Jane Eyre Discussion Questions Ch. 11-15

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________ Period: ______
Jane Eyre Discussion Questions
Ch. 11-15
1. How does Jane feel about Mrs. Fairfax? (ch. 11) Page: ______
2. How does Mrs. Fairfax characterize Rochester? (ch. 11) Page: ______
3. How does Jane explain her own restlessness? (ch. 12) Page: _____
4. How does Jane interpret her encounter with the man who falls from his
horse? (ch. 12) Page: _____
5. Describe Rochester’s tone during his first conversation with Jane. Note at
least one quote that supports your response. (ch. 13) Page: _____________
Quote: ______________________________________________________________________
6. Rochester tells Jane, “I was your equal at eighteen – quite your equal.”
What do you think he means? (ch. 14) Page: _____
7. Jane does not understand Mr. Rochester when he says, “I have received the
pilgrim – a disguised deity . . . Already it has done me good: my heart was a
sort of charnel; it will now be a shrine.” Explain what you think Mr.
Rochester means by this statement. (Ch. 14) Page: _____
8. To what animal does Rochester compare Jane? Why might this be
significant? (ch. 14) Page: _____
ESLRs: Technologically Competent**Involved and Productive Citizens**Effective Communicators**SelfDirected Learners
Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________ Period: ______
9. After confessing his painful past, Rochester tells Jane, “Strange that I should
choose you for the confidant of all this, young lady . . .” Explain why he
would confide in her. (ch. 15) Page: _____
10.What pronoun does Rochester use as he refers to Adele? Why? (ch. 14)
Page: _____ Pronoun: _____ (last paragraph in ch. 14)
11.How does Rochester’s treatment of Jane change after their conversation at
the beginning of Chapter 15?
12.What gothic elements do we see in Chapter 15? Speculate their origins.
13.At the end of Chapter 15, Jane uses sea imagery to describe her feelings: “I
was tossed on a buoyant but unquiet sea, where billows of trouble rolled
under surges of joy. I thought sometimes I saw beyond its wild waters a
shore, sweet as the hills of Beulah, and now and then a freshening gale,
wakened by hope, bore my spirits triumphantly towards the bourne: but I
could not reach it, even in fancy, a counteracting breeze blew off the land,
and continually drove me back. Sense would resist delirium; judgment
would warn passion.” Considering the events immediately preceding this
passage, explain the nature of the inner conflict that Jane is experiencing.
ESLRs: Technologically Competent**Involved and Productive Citizens**Effective Communicators**SelfDirected Learners