Southeast Council on Philanthropy Quarterly Meeting Thursday, January 24, 2008 11:30 am -1:00pm ATTENDEES: Melody Anderson Ellen Carlson Larry Essner Eva Hillis Kessie Hinkle Revonda Kirby Betty Martin Ron Pilz Denise Stewart Delilah Taylor Walt Wildman Mike Buckley Jean Chapman Bob Francis Sharon Hileman Mary Burton-Hitt Trudy Lee Marla Mills Lisa Quick Molly Strickland Nicole Thieret Tony Buehrle Sam Duncan Linda Garner Laura Hinkebein Glenda Hoffmeister Amanda Lincoln Bill Osborne Tammy Samuel Jean Soncini Penelope Vogel The first quarterly meeting of SECOP was held at the Glenn Convocation Center, Southeast Missouri University River Campus. President Trudy Lee welcomed members and guests. Trudy did a round-robin introduction, asking each person to share the number of years that they had been members of SECOP. She prefaced the request by telling members that the Organization is celebrating 10 years of leadership in addressing the partnership between non-profits and philanthropy in southeast Missouri. Recognized as founding members were Denise Stewart, Laura Hinkebein, Betty Martin, Mary Burton-Hitt, and Bill Kiel, who was not in attendance,. Trudy reminded attendees to visit the SECOP website,, where there is opportunity for each non-profit to link to the website providing more exposure for their agency/organization. Minutes were reviewed and accepted as presented. The treasurer’s report was distributed showing a balance of $3,157.85. Larry Essner presented the 2008 budget which was reviewed with a motion to approve, seconded and passed by the membership. Tony Buehrle, membership chair, noted that 17 out of 35 members from last year have renewed their membership. He distributed membership forms, noting that dues cover 2 people from each organization to attend quarterly meetings and luncheons in addition to all other special programs offered by SECOP. Tony mentioned that he has been in contact with several southern Illinois people whom he is encouraging to join. He recommended that every member speak to someone who could benefit and invite them to attend and become members. Amanda Lincoln, vice-president, will be adding updates to the website, meeting notices, minutes, the membership brochure that members can download to run off and take copies to friends and associates. She stated that January had 255 hits and there were several days left in the month. She shared with the group about adding a “Tech Tips” requesting members to get tips and ideas to her to put on the list. Penelope Vogel, community outreach, told about the upcoming TBY Estate Planning ad. Individuals interested should call the Southeast Missourian about running an ad. Linda Garner and Nicole Thieret, program chairs, distributed a card with upcoming programs. They noted that the Feb. 19 Webinar on Listening to Don ors—Essential skills for the Win-Win Ask is scheduled with location to be announced. Nicole extended thanks to Bob Francis, US Bank, for sponsorship of the August Webinar. program: Board Development and Engaging Your Board. Car pooling will be available for the St Louis Planned Giving Council meeting on march 13 where Margaret Mae Damon will present on the impact of “Boomer Women” on philanthropy. Nicole and Linda passed out a survey about interest in a program on Certification for the Oct. meeting. Linda introduced Dan Reynolds with Holmes, Radford, & Avalon, Inc., who presented on “Capital Campaigns.” He spoke on three basic fundamentals that make for a successful campaign: 1)Assessing the maximum dollar goal, timing, significant leaders to lead and support the campaign; 2) developing and implementing a feasibility study—usually an eight week process involving 40-50 contacts—and reassessing goal, timing, etc.; 3) the ask. All of these steps are built on the relationships the organization has within the community, the real need, and support when those that make the ask can achieve commitments to the cause and thus, the goal. Dan was available for an afternoon session to go more into detail on running a successful campaign. The calendar for 2008 quarterly meetings: Thursday, January 24 -- Southeast Missouri State University Thursday, April 24 -- St. Francis Medical Center Thursday, July 24 -- Southeast Missouri Hospital Thursday, October 23 -- United Way of Southeast Missouri Respectfully submitted, Molly A. Strickland, Sec.