Microsoft Word 97 - 2003 Document



Queen Mary School Council

Meeting Minutes

Monday November 25, 2013

Computer Lab

Attending Parents / Community Members: Angie Stalteri, Jane Humphreys, Amanda Palmer,

Selda Panchishin, Dawn Carr, Naomi Stock,

Debbie Lowden, Jenny Chambers, Jen

Chamberlain, Kim Cutin, Linda Burnie, Terri


Susan Matthews

Staff Representative: Nancy Zomer, Sandra Payne

Regrets: Alan Parisien, Allison Mann

Minutes: Angie Stalteri Chaired: Dawn Carr, Jane Weir

Call to Order/Approval of Oct

Minutes/New Business:

Jane Weir

Treasurer Report:

Selda Panchishin

The meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm. Motion to approve

Oct Minutes by Amanda Palmer ended by Jen Chamberlain.

Minutes approved.

Breakfast Club Update

Dawn Carr

Call Out for Apples:

Naomi Stock

Principal Update:

Nancy Zomer, Sandra Payne


Transfer motioned approved at last meeting have now been moved. Most transfers came from the charitable account.

Motion to transfer $24.15 from charitable account to principal's discretion account by Selda 2nded by Amanda and Motion was approved. BBQ expenses were not confirmed last year for 2013 bbq .Selda put forward a motion to allocate $135 to be spent on bbq invoice from general account (contingency fund) motioned 2nded by

Jane. Motion approved.

Still need an every other Friday kitchen volunteer. Bakers are always wanted. Funds may be needed (up to $2000 more this year.) Dawn will ask Katie to contact Chris McCarthy for help.

Naomi is asking for class thanks you to Hayla and Doug

Evans at Deer Bay Farms for apples and melons they have donated.

Sandra and Nancy presented on full day kindergarten and inquiry based learning. Looks like it would be grab to be a child in their class. Nancy ordered the National Geographic giant map. All classes can use it. Food drive is now on.

There will be a student yard sale Dec 13 th


Regional Council-next meeting:


Fundraising Survey Summary:

Dawn Carr

Fundraising/Event Discussion:


Christmas Event:

Jane, Se Jane, Selda

Leadership Survey:

Terri asked for the last Regional Council meeting to be sent to Susan but she has not received them yet. Terri will go to the December meeting and speak at the Jan QM meeting.

Monday December 10th 6:30 at Kenner

Good response of survey that was sent out to all children.

Represents parents who do not come to meetings.

Big question is do we or do we not fundraise.

Jane feels that funfair and the ice cream party is for the children and they appreciate it.

Selda is suggesting we make a fundraising plan of asking for dollar amount sponsorship for specific items : i.e. $40 for 4 pinnies, BP cost $ per day-donate a day or week. Would we be able to collect money for a naturalize playground but keep the funds until we have enough to purchase all items. Yes we can.

Kim suggested a we make a card with the description of the item they purchased for donation to give to the child. Put up 3 ideas for the xmas concert. BP, Pinnies, kinder shirts.

**Susan did a walk around with Drew Monkman suggested we finish the sundial, the butterfly garden and we do not need a naturalized area. Angie asked if there are any teachers willing to champion these places but Susan has not brought that to the staff yet.

Tues Dec 17th. Same day as turkey lunch. Dress rehearsal at 2pm.

Event will take place at 6:30. 45 min long. Maybe do 3 carols at the end of the night with council and kids at the front. Council will free cookies, make a donation tin for BP. Dawn will do program, Jane will do song sheets, Amanda and Angie and Naomi will put up lights, Angie will ask parent Shai Peer of he will lead the sing a long. We will make signs and try the “sponsor a piney, or class for BP” and put donation jars. We will put the table down the hall by Nancy Zomer’s room. Will accept cash or cheque donations for BP-if over $20 they can get a receipt for charitable donation. Selda will send out an email from the new volunteer list for cookie bakers. Jenny Chambers will make thank you cards for donations at cookie table.

Quick overview of last survey. Jane will submit the answers.

New Business: Bring fundraising ideas to the table in January.

Lisbeth Shaw and Lisa Noble is looking for $500 towards art supplies for a Spring Fling art show.

Pinnies-we have indoor/outdoor sports equipment money-can we use this money for the pinnies?

Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.

Please bring any errors or omissions to the attention of the secretary.

Next meeting

Monday January 20, 2013 at 6:30 pm

Location: Computer Lab
