`73 - Dartmouth Alumni Relations


The ’73 Reconnection!

Your 1973 Class Officer Team

President Mark Harty 781-237-0421 mharty@morrisonmahoney.com

Vice President Steve Kessner 914-725-8568 STEVEK1152@aol.com

2nd VP/Asst. Treas. Bunk Rosenblum 802-649-5270 rosenblum.robert@gmail.com

Secretary Val Armento 408-733-5111 v_armento@yahoo.com


Head Agent

John Neff 203-655-5137 neffjohns@gmail.com

Rick Routhier 203-966-7332 rrouthier@spencerstuart.com

Newsletter Editor Bob Barr

Gift Planning Chair Pat Kennedy


206-324-7394 rbarr@sps.edu pat.kennedy@harvestdev.com

Mini-Reunion Chair Bob Haynes

Web Master Bill Nisen

802-649-1097 rehinc@gmail.com

603-448-0645 william.g.nisen.73@alum.dartmouth.org

Alumni Council Thad King 404-351-1640 thadDking@gmail.com

Class Necrologist Bob Conway 518-439-7763 rconwayj@nycap.rr.com

Happy Holidays 2009

“The world’s troubles are your troubles, and there is nothing wrong with the world that better human beings cannot fix.” --John Sloan Dickey as quoted by President Jim Yong Kim.

Since we last connected, the big news on campus has been the appointment of Jim Yong Kim as the 17th

President of Dartmouth College. This guy is a rock star! I have heard him twice this fall, once during his inauguration and again over Class Officers’ Weekend. It is amazing to me how much he already understands about what Dartmouth is (and what it isn’t). He brings to Dartmouth a world vision that is much different than those of any of his predecessors. You can read more about him at www.dartmouth.edu, but here are the facts:

Early years: Born in Seoul. Immigrated to the United States at age 5. Raised in Muscatine, Iowa, where he was high school valedictorian, class president and a quarterback on his HS football team.

Education: Graduated magna cum laude from Brown University in 1982 where he played volleyball.

Received master’s and doctorate in anthropology, as well as medical degree, from Harvard.

Academic career: Cofounded Partners in Health, which supports health programs in poor countries, with Dr.

Paul Farmer and other colleagues while students at Harvard Medical School. Also headed the World Health

Organization’s first major effort to promote treatment of AIDS patients. Was chairman of the department of global health and social medicine at Harvard Medical School, and chief of the division of global health equity at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Personal: Married to Dr. Younsook Lim, a pediatrician at Children’s Hospital. They have two sons.

Quotable: “The challenge is to not lose our focus in providing a great liberal arts education, but also preparing students to make a difference in the world.’’

What struck me in listening to him during the COW presentation was how connected he already was with the essence of Dartmouth. He had been to football practice and thrown a few passes, volleyball practice where he dove for a dig and the players thought that he had injured himself (he was OK), and the basement of AD where he was tutored in the finer aspects of beer pong.

In a Boston Globe article, President Kim acknowledged that outside misconceptions about Dartmouth prevent the school from recruiting and retaining an even wider range of professors and students. “I had my own misperceptions that Dartmouth was roiled by pitched political battles and Neanderthal frat life,’’ Kim said during an interview in his office last week. “But that’s not the kind of family I discovered here.’’

He closed his inauguration speech with the following words: “By inviting me to serve you as the seventeenth president of Dartmouth College, you’ve given me the highest honor of my life. In return, I offer you this promise, backed by both passion and practicality to the fullest measure of which I am capable: I will do all I can to enable Dartmouth to continue delivering the treasury of its centuries-old dream safely into the hands of those who will shape the future. To send a legion of young people out into the world so inspired by this place that there is no challenge from which they will shrink—all the while remaining true to the abiding sweetness of the College on the Hill.”

If any of you have a chance to hear our new President talk in a venue near you, I strongly urge you to attend and to form your own judgments. I for one am impressed.

Of course he is coming in to face of a budgeting nightmare at Dartmouth with a projected $50 million shortfall in each of the next three fiscal years. As there are only so many pencils that can be left unpurchased, I suspect that some of the accomplishments of the Wright era will need to be rolled back in conjunction with painful personnel cuts. What Dartmouth needs to do is reduce its overall dependence on the endowment draw as a percentage of the total budget from the current 32% (at a 6.3% draw rate in 2009) to a lower percentage at a reduced draw rate (5-5.5%) which would be more sustainable. Maybe the base budget is pegged lower and deferred maintenance is dealt with when the level of return goes about a fixed percent of the budget. This would keep Dartmouth from getting too fat in the good times necessitating painful cutbacks in the bad. Time will tell. I am just glad that I am not President Kim.

Our own President, Mark Harty , has been a busy, busy bee. He outlined his thoughts both last May and again over Class Officers’ Weekend this fall. They include:

The possibility of clustering with 1972 (and perhaps others) at our next reunion. As you know, our numbers were down a bit last reunion owing to the dates being work days for most of us. The same will probably be true for our 40 th and 45 th too (and I suspect that I’ll be working long beyond that too judging from my 201-k statements).

Mark is also talking with folks at the College as well. There is an understanding that the weekday reunions are less than optimal. Perhaps a weekend at another time or clustering with other classes or both.

Reconnecting: Mark and the rest of the class leadership has committed to reaching out and bringing the ’73 Connection to you…literally! To this end, Bunk Rosenblum hosted the first of these mini-reunions at his home in September. More on this later.

Plans are also afoot for New York City (Steve Kessner to host assisted by Rick

Routhier) possibly this winter and Chicago (Paul Sehl to host with help from Terri Thomas) in the spring. We may piggy back on events featuring President Kim or we may just go it alone. Several of us who travel will plan to attend as well.

Keeping connected: The best way to keep you informed about our Class activities in a timely and cost effective way is by email so PLEASE make sure that the College has your current email address. You can email to aro@dartmouth.edu

, or fix it yourself by logging in. The class

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website http://dartmouth.org/classes/73/index.php is worth a look as well. Finally, we are investigating setting up a Facebook page for our group.

Our Class of 1973 Scholarship Fund recipient has been Mary C. Stepick ’10 from Miami, FL. In her thank you note to the class (at the time from Auckland, New Zealand where she was on an Anthropology Foreign study Program) she recounted her activities at Dartmouth, which were many. Come next spring, “I hope to work in an organization that deals with immigration policy and advocacy, of which I have been privileged to learn about through the generosity of Dartmouth and donors like you. I sincerely thank you for your help.”

News from and about our classmates…

Last March the Financial Times interviewed Leon Black in the midst of the financial turmoil.

“Leon Black set up Apollo Management in 1990 to invest in buy-out deals and the debt of troubled companies. Apollo now has about $45bn under management, with a war chest of $13bn to take advantage of new opportunities at a time of unprecedented volatility and distress in the markets. While other firms have often run into trouble because of ill-thought out diversifications, Mr. Black has been judicious in his expansion and is currently looking at investing more in commodities and commodity companies.

“Mr. Black’s early career was at the old Drexel Burnham Lambert, a pioneer in making debt capital available to companies with low credit ratings, where he learnt the discipline of debt investment. From his office overlooking Central Park he can see many of the institutions on whose boards he sits, including the

Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Asia Society and Mount Sinai Hospital. Mr. Black graduated from

Dartmouth College and received his MBA from Harvard.

“In a video interview with FT.com this week, Mr. Black saw little sign of reaching the bottom of the market soon, predicted more challenges in commercial real estate, and said the name of the game in general is surviving to play another day. Edited highlights appear below.

FT - How does this macro cycle compare to previous macro cycles?

“I would have to say that in my business career, which now spans some 32 years, this has to be the worst economic cycle that I've ever experienced. It is really affecting every asset class, every industry, maybe with the exception of government workers . . .

FT - When did you start to get nervous?

“I guess that at Apollo, which is both in private equity and in a number of credit funds, we first started seeing a lot of credit tremors and nervousness in the summer of 2007. Apollo is kind of a fund for all seasons, because on the private equity side you can take advantage of times when conditions are good and on the distressed debt side you can profit when times are bad.

FT - What are the signs you will look for that say the bottom is near, and do you see any today?

“I wouldn’t call them lights at the end of the tunnel; I would say they’re more flashes in the dark right now.

The banks [are] really only part of the way through . . . They started with the terrible corporate credit problems they had to get off their balance sheet. However, when you then look at the other things on their balance sheet: it's credit card debt and student loans . . . [on] residential mortgages they are halfway through, probably they have unloaded or written off half a trillion there. There is probably another half a trillion to go.

And then you have the black hole of commercial real estate, and that hasn’t happened yet. Usually, that lags

12 to 18 months [behind] the rest of the financial problems and there you are sitting with $4 trillion of debt and you know not all of it is bad but a lot of it is diminished, and that really hasn't yet been addressed.

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FT - What you suggest about commercial real estate would lead me to believe that there is, in fact, a whole other leg down?

“Ah, there well might be, and that is one of the big question marks out there in terms of what still has to be addressed and how big a hole there is to cover. Some people have estimated [the additional bank clean-up] at

$1 trillion but I think that it could be as much as $2 trillion.

FT - You grew up in a world of figuring out what companies had too much debt, how to refinance that debt.

What do you see happening to the defaults in this cycle?

“In general, defaults have to go up. If you look at JP Morgan’s expert predictions you know they are talking of 10 per cent to 15 per cent and that’s probably right. Very high prices were paid for companies and they were bought with a lot of debt although some of the debt has no default triggers so [it] really depends on which sectors and which companies you're looking at.

Where earnings are down, cash flow is down, and you have a lot of leverage, there will be more defaults.

There are some exceptions to that and a lot of the companies that were financed in the past few years had varied capital flexible structures, and therefore I believe many of them will find ways to deliver outside of bankruptcy to get through to a recovery.

FT - This is what you're good at, finding opportunities in the debt. But how perilous is that game now?

“I think it’s time for defense and offense. On defense, the focus on existing portfolio companies is to take out costs, manage capital better and capture debt discount to deliver the balance sheet. On offense, there are great opportunities in distressed for those with dry powder, but it isn't for the faint of heart due to mark to market considerations and intercreditor disagreements. So, what does the world look like when we come out?

Probably, there will be more regulation. Some of it will be good. I think some of it will be bad and will make doing business probably harder. I think companies will have to put more equity into deals, so that they will be less leveraged. In order for that to happen, the equity markets, the prices, will have to adjust because otherwise the math just doesn't work. You know, if you've paid less for the asset, you can still make the math work very well in terms of getting good returns.

FT - When do you shift to more offensive mode? When do you say, “This is the right time to go in with both hands?”

“It will be when I feel that we have done everything we can that is possible for our existing portfolios, and that they are really on even keels, and that our investors are protected, and we've stabilized all those situations. Then, and only then, will we shift to playing full offense.”

Jeff Calhoun Conifer, CO jeff_calhoun@baxter.com

Jeff sent in the following from a TIME magazine article quoted on the CNN website...

“Americans are suckers for a good ranking. Give people a copy of the annual

U.S. News & World Report on the country's best colleges and you'll have them gloating, sulking and arguing over the results for hours. Ditto for the various lists put out by the Princeton Review. (Should Penn State really be this year's top-ranked party school? What happened, University of Florida?)

“But for all the college rankings floating around, there's still one area students and parents can't find much concrete info about: how much an undergraduate degree will pay off. Enter PayScale.com which claims to be the world's largest salary survey. Its 2009 College Salary Report uses data supplied by 1.2 million visitors who came to the site and plugged in all sorts of info to find out whether their salaries were in line with those of people doing the same kind of work in their geographic area.

“When the list is sorted by school, Dartmouth College alums lead the PayScale pack with a median midcareer salary of $129,000 . (The site defines midcareer as having a minimum of 10 years' experience.)

Not far behind are the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University and Harvey Mudd College

(a small school with a big engineering program). On the other end of the 600-school spectrum: South

Dakota's Black Hills State University, whose midcareer graduates reportedly earn $42,000 a year

“PayScale's college ranking, in its second year, is drawing fire for its methodology. Median salaries for

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smaller institutions--like Black Hills--can be based on as few as 100 people. And the salaries are not adjusted for factors like cost of living. Another problem with the ranking is that it excludes anyone with a graduate degree. As a result, a huge portion of alumni can be left out; a recent Dartmouth survey of its 2008 grads found that 80% of them were either attending graduate school or planning to apply in the next five years. and more good news…

U.S. News and World Report 's "Best Colleges 2010" rankings released August 20 included a new feature, a category called "Best Undergraduate Teaching" -- with Dartmouth College #1 in that category among national universities.

Bob Conway Glenmont, NY rconwayj@nycap.rr.com

“I am living and working in the Albany NY area. After 20 years in the Marine Corps as a JAG officer, I transitioned in 1996 to working for the State of New York as the Counsel for the state's Army and Air

National Guard agency (Division of Military and Naval Affairs).

“I just finished a 10 year run as President of the Dartmouth Club of Eastern NY and was Class Secretary for about 9 years during the 1990s. I am now the secretary for the local Dartmouth Club and striving ‘to keep the torch lit’ in the alumni club world.

“My son is a 2nd lieutenant in the US Army Signal Corps (communications and IT) having graduated from

Wake Forest University last May. My wife is a middle school music teacher in the local public school system.”

Brooks Cutright Danvers, MA brooks.cutright@verizon.net

I don't believe my name has ever appeared in our class notes. I suppose it is because I've been waiting to have something really good and really important to report. The time has come! In January of 2007, I happened to run across Ann Paulsen's name (class of '76) on the Dartmouth web site and sent her a short email reminiscing about some good times we shared working at Peter Christian's Tavern. She was nice enough to respond and after many emails, a first date in Providence, RI, and a subsequent long distance romance (Mt. Gretna, PA to Danvers, MA), we were married on May 23 of this year with our 4 grown children (2 for each of us) serving as our wedding party. Jack Nicholson, also a '76, honored us by attending. Ann is Vice President, Technology Pre-sales with Chicago based IRI and I am Vice President of

Operations for RISO, Inc., here in Danvers. We're still working on exactly where we will settle down but

Ann's virtual office gives us a great deal of flexibility in choosing a location.

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Bill Graulty Stockbridge, MA bgraulty@yahoo.com

Your editor was able to steal a few moments from a business trip on a snowy January day to visit with Bill and Vaunie Graulty in West Stockbridge (no, you can’t get there from here). While I was being mauled by their affectionate lab we compared notes on our lives post Dartmouth (and Loomis: Bill and I were classmates there as well). Their kids are out of the nest and they are entering into the next phases of their respective lives. Vaunie is talking about a return to school to become a certified school psychologist and Bill continues his B-B marketing consulting work at Mintz and Hoke.

Paul Gross East Thetford, VT paul.l.gross@valley.net

The Valley News (our local newspaper-all the news that fits) ran an article last March featuring goldsmith extraordinaire Paul Gross. It seems that he and three teammates got together to race in the Canadian Ski marathon (CSM), a two day 100 mile event from Lachute, Que to Gatineau, Que. Sid Pual, “Most of us ski the Craftsbury 50K the week before; you finish that and you’re beat. You have to ski fast, but you can’t go so fast that you can’t talk, which is fun. You get the chance to meet other people.”

This fall the Upper Valley Rowing Foundation’s four man shell with coxswain won the Men’s Fours competition at the Saratoga Rowing Association’s Head of the Fish Regatta. Our own Paul Gross and Bob

Haynes teamed up with Tim Cox, Ralph Stedman and coxswain Emma Kaufman to haul away the gold!

Fred Haas Hartland, VT frederick.l.haas.jr.73@alum.dartmouth.org

“Sabrina and I are looking forward to lots of family time this holiday season and several performances with musician friends in Hanover, Woodstock, White River Junction and other local communities. We hope to see you during this time of celebration.

“As a special holiday gift to you, I have added three new tunes to the FREE DOWNLOAD page. I have kept the previous downloads available (Samantha's Blues and Prayer For Peace) and have added three seasonal tunes (Autumn, Fall's Alive and Winter Samba). I hope that you will take this opportunity to listen to a few of my original compositions performed with guitarist Gene Bertoncinci and bassist Michael Moore, both world class players. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to perform and record with them both.

For Fred's Free Music Downloads click on this link to go to the download page: http://www.interplayjazz.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=57

Jake Johnston Mississauga, Ontario jake.johnston@peelsb.com

“Bob, As promised here is my "report' on my visit to Hanover this last weekend for the Alumni Hockey

Game and Winter Carnival. "Thou round the girdled earth they roam, her spell on them remains".

I guess you could say that was my reason for travelling to Hanover with my son Tait to play in the Alumni

Hockey Game which I had read about for a few years but never ventured into. It was also winter Carnival so we got to share the atmosphere of Carnival and see 2 great men's hockey games.

We made some prior arrangements with Bob Barr and Bob Haynes who were kind enough to take care of us.

Upon arrival on Friday we had a visit with Bob Haynes in his office overlooking Main Street before going to hors d'ouvres (nachos style) with Bob Barr. Then off to supper with Bob Haynes and his wife Brenda for supper at Murphy's (in the front window of course as Bob knows all the local business folk) before going to the rink for the Cornell/Dartmouth hockey game. Great game – Dartmouth wins 5-4 in overtime! The game's winning goal was decided with a goal by Bob Gaudet's oldest son (Bob Gaudet ’79 is the Head Coach ) in the end where Bob Haynes is the goal judge. There was a bit of a dispute but I'm proud to say that closer observation and judgment showed Bob made the right call from the beginning. What a wild finish!

Bob and Brenda Haynes were kind enough to host Tait and me at there beautiful (and I mean beautiful ) home with a gorgeous view of Vermont close to the campus. Saturday we saw the workings of Carnival while wandering around campus with a visit to Sigma Nu. My son Tait took pictures of the basement – ‘beer pong' tables, sticky floor and all. The kids can still party …….to some degree.

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The Alumni Game was in the afternoon. The highlights were that I got to play on the same "fivesome" with

Stevie Arndt ’72 at centre while I was on defense. It was great to play with him again after 30+ years and we even made a few neat plays just like old times, only slower! The key to me was not to embarrass myself and have some fun which we did, according to my son. The rink holds a special key to me as our fellow 73’s and myself were heavily recruited by Grant Standbrook with this rink as the place we would be. It is really grand but Davis Rink had a unique character. After the game we hooked up with Bob Conway who was there for

Class Officer's weekend I believe. Another engaging supper conversation.

Saturday night Dartmouth hosted Colgate. Another exciting game with a 1-0 Dartmouth loss. Again a large crowd. The team is doing very well placing around 4 th /3 rd place in the ECAC as I write exceeding expectations for a young team. Back to Bob and Brenda's for nightcaps and very engaging conversation about where we all started and where we all ended up.

Through this whole trip I continually felt the pull of what the Dartmouth "experience" means to me. There is a hook that no matter how long you have been out of touch with folks because it's Dartmouth your reunion with folks is easygoing, engaging and exciting. I encourage all of us to make contact with some fellow classmates, visit them and share those precious things that no one else but you and those folks you contact have……memories of each other and interesting times together.”

Jake was kind enough to choose to make the long drive down in September to join in the festivities on Class

Officer’s Weekend as well. Thanks Jake!

Jonathan Low West Palm Beach, FL jon.low@predictiv.net

I got an email from Jon over the summer about a recent trip he took to China:

“China was incredible. I had had no particular desire to go but then was invited this summer by the

Chinese Gov’t to speak at a seminar in Beijing as one of 15 non-Chinese experts on intellectual capital (only 3 Americans, including me) – it was very stimulating. Much to my surprise, I loved the city and the country – what little I saw of it. Beautiful city, no air pollution that I experienced, people really friendly, food yummy, etc. I was very impressed by the people with whom I interacted at the seminar. Also spent a day at Forbidden City, Great Wall, etc, which were as impressive as advertised. Looking forward to going back when I can.”

He also reports that

Trevor O’Neill ’s widow, Ellen Iseman, and son Alex dedicated a garden in Trevor’s name at the Pequot Yacht Club in Southport, CT earlier this fall. It thoughtfully combines Trevor’s love of sailing and the sea with his long-time devotion to forestry, gardening and environmental concerns. The

O’Neill family has been members of the club for over 30 years. Chris and Janette Ley and Allen and Lyn

Kraus were in attendance.

Ellen and Alex, now 11, also sponsored and dedicated a similar garden at Alex’s school, Horace Mann

School in New York. Ellen continues her work in communications and international affairs. Alex is turning into a fine young man who has inherited his dad’s intellectual and athletic ability. He stays in touch with his god-father, Fran Sparagna.

Michael Neary Palm City, FL m.neary@mcarthurgolf.com

“Bob – Spent 12 years running Harbour Ridge (near Stuart, FL) which was developed by John Dodge ’53.

For the past four years I have been managing McArthur Golf Club in Hobe Sound

Nick Price is course designer (along with Tom Fazio) and one of our owners, so there are always some interesting people stopping by (even Tiger!).

Ah, the Hanover Inn days – you know we had a good thing going when Brad Little was on the payroll so he could be our goalie in the fraternity league. My visits to town have been infrequent since stepping down from the Hanover Inn Overseers Board, but hope that will change and will get to see you soon.

Susan and I have twin boys in college (BC and Michigan) and our daughter lives and works in Atlanta. Best,


Dartmouth 1973 7. Holiday 2009

John Neff Darien, CT neffjohns@gmail.com

Our class treasurer reminds us that our dues pay for this newsletter as well as our subscriptions to the

Dartmouth Alumni Magazine. He notes that because of your participation we were able to reduce our dues last year, and that we continue to hold them steady this year at just $40. He also reports that the Class of

1973 Scholarship Fund receives significant support yearly in combination with dues payments. Thanks to all of you who pay your dues!

Trevor Rees-Jones Dallas, TX trees-jones@chiefog.com

I am going way back on this but I had saved the October 2008 edition of Dartmouth Life reminding myself to report to the class on the generosity of Jan and Trevor who have contributed $10 million for need based scholarships, with first preference for students from Texas. In addition they have funded the Trevor Rees-

Jones Scholarship Fund and named a conference room in Kemeny Hall. Such generosity deserves our accolades!

Ambassador Francis Ricciardone is in Kabul where he serves as deputy to Ambassador Karl Eikenberry.

Prior to this assignment he was on leave from the U.S. Department of State as a guest scholar at US Institute of Peace. He has served as U.S. Ambassador to the Arab Republic of Egypt (2005-2008), the Republic of the

Philippines and the Republic of Palau (simultaneous appointments, 2002-2005). As a career member of the

Senior Foreign Service, he received U.S. government and other organization awards for his work in foreign policy and program management, political reporting and analysis and peacekeeping. His language skills including Italian, Arabic, Turkish, and French have obviously served him well in his various postings.

Be safe Frank!

Don Ritt Mequon, WI Don.Ritt@enerpac.com

Your editor had business in Milwaukee recently, and was able to pull Don away from taking care of his ailing wife Susan for some dinner and catching up. The last time we had connected his daughter Sam was playing hockey for Middlebury and mine was at Williams. and now she is “off the payroll” teaching school at Culver Military Academy and thinking of moving further south with her S-O. His two sons are still in college, and we compared notes about how much longer we’ll need to work to pay for our kids’ educations!

Don is the Human Resources at Enerpac and lives in Mequon. He and Susan skated on a hockey team together until a year or so ago, and he, like I, continue to wear the stripes!

Rick Routhier New Canaan, CT rrouthier@spencerstuart.com

As our esteemed Head Agent reported via postcard recently, despite last year’s economic downturn our class exceeded our goal and contributed $406,842 to the Dartmouth College Fund. This success was due in no small measure to Rick and his fund raising team who encouraged, cajoled and shamed 42.4% of our class to join them in supporting Dartmouth College. Thanks to all of those who contributed. As this year’s DCF runs from July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010 I know that Rick and his troops are already hard at work. An invitation:

“In planning for next year's campaign, I'd like to invite anyone that would like to get involved to contact me directly. Raising money for the College is of course a worthwhile goal. But I've also really enjoyed the opportunity to get back in touch with old friends. As a class agent, you can do as much or as little work as you have time for or interest in. But the idea is to take the time to reach out to the people with whom you'd like to be in touch. If you'd like to participate in the campaign, just let me know.”

Paul Sehl Chicago, IL psehl@aol.com

During a business trip to Chicago your editor caught up with Paul Sehl. He has a condo on N. Sheridan that overlooks the beach looking straight down (good scenery in the summer I suspect) and right down Lake

Shore Drive as you look towards Chicago. We set out for dinner picking up Terri Thomas, Chuck’s widow along the way. She has a similar view to Paul’s although her recently renovated double condo could host a football team with room to spare. Terri volunteers her medical talent for the Lakefront Lolapaloosa concert.

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Paul’s S-O Katy Dillon joined us for dinner at a little Italian restaurant nearby. She is an OB-GYN doctor who was able to grab some time between her patients’ contractions. Paul’s son Daniel is teaching English in

China and his other son Cody is still in school. It was great to catch up. Paul and Terri are talking about jointly hosting an event for Chicago area for 72-74’s, perhaps in the summer.

Francis Sparagna Northbridge, CA Francis@pacbell.net

“Dear Bob, I have always liked the title of the newsletter, The Rest of the Story, but if you think a change is necessary I liked Mark Harty's re-connection line. So if you want to fit that phrase in the title, it is fine with me. I believe it is one of your proposals. You know that I love you and the work you have done for the class.

My personal trips to Dartmouth are always made richer by your presence and fingerprints on every thing, and if I have ever neglected to thank you, I am saying it now.

Your mailings always sound great and it seems as if you are in a generally happy mode. Of course, spending your life with Trish is a reward in itself. I spent some time talking to your daughter and your wife and at times I thought they were cloned. You should be proud of your daughter who is a really fine person. You and Trish did good there.

My news is similar to yours. My daughter Jackie is halfway through her first year at Smith College and she has been successful so far. She played volleyball for the school and is currently running track in the 55 meter sprints and 4 by 200 relay, the broad jump and high jump. She has made the all academic team for athletes along with her athletics. She is the last of our children and so we are in essence living in the empty nest and trying not to live through our kids. My wife and I are having fun with raising our Dobermans and going to

Laker games. We have been season ticket holders since 1996. We are currently working as hard as ever in our law practice- working harder for less like everyone else in the economy,- but I do not look like I am starving, unfortunately. Life seems to be picking off our classmates little by little, so I am already looking forward to the next reunion. That pretty much sums up our life for now. Thanks for all you do and look forward to hearing from you soon. Fran”

Todd Stern Washington, DC

On the heels of President Obama’s announcement that he would ask the EPA to reconsider applications from

14 states attempting to set stricter greenhouse gas-emissions standards, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton named another member to what some have recently dubbed Obama's green team. Todd Stern, a longtime friend and adviser to both Hillary and former President Bill Clinton, has held positions in government and in private law practices where he has advised on issues ranging from global warming to anti-money laundering methods. Many see his appointment as further evidence that the Obama Administration is serious about addressing the issue of climate change.

Fast Facts

•Born May 4, 1951 to Judith and Richard Stern of Chicago, he went on to receive a bachelors in 1973 from

Dartmouth (where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa) and a juris doctorate from Harvard Law School in

1977. He married Jennifer Klein on Sept. 10, 1995.

After completing his law degree, Stern served as an attorney for the Legal Aid Society for two years, followed by more than a decade working for private firms

•In 1990, he became senior counsel to Senator Patrick Leahy on the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he advised Leahy on intellectual property, telecommunications and constitutional issues.

•Worked on Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign, and later became Clinton's deputy staff secretary. In

1995 he was promoted to staff secretary and assistant to the president. As secretary, he played a central role in preparing presentations on key domestic, economic and national security issues for the President's decision.

•Was the senior White House negotiator at the Kyoto Protocol negotiations, which called for the stabilization of greenhouse gas emissions.

•Served a three-year stint at the Treasury Department from 1999 to 2001, where he advised the Secretary on the policy and politics of a broad range of economic and financial issues and supervised the Treasury's antimoney laundering strategy.

Dartmouth 1973 9. Holiday 2009

•As an adviser to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, he counseled on issues pertaining to the environment and global warming.

•As a member of the Obama-Biden transition team, helped negotiate the terms on which former President

Bill Clinton agreed to disclose the names of 200,000 donors to his charitable foundation in order to clear the way for Hillary's nomination as Secretary of State.

•Currently a senior fellow at the think tank Center for American Progress, where he focuses on climate change and environmental issues. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a vice chair of public policy for the law firm Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr.

Quotes From

"The time for denial, delay and dispute is over." — at a news conference announcing his appointment

(Washington Post , January 26, 2009)

Ronn Tigner as reported by Vicki Marks vrmarks@ups.com

“Val, it is with deep sadness that I inform the College of the passing of Ronn Tigner ’73. Ronn was blessed to have had a double lung transplant in 2008 which allowed his family and friends to have additional precious time with him and for him to become a grandfather by his only child, Akilah and her husband. His little granddaughter, Ana, is about 8 months old.

I met Ronn, who was also from Atlanta, as a freshman at Smith College. We remained friends for 40 years.

You had to know Ronn well to know what a big heart he had. He loved his friends dearly and could always be counted on. He was a great guy…there was never a dull moment when you were around him! He will be sorely missed by those of us who loved him but we are so blessed to have had the opportunity to travel life’s journey with him through all its ups and downs, twists and turns. Sharing that journey, no matter how long or short, provided his friends with such wonderful memories of him. And in the end, Ronn can receive no higher accolades than that he was loved and his presence made a difference in this world.”

John Towers as reported by Joe Davis ’72

Colonel John W. Towers, 57, passed away on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 in Shawnee, Kan. Col. Towers was born on June 20, 1951, to Allan and Aphia (Dempsey) Towers. He was united in marriage on Sept. 13,

1981 in Lawton, Okla., to Faye Shanks. He entered Dartmouth College in 1969, leaving prior to graduation.

He spent five years in what he referred to as "being a ski bum" and then found his focus, entering the Army in 1975 and was trained as a Korean linguist/Voice Interceptor. After 29 months at the Army Security

Agency Field Station in Korea, he returned to the CONUS MI Group, Fort Meade Md., as a Sergeant.

Colonel Towers entered the Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, Ga., in 1980 and was commissioned in the Field Artillery. Assigned to Fort Sill, Okla., he served initially as an instructor of Land Navigation and

Survey, followed by assignments as a Fire Direction Officer, Executive Officer and Battery Commander in

2d Battalion, 12th Field Artillery. After completing the Officer Advanced Course he returned to Dartmouth, completing his B.A. in history in 1986. Assigned to 4th Bn, 3rd FA, 2AD (Fwd), Garlstedt, Germany,

Colonel Towers served as an armor battalion FSO, Battery Commander and SGS of the Division (Fwd).

Returning to CONUS, he was assigned to the III Corps Artillery Fire Support Element, Fort Hood, Texas. In

January 1991, Colonel Towers deployed to Saudi Arabia and joined the 1st Cavalry Division Artillery as an

Assistant Operations Officer. Upon return to Fort Hood, he was assigned to 1st Bn, 3rd FA, as the Brigade

FSO for 3rd Brigade (Grey Wolves). He was subsequently the battalion S3 (redesignated 2d Bn, 82nd FA), and DivArty S3. In July 1994, Colonel Towers reported to the Naval College of Command and Staff, graduating the following June with a Masters Degree in National Security and Strategic Studies. He was then assigned to a joint duty position at Camp Lejeune, NC, as the 2nd Marine Division DFSCOORD and subsequently as the S3 of the 10th Marine Regiment. Returning to Fort Hood in June 1998, Colonel Towers assumed command of Headquarters Battalion (Phantom Command), III Corps and Fort Hood. After command, he served as the III Corps SGS. From July 2001 through June 2002, he attended the Army War

College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa., receiving a Masters Degree in Security Studies. He was then assigned as the

Director of Requirements Determination, Development and Integration at the Futures Developments

Integration Center, Field Artillery Center and School, Fort Sill. Colonel Towers assumed command of the

Fort Leavenworth Garrison in April 2003. After leaving the Garrison Command in August 2006, he served as

Dartmouth 1973 10. Holiday 2009

the Secretary, United Nations Command Military Armistice Commission, United States Forces Korea. Upon returning to CONUS in August 2007, COL Towers' final assignment was as Senior Army Advisor, Kansas

Army National Guard in Topeka, Kan. Colonel Towers' awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit,

Meritorious Service Medal, Good Conduct Medal, Ranger Tab and Airborne Badge, and Defense Superior

Service Medal. He enjoyed skiing and golf, but his true passion was that of serving his country. He was preceded in death by his parents; sister, Mary Anne Rice and also an infant sister; and two beloved aunts,

Hazel Wilson and Louise Greenwood. He is survived by his wife Faye, of the home; son, JD Towers of

Leavenworth; sister, Judith Towers of Chicago, Ill.; and numerous other family members and friends. A

Memorial Service will be 2 p.m. Tuesday, March 3, in the Main Post Chapel at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.

Chaplain (COL) Ronald Thomas will be officiating. Inurnment will be private at a later date. Memorials may be given to the Dwight D. Eisenhower Medical Center.

Joost van Nispen


“Hi Val: I am in San Diego to give a presentation at the annual DMA (Direct & Digital Marketing

Association) Conference, putting the finishing touches to my speech. As I was browsing the beta version of the new social search engine


(to demonstrate it as an example in my presentation) lo and behold I stumble on your mention in February’s classnotes of my professional activities in Spain. Thanks for including my news. Best wishes. Joost

PS I was in the US this summer to visit Dartmouth friends, including Tom Erwin (class of 1972) and Dick Green (class of 1975). A great time was had by all!

Joost van Nispen Presidente / CEO ICEMD - ESIC

The Institute of Direct, Interactive & Relationship Marketing @ ESIC Business & Marketing School


Edificio ESIC, Avda. Valdenigrales s/n , 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)

Office phone: +34 91 351 5094 Cellphone : +34 609 845722

Robert S Weil II Montgomery, AL rweil2@weilbros.com

“Bob, Just got the Newsletter today. Thanks so much for tireless communications over so long a period.

Usually good news to make our days brighter. However, the news of Cass Squire floored me. He was a good guy. Am getting married next month and we are delaying our wedding trip til this summer. We are going to share each others’ formative years by visiting people and places. So, Dartmouth is on the itinerary.

Should you and Tricia be available (don’t know the date), could we buy you dinner and catch up? I haven’t been to a reunion since our 20 th for various reasons like my son’s wedding but I do still think about all the fellows. Glory days. Bobby [Ed note: We had a date but Bobby came down with food poisoning and couldn’t make it. Next time for sure!]

Bob Haynes and Bunk Rosenblum reported on Dartmouth Night weekend (aka Homecoming):

As usual Bob Haynes drove his truck in the (rainy) Friday night parade. A Tucker Foundation meeting brought Wayne Davis and Mitch Kurz to town – Doug Britton and Bunk met them for a beer Sunday night

– 4 Alpha Theta’s telling stories – nice time. Charlie Smith from Reston, VA, Billy Koppenheffer , Steve

Kessner with his Dartmouth son Johnny and friends, Pat Kennedy (absent his 2 enrolled students) and his wife [Note: Pat has really gone through a tough spell from a bad car accident this past summer with spleen rupture, clots…..lucky to be alive, but looks and feels great now.” Per Bunk]

End Note…

This fall your editor was honored with the Dartmouth Alumni Award at a ceremony over Class Officer’s

Weekend. Many classmates were in attendance and I am grateful that many of them (Debbie and Jeff

Calhoun for instance) came a long way to bear witness. It was an evening I will never forget. Mark Harty made the presentation. Both he and Thad King had been honored with the award previously, and as I made mention in my remarks, I am humbled in their company, as well as in the company of all of the others who

Dartmouth 1973 11. Holiday 2009

have received this award before me. Most of my immediate family was also on hand, and when President

Kim took the podium after me, his first slide was from the 1973 yearbook. So that no one missed it, he took out his laser pointer to ensure that everyone knew that the long-haired fellow in the bottom row with the starred shirt was one in the same with that evening’s award recipient. My kids had never seen me with hair!

The following evening Nancy and Bunk Rosenblum graciously hosted a fête at their home complete with pulled pork and all the fixins. You will find a picture of those in attendance below.

This is the season for giving thanks for the blessings that we all have. If you watch the news it would be easy to think that the world is going to hell in a hand basket as most of it is pretty grim. I tend to look at life as the glass being half full as opposed to half empty. Sure there are many problems that need to be addressed. I cannot fix them all, nor can you. But if each of us can focus on making a difference even in some small way, incrementally we can have a significant impact upon our world.

An elderly member of our church put it very well, and I have his words on the wall of my office:

“I figure in this world you’re never going to change the whole thing, but if you leave it a little better than you found it, you’ve done your job.” Foster Blough has left us, but his words ring true!

Blessings to you and yours! Bob

Front l-r: Paul Gross, Marie Shaffer, Gretchen Teichgraeber (Neff) ’75, Clark and Jill Graff, Bunk

Rosenblum, Brenda and Bob Haynes. Middle: Bob Barr, Jake Johnston, Debbie and Jeff Calhoun, Kim

Stone, Tim Rieser, Mark Harty. Top: Fred Haas, Sabrina Brown, Rick Routhier, John Neff, Peter Stanzel,

Bill Nisen

Dartmouth 1973 12. Holiday 2009

Missing from photo: Mac and Roberta Rood, Nancy Rosenblum

Dartmouth 1973 13. Holiday 2009
