2016 Mid-Term Foundation Fellowship Application Instructions The Foundation Fellowship is the University of Georgia’s premier undergraduate scholarship program. Mid-Term Foundation Fellowships are two-year academic scholarships for the two final years of undergraduate study. We are looking for students with an early track record of academic distinction, intellectual drive, and ambition. Fellowships include a generous stipend, travel-study grants, research and conference grants, and a variety of academic enrichment opportunities. 2016 Mid-Term Foundation Fellowships will begin July 1, 2016. Eligibility Second-year Honors students with a minimum 3.85 cumulative UGA GPA at the end of fall 2015 semester and two years of undergraduate study remaining after the spring 2016 semester. NOTE: GPA requirement is not negotiable. Procedures for Submitting an Application All materials (including transcript and reference letters) should be submitted TOGETHER in a large envelope (not a folder) by the deadline – 5:00pm EST on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 – to Jessica Hunt, Scholarships Coordinator, 108 Herty Drive, 215 Moore College, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. The submission may be hand delivered or sent via campus mail, regular mail, or an express mail service, but it must arrive in the Fellows Office by 5:00pm EST on Tuesday, January 12, 2016. Requests for alternate means of submitting an application (e.g., email) and requests for an extension of the deadline will not be granted. Only submissions that are complete (see list and information below) will be considered. Applicants are responsible for making sure their applications are complete at the time of the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please type (single-spaced) all responses except for the printed name and signature on the application. Use the pages provided. Do not exceed the space provided or the word/character limits. Checklist of materials to submit and the order in which they should be presented: On top: A one- or two-page resume detailing academic programs and awards; campus and community activities; research, internship, travel, and work experience; and special skills. The resume should be printed one-sided on plain, white paper. Next: An official transcript that reflects classes and grades up to and including fall 2015. The official transcript does not have to be in a Registrar’s sealed envelope. It’s fine to open it up to copy it. If you have an electronic copy of your official transcript, you may print this on a color printer and submit that as your official transcript. Last: Application, printed one-sided and signed. Do NOT submit this instruction page, please. These three items (resume, transcript, application) should be stapled together. This is your original application packet. Make five additional photocopies of the application packet. Each copy of the application packet should be individually stapled. The five copies may be either color or black and white, and they should be onesided. (No need to copy explanatory text that details UGA procedures on the back of the transcript.) Two letters of recommendation (and no more than two) in sealed envelopes should be included with your submission (in your large envelope). We will not accept letters sent separately. (Applicants are therefore advised to request letters of recommendation well before the end of the fall semester.) Both letters should be from classroom instructors, research supervisors, or faculty mentors. These should be academic references rather than references from club/internship supervisors, etc. N.B. – Application evaluators will also be reviewing students’ Honors Network profiles, so we strongly encourage applicants to update their profiles (including information related to mentors, travel-study, internships, research, activities, awards) by January 12. Please contact Jessica Hunt (jhunt@uga.edu) with any questions, but please read the instructions carefully. You will find that most questions are answered in the instructions above. Finalists will be interviewed in January 2016 and notified shortly thereafter regarding their status. 2016 Mid-Term Foundation Fellowship Application Name (last, first middle): Name Called: Undergraduate major(s): Undergraduate minor(s): Graduate major: Certificate program(s): Cumulative (UGA) GPA: High School & City/State: Contact Information UGA Email: Alternate Email: Phone: Personal webpage/webspace: Local Address: Permanent Address: Career Objective Please summarize your professional aspirations (max 50 words, response contained on this page only). Application Validation and Code of Conduct Statement “(1) This application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. (2) I have not been found in violation of the University of Georgia's Code of Conduct. (3) Any failure to comply with the best principles of academic integrity will result in my disqualification as a UGA Foundation Fellowship candidate.” Applicant’s Name (Please print.) _______________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Signature___________________________________________________ Date_________________ Short Response One How have you contributed to campus, local, state, national, and/or international communities? In the next few years, what do you plan to do to impact these communities? (Limit = 250 words. Response should be contained on this page only.) Short Response Two What are your academic and professional goals and ambitions? Where do you see yourself in ten years? (Limit = 250 words. Response should be contained on this page only.) Essay: Discuss/respond/explore the following in 500 words or less: FACE (Limit = 500 words. Response should be contained on this page only.)