant ceremonies. The
upgrade was noted to be progressing, 2 future purchases suggested were a
pair of suitable brass candlesticks (Joyce Binney to investigate finding
these) and flower vases. Heating needing to be addressed as per the
conservation plan and also replacement altar table.
 Smoke alarms with external siren and 2 sensors - Max to obtain a quote possibly
approx $1000.
 Lawn mowing Dave Taylor offer gratefully accepted to mow church grounds.
Still need a satisfactory solution for mowing Heritage Walk and Rowan Tree
 Window update, generous offer by glass conservator Graham Stewart to restore
the original leadlight window. He will do this as a donation to the trust over the
next 3 months. Asked to quote for reproducing the remaining windows. (Jane to
 Conservation plan, completed and will be available to read in the church.
Additional copies available on request. Will be put to a subsequent meeting to
formally adopt as Trust guideline.
 Tree Trimming An issue to be also subsequently considered is trimming the
trees which either overhang the church or obscure the view from the road. There
is a recommendation in the conservation plan. The pros and cons of removal of a
couple of pines on the road edge and the larch will also need to be considered.
There have been strong opinions voiced on both sides of retaining them or
removal. Possibly a special meeting will need to be held to resolve this.
 Log burner removal - scheduled for today. A verbal request from Tony Scott
received for the Trust to consider donation of the log burner and proceeds from its
sale to the Burkes Pass Residents Association. Tony is the elected Chairman.
Donation was not supported by any other attendees.
 Burkes Pass Residence Association.
Tony Scott spoke about the relationship between the Trust and the re-emergent
Burkes Pass Residence Association. He reported that a meeting has been held
recently and that the group of residents who attended (about 5 or 6) decided not
to become a formally based association with a constitution and membership. They
would act as a ‘ginger group’.
He indicated that some members had concerns about the relationship between the
Association and the Trust. He acknowledged that the Trust should have say about
what happens to the church because they own it but the Association feel that they
have not been consulted about issues for the township. An example given was that
the Association felt that the entry signs to the township would be erected with out
Jane indicated that these repeated allegations are disturbing as she has taken every
opportunity to keep everyone who has an interest in Burkes Pass fully consulted
and informed through regular meetings, newsletters, web pages and face to face
discussion. She asked what else she could do? Her phone number and email
address is on every newsletter. One of the Trustees also lives in the township and
is the immediate past chair of the Association. She also indicated that she would
welcome someone to take responsibility and leadership for things that normally a
council would do such as landscape planning. The Trust has filled a gap that noone else was prepared to initiate. The signage for the entry to the village had not
been decided – it was out for submissions – none of which have been received!
Graham Batchelor indicated that the members of the Association were also Trust
members and that it would be a simple matter of attending meetings which are
always well notified and at times when most people can attend or simply read the
many newsletters to know what is happening.
When asked who were members of the Association and how does one become a
member, the response was that those from the district who attend a meeting are.
The district was defined as those from the town or surrounding area down the
Rollesby Road as far as Mt Dalgety and down the main road as far as Dobson
Tony indicated that one way for the Trust to communicate better with the
Association was for a representative to attend their meetings. Jane responded that
to be able to do this she would need notification of the meeting and it would have
to be at a suitable time to enable travel to the venue. (Neither of which happened
for the last meeting).
Graham indicated that a way forward for good communication and no
misunderstandings with the new association is that proposals from the Trust be
formally communicated to the Association (as well as all individual members of
the community as at present) and the Association keep written minutes and
formally reply to the Trust in writing.
Jane recorded a wish to work cooperatively and harmoniously with the
Residents group and would welcome their input to further our mutual aims.
 Pamphlet distribution- Ruth will place them at the Resource centre and Council.
Joyce to take to appropriate places in Timaru..
The meeting was closed at 10:45 am.
Minutes Prepared by Graham Batchelor.
Report on Work party 10.45am to 12.45pm
Workers were: J Anderson, M Willets, D Reynolds, D Taylor, Kim, D and J
Binney, N and V Smith, H Harry, G and J Batchelor
 Log burner removed, stone base demolished , tin patch removed from under
hearth and floorboards sound underneath.
 Felt carpet removed form platform and the church swept
 Birds nest removed from front ventilator and board wedged back in place.
 Mulch transported by tractor bucket to planted areas outside Keenans and