DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Results of Cross-Channel Monitoring During the Lower Passaic River Environmental Dredging Pilot Program on the Lower Passaic River, December 1 to 12, 2005 Timothy P. Wilson, Ph.D. U.S. Geological Survey West Trenton, N.J. 1 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Contents Introduction …..9 Terminology…..11 Overview of Methods…..13 Sampling…..13 Calculation of chemical concentrations…..15 Calculation of discharge and sediment load mass-balance…..17 Background Conditions …..18 Salinity and Turbidity…..18 Chemistry…..27 Pre- and Post-Dredge Sediment Chemistry…..31 Pre-dredge Sediment Load and Mass Balance…..43 Evaluation of Suspended Sediment and Chemistry during Dredging…..54 December 5 - AM …..55 Suspended Sediment…..55 Turbidity…..55 Sediment Chemistry…..56 December 5 – PM …..57 Suspended Sediment …..58 Water Salinity …..58 Comparison with Turbidity in Next Tidal Cycle…..58 Sediment Load and Mass Balance…..59 Sediment Chemistry…..60 December 6 – AM…..67 Suspended Sediment…..67 Turbidity …..68 Water Salinity …..68 Sediment Chemistry…..69 December 6 – PM…..71 Suspended Sediment…..71 Turbidity…..71 Water Salinity…..72 Comparison with Turbidity in the Next Tidal Cycle…..73 Sediment Loads and Mass Balance…..74 Sediment Chemistry…..75 2 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Contents - Continued December 7-AM …..82 Suspended Sediment…..82 Turbidity…..83 Water Salinity…..83 Comparison with Turbidity in the Next Tidal Cycle…..84 Sediment Loads and Mass-Balance…..84 Sediment Chemistry…..86 December 7 – PM …..87 Suspended Sediment …..87 Turbidity…..87 Salinity…..88 Sediment Loads and Mass-Balance …..88 Sediment Chemistry…..88 December 8…..94 Suspended Sediment…..94 Turbidity…..94 Water Salinity…..95 Comparison with Turbidity in the Next Tidal Cycle…..95 Sediment Loads and Mass Balance…..97 Sediment Chemistry…..98 December 10 …..105 December 10 - AM …..105 Suspended Sediment…..105 Turbidity…..105 Water Salinity …..106 Comparison with Turbidity in the Next Tidal Cycle…..106 Sediment Load and Mass Balance…..107 Sediment Chemistry…..108 December 10 – PM …..109 Suspended Sediment…..109 Turbidity…..110 Water Salinity…..111 Comparison with Turbidity in the Next Tidal Cycle…..111 Sediment Loads and Mass-Balance …..112 Sediment Chemistry…..112 Discussion and Summary…..121 Appendix 1 – Data Tables …..131 3 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figures Figure 1. Schematic of mooring locations and water flow in dredge area…..12 2. Cross sectional profile and ADCP bin areas for line M12 and line M56…..22 3. Location of the 2004 bottom sediment cores and the dredging activity during the Pilot Program…..23 4. Water Elevation at mooring 2 and periods of dredge activity in the Lower Passaic River, December 4-10……24 5. Hydrograph showing freshwater discharge of the Passaic River measured at Little Falls, New Jersey, November 30 through December 13, 2005……25 6A. Salinity and water elevation, mooring 2, December 2. Arrows show times when elevated turbidity was detected in surface (solid) and bottom (dotted) water……44 6B. Bottom velocity at mooring 2, December 2. Arrows show times when elevated turbidity was detected in surface (solid) and bottom (dotted) water……45 6C. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) measured at mooring 2, December 2……46 6D. Suspended sediment concentrations estimated from ADCP reflectance at mooring M1 and M2, December 2……47 7A. Concentrations of PCBs measured in the Pilot Dredge program and the range of concentrations in bottom sediment from the 2004 cores and the NJ CARP program…………….. 7B. Concentrations of total PCDD plus PCDF measured in the Pilot Dredge program and the range of concentrations in the bottom sediment from the 2004 cores and the NJ CARP program…………………….. 7C. Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD measured in the Pilot Dredge program and the range of concentrations in the bottom sediment from the 2004 cores and the NJ CARP program………………… 4 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figures – continued 7D. Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDF measured in the Pilot Dredge program and the range of concentrations in the bottom sediment from the 2004 cores and the NJ CARP program…………… 7E. Concentrations of total 4,4’-DDTs measured in the Pilot Dredge program and the range of concentrations in the bottom sediment from the 2004 cores and the NJ CARP program……………… 7F. Concentrations of mercury measured in the Pilot Dredge program and the range of concentrations in the bottom sediment from the 2004 cores and the NJ CARP program……………… 7G. Concentrations of lead measured in the Pilot Dredge program and the range of concentrations in the bottom sediment from the 2004 cores and the NJ CARP program………….. 8. Percentage of polychlorinated biphenyl homolog by weight for pilot dredge background samples, bottom sediment samples from 2004 cores A and D, and CARP samples of suspended sediment from the Passaic River……48 9. Water and sediment imbalance calculated for December 2…….52 10A. Suspended sediment concentrations in cross sectional composite samples collected December 5. Vertical lines indicate times when chemical sampling was undertaken……62 10B. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at mooring M12, December 5……63 10C. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at mooring M56, December 5……63 10D. Salinity and water elevation at mooring 6, December 5……64 10E. East-west velocity measured at mooring 2, December 5……64 10F and 10G. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water, and OBS backscatter (in millivolts) the bottom water at mooring 6 during the low tide at 17:45 on Dec. 5 and the low tide at 5:40, December 6……65 10H. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water at mooring 5 during the low tide at 17:45 on Dec. 5 and the low tide at 5:40, December 6……66 5 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figures – continued 11A. Suspended sediment concentrations in cross sectional samples collected December 6. Vertical lines indicate times when chemical sampling was undertaken……77 11B. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at line M12, December 6……78 11C. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at line M56, December 6. …..78 11D. Salinity and water elevation at mooring 2, December 6…..79 11E. Salinity and water elevation at mooring 6, December 6……79 11F. East-west velocity measured at mooring 2 for December 6……80 11G and 11H. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water, and OBS backscatter (in millivolts) in the bottom water at mooring 6 during the low tide at 19:10 on Dec. 6 and the low tide at 6:50 on December 7……81 12A. Suspended sediment concentrations in cross sectional samples collected December 7. Vertical lines indicate times when chemical sampling was undertaken…..89 12B. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at line M12, December 7……90 12C. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at line M56, December 7……90 12D. Water elevation and salinity at mooring 2, December 7……91 12E. East-west velocity at mooring 2, December 7……91 12F and 12G. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water, and OBS backscatter (in millivolts) in bottom water at mooring 2 during the high tide at 12:15 on Dec. 7 and the high tide at 1:40 on December 8……92 12H and 12I. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water, and OBS backscatter (in millivolts) in bottom water at mooring 1 during the high tide at 12:15 on Dec. 7 and the high tide at 1:40 on December 8……93 6 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figures – continued 13A. Suspended sediment concentrations in cross sectional samples collected December 8. Vertical lines indicate times when chemical sampling was undertaken……99 13B. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at line M1, December 8……100 13C. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at line M56, December 8……101 13D. Water elevation and salinity at mooring 2, December 8……102 13E. East –west velocity measured at mooring 2, December 8……103 13F and 13G. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water, and OBS backscatter (in millivolts) in bottom water at mooring 2 during the high tide at 12:15 on Dec. 7 and the high tide at 1:40 on December 8……104 14A. Suspended sediment concentrations in cross sectional samples collected December 10……113 14B. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at line M12, December 10. ….114 14C. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at line M56, December 10……115 14D. Water elevation and salinity at mooring 2, December 10……116 14E. East –west velocity measured at mooring 2, December 10…..116 14F and 14G. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water, and OBS backscatter (in millivolts) in bottom water at mooring 6 during the low tide at 10:30 on Dec. 10 and the high tide at 22:40 on December 10…..117 14H. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water at mooring 5 during the low tide at 10:30 on Dec. 10 and 22:40 on Dec. 10. ….118 7 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figures – continued 14I and 14J. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water, and bottom water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at mooring 2 during the high tide at 15:45 on Dec. 10 and the high tide at 4:45 on December 11…..119 14K. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water at mooring 1 during the high tide at 15:45 on Dec. 10 and the high tide at 4:45 on December 11…..120 8 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Tables Table 1. Volumes of water processed and sediment captured in samples collected in this work…..28 2. Sample specific detection limits in samples collected during the Pilot Dredge Program…..29 3. Equations used to estimate suspended sediment concentrations from mooring ADCP reflectance……30 4. Selected chemical concentrations in sediment from the Pilot Dredge monitoring……35 5. Selected chemical values for bottom sediment cores, from the 2004 coring program, and for suspended sediment from the New Jersey CARP Program….39 6. Selected dissolved chemical concentrations from the Pilot Dredge monitoring. 7. Concentrations and concentration ratios of selected PCB congeners in samples collected during the pilot dredge and in bottom sediment from the dredge area…..40 8. Water discharge and sediment loads and mass-balance for December 2, 2005. ….49 9. Net downriver flux of sediment calculated to pass mooring line 1-2 during background days. ….53 10. Sediment loads and mass-balance for December 5, 2005…..60 11. Sediment loads and mass-balance for December 6, 2005…..75 12. Sediment loads and mass-balance for December 7, 2005…..85 13. Sediment loads and mass-balance for December 8, 2005…..97 14. Sediment loads and mass-balance for December 10, 2005…..108 15. Summary of sediment, river conditions, and chemistry measured during the Lower Passaic Environmental Dredge Pilot Program……125 9 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Results of Cross-Channel Monitoring During the Lower Passaic River Environmental Dredging Pilot Program on the Lower Passaic River, December 1 to 12, 2005 Timothy P. Wilson, Ph.D. U.S. Geological Survey West Trenton, N.J. Introduction This report evaluates the cross-channel monitoring data collected during the Lower Passaic River Environmental Dredging Pilot Program, December 1-12, 2005. The monitoring collected samples of river water and suspended sediment (SS) from crosschannel sections located up- and downriver of the dredge operations, respectively. Thes samples were analyzed for concentrations of SS and selected organic and inorganic chemicals. The results were combined with in-situ flow and turbidity measurements made by instruments at four moorings located surrounding the dredge area. Sampling and analytical methods were detailed in the Final Project Plans for Environmental Dredging Pilot Study, November 21, 2005, prepared for the Lower Passaic River Investigation and Feasibility Study under NJDOT Task Order #OMR-03-3. A principal question addressed by the monitoring program design was “did the pilot dredging, under the specific river conditions at the time, release contaminated dredged sediments to the river?” The monitoring described in this report addressed this question at “far-field” boundaries located 300 meters up- and downriver of the dredging operations. By detailed examination of the daily monitoring and chemical data, evidence for a release of sediment was sought by answering the following specific questions: 10 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 1. How did the suspended sediment (SS) in river, determined by the cross-channel sampling, vary during the time dredging occurred? 2. Are variations in suspended material content captured by the cross-channel sampling confirmed by the turbidity measured at the moorings? 3. Can any observed increase in suspended material be related to dredging activity? In order for an increase in SS content to be attributed to dredging, it must have occurred in the proper spatial and time relation– that is; increased SS must be observed down-flow of the dredge area during times when dredging was ongoing to be attributable to the dredge operations. 4. Can observed variations in suspended sediment/turbidity of the river be explained by natural processes in the river, such as the movement of the salt-water interface and its associated turbidity zone? 5. How did the concentrations of selected chemical indicators (total PCBs, 2,3,7,8TCDD, total DDT’s) differ between samples collected up- and down-flow of the dredging? How does the chemistry of the suspended sediment captured during dredging compare with the bottom sediment, with samples collected pre-dredge, and with other “background” samples collected from the Passaic River? In addressing these questions, the SS concentrations in the cross-channel monitoring samples were compared with times of dredging and to physical-chemical characteristics of the river. Additionally, the difference in sediment loads between the up- and downflow monitoring lines were compared. Finally, the concentrations of selected indicator chemicals were compared between the two monitoring locations, and were also compared with the chemistry of bottom sediment and to historic suspended-sediment collected from the lower Passaic River. 11 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Terminology To help describe the location and direction in the river, the following term are used. Line M12 is used to describe the cross section of the river going from the south shore, through mooring 2 and mooring 1, to the north shore. This is the UPRIVER sampling and monitoring locations. Line M56 is used to describe the cross section of the river from the south shore, through moorings 5 and 6 to the north shore. This is the DOWNRIVER sampling and monitoring locations. Because of the bi-directional flow that occurs during tide cycles, up-flow and down-flow directions are used to describe locations in relation to direction of water flow. UP-FLOW is used to describe the monitoring line where water is entering the study area. DOWN-FLOW location is used to describe the monitoring line where water leaves the study area. The study area, moorings, and cross-section sampling lines are shown on figure 1. 12 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Average up river velocity = 20 cm/sec M2 ~25 minutes to reach M12 M6 Dredge ~13 minutes to reach M56 Up river M1 M5 300 meters Dredge to M56 300 meters M12 to dredge Average down river velocity = 40 cm/sec Figure 1. Schematic of mooring locations and water flow in dredge area. 13 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Overview of Methods Complete details of the methods used for the chemical and sediment sampling can be found in the Final Project Plans for Environmental Dredging Pilot Study, November 21, 2005, prepared for the Lower Passaic River Investigation and Feasibility Study under NJDOT Task Order #OMR-03-3. Many of the sampling methods were modeled after methods developed the States of New Jersey and New York working under the Harbor Estuary Plan (HEP) and the Contaminant Assessment and Reduction Program (CARP), which is a comprehensive program to evaluate the condition of the tributaries, estuaries, and harbors of Newark and Raritan Bays and the adjoining Hudson River (New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, 2001;. New York/ New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program Final Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan, Trenton, NJ, March 1996). Only a brief synopsis of the sampling methods used in the Pilot Dredge Program is provided here. Sampling During the pilot dredge work, background samples were collected on December 1, 2005, from the upriver line M12 and from the downriver line M56, and again on December 12 from line M12 (fig. 1)1. Sampling from these locations was also conducted during the dredge operations on Dec. 1, 7, 8 (once per day) and Dec. 5, 6, 10 (twice per day). Sampling for SS content and for chemical analysis was conducted continuously during daylight hours except for brief interruptions at lunch or for equipment breakdown. Beginning each half-hour, sampling boats moved slowly from the south shore (starting at the 6 ft. water depth) toward the north shore, and then returned to the south shore. During these traverses, water was pumped through two lines into individual sample bottles (for SS and POC) or through the TOPS samplers (for trace organic chemicals). The sample collected Dec. 12, 2000, was labeled as a downstream sample (TD) – however, it was collected from line M12. A sample was not collected from line M56 on that date. 1 14 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 The inlet lines were attached to a weighted fish which kept the intakes at approximately 1 meter below the water surface during the outbound (S to N) leg. On the return leg (N to S), with the help of a depth finder, the intake was kept approximately 1 meter above the bottom. The duration of each round-trip traverse was kept as constant as possible at 10-12 minutes. The chemical samples, collected by identical TOPS samplers and pumping equipment in both boats, represent width-integrated composites samples that provide average concentration of sediment across the channel for the entire duration of sampling. Water was pumped up through a dedicated Teflon lines and then through pre-cleaned (baked) canister glass-fiber filter that collected SS. The outlet from the canister filter was then split and a small portion pulled through a glass-fiber flat filter and then through two columns containing XAD-2 exchange resin, which is a poly-styrene resin designed to sequester dissolved organic chemicals. The outlet water from the filters and XAD columns was collected in separate carboys, and the volume of the processed water was measured using a graduated cylinder at the conclusion of the sampling. The sedimentladen filters and the XAD columns were sent for analysis of PCBs, dioxin-furans and organochlorine pesticides. Because of emphasis of this work was on suspended sediment, only a few columns from selected days were analyzed. During each cross-river traverse discrete grab samples were also collected for suspended sediment and particulate organic carbon content; one discrete sample was collected from the surface (from 1 meter below the water surface) on the outbound leg (S-N) and a second discrete sample of deep water (from 1 meter above the river bottom) on each inbound leg (N-S). These samples were collected by pumping water from an intake line into individual poly bottles held in an ISCO automatic sampler. The samples provide the average cross-sectional SS and POC content in the surface and bottom water. Because they were collected concurrently with the TOPS composite sample, they also provided the mass of sediment captured on the TOPS filters - a required input for converting the results of the laboratory analyses into concentrations. This inlet line was also used to 15 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 collect composite samples for metal analysis, and were prepared by collecting approximately equal volume aliquots of river water on each leg of the traverse into two sample bottles. By splitting the pump outflow of this line, both unfiltered and filtered composite samples were collected. An important consideration in this type of chemical sampling, where results from different locations and times are to be compared, is that similar masses and volumes are processed in each sample so that similar lower levels of detection levels are obtained in the analytical methods. In this type of sampling, the mass of sediment collected on the filters is not known until well after sampling has ended, so volumes and pumping rates were chosen to increase the likelihood that sufficient masses of sediment were collected to allow the lowest possible detection level to be obtained in each sample. The masses and volumes that were ultimately processed in this work (Table 1) were similar among each pair of samples, and were very adequate to allow low-level resolution of the compounds of interest in all samples. A summary of the minimum, maximum, and average sample specific detection limits for the general classes of compounds measured in this study is presented in Table 2. Note that detection levels are sample and compound specific – that is, each sample and each compound (including each PCB congener) has a unique level of detection that is based on the analytic methods, the measuring instrument, and the mass/volume in the sediment. The similar volumes and masses also show that very consistent sampling methods were employed at both monitoring lines. Calculation of Chemical Concentrations Analytical results provided by the laboratory (for both dissolved and sediment-bound chemicals) were in units of mass per sample, and required converting to concentration before for use2. For the dissolved phase, the mass of each chemical recovered was 2 At the time of report preparation, the PCB and pesticide data had not been checked by the EPA QA/QC officer. Several problems with the data were being investigated, and as result, the concentrations reported and conclusions reached in this report are considered preliminary and may change. 16 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 divided by the volume processed through the XAD columns (table 1). The sedimentbound concentrations first required the mass of sediment trapped on the filters to be calculated using the SS concentrations from the discrete cross-section traverse composite samples. To calculate the trapped mass of sediment, the total volume of water filtered was divided by the number of traverse “legs,” resulting in the volume assumed filtered on each outgoing (S-N) and incoming (N-S) leg. Because pump rates and the cross-channel boat velocity were kept as constant as possible, this results in an approximate mean-volume per leg value. The volume per leg was then multiplied by the SS (or POC) concentration measured in each SS grab sample from the respective individual leg to obtain mass per traverse leg. These masses were then summed (for the legs when the TOPS was operated) to get the final mass in the processed water. Then, the concentration in mass per gram of sediment was calculated using: Concentration (pg or ng per gram of sediment) = (mass of chemical recovered in filter, in ng or pg) * filter efficency / (mass of sediment calculated to have been in the filtered water, in grams) During the CARP program, field tests determined the filter efficiency to be 90 percent (confirming the manufacture’s specifications) – which accounts for the potential loss (10 percent) of sediment by breakthrough of the filters. The canister and flat filters used in this monitoring work were identical to those used in the CARP program, therefore, a filter efficiency of 0.9 was used in calculating the concentrations in this work. Before normalizing, the raw data were compared to the analyses of one GFF filter and XAD blanks to evaluate for potential bias caused by field and laboratory contamination. The “field equipment” blanks were produced by opening the foil packaging holding a GFF filters and the end-caps of two unused XAD columns, which were left opened during the time when the sample filters and columns were installed in the TOPS 17 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 samplers. The blanks were resealed, handled, and analyzed in the same manner as were the field samples. The raw data from the field blanks is assumed to represent the field contamination expected on all days of sampling, along with any laboratory induced contamination. The raw sample data were compared with the analyses of the filter and column blanks to determine if any compound was (potentially) biased by field or laboratory contamination. Following the procedures developed by the New Jersey Contaminant and Sediment Reduction Program (CARP) that were modeled after guidance in the USEPA dioxin analysis methods (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1994), any compound (PCB, dioxin/furans, or pesticides) in a sample that was present at less than 3 times its value in the field blank was to be removed from the data. There were no compounds in any of the suspended-sediment phase samples affected by the blank elimination procedure. For the dissolved PCB and dioxin/furan concentrations, a value of 3 times was used for PCBs and dioxin/furans, and for the dissolved pesticides, a value of 5 times was used. One important result from the NJ CARP program was the determination of the analytical uncertainty associated with the laboratory methods. During the CARP program, the analytical lab made repeated analyses of the standard reference materials (SRM), which were dried bottom sediment from the lower NY Harbor. The NIST/NOAA SRM (SRM # 1944) contained a full suite of chemicals common in the Passaic River, including PCBs, dioxin/furans, organochlorine pesticides, and metals. Analytic accuracy and precision were calculated for individual compounds by repeated measurement of the sediment. Although the laboratories used in the CARP study were not the one used in the Pilot Dredge study, both studies employed the same analytic methods for PCBs and dioxin/difurans analyses. The CARP program showed an uncertainty of 10 to 15 percent was associated with the laboratory methods. On this basis, the uncertainty in the analyses of this study was assumed to be 15 percent; values that differed by less than 15 percent were considered indistinguishable. The CARP work determined OCPs by a highresolution mass-spectrometer method, whereas OCPs in this present work were measured using gas chromatography with electron capture detection. Thus, the uncertainty for the 18 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 OCPs in the pilot dredge monitoring may differ significantly from 15 percent. Note that the 15 percent uncertainty is not associated with error introduced in the sampling procedures, because it has not yet been possible to collect TOPS samples in (at least) triplicate from a well-mixed “standardized” water. Calculation of Discharge and Sediment Load Mass-Balance The sediment loads required for the sediment mass-balance were calculated for the river between lines M12 and M56, using the automatic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data recorded at the four moorings surrounding the dredging (M1, 2, 5, and 6), along with instrument calibration data supplied by Rutgers (presented in the Final Report of the Pilot Dredge project). The loads were used to establish if the mass of sediment moving across each mooring line increased during dredging. Sediment load is a function of the volumetric water discharge and the suspended sediment concentration in the river. The ADCPs provided high frequency measurement and averaging of water velocity and acoustic reflectance at each moored site. Acoustic reflectance is a surrogate measure of the suspended material in the water column, and with proper calibration, can be used to estimate suspended sediment concentration as a function of position in the water column. ADCP’s work by sending a “ping” of acoustic energy up through the water column, and recording the reflectance and other acoustic parameters in a series of “bins” of set thickness in the water column. This data can be recorded instantaneously or averaged over a number of set “pings”. The setup, operation, and calibration of the ADCPs is described elsewhere in the Final Project Report. Sediment load was calculated by first establishing the volumetric discharge that passed each sampling line. The discharge is calculated using the EW velocity (cm/second) recorded in each bin sampled by the ADCPs. Velocity was converted to discharge using Qn= (Vn * An) Where 19 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Qn = discharge in bin n, in cubic meters per second Vn = velocity in bin n, in centimeters per second An = cross sectional area of bin n, in square meters Cross sectional area for each ADCP “bin” was determined from the equipment setup (distance from ADCP head to center of bin) and the cross-sectional topography taken from the bottom topography survey (Rogers Survey, P.L.L.C., 2005). Figure 2 shows the river cross section at each mooring line and a few representative ADCP “bins” established for these calculations. Because the ADCP head is elevated above the river bottom by almost 1 meter, two additional bins were added to the ADCP velocity data set; bin 0.5 with a center at one-half the distance, and bin 0.25 at a center height of onequarter the distance of the ADCP head to the bottom. EW velocities were assigned to these bins as 50 and 25 percent of the velocity in bin 1, respectively, which approximate an exponential decay in velocity as the river bottom is approached. Using the velocities, the discharge was calculated and assigned to each bin, then all bins were summed from the bottom to the water surface, and then the total discharge from each adjoining mooring was summed to get total cross-section volumetric discharge for a 30 minute period3. The change in discharge between line M12 and line M56, in percent, was then calculated using: Percent change = (QM12 – QM56)*100/(QM12) Where QM12 = discharge measure at line M12, in liters per 30 minutes QM56 =discharge measured at line M56, in liters per 30 minutes Positive values indicate more water flowing past line M12 than M56, and negative values indicate more water is calculated to flow past line M56. Uncertainty in the water balance comes from (1) assuming the uppermost ADCP bin is filled with water, when in reality 3 ADCPs at moorings 1 and 5 recorded the velocity and reflectance each half hour, ADCPs at M2 and M6 recorded values each minute. Therefore, the data from M2 and M6 were summed again to get 30 minute total discharge before adding to the discharge at their respective adjoining moorings. 20 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 the water level may have only partially filled the “bin”, (2) error in the bin width and cross sectional area assigned to the upper-most bins, (3) assuming the velocity measured at the ADCP holds over the entire width of the river, (4) using only the EW velocity, and (5) assuming the ADCPs were located where they sampled approximately the same percentage of cross-sectional flow. For this work, water imbalances less than 15% were assumed acceptable, and no attempt was made to “zero” the imbalances by changing bin areas and other parameters. The sediment loads were then calculated using the discharge and sediment concentrations inferred from ADCP reflectance using calibration equations (table 3). These equations were developed from SS samples that were collected concurrently with ADCP readings made from the L and M boats, and by using a boat-mounted ADCP in the vicinity of the four moorings (see section _ of the Final Project Report). The SS content in the lowestmost bin (bin 1) was assigned to the two bins added for discharge calculation (bins 0.5 and 0.25). The estimated SS concentration for each bin was then multiplied by the volumetric discharge for the bin, the bin masses summed from the bottom to the surface of the water column, and then summed with the values for the associated moorings to get the sediment load in kilograms per 30 minute interval2. The percent change was calculated in the manner used for the discharge calculations. Uncertainty in the sediment balance, as indicated by large percent imbalances, comes from the uncertainty in the discharge plus uncertainty in the calibration curves. For this work, sediment loads having imbalances of less than 25 percent were assumed to be equal. This is an arbitrary level of uncertainty, and is not based on measurements or other testing of the procedure. Background Conditions Background conditions in the river provide a base-line for comparing and contrasting the conditions measured during the dredging. Background data was from (1) moored instrument data collected on December 2, 3, 4 and 11th , days when barge traffic was 21 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 minimal and dredging did not occur, (2) chemistry of suspended sediment samples collected on December 1 and 12, 2005, as part of this work, (3) chemistry data from the bottom sediment cores collected from the study during June 2004, as part of the Lower Passaic River Investigation and Feasibility Study, (4) chemistry of suspended sediment collected by the New Jersey CARP program during 2000 to 2002. Moored instrument data was only available for a portion of December 1, and was not considered in this evaluation of background. The compositional data for the bottom sediment was from cores collected in 2004 from five locations in the dredge area (fig. 3) (Final Data Summary and Evaluation Report, May 2005). The sediment from these cores was collected and composited from 1 foot intervals from depths of 0 and 3 feet. The CARP data used here were collected between 2000 and 2002 by Stevens Institute of Technology and the U.S. Geological Survey (NJDEP reference). Salinity and Turbidity With the exception of December 9, the program was undertaken during a period of normal tidal range (fig. 4). During this period, freshwater discharge was elevated but was receding after a precipitation event that occurred the previous week (fig. 5). By December 11, the freshwater discharge entering the estuary was back to near mean average values. The weather was clear, calm, and cold. However, on December 9 a snow and wind storm moved through the area and disrupted the tidal flow. Because of this, data from Dec. 9th were not considered for background evaluation. Inspection of the data from showed similar patterns in turbidity, salinity, and flow during December 2-4 and December 11, therefore, data from December 2nd , collected at moorings 1 and 2, was chosen to illustrate the relations between water elevation, surface and bottom water salinity, and the turbidity in the river. Mean daily discharge for the 2nd was 3475 cubic feet per second (ft3/sec), approximately 3 times the mean average value, and declined steadily throughout the day (fig. 5). During each tidal cycle the water-surface level changed by about 1.5 to 1.75 meters, and was 22 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 accompanied by large, rapid change in bottom water salinity (fig. 6A). The salinity of the surface water changed during each tide cycle, but only by roughly one-half the change observed in the bottom water. In the bottom water, the salinity change was sharp, followed by a steady plateau, before declining with the ebb-tide freshening. The maximum flow-velocity ranged between 30 and 40 cm per second (cm/s) for upriver flow, and was 60 to 80 cm/sec during downriver flow (fig. 6B). During times when flow velocities were increasing, the difference between the velocity of the bottom and surfacewater was typically large; however, during the other times similar velocities were present through the water column. The flow direction in the Harrison Reach was dominantly east to west with an average ratio of EW to NS velocity for the study period (Dec. 1 to 12) of 18.4 (at mooring 1). However, approaching low tide, the NS flow component would increase (especially at M2 and M5) as water apparently drained from the south shore into the deeper channel. Inspection of the surface turbidity and bottom optical back scatter (OBS)4, a measure of turbidity, (fig. 6C) from mooring M1 showed repeating periods when elevated turbidity “spikes” occurred during each day- representing periods when the content of suspended material in the water column had increased sharply. Turbidity in the deeper water (mooring 1) experienced the same increases in turbidity as the shallower sections of the channel (mooring 2). OBS “backscatter” is measured in volts, and is related linearly to turbidity, in NTU units, and therefore, suspended sediment concentration. The OBS values were not calibrated to provide standard NTU turbidity units. Turbidometers recorded directly in NTU units. 4 23 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Line M12 Cross-sectional Profile M2 1.5 1 M1 Bin 0.5 Bin areas for M2 data calculated from point C (south shore) to B 0 Bin Elevation in meters -0.5 Bin B Bins areas for M1 data calculated from point A (N shore) to point B -1 A' -1.5 -2 Bin -2.5 -3 Two additional bins (0.5 and 0.25) added below ADCP head -3.5 -4 165 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 95 100 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 5 10 0 -4.5 Meters from south shore Line M56 Cross-sectional Profile 1.5 M5 1 M6 C 0.5 Bin areas for M5 data calculated from point C (south shore) to B 0 Elevation in meters -0.5 Bins areas for M6 data calculated from point A (N shore) to point B B -1 -1.5 A -2 -2.5 -3 Two additional bins (0.5 and 0.25) added below ADCP head -3.5 -4 Distance from south shore in meters Figure 2. Cross sectional profile and ADCP bin areas for line M12 and line M56. 24 175 170 165 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 95 100 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -4.5 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 2004 Core Samples and Dredging Locations 695600 NJSPC X-coordinate, in feet 695550 10-Dec 8-Dec 7-Dec 6-Dec 5-Dec Cell row 1 Cell row 2 Cell row 3 695500 E1 A1 C1 B1 D1 695450 E2 695400 B2 C2 D2 A2 695350 Core and cell identifier E3 D3 B3 A3 695300 594150 594200 594250 594300 C3 594350 594400 594450 594500 NJSPC Y-coordinate, in feet Figure 3. Location of the 2004 bottom sediment cores and the dredging activity during the Pilot Program. 25 594550 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 1 HT @9:25 HT @10:24 HT @ 11:55 HT @ 13:26 HT @ 23:10 0.5 HT @ 22:45 HT @ 0:35 HT @ 12:15 HT @ 15:47 HT @ 2:23 HT @ 1:42 0 -0.5 -1 18:32 6:32 0:32 6:00 0:00 12:32 12/10 12/9 18:00 12:00 6:00 0:00 18:00 Dredging 7:45-10:38 12:39-15:18 LT @ 21:49 12/8 Local Time 26 Dredging 9:20 - 13:27 18:00 12/7 LT @ 10:32 12:00 12/6 12:00 Dredging 7:44-15:38 6:00 0:00 18:00 12:00 6:00 0:00 18:00 12:00 6:00 LT @ 19:48 Dredging 9:17-12:23 13:01 -16:19 17:37 - 18:48 12/5 12/4 -2 LT @ 20:43 LT @ 8:10 LT @ 6:49 0:00 Dredging 10:24 - 12:35 13:02- 19:03 LT @ 19:12 18:00 LT @17:45 6:00 -1.5 LT @ 5:03 LT @ 5:40 12:00 LT @ 16:50 LT @ 4:05 0:00 Elevation in meters above MLW HT @ 2:23 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figure 4. Water elevation at mooring 2 and periods of dredge activity in the Lower Passaic River, December 4-10. 27 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Passic River discharge at Little Falls, NJ 4000 Discharge in cubic feet per second 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 Mean Annual Discharge = 1128 ft3/sec 1000 500 2E +0 Dec 14 7 2E +0 7 Dec 13 2E +0 7 Dec 12 2E + Dec 011 7 2E +0 Dec 10 7 +0 Dec 97 2E 2E +0 7 Dec 8 2E +0 7 Dec 7 +0 7 Dec 6 2E +0 Dec 75 2E 2E +0 7 Dec 4 +0 7 Dec 3 2E +0 7 Dec 2 2E 2E +0 7 Nov. 11 2E +0 7 Dec 1 0 Date Figure 5. Hydrograph of freshwater discharge of the Passaic River measured at Little Falls, New Jersey, November 30 through December 13, 2005. 28 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Overlaying the times when turbidity was high or when it peaked onto the plot of salinity and water elevation (fig. 6A) (solid lines represents the times of increased turbidity at the surface, and dotted lines indicate increases in the bottom water), and water velocity (fig. 6B), shows that an evident relation exists between the times of elevated turbidity, salinity change, and high water velocity. As described earlier, ADCP reflectance can be used to estimate the SS content in the vertical water column. Plotting the SS determined from ADCP reflectance in the bottom and surface water (fig. 6D) shows the repeating periods of increased suspended material, with concentrations estimated to be as high as 400 mg/L. These plots show that a zone of high turbidity, associated with the salt-water interface, moved through the monitored area during each tide cycle. This turbid zone results from the change in water salinity, which causes silt-clay sized particles to flocculate in the water column. The migration of the salt-water interface is also associated with times of high water velocity- times when surficial bottom sediment can erode and become suspended. The change in salinity also affects the settling velocity of particles moving between the surficial fresh water and the deeper seawater, which helps the “cloud” of flocculated and resuspended materials remain in the water column. Inspection of the data from all background days showed the correlation between turbidity and salinity was strongest for the bottom water – the correlation is weaker in the surface water because of turbulence from winds, passing water craft, and other sources act to keep sediment in suspension. The lateral distance the saltwater interface migrates upstream in the river is affected by the discharge of freshwater into the estuary, the tidal range, and other factors. The steady tidal conditions and declining input of freshwater (except on Dec. 9) allowed the saltwater interface to migrate completely through the dredge area on each tide cycle during the days of dredging. The recognition of the natural variation in suspended material content associated with the migrating salt-water interface is important when evaluating the impacts of release by dredging. Increases in SS that, at first, may seem related to dredging can simply be the 29 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 result of natural estuarine processes and tidal flow. Also, the presence of high, natural turbidity makes it difficult to detect sediment released from dredging– any released sediment may quickly become assimilated and lost when the natural background turbidity is elevated. Background Chemistry The background chemistry of the sediment in the dredge area was determine from samples collected pre- and post dredging, and was compared to the data from cores collected in 2004 in the dredge area, and with samples collected by Steven Institute of Technology during the New Jersey CARP program conducted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection in 2000-2002. The bottom sediment cores, collected from the “cells” where the dredging occurred (fig. 5), are described in the Final Data Summary and Evaluation Report (May 2005). The location of the cores and the location of the dredging “bites” for each day of the pilot program are shown on figure 3. As mentioned previously (footnote 2), at the time of the preparation of this report, the EPA QA/QC review of the data set was not yet complete, and several concerns had been identified with the analytic work. Thus, the results and conclusions reached in this report are considered preliminary and may be subject to change in the future. The CARP study used equipment and analytical procedures nearly identical to those used in this present study, including the use of Trace Organic Platform Samplers (TOPS) and isotope dilution, high-resolution mass spectrometry for low-level quantification of PCBs and dioxin/furans. The 2000-2002 CARP sampling in the lower Passaic River was conducted by personnel from Stevens Institute of Technology, who collected samples of river water from the site PAS-1, located at the abandoned barge on the south shore of the Passaic River, almost directly at the southern terminus of line M56. Samples were collected over a 6-hour period using tubing placed into the river and buoyed to remain at 1 meter below the surface. Sampling was also performed at the north end of Newark Bay 30 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 from two depths - 1 meter below surface (NB-1S) and 1 meter above the bottom (NB1D). The details of the CARP sampling, methods, and results can be found in (Steven Institute of Technology, 2005). Only the suspended sediment phase chemistry of the CARP data was evaluated in this report. 31 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 1. Volumes of water processed and sediment captured in samples collected in this work Sample ID Date Volume of Mass of Volume of water water sediment passed through filtered, in calculated to XAD columns, in liters have been liters collected on filters, in grams TD-GFF-051201-1130 Dec, 1, am 261.3 18.8 19.2 TU-GFF-051201-1130 Dec 1, am 225.5 16.8 16.9 TD-GFF-051205-0730 Dec. 5, am 154.9 3.83 10.5 TU-GFF-051205-0730 Dec 5, am 231.8 5.19 22.8 TD-GFF-051205-1430 Dec 5, pm 143.2 7.92 10.2 TU-GFF-051205-1430 Dec. 5, pm 148.3 6.07 19.0 TD-GFF-051206-0830 Dec 6, am 346.6 6.11 22.7 TU-GFF-051206-0830 Dec. 6, am 305.4 7.54 26.9 TD-GFF-051206-1330 Dec 6, pm 235.5 8.95 19.5 TU-GFF-051206-1330 Dec. 6, pm 251.3 9.03 16.9 TD-GFF-051207-0930 Dec 7, am 408.3 6.33 26.8 TU-GFF-051207-0930 Dec 7, am 195.2 3.44 18.7 TD-GFF-051208-1030 Dec, 8, am 295.3 8.46 25.3 TU-GFF-051208-1030 Dec. 8, am 221.7 9.07 25.9 TD-GFF-051210-0730 Dec. 10, am 323.8 10.1 20.0 TU-GFF-051210-0730 Dec. 10, am 209.1 9.29 19.3 TD-GFF-051210-1230 Dec. 10, pm 158.0 5.48 10.5 TU-GFF-051210-1230 Dec. 10, pm 109.3 9.92 14.0 TD-GFF-051212-0900 Dec. 12, am 309.1 8.62 33.2 32 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 2. Sample specific detection limits in samples collected during the PCB Dissolved PCB Sediment Minimum 0.01 0.01 Maximum 1.00 132 Dioxin Pilot Dredge Program 1. total of all pesticides analyzed except toxaphene. 33 Average 0.11 4.19 Units pg/L ng/kg DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Dioxin Sediment 0.06 18.2 1.76 ng/kg 1Pesticide sediment Total 4,4’-DDT 0.0001 0.026 0.82 0.77 0.086 0.17 g/kg g/kg Total Toxaphene 38 197 116 g/kg 34 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 3. Equations used to estimate suspended sediment concentrations from mooring ADCP reflectance. Mooring Equation1 M1 SS = 10^(0.0387*((ABS-3.781)/0.998) - 2.083) M2 SS=10^(0.0387*((ABS-0.649)/1.031) - 2.083) M5 SS= 10^(0.0387*((ABS-9.471)/0.904) - 2.083) M6 SS = 10^(0.0387*((ABS-16.927)/0.927) - 2.083) 1: SS in mg/L, ABS is ADCP reflectance value in dB 35 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Pre- and Post-Dredge Sediment Chemistry A summary table of the concentrations of total PCB, total dioxin/difuran (PCDD/PCDF), 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF, and total 4,4’-DDT in samples collected during this work is provided as table 4. Concentrations of the individual PCB and PCDD/PCDF homologs and OCP species are listed in appendix of the final report. A summary of the concentrations in the bottom sediment cores collected during 2004 and from the lower Passaic samples collected during the NJ-CARP program is provided as table 5. These data are presented graphically in figure 7. The chemical indicators selected to evaluate are only a small subset of the total compounds measured in the Pilot Dredge samples. The compounds were selected on the basis of the known presence of high(er) concentrations in the bottom sediment, and their significance in risk-based assessment schemes. Because most of the PCBs and all of the PCDD/PCDF compounds are strongly hydrophobic and are not likely to exchange from the sediment to the water phase if released in the water column, these compounds are good indicators of bottom sediment. Total PCDD and total PCDF values are less useful indicators because two congeners, OCDD and OCDF, are typically very high in these river sediment – the concentrations of these congeners greatly outweigh all other congers combined. Thus, a small percent change in the concentrations of either of these two congeners can significantly affect the total PCDD/PCDF values. Small changes in the percent of OCDD or OCDF values can be the result of natural variability or analytical uncertainty. Therefore, two individual congeners, 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF are likely better indicator species than total PCDD+PCDF. Likewise, total concentration of OCPs is not considered to be as reliable an indicator because of the wide range of properties (such as hydrophobicity or solubility) exhibited by the numerous compounds that were included in the analyses. Therefore, the total 4,4’-DDT value (the sum of 4,4’DDT, 4,4’-DDD and 4,4’-DDE) was selected as the indicator for this group. However, the 4,4’-DDT value suffers from problems encountered in the analytic scheme used for this work. The organochlorine-pesticides were analyzed using GC-ECD, which is not a 36 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 highly specific detection procedure, especially in complex mixtures of chlorinated compounds such as exists in these sediments. Also, a number of interferences and other analytical problems were noted by the laboratory for these compounds. Therefore, the results and conclusions based on the OCP compounds should be considered tenuous. Total PCBs in the three background samples collected on Dec. 1 and Dec. 12, ranged from 790 to 900 g/kg. Total PCB concentrations in the two samples from Dec 1, collected during a period of downriver flow, differed by 112 g/kg, which is equivalent to a -12% decrease from the up-flow (upriver) sample concentration, within the assumed uncertainty of the analysis5. Importantly, the concentrations in the background samples fall nearly within the range of the average total PCB concentrations in the CARP data from PAS-1 and the two Newark Bay samples (714 to 880 g/kg). While this supports that a rather narrow range of total PCB content in the suspended sediment of this river, the individual concentrations of total PCB in the CARP samples ranged from 466 to 1,345 g/kg, showing that a much larger range in total PCB concentration exists in the lower Passaic River than is represented by the average values. The range in average concentration in surface (0-1 ft depth) layer of the bottom sediment in cores collected during 2004 ranged from 1,435 to 1,846 g/kg, averaging 1,656 g/kg. These values from the bottom sediment (the sediment most likely to be mobilized by river tidal flow and by dredging) are well above the total PCB content in the pilot-dredge background samples, and are similar to the lower-most values in the CARP data from PAS-1 and Newark Bay samples (figure 7a). In 2004 cores, the sediment buried deeper than 1 ft. in the river bottom had total PCB concentrations that ranged to 7,800 g/kg. Plotting the percentage of each PCB homolog (fig. 7) shows the homolog distribution in the pilot dredge samples differs just slightly from the distribution in the shallow bottom sediment (0-1 foot depth), and the PAS-1 suspended sediment samples. The background Differences in concentrations are calculated as difference = up flow – down flow concentrations. Percent change calculated as percent change = (difference/up flow concentration) *100. Negative values indicate loss between up-flow and down-flow sampling lines. 5 37 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 samples have a slightly lower percentage (about 8 percent) of hexa- and a higher percentage of octachlorinated congeners then were present in the bottom sediment cores, the CARP samples had a higher percentage of tetra- and lower penta-chlorinated homologs. The homolog distribution in the background samples is most similar to the distribution in the 0-1 ft. depth sediment. These differences in homolog distribution among the various samples are curious, and may be the result of a slightly different congener suite measured in the CARP study2. The three background samples have very similar individual congener concentrations, as well as the presence/absence of congeners that are in the surface (0-1ft.) samples from the five bottom sediment cores. In fact, all congeners present in the surface bottom sediment were also present in the suspended sediments, thereby precluding the presence of a unique “tracer” PCB in the bottom sediment. However, upon inspection of the individual concentrations, 9 congeners found to be present at nearly 5-times or more (by weight) in the bottom sediment compared with the background SS samples (collected December 1 and 12) (Table 5). These congeners are: PCB 16, 17, 21, 25, 34, 96, 107, 137, and 150. Three other congeners are of special interest – PCB #11 which was identified in the CARP work as a tracer of dyes, and PCBs # 77 and 126, congeners that have the highest co-planar PCB toxic equivalency factors. The ratio of the concentrations of this suite of 13 congeners in the bottom sediment to their concentration in the background SS samples were much greater than 5 (some well over 15) in the 1-2ft. and 2-3 ft. depths of the cores (table 6). Thus, the presence of high concentrations of these congeners in the suspended sediment collected during dredging, relative to the three background samples, may be indicative that deeper bottom sediment was released into the water column. Inspection of the PCB data for all samples collected during dredging showed that the ratio of the congener concentrations to their concentration in background samples generally were near 1 (table 5), which is also the ratio of the total-PCBs concentrations in the samples relative to background. If ratios greater than or equal to 1.5 are arbitrarily considered “elevated”, than ratios in samples *TU-051205-1430, TD-051206-1330, *TD-051207930, *TD-051208-1030, and TD-051210-730 may indicate a rise in concentrations 38 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 occurred that could relate to bottom sediment having been introduced into the water column (note: * samples were collected from up-flow of the dredging operations). Of these samples, the sample TD-GFF-051206-1330 shows the most consistently elevated ratios for all the selected congeners. However, it is important to note that (1) elevated congener ratios are not consistent across all 12 congeners, and (2) the ratios in the suspended sediment samples do not approach the high ratios in the bottom sediment. Thus, there was no clear evidence that any of the concentrations of these 12 congeners became elevated in the suspended sediment over the concentrations in background samples during dredging. It should also be emphasized that the concentrations of this suite of congeners in the samples collected during background and during dredging fell within the range of their concentration in the CARP samples. 2,3,7,8-TCDD concentrations are known to be elevated in the bottom sediment of the Passaic River, and together with 2,3,7,8-TCDF, may serve as a tracer of bottom sediment released to the river during dredging. Total PCDD plus PCDF was also evaluated, but this value is less-reliable because it is controlled by the very high concentrations of OCDD and OCDF congeners. The 2,3,7,8-TCDD concentration in the downriver sample from Dec 16 and the post-dredge sample collected on Dec. 12 were very similar, 258 and 267 ng/kg, respectively, and the concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDF were 84 and 138 ng/kg, respectively. These 2,3,7,8-TCDD concentrations are nearly the same as the average in the PAS-1 samples (279 ng/kg), however, the range of values in the PAS-1 samples is very large (25 to 437 ng/kg) (figure 7B to 7D). The average 2,3,7,8-TCDF concentration for the PAS-1 samples was higher (244 ng/kg) then in the background monitoring samples, but again, the background samples are within the large range of the CARP samples (6.3 to 870 ng/kg). Average concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in the surface and middle layers of the bottom sediment (0-1 and 1-2 ft. depth) (336 and 374 ng/kg) were higher than the background sample concentrations, but the average for 2,3,7,8-TCDF (64 and 83 ng/kg) was slightly lower than the values measured in the background samples (figures 7B to 7D). 6 Results for the upriver sample TU-051201-1130 were not provided by the laboratory. 39 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Total OCPs in the three monitoring samples ranged from 411 to 709 g/kg 7, however, total OCP is not a reliable value for comparing with background because of the different suite of compounds and analytic methods that were used in the studies. The dominant OCP compound in the suspended sediment was 4,4-DDT and its degradation products (4,4’-DDD, 4,4’-DDE). The total 4,4-DDT (the sum of DDT, DDE, and DDD) ranged from 178 to 421 g/kg, of which the majority (40 to 86%) is 4,4’-DDD, followed by 4,4’DDE and 4,4’-DDT. The concentration of total 4,4’-DDT in the PAS-1 samples ranged from 58 to 153 g/kg (120 g/kg average), and values in Newark Bay was 50 to 120 g/kg - lower than the background concentrations measured in this work (figure 7E). Average values for total 4,4’-DDTs in the 0-1 ft section of the bottom cores was 78 g/kg, and was 123 and 180 g/kg in the 1-2 and 2-3ft sections, respectively. Thus, it appears that the highest concentrations in these various data sets were found in the suspended sediment collected during the pilot dredge monitoring. As a result, sediment released during dredging would lower concentrations of total 4,4’-DDT in the suspended sediment. The relative makeup of the total DDT’s in the PAS-1 samples was roughly 50 percent 4,4’-DDD, and 25 percent each of 4,4’-DDE and 4,4’-DDT, nearly identical to the samples collected during dredging. Sediment from Newark Bay had an average makeup of total 4,4’-DDT that was 45-48 percent 4,4’-DDE, 37-40 percent 4,4’DDD, and 11-17 percent 4,4’-DDT. On average, the total DDT in the surface sediment consists of approximately 53 percent 4,4’-DDT, followed by 4,4’-DDD (44 percent) and 4,4’-DDE (34 percent), which is similar to the values in the background samples. Deeper in the sediment (2-3 ft.), 4,4’-DDE becomes the dominant (up to 64 percent on average) compound. 7 Total OCP content was not compared throughout this report due to different methods and reported compounds in the various samples. 40 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Hg and Pb were measured in only selected samples that were collected during the Pilot Dredge monitoring. Concentrations in the sediment were determined by the difference between the total (whole water) and the dissolved fraction concentrations, multiplied by the suspended average sediment concentration calculated for the composite sample. The results from the two samples collected during the December 1 background sampling showed the suspended sediment concentrations were 190 ng/g and 285 g/g for total Hg and Pb, respectively. These values are within or slightly greater than the range for sediment reported by NJ CARP for PAS-1 and Newark Bay suspended sediment ( 0.427 to 3.37 g/g for Hg; 112 to 233 g/g for Pb Concentrations of dissolved organic species were measured in samples from selected dates, with pairs of samples analyzed from Dec.1 and Dec 6. (pm) (table 5). In the background samples collected Dec 1 and 12, the concentrations of total dissolved PCB ranged from 3,610 to 4,800 pg/L. These values are within the range reported for the NJ CARP samples from the lower Passaic and Newark Day. Dissolved PCDD/PCDF species were not measured in the CARP program, so no comparison can be made for these compounds. Values for dissolved 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF were reported as estimated maximum possible concentrations, because values were at or below the method detection level for the analysis. These concentrations were all less than 0.20 pg/L. Total 4,4’-DDT values in the background samples ranged from 0.441 ng/L up to 0.630 ng/L, which are within the range reported by CARP for PAS-1 and Newark Bay (0.34 to 1.69 ng/L total DDT – which included the 2,2’-isomers of DDT, DDE, and DDD). 41 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 4. Selected chemical concentrations in suspended sediment from the Pilot Dredge monitoring. [PCB, polychlorinated biphenyls; OCP, organochlorine pesticides; g/kg, micrograms per kilogram; ng/kg, nanograms per kilogram; g/g, micrograms per gram; ng/g, nanograms TU-GFF-051206-0830 TD-GFF-051206-0830 Dec. 6, 830 Dec. 6, 830 Up Down TU-GFF-051206-1330 TD-GFF-051206-1330 Dec. 6, 1330 Dec. 6, 1330 Up Down TD-GFF-051207-0930 TU-GFF-051207-0930 Dec. 7, 930 Dec. 7, 930 Down Up TD-GFF-051208-1030 TU-GFF-051208-1030 Dec. 8, 1030 Dec. 8, 1030 Down Up TU-GFF-051210-0730 TD-GFF-051210-0730 Dec. 10, 730 Dec. 10, 730 Up Down TD-GFF-051210-1230 TU-GFF-051210-1230 Dec. 10, 1230 Dec. 10, 1230 Down Up TD-GFF-051212-0900 TD-GFF-051212-0730 Dec. 12, 900 Dec. 12, 730 Up --- -258 --- 875 470 -405 -46% 5.39 2.18 -3.21 -60% 306 159 -148 -48% 1,430 1,270 -157 -11% 8.86 15.5 +6.9 78% 1,080 550 -532 -49% 990 758 -231 -31% 5.97 4.67 -1.30 -28% 372 260 -112 -43% 870 1,390 +515 +59% 6.75 6.60 -0.15 -2.1% 309 412 +103 +33% 1,110 945 -165 -15% 7.36 5.51 -1.8 -2.5% 1,080 342 -734 -68% 1,241 712 -529 -43% 7.21 8.74 +1.53 +21% 510 6.16 -504 -99% 1,100 1,070 -29.7 -2.7% 7.41 6.38 -1.03 -14% 1,590 428 -1164 -73% 1,090 1,160 +70 +6.4% 5.52 6.87 +1.35 +24% 381 390 +8.4 +2.2% --- 840 -- --- 4.99 -- --- 267 -- --- Dominant flow direction 42 2,3,7,8-TCDD ng/kg Difference1 in g/kg and percent Up Down Total PCDD + PCDF1 g/kg Dec. 5, 1430 Dec. 5, 1430 Difference1 in g/kg and percent TU-GFF-051205-1430 TD-GFF-051205-1430 Total PCBs g/kg Up Down -3.43 Dec. 7, 730 Dec. 5, 730 -112 -12% TU-GFF-051205-0730 TD-GFF-051205-0730 901 789 Up Down Dec. 5, 1130 Dec. 5, 1130 TU-GFF-051201-1130 TD-GFF-051201-1130 Sample identifier 4 Location of sample in relation to dredge Date and Time 2,3,7,8-TCDD Difference1 in ng/kg and percent per gram; %, percent; shaded values are percent] DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 4. Selected chemical concentrations in suspended sediment from the Pilot Dredge monitoring. -- Continued [PCB, polychlorinated biphenyls; OCP, organochlorine pesticides; g/kg, micrograms per kilogram; ng/kg, nanograms per kilogram; g/g, micrograms per gram; ng/g, nanograms 411 478 134 70 -64 -48% .730 .725 280 153 -127 -45% 127 64.2 -63 -50% 236 199 -37 -16% .821 .280 717 258 -459 -64% 398 121 -277 -70% 164 120 -44 -37% .665 .761 396 430 +34 +7.9% 213 248 +35 +14% 149 225 +76 +51% .668 .687 220 509 +289 +131% 74.2 278 +204 +275% 183 153 -30 -16% .774 .907 412 328 -84 -20% 214 168 -46 -22% 192 107 -169 -88% .977 .703 418 193 -225 -54% 218 88.7 -129 -59% +4.9 +2.6% .893 .668 504 560 +56 +11% 158 167 +9.0 5.7% +28 +17% .654 .646 221 493 +272 +123% 75.8 224 +148 +195% --- .631 -- 709 -- TU-GFF-051205-0730 TD-GFF-051205-0730 TU-GFF-051205-1430 TD-GFF-051205-1430 TU-GFF-051206-0830 TD-GFF-051206-0830 TU-GFF-051206-1330 TD-GFF-051206-1330 TD-GFF-051207-0930 TU-GFF-051207-0930 TD-GFF-051208-1030 TU-GFF-051208-1030 183 188 TD-GFF-051210-1230 TU-GFF-051210-1230 TU-GFF-051210-0730 TD-GFF-051210-0730 166 194 TD-GFF-051212-0900 TD-GFF-051212-0730 --- 138 -- 43 percent -0.749 Difference1in g/kg and --- Total 4,4’-DDTs3 g/kg Total OCPs2 g/kg -83.5 and percent 2,3,7,8-TCDD/total tetraTCDD’s --- Difference1, in g/kg Dominant flow direction TU-GFF-051201-1130 TD-GFF-051201-1130 2,3,7,8-TCDF ng/kg Sample 2,3,7,8-TCDF Difference1 in ng/kg and percent per gram; %, percent; shaded values are percent] 178 250 421 -- DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 1.Negative difference indicate loss from up flow to down flow sample, + values indicate increase . Percent difference calculated as (delta concentration/up flow concentration) *100 2.Total OCP value does not include toxaphene. 3. Total 4,4’-DDTs value is the sum of 4,4’-DDD, 4,4’-DDE, and 4,4’-DDT concentrations 4. Samples beginning with TU were collected from upriver line M12. Samples beginning with TD were collected from the downriver line M56. 44 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 4. Selected chemical concentrations in suspended sediment from the Pilot Dredge monitoring. -- Continued [PCB, polychlorinated biphenyls; OCP, organochlorine pesticides; g/kg, micrograms per kilogram; ng/kg, nanograms per kilogram; g/g, micrograms per gram; ng/g, nanograms Difference in Pb, in ug/g and percent Sediment boud Pb ug/g -190 --- 285 -- --- --- --- --- --- 321 --- --- TU-GFF-051205-1430 TD-GFF-051205-1430 --- TD-GFF-051206-0830 TU-GFF-051206-0830 -- 715 374 -341 -48% 384 -- --- ---- TU-GFF-051201-1130 TD-GFF-051201-1130 TD-GFF-051212-0900 Sample identifier Dominant flow direction Difference in Hg, in ng/g and percent Sediment bound Hg ng/g per gram; %, percent; shaded values are percent] TU-GFF-051205-0730 TD-GFF-051205-0730 569 -- --- 377 910 +533 +141% --- 230 303 +73 +32% --- 232 358 +126 +54% 724 -- 384 -- --- --- --- ---- TU-GFF-051206-1330 TD-GFF-051206-1330 -696 TD-GFF-051208-1030 TU-GFF-051208-1030 -361 TU-GFF-051210-0730 TD-GFF-051210-0730 TD-GFF-051207-0930 TU-GFF-051207-0930 TD-GFF-051210-1230 TU-GFF-051210-1230 --- TD-GFF-051212-0900 TD-GFF-051212-0730 --- --- 45 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 5. Selected chemical values for bottom sediment cores, from the 2004 coring program, and for samples from the New Jersey CARP Program.1 [PCBs, polychlorinated biphenyls; Hg, mercury; Pb, lead; g/kg, nanograms per gram; ng/kg, Sediment-bound Pb, mg/kg Sediment-bound Hg, mg/kg Total 4,4’-DDTs2 g/kg 2,3,7,8-TCDF ng/kg 2,3,7,8-TCDD ng/kg Total PCDD + PCDF g/kg Sample Total PCBs g/kg picograms per gram; mg/kg, milligrams per kilogram; nd, not determined] Bottom sediment – 2004 cores 0-1 ft depth Average Range 1,660 1,450-2,000 9.3 5.9-14 336 200-560 64 35-140 195 84-260 2.3 2.2-2.4 281 260-307 1-2 ft depth Average Range 3,350 3,140-3,940 14.2 5.6-28 374 220-520 71 36-92 105 70-143 4.1 3.7-4.6 451 437-477 2-3 ft depth Average Range 6,600 5,510-7,830 18.6 5.0-23 1,020 300-1,600 83 20-120 165 116-241 5.1 3.9-7.5 647 570-760 NJ CARP Suspended Sediment CARP DATA2 Station PAS-1 Average Range 879 610-1345 8.98 1.3-12.4 279 25-437 244 6.3-870 102 58-153 2.1 1.6-2.4 200 144-234 Station NB-1S Shallow Average 861 7.76 98 58 99 227 Range 590-1275 2.4-11.7 23-202 11-155 66-120 2.1 0.433.3 Station NB-1D Deep Average Range 714 466-966 6.89 0.9-12.9 83 5.8-210 41 4-59 74 50-116 2.3 1.2-3.1 188 191-255 Average Passaic River freshwater 44 11.5 <3 12 45 649 118 1. New Jersey CARP data provided by J. Pechiolli 2. total 4,4’-DDTs is the sum of 4,4’-DDD, 4,4’-DDE, and 4,4’-DDT concentrations 46 154-322 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 5. Selected chemical values for bottom sediment cores, from the 2004 coring program, and for samples from the New Jersey CARP Program.1 -- Continued [PCBs, polychlorinated biphenyls; Hg, mercury; Pb, lead; g/kg, nanograms per gram; ng/kg, Dissolved Pb, ng/L Dissolved Hg, ng/L Total 4,4’-DDTs2 ng/L 2,3,7,8-TCDF pg/L 2,3,7,8-TCDD pg/L Total PCDD + PCDF pg/L Sample Total PCBs pg/L picograms per gram; mg/kg, milligrams per kilogram] NJ CARP Dissolved concentrations CARP DATA2 Station PAS-1 Average Range 4464 3292-7009 nd nd nd 0.86 .41-1.69 0.81 0.47-1.09 310 241-395 Station NB-1S Shallow Average Range 4727 2842-9772 nd nd nd .67 .34-1.31 0.54 0.50-0.57 236 183-312 Station NB-1D Deep Average Range 4282 1769-8649 nd nd nd .67 .20-1.35 0.45 0.34-0.55 268 194-413 Average Passaic River freshwater 3. New Jersey CARP data provided by J. Pechiolli 4. total 4,4’-DDTs is the sum of 4,4’-DDD, 4,4’-DDE, and 4,4’-DDT concentrations Z 47 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 6. Selected dissolved chemical concentrations from the Pilot Dredge monitoring. [PCB, polychlorinated biphenyls; OCP, organochlorine pesticides; pg/L, picogram per liter; ng/L; nanogram per liter; %, percent; shaded values are percent; na, not analyzed; --, TU-GFF-051206-1330 TD-GFF-051206-1330 Dec. 6, 1330 Dec. 6, 1330 Up Down TD-GFF-051207-0930 TU-GFF-051207-0930 Dec. 7, 930 Dec. 7, 930 Down Up TD-GFF-051208-1030 TU-GFF-051208-1030 Dec. 8, 1030 Dec. 8, 1030 Down Up TU-GFF-051210-0730 TD-GFF-051210-0730 Dec. 10, 730 Dec. 10, 730 Up Down TD-GFF-051210-1230 TU-GFF-051210-1230 Dec. 10, 1230 Dec. 10, 1230 Down Up TD-GFF-051212-0900 TD-GFF-051212-0730 Dec. 12, 900 Dec. 12, 730 Up na na --- na na --- na na --- na 3,710 --- na 4.94 --- na 0.20* --- na na --- na na --- na na --- 3,010 3,670 660 18 2.54 1.98 -0.56 -22 0.16 0.14* -0.02 -13 na 4,060 --- na 2.52 --- na 0.16* --- na 3,350 --- na 1.68 --- na 0.12* --- na 3,880 --- na 3.14 --- na 0.16 --- na na na na --- na na --- --- 3,310 -- 1.13 -- --- 0.11* -- --- 48 ----- 2,3,7,8-TCDD pg/L Up Down 0.02 11 Difference1 in pg/Land percent Dec. 6, 830 Dec. 6, 830 Total PCDD + PCDF1 pg/L TU-GFF-051206-0830 TD-GFF-051206-0830 Difference1 in pg/L and percent Up Down Total PCBs pg/L Dec. 5, 1430 Dec. 5, 1430 0.19* 0.21* TU-GFF-051205-1430 TD-GFF-051205-1430 -0.22 -7.5 Up Down 2.93 2.71 Dec. 7, 730 Dec. 5, 730 1,190 33 TU-GFF-051205-0730 TD-GFF-051205-0730 3,610 4,800 Up Down Dominant flow direction Dec. 5, 1130 Dec. 5, 1130 Sample identifier TU-GFF-051201-1130 TD-GFF-051201-1130 4 Location of sample in relation to dredge Date and Time 2,3,7,8-TCDD Difference1 in pg/Land percent not applicable; * values are estimated maximum possible concentration] DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 6. Selected dissolved chemical concentrations from the Pilot Dredge monitoring. --Continued [PCB, polychlorinated biphenyls; OCP, organochlorine pesticides; pg/L, picogram per liter; ng/L, nanogram per liter; %, percent; shaded values are percent; na, not analyzed; --, 0.56 0.56 3.628 4.497 0.869 24 0.538 0.630 0.092 17 na na --- na na na na --- na na --- na 0.17 --- na 0.66 na 2.849 --- na 0.505 --- na na --- na na na na --- na na --- 0.14 0.15 0.01 7.0 0.50 0.49 3.192 2.074 -1.118 -35 0.624 0.442 -0.182 -29 na 0.14 --- na 0.46 na 3.192 --- na 0.624 --- na 0.11 --- na 0.49 na 2.673 --- na 1.090 --- --- na 0.51 na 4.474 --- na 0.510 --- --- na na na na --- na na --- --- 0.50 -- 3.041 -- --- 0.441 -- --- TU-GFF-051205-0730 TD-GFF-051205-0730 TU-GFF-051205-1430 TD-GFF-051205-1430 TU-GFF-051206-0830 TD-GFF-051206-0830 TU-GFF-051206-1330 TD-GFF-051206-1330 TD-GFF-051207-0930 TU-GFF-051207-0930 TD-GFF-051208-1030 TU-GFF-051208-1030 na 0.14 TD-GFF-051210-1230 TU-GFF-051210-1230 TU-GFF-051210-0730 TD-GFF-051210-0730 na na TD-GFF-051212-0900 TD-GFF-051212-0730 --- 0.10 -- 49 percent Total OCPs2 ng/L 0.04 29 Difference1in ng/L and 2,3,7,8-TCDD/total tetraTCDD’s 0.14 0.18 Total 4,4’-DDTs3 ng/L 2,3,7,8-TCDF Difference1 in pg/Land percent --- and percent 2,3,7,8-TCDF pg/L TU-GFF-051201-1130 TD-GFF-051201-1130 Difference1, in ng/L Sample Dominant flow direction not applicable; * values are estimated maximum possible concentration] DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 1.Negative difference indicate loss from up flow to down flow sample, + values indicate increase . Percent difference calculated as (delta concentration/up flow concentration) *100 2.Total OCP value does not include toxaphene. 3. Total 4,4’-DDTs value is the sum of 4,4’-DDD, 4,4’-DDE, and 4,4’-DDT concentrations 4. Samples beginning with TU were collected from upriver line M12. Samples beginning with TD were collected from the downriver line M56. 50 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 7. Concentrations and concentration ratios of selected PCB congeners in samples collected during the pilot dredge and in bottom sediment from the dredge area. Average BG ng/kg Average 0-1 ft. Average 1-2 ft. Average 2-3 ft. Total PCB (g/kg) PCB-150 PCB-137 PCB-126 PCB-107 PCB-96 PCB-77 PCB-34 PCB-25 PCB-21 PCB-17 PCB-16 Sample PCB-11 [concentrations in nanograms per kilogram except total PCB, which is in micrograms per kilogram; g/kg, micrograms per kilogram; ft., feet; BG, background] 844 6,220 3,630 5,360 6,570 2,940 128 6,090 435 1,120 138 1,590 159 9,940 11,880 15,800 17,000 5,240 300 5,620 1,330 3,320 215 6,700 470 2,700 34,400 42,800 56,000 49,200 21,200 892 10,000 2,780 6,440 296 12,000 16,60 5,510 57,200 96,200 127,000 110,400 31,800 3,360 22,000 34,980 11,560 605 59,400 23,000 10,700 Ratio of concentration Ave 0-1ft / ave. BG 1.6 3.3 2.9 2.6 1.8 2.3 0.9 3.1 3.0 1.6 4.2 3.0 3.2 5.5 11.8 10.4 7.5 7.2 7.0 1.6 6.4 5.7 2.1 7.5 10.5 6.5 9.2 26.5 23.7 16.8 10.8 26.3 3.6 80.5 10.3 4.4 37.3 144.9 12.7 TU-GFF-051205-0730 TD-GFF-051205-0730 1.0 0.8 0.9 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.1 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.1 0.8 0.9 0.5 0.9 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.4 0.9 0.4 1.1 0.5 1.0 0.6 TU-GFF-051205-1430 TD-GFF-051205-1430 1.5 0.2 1.6 0.2 1.5 0.2 1.7 0.2 1.5 0.2 1.5 0.2 1.3 0.1 1.6 0.2 1.6 0.2 1.7 0.4 1.5 0.1 1.7 0.2 1.7 1.5 TD-GFF-051206-0830 TU-GFF-051206-0830 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.3 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.2 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 Ave 1-2 ft / ave. BG Ave 2-3 ft/ ave. BG Sample/ ave. BG 51 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 7. Concentrations and concentration ratios of selected PCB congeners in samples collected during the pilot dredge and in bottom sediment from the dredge area. -- Continued PCB-126 PCB-137 PCB-150 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.5 2.9 1.3 1.1 1.2 0.7 1.4 0.8 1.3 0.8 1.0 0.9 1.1 0.8 1.6 1.0 1.5 0.8 1.4 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.0 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.8 1.4 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.3 0.7 1.3 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.3 1.4 1.1 2.5 1.1 2.5 1.1 2.5 1.1 2.6 1.1 2.4 TD-GFF-051207-0930 TU-GFF-051207-0930 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.8 1.3 1.9 1.3 1.1 1.0 TD-GFF-051208-1030 TU-GFF-051208-1030 1.6 1.0 2.0 0.9 2.1 0.8 2.3 0.9 2.0 1.1 2.1 1.0 TU-GFF-051210-0730 TD-GFF-051210-0730 1.3 1.6 1.4 1.6 1.3 1.7 1.3 1.8 1.4 1.6 TD-GFF-051210-1230 TU-GFF-051210-1230 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.3 1.7 1.2 1.9 1.5 1.9 1.6 52 Total PCB PCB-107 1.2 1.1 PCB-77 1.0 1.6 TU-GFF-051206-1330 TD-GFF-051206-1330 Sample PCB-34 1.0 1.9 PCB-25 1.0 1.2 PCB-21 1.2 1.0 PCB-17 1.0 1.4 PCB-16 Ratio of concentration 1.1 1.0 1.0 2.6 1.3 1.5 PCB-11 PCB-96 [concentrations in nanograms per kilogram except total PCB, which is in micrograms per kilogram; g/kg, micrograms per kilogram; ft., feet; BG, background] DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Pre-dredge Sediment Load and Mass Balance For the nine day period between 0:00 on December 2 and 0:00 on December 12, the overall difference (imbalance) between line M12 and line M56 was found to be -3.4 percent for water, and -12.6% for sediment - both are well within the assumed level of uncertainty. Table 7 shows the water and sediment mass-balances for the 30 minute intervals and the 24-hour period of December 2. The calculated values were separated into periods of upriver and downriver flow. The 24-hour sediment imbalance (-4.2 percent) between lines M12 and M56 could be interpreted to represents the net sediment erosion (26,400 kilograms, or 1,100 kg/hr) from between the area enclosed by lines M12 and M56. For the background days of December 2, 3, 4, and 11th, the difference was slightly greater (1,781 kg/hr). It is entirely possible that these differences are the result of erosion of materials from the river bottom, especially the channel edge. For example, erosion likely occurs from the south shore where depositional areas were obvious. This represents the natural transport, deposition, and erosion of sediment being carried by the river. However, the calculated differences are within the assumed uncertainty (25 percent), and the calculations were made for a 24-hour periods that includes partial tidal cycles. If the calculations are made for less-than a full tide cycle, then the difference between two monitoring lines will not include the sediment mass returned during the next tide reversal. For 24-hour period of December 2nd, the sediment imbalance was calculated to be -4.2 percent, representing a difference of 26,400 kilograms of sediment (table 7). The corresponding difference in water discharge is -2.1 percent, so both the sediment load and water discharge were in very good balance. As the values in table 7 indicate, the 30 minute sediment and water imbalances vary dramatically over the successive time intervals, and can be quite large in some instances. When plotted (fig. 8), large imbalances occurred at three times during the day; this is typical of the other days of monitoring as well. Large positive differences in sediment loads are related to large 53 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 negative differences in water discharge across the two monitoring lines. The cause of these large imbalances in water is unclear at present; they are not always related to the times of highest and lowest tide but are more likely related to the times when the NS velocity component become important. If sediment loads are to be compared over the short periods (1 tide cycle or less), then the travel time between mooring lines must be considered in the calculations. In the pilot dredge area, average downriver flow velocities are is approximately 40 cm/sec over a tidal cycle, which corresponds to a 25 to 30 minute average travel time for the 600 meters between line M12 to M56. During flood tide, the average velocity upriver velocity is about 20 cm/sec, corresponding to an average travel time of 50 to 60 minute from line M56 to line M12. Therefore, when sediment mass-balances are calculated for short periods of times (partial tidal cycles, such as during dredging), the loads must be offset 30 minutes for downriver flow, and 60 minutes for upriver flow. Only when one-half, or a full, tidal cycle is evaluated do these offsets strictly apply – different offsets should be used for calculating mass-balances for less than one tide cycle. The sediment load data (table 7) were separated into the successive downriver and upriver periods of the tide cycle, as determined by the velocity measurement at M2, and the 30 or 60 minute offset applied. The first down-flow period has a large sediment imbalance (+19.7 percent), but this is the result of not using the entire period of down river flow, which began shortly before 20:00 on December 1. Likewise, the imbalance for the last down-flow period (2100 to 2330) was -14.6 percent, but again these calculations did not use the entire downriver flow which lasted until 4:45 on December 3. The one complete upriver time period (500-930) and the complete downriver flow period (9001800) had very small imbalances for both sediment (3.7 and -0.6 percent, respectively) and water (-13.7 and 3.4 percent, respectively). It is also interesting to note that the sediment calculated to cross one line, say line M12, during the complete upriver flow cycle (-69,189 kg per 270 minutes, or 256 kg per minute) does not equal the load carried down stream in the next successive downriver cycle (456,355 kg per 570 minutes, or 800 54 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 kg per minute). This is due to the longer time periods of flow, and to the differences in maximum velocity that was reached during the two tide cycles. Net Sediment Flux to Newark Bay The net flux of sediment that crossed either monitoring line is a measure of amount of sediment delivered to the harbor from upstream sources, minus the load brought back upriver by tidal action over a given time period. The net load (for a 24-hour period) across line M12 was quite large for the initial days, but decreased steadily from the initial days of monitoring, and decreased significantly between Dec.4 and Dec. 11 (table 7). The decrease was likely related to the decline in freshwater flow into the lower Passaic River. The magnitude of these daily flux provides a scale for comparing the mass of sediment dredged from the river bottom during this project. Table 8. Net downriver flux of sediment calculated to pass mooring line 1-2 during background days. [kg, kilograms; hr, hours; m3/hr, cubic meters per hour; yd3/hr, cubic yards per hour] Date Flux Flux Flux Flux kg/24 hours kg/hr m3/hr yd3/hr Dry weight1 Dry weight Dec. 2 628,000 26,200 20.1 26.3 Dec. 3 388,000 16,200 12.5 16.4 Dec. 4 305,000 12,700 9.8 12.8 Dec. 11 61,000 2,540 2.0 2.55 1. Calculated using a bulk density of 1300 kg/m3 , which is the average bulk density in 2204 bottom core samples 55 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 56 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 2 - Mooring 2 Salinity and Water Elevation 14 Flow up river 13 Surface Bottom Water Elevation 12 Flow up river Salinity, in PSU and water elevation, in meters 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 0:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 H LT HT 23:00 LT -3 16:00 -2 Figure 6A. Salinity and water elevation, mooring 2, December 2. Arrows show times when elevated turbidity was detected in surface (solid) and bottom (dotted) water. 57 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 2 AM Mooring 2 Velocity at Bottom and Surface 1meter 100 + = East flow to Newark Bay 80 Flow up-river to M12 Flow up-river to M12 40 20 0 -20 Bottom Bin -= West flow upriver Surface 1m -40 -60 LT HT 0:00:00 23:00:00 22:00:00 21:00:00 20:00:00 19:00:00 18:00:00 17:00:00 16:00:00 15:00:00 14:00:00 13:00:00 12:00:00 11:00:00 10:00:00 9:00:00 8:00:00 7:00:00 6:00:00 5:00:00 4:00:00 3:00:00 2:00:00 1:00:00 -80 0:00:00 EW velocity, in cm/sec 60 Local Time 58 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figure 6B. Bottom velocity at mooring 2, December 2. Arrows show times when elevated turbidity was detected in surface (solid) and bottom (dotted) water. 59 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 2 Moorings 1-2 300 Surface Turbidity M2 Bottom OBS M2 Surface Turbidity M1 250 Flow up river towards M12 200 150 100 50 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 HT 17:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 LT HT 16:00 LT 0 8:00 Turbidity, in NTU, and OBS backscatter in millivolts . Flow up river toward M12 Local Time Figure 6C. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) measured at mooring 2, December 2. 60 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 2 - M12- ADCP - SS Concentrations Mooring 1 - bottom Estimated concentration of suspended sediment, in mg/L 350 Mooring 1 - average top 1 meter Flow Up-river toward moorings 1-2 300 Flow Up-river toward moorings 1-2 Mooring 2 - bottom Mooring 2 - average top 1 meter 250 200 150 100 50 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 0 Local Time Figure 6D. Suspended sediment concentrations estimated from ADCP reflectance at mooring M1 and M2, December 2. 61 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Total PCB Total PCDD + PCD 9000 Total PCBs in sediment, in ug/kg 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 20 15 10 5 1000 0 Dec 1 to 12, 2005 Bottom sediment 0 to 1 ft Bottom sediment 1 to 2 ft Bottom Sediment 2 to 3 ft. NJ CARP SS data 25 Total PCDD + PCDF in sediment, in ug/kg 8000 30 Dec 1 to 12, 2005 Bottom sediment 0 to 1 ft Bottom sediment 1 to 2 ft Bottom Sediment 2 to 3 ft. NJ CARP SS data Pilot dredge 0.9 1.1 data 2004 bottom core 1.3 1.5 sediment data 1.7 PAS-1 and 1.9 NB NJ CARP data Sample 7A. Concentrations of PCBs measured in the Pilot Dredge program and the range of concentrations in bottom sediment from the 2004 cores and the NJ CARP program. 2.1 2.3 0 2.5 Pilot dredge 0.9 1.1 data 2.7 2.9 2004 bottom core 1.3 1.5 sediment data 1.7 PAS-1 and 1.9NB NJ CARP data Sample 7B. Concentrations of total PCDD plus PCDF measured in the Pilot Dredge program and the range of concentrations in the bottom sediment from the 2004 cores an the CARP program 62 2. DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 2,3,7,8-TCDF 2,3,7,8-TCDD 1800 1600 250 1400 Total 2,3,7,8-TCDF in sediment, in ng/kg Total 2,3,7,8-TCDD in sediment, in ng/kg 300 Dec 1 to 12, 2005 Bottom sediment 0 to 1 ft Bottom sediment 1 to 2 ft Bottom Sediment 2 to 3 ft. NJ CARP SS data 1200 1000 800 600 Dec 1 to 12, 2005 Bottom sediment 0 to 1 ft Bottom sediment 1 to 2 ft Bottom Sediment 2 to 3 ft. NJ CARP SS data 200 150 100 400 50 200 0 0 Pilot dredge 0.9 1.1 data 2004 bottom core 1.3 1.5 sediment data 1.7 PAS-1 and 1.9 NB NJ CARP data Sample 2.1 Pilot dredge 0.9 1.1 data 2.3 2.5 2004 bottom core 1.3 1.5 sediment 2.7 data 2.9 1.7 PAS-1 1.9 NJ CARP and NB data Sample 63 2.1 2 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 7C. Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD measured in the Pilot Dredge program and the range of concentrations in bottom sediment from the 2004 cores and the NJ CARP program. 7D. Concentrations of 2,3,,8-TCDF measured in the Pilot Dredge program and the range of concentrations in the bottom sediment from the 2004 cores an the CARP program. 64 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Total DDTs Dec 1 to 12, 2005 Bottom sediment 0 to 1 ft 300 Bottom sediment 1 to 2 ft Bottom Sediment 2 to 3 ft. NJ CARP SS data Total DDT's in sediment, in ng/kg 250 200 150 100 50 0 Pilot dredge 0.9 1.1 data 2004 bottom core 1.3 1.5 sediment data 1.7 PAS-1 NJ CARP and NB data 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 Sample 65 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figure 7E. Concentrations measured in the Pilot Dredge program and the corresponding range of concentrations in bottom sediment from the 2004 cores and from the NJ CARP sampling conducted from 2000 to 2002. 66 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Sediment Pb Sediment Hg 8 1000 7 Dec 1 to 12, 2005 950 Bottom sediment 0 to 1 ft 900 Bottom sediment 1 to 2 ft 850 Bottom Sediment 2 to 3 ft. Bottom sediment 0 to 1 ft Bottom sediment 1 to 2 ft Bottom Sediment 2 to 3 ft. 800 NJ CARP SS data 6 Dec 1 to 12, 2005 NJ CARP SS data 750 Hg in sediment, in mg/kg Hg in sediment, in mg/kg 700 5 4 3 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 2 200 150 1 100 50 0 0 Pilot dredge 1.1 0.9 data 2004 bottom core 1.5 1.3 sediment data 1.7 PAS-1 NJ CARP and NB data 1.9 2.1 Sample 7F. Concentrations of mercury measured in the Pilot Dredge program and the range of concentrations in bottom sediment from the 2004 cores and the NJ CARP program. 2.3 2.5 2004 bottom core Pilot dredge 2.9 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.9 2.7 sediment data data 1.7 PAS-1 1.9 NJ CARP and NB data Sample 7G. Concentrations of lead measured in the Pilot Dredge program and the range of concentrations in the bottom sediment from the 2004 cores an the CARP program. 67 2.1 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 PCB Congener Profile 40 PAS-1 June 2000 A 01C D01C PAS1 Dec 2000 A12C D12C PAS 1 March 2001 TU- Dec 5 TD- Dec 5 TU Dec 12 Core A and D 0-1 Ft. 35 CARP PAS-1 Samples Percent of total PCB by weight 30 25 Pilot Dredge Background Samples 20 15 10 5 0 Mono+di Tri Tetra Penta Hexa Hepta Octa Nona Dec Homolog Group Figure 8. Percentage of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) homologs by weight for pilot dredge background samples, bottom sediment samples from 2004 cores A and D, and CARP samples of suspended sediment from the Passaic River 68 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 8. Water discharge and sediment loads and mass-balance for December 2, 2005. [kg, kilograms; M12, line M1 to M2; M56, line M5 to M6] Time, line Sediment load Time, Sediment Difference, Change in Change in M12 at line line M56 load at line Kg/30 sediment discharge2, in M12 M56 minutes load1, in percent Kg/30 minutes kg/30 percent minutes Flow downriver 0-30 30-100 100-130 130-200 200-230 230-300 300-300 330-400 400-430 430-500 49,000 48,100 29,100 20,800 18,900 18,500 13,800 5,790 437 -2,680 30-100 100-130 130-200 200-230 230-300 300-300 330-400 400-430 430-500 500-530 41,800 12,500 26 17 36,440 21,700 45 30 26,300 5,080 17 17 24,100 -6,650 -32 0.6 27,500 -5,620 -30 24 24,600 4,500 24 40 14,000 9,680 70 67 4,120 7,140 123 138 -1,350 5,470 1,250 1,290 -5,030 12,700 -475 -162 135,300 66,600 33 50 85 76 42 -10 -161 -9,720 205 18 -61 81 50 33 -7.8 -100 -3,880 177 51 -79 7.2 -32 Total 300 minutes 201,900 Flow upriver 500-530 530-600 600-630 630-700 700-730 730-800 800-830 830-900 900-930 Total 270 minutes -8,720 -21,300 -26,600 -17,300 -6,380 -128 3,170 4,890 3,200 -69,200 400-430 430-500 500-530 530-600 600-630 630-700 700-730 730-800 800-830 -1,350 -5,030 -15,400 -19,000 -16,700 -12,600 -3,310 4,010 5,140 -7,370 -16,300 -11,200 1,800 10,300 12,400 6,480 872 -1,940 -64,200 -4,970 69 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 8. Water discharge and sediment loads and mass-balance for December 2, 2005. – Continued [kg, kilograms; M12, line M1 to M2; M56, line M5 to M6] Time, line Sediment load at Time, Sediment Difference Change in Change in M12 line line M56 load at line kg/30 sediment discharge2, M12 M56 minutes load1, in in percent kg/30 minutes kg/30 percent minutes 900-930 930-1000 1000-1030 1030-1100 1100-1130 1130-1200 1200-1230 1230-1300 1300-1330 1330-1400 1400-1430 1430-1500 1500-1530 1530-1600 1600-1630 1630-1700 1700-1730 1730-1800 Total 570 minutes 3,200 2,920 3,780 5,770 15,900 36,200 56,800 69,600 55,600 51,900 42,400 37,800 27,500 24,100 17,200 7,790 725 -2,770 Flow downriver 930-1000 6,110 1000-1030 7,920 1030-1100 10,400 1100-1130 25,900 1130-1200 45,600 1200-1230 67,300 1230-1300 54,900 1300-1330 53,200 1330-1400 54,600 1400-1430 39,500 1430-1500 37,500 1500-1530 30,600 1530-1600 26,600 1600-1630 17,000 1630-1700 5,370 1700-1730 -2,790 1730-1800 -7,620 1800-1830 -10,300 -2,910 -5,000 -6,600 -20,200 -29,700 -31,100 1,890 16,500 1,000 12,400 4,860 7,190 923 7,110 11,800 10,600 8,300 7,560 456,000 461,600 -5,240 -91 -172 -175 -350 -186 -86 3.3 24 1.9 24 12 19 3.4 30 69 136 1,150 -273 -4.0 -73 -174 -127 -47 -12 8.7 11 13 25 18 27 23 39 75 140 724 -89 -1.1 6.6 50 1.9 -7.2 -59 -495 438 67 33 17 -24 -160 417 -49 -24 Flow upriver 1800-1830 1830-1900 1900-1930 1930-2000 2000-2030 2030-2100 Total 210 minutes -5,600 -7,760 -9,640 -7,210 -1,710 1,550 -31,900 1700-1730 1730-1800 1800-1830 1830-1900 1900-1930 1930-2000 -2,790 -7,620 -10,300 -11,500 -10,200 -5,240 -2,810 -145 692 4,250 8,450 6,790 -47,600 15,700 70 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 8. Water discharge and sediment loads and mass-balance for December 2, 2005. – Continued [kg, kilograms; M12, line M1 to M2; M56, line M5 to M6] Time, line Sediment load at Time, Sediment Difference, Change in Change in M12 line line M56 load at line kg/30 sediment discharge2, M12 M56 minutes load1, in in percent kg/30 minutes kg/30 percent minutes 2100-2130 2130-2200 2200-2230 2230-2300 2300-2330 2330-000 Total 180 minutes Total for 24-hours 5,500 9,500 12,800 13,100 14,000 17,400 Flow downriver 2130-2200 7,220 2200-2230 10,200 2230-2300 12,100 2300-2330 14,100 2330-000 22,500 0-30 30,900 -1,700 -665 692 -973 -8,500 -13,600 72,200 97,000 -24,800 628,000 654,000 -26,400 -31 -7.0 5.4 -7.4 -61 -78 -62 -21 -21 -14 -21 5.2 -34 -19 -4.2 -2.1 1.Percent change in sediment mass is calculated as (M12-M56)*100/M12. Negative values indicate more mass calculated to have passed M56 than M12. 2. Percent change in discharge is calculated as Qm12-Qm56 * 100 / Qm12, where Q is discharge crossing mooring M12 or M56. 71 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 2, Sediment and Water Imbalance 500 400 Percent difference 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 Water 23 00 22 00 21 00 20 00 19 00 18 00 HT 17 00 16 00 15 00 LT 14 00 13 00 11 00 90 0 10 00 80 0 70 0 60 0 50 0 40 0 30 0 20 0 0 -300 10 0 Sediment H T 12 00 LT Local Time Figure 9. Water and sediment imbalance calculated for December 2, 2005. 72 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Evaluation of Suspended Sediment and Chemistry during Dredging The suspended-sediment concentrations, moored instrument data, and sediment chemistry data were evaluated for each day of dredging to seek evidence of sediment release from the dredging. For each day the following evaluations were made: 1. Suspended sediment in the cross-channel monitoring samples were plotted to determine variations in SS during the periods of dredging. 2. Turbidity (and OBS response) from the moored instruments were plotted to confirm the variation in SS observed in the cross-channel samples. 3. The relation between the SS variations and the river characteristics (water level, salinity, and bottom currents) was established graphically to determine if variations in SS were associated with the migration of the salt-water interface, and therefore, if they were related to the natural zone of turbidity maximum. 4. For some days, the turbidity data collected during dredging were compared with the turbidity measured during the next successive tidal cycle. This allowed a graphical comparison to be made to determine if turbidity was elevated during dredging over a comparable position in the next (non-dredging) tide cycle. 5. The sediment loads were calculated (using the moored ADCP data) to determine if sediment load increased down-flow during periods of dredging. 6. The differences in the chemical composition of suspended sediment collected upflow and down-flow of the dredging were calculated for selected chemical species. The chemical data were also compared with bottom sediment data and with the range of values in the background and from the CARP data from the lower Passaic. 73 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 As discussed earlier, the chemical indicator species are a small subset of the entire set of compounds that were measured in the samples, and may not represent the changes measured for other specific compounds. Also, review of the analytical results by the EPA quality assurance/control was not yet completed at the time this report was prepared. Thus, values and conclusions are considered preliniary and are subject to change. December 5 Dredging on December 5, 2005, was conducted between 10:24 and 12:35 (AM sampling), and 13:02 and 19:03 (PM sampling) (fig. 9A). A total of 25 unique dredge bites were taken from between the NJSPC XY coordinates 561254-695381 and 594272695422 (corresponding dredge cell A2 fig. 3). 8 During the morning dredging (10401235) flow in the river was down river, however, sampling was conducted when flow was both up- and downriver. For the morning, therefore, the line M56 was considered down-flow. Cross-sectional monitoring for SS was conducted from 800 to 1230 (AM sampling). TOPS sampling was conducted from 830 to 1200 at line M12, and 900 to 1200 at line M56. During the morning, sampling was hampered by freezing of the TOPS equipment. December 5-AM Suspended Sediment The reversal in flow during the morning makes interpreting the SS and chemical data difficult. SS in the samples from the downriver (down-flow) line M56 declined steadily through the morning as dredging began (fig. 10A), while at the upriver (up-flow) line M12 the concentrations increased steadily. At the up-flow line M12, peak concentrations 8 The number of bites represents unique bucket locations. Multiple bites may have been collected at a single location. Coordinates are given as X Y and are in the NJSPC coordinate system. 74 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 were reached between 1130 and 1230, but then declined throughout the remainder of the day. Before 930, the flow of the river was upstream. Because dredging started when flow was downriver (at 1024), the increase in SS in the upriver samples (line M12) cannot be attributed to dredging – flow is in the wrong direction to have affected M12. The downflow samples from line M56 collected after 1000 showed no increase in SS concentration that could be related to dredging. Turbidity There was no increase in turbidity at mooring the surface of M1 and the bottom of M2 (fig. 10B) during the morning sampling, however, the turbidity in the surface at M2 increased starting at about 930, and after peaking at 1100, declined the remainder of the afternoon until about 1600 after which the turbidity again increased. Thus, suspended material in the surface water near M2 apparently caused the increase in the SS of the cross-channel SS samples. Turbidity in the surface water at M1 was elevated, but was declining from the high values measured at 830. By the time dredging began, however, flow was downriver toward line M56, and the SS samples and turbidity show no indication of a rise in suspended sediment until well after the dredging had ended. Turbidity in the bottom water at M6 was slightly elevated but steady throughout the morning. A sharp but short-lived spike in the turbidity measured in the surface water at down-flow mooring M5 (after 1200), however, the turbidity in the surface water at the down-flow line M56 remained low and constant and constant throughout the morning, consistent with the SS measured in the cross channel samples. Apparently during this time, the dredge bucket seals were reported as leaking, but were repaired by 1230. The spike in turbidity at M5 may be related to this malfunction. Sediment Chemistry 75 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 The concentration of total PCBs decreased from 875g/kg in the up-flow sample (line M12) to 470 g/kg in the down-flow sample (line M56), a decrease of -46 percent4. Similarly, the total PCDD+PCDF (-78%), the 2,3,7,8-TCDD (-49%), the 2,3,7,8-TCDF (16%), total OCPs (-45%) and total 4,4’-DDTs (-50%) concentrations also decreased (table 5). These consistent percent decreases for all indicator components provide an indication that the suspended sediment was “diluted” by cleaner sediments. The total PCB, PCDD+PCDF, and 4,4’-DDT concentrations in the monitoring samples are lower than in the surficial (0-1 ft) bottom sediment, however, the 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8TCDD concentrations are higher in the upriver sample (and lower in the downriver sample) than in the bottom sediment (table 5). The concentrations of these species are also lower in the down river sample than in the bottom sediment (table 5). Dissolved concentrations were not determined for the morning samples. December 5 – PM The afternoon dredging was from 1235 until 1800, during which time the flow was downriver until low-tide (1815). A total of 133 unique dredge bites were taken in the afternoon from between the NJSPC XY coordinates 594278-695481 and 594345-695465 (dredge cells B2 through E2, fig. 3). Cross-sectional monitoring for SS was conducted from 1400 to 1700 (PM sampling) along both lines M12 and M56. During the afternoon, TOPS sampling was conducted on the upriver line from 1400 until 1700, and on the down-river line from 1430 to 1700. Suspended Sediment On the afternoon of December 5, the direction of water flow was from upriver (line M12) to the downriver (M56) moorings, making the interpretations of the data more straightforward then was the case for the morning. SS concentration in the down-flow line M56 increased during the afternoon, while SS continued to decrease in the up-flow 76 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 line M12 samples (fig. 10A). The SS at the down-flow line M56 began to rise at 1330, approximately ½ hour after dredging began, and peaked in both the surface and bottom samples collected at 1530-1600. Turbidity The turbidity in the down-flow bottom water, measured by the OBS at mooring M5 and M6, increased during the first hour of the afternoon dredging (fig. 10C). However, turbidity also increased in the bottom water up-flow at M1 and M2, and the surface water of M1, concurrent with the increase measured at down-flow M5 and M6. One explanation for the increase in SS at down-flow line M56, is the passing of the sediment that moved upriver earlier in the day and was measured at line M12. Very high SS concentrations were found at M12 in both the surface and bottom samples as late as 1300 hours. Assuming an average downriver current velocity of 40 cm/sec (beginning at 1200), it would take approximately 25 minutes for water and sediment to move from the line M12 to M56; so the bulk of the sediment that moved by M12 should have passed M56 by mid-afternoon. It is also important to note that as dredging proceeded during the afternoon, the SS decreased (after 1500) at down-flow line M56 in a manner similar to that observed at the up-flow line M12. A decrease in SS down-flow is not expected if dredging had been actively releasing sediment. The most likely explanation for the increased SS in line M56 during the afternoon was the return of sediment that had moved upriver earlier in the day. Water Salinity 77 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 The increase in suspended sediment and turbidity recorded at down-flow mooring M5, and (to a lesser extent) at the surface at M6 (fig. 10C) occurred between 1400 and 1600, the initial 2 hours of dredging. During this time period, the salinity at mooring 6 was decreasing to freshwater values (fig. 10D). Thus, the increase in SS concentrations and turbidity coincide with the movement of the salt-water interface downriver and the freshening of the river. At the same time, maximum downriver flow velocities (50 cm/sec) were reached in the bottom water (fig. 10E). Comparison with Turbidity in Next Tidal Cycle Because the suspended materials increased down-flow of the dredging during the afternoon, the turbidity values measured during the afternoon were compared with the turbidity measured during the next low-tide cycle that occurred when dredging was not underway, in this case, during the low-tide cycle on the early morning hours of Dec. 6. During the afternoon of Dec. 5, low-tide was reached at 1745 at M6, and on Dec. 6, lowtide was reached at 540. To make the comparison meaningful, the data were shifted in time to line up corresponding phases in each tide cycle. This was done by aligning the turbidity data on the time maximum low-tide was first reached (fig. 9F, 9G, and 9H). The data were plotted for a period of four hours before until four hours after low-tide. Inspection of the turbidity in the surface water (fig. 9F) shows that two periods existed during the dredging when turbidity was elevated over the comparable time in the nondredging tidal cycle. The first was from 1445 to 1545, and the second began at about 1630 and lasted until about 30 minutes before low tide. Except for these two periods, the patterns followed by the turbidity around the low tides are remarkably similar. The OBS measurements in the bottom water at M6 showed a period of elevated turbidity occurred beginning about 4 hours before low-tide and lasted for 2 hours (fig. 9G). Elevated turbidity was also measured in the surface water at M5 beginning more than 4 hours 78 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 before, and lasting until about 2 hours before the afternoon low-tide was reached, compared with the next low-tide cycle on the Dec. 6 (fig. 8H). When presented in this manner, it is evident that periods of elevated suspended material, measured as turbidity, occurred downriver of the dredging. Sediment Load and Mass Balance The sediment load calculated using ADCP data from M12 and M56 were used to determine if an increase in sediment load occurred during the afternoon dredging activities. The mass of sediment, in kilograms per each 30 minute interval, estimated for the two mooring locations are listed in table 10. The mass loads between M12 and M56 were offset for these calculations by 30 minutes to account for the travel time between moorings. Inspection of the results for the 30 minute periods showed imbalances ranged from -50 to +5 percent. However, the difference for the period of downriver flow is -23 percent, nearly identical to the 24-hour mass-balance for Dec. 5. This difference is within the assumed uncertainty for this analysis. Table 10. Sediment loads and mass-balance for December 5, 2005. [kg, kilograms] Mass of Change in sediment sediment passing load1, M1M2, in Time for Mass of sediment Difference in in Time for kg/30 M56 passing M56, in mass , in percent M12 (up-flow) minutes (down-flow) kg/30 minutes kg/30 minutes 1030 -1100 1100-1130 1130-1200 1200-1230 1230-1300 1300-1330 1330-1400 1,270 1,410 2,020 2,620 5,030 6,460 14,600 1100 -1130 1130-1200 1200-1230 1230-1300 1300-1330 1330-1400 1400-1430 3,260 3,910 4,670 5,830 9,200 19,100 22,600 -1,990 -2,500 -2,650 -3,210 -4,210 -12,500 -8,670 -157 -178 -131 -123 -84 -192 -62 79 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 1400-1430 1430-1500 1500-1530 1530-1600 1600-1630 1630-1700 1700-1730 1730-1800 1800-1830 21,900 25,100 30,800 23,300 17,800 13,300 11,100 8,700 5,370 Total 191,000 233,000 191,000 235,000 Total for 24 hours 1. 1430-1500 1500-1530 1530-1600 1600-1630 1630-1700 1700-1730 1730-1800 1800-1830 1830-1900 30,400 40,300 29,000 21,500 16,100 13,100 8,930 4,840 -8,490 -15,200 1,790 1,830 1,700 291 2,140 3,900 -39 -60 5.8 7.8 9.5 2.2 19 45 564 4,800 90 -23 (-3.4) -42,900 -24 (11.5) -44,700 Percent change is calculated as (M12-M56)*100/M12. Negative values indicate more mass calculated to have passed M56 than M12. Sediment and Water Chemistry The concentration of total PCBs (table 3) was 157 g/kg (-11 percent) lower in the downflow sample from the concentration measured in up-flow sample (table 4). Total dioxin/furans increased by 6.9 g/kg, an increase of 78%, but the 2,3,7,8-TCDD and the 2,3,7,8-TCDF concentrations both decreased from the up-flow to down-flow sample, by 49 and -16 percent, respectively. The total 4-4’-DDT content (sum of 4,4-DDD, DDE and DDT) as the upstream sample also decreased, from 398 to 121 g/kg (-70 percent). In the up-flow sample (line M12), the concentration of total PCB and total PCDD+PCDF were within the range of the surface layer of bottom sediment (0-1 ft) (table 5). The other indicator compounds were higher than the range found in the bottom sediment. In the down-flow sample, the total PCBS were lower, but the total PCDD+PCDFs and 2,3,7,8TCDF were higher than the range, but the 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 4,4’-DDT’s were within the range of concentrations in the surface bottom sediment. The 2,3,7,8-TCDD (and to some extent the 2,3,7,8-TCDF) concentration in the up-flow sample is interesting – the only sediment having such high 2,3,7,8-TCDD are deep in the bottom sediment (up to 1,600 ng/kg was measured in the 2-3 ft deep sediment). However, this sample from up-flow of 80 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 the dredging so its high concentration cannot be related to a release of dredged sediment. Rather, this reflects the large range of concentrations that exists for this compound in the river. The down-flow sample had concentrations of total PCBs, 2,3,7,8-TCDF, and total 4,4’DDTs that were within the range reported for the CARP samples from PAS-1 and Newark Bay (table 5). The 2,3,7,8-TCDD concentrations in both of the samples collected in the afternoon were greater than the maximum concentration in the CARP samples. The very high concentration of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in the up-flow sample suggests the range in 2,3,7,8-TCDD in suspended sediment may be greater than the range in the CARP samples. 81 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 5 Suspended Sediment 120 Down-river M56 shallow Down-river M56 deep Flow up-river to M12 Up-river M12 shallow Suspended Sediment in mg/L 100 Up-river M12 deep Flow upriver to M12 80 60 40 20 Dredging Dredging 2000 1930 1900 1830 1800 1730 1700 1630 1600 1530 1500 1430 1400 1330 1300 1230 1200 1130 1100 1030 930 1000 900 830 800 730 700 630 600 0 Time Fig 10A. Suspended sediment concentrations in cross sectional composite samples collected December 5. Vertical lines indicate times when chemical sampling was undertaken. 82 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 5 Mooring 2 Turbidity and OBS Backscatter 150 Flow up river towards M1-2 140 130 Turbidity, in NTU, and OBS backscatter, in milliolts Flow up river towards M1-2 Surface Turbidity M2 Bottom OBS M2 Surface Turbidity M1 Bottom OBS M1 * 1000 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 15:00 Dredging 0 Local Time Figure 10B. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at mooring M12, December 5. December 5 Mooring 5 and 6 150 Flow up river toward moorings 1-2 140 Bottom OBS M6 130 Turbidity, in NTU, and OBS Backscatter, in millivolts Flow up river toward moorings 1-2 Surface Turbidity M6 Surface Turbidity M5 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 18:00 LT Dredging 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 HT 6:00 LT 0 Local Time Figure 10C. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at mooring M56, December 5. 83 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 5- Mooring 6 Water Elevation and Salinity 10 Water Elevation Bottom Salinity Surface Salinity Water Elevation in meters, Salintiy in PSU 8 6 4 2 0 Dredging Dredging 20:00 19:30 19:00 18:30 18:00 17:30 17:00 16:30 16:00 15:30 15:00 14:30 14:00 13:30 13:00 12:30 12:00 11:30 11:00 10:30 9:30 10:00 9:00 8:30 8:00 7:30 7:00 6:30 6:00 -2 Local Time Figure 10D. Salinity and water elevation at mooring 6, December 5. December 5 Mooring 2 E-W Velocity 100 Flow up-river to M12 + = East flow to Newark Bay Flow up-river to M12 80 60 EW Velocity in cm/sec 40 20 0 -20 Bottom Bin Surface 1m -40 -60 Dredging -= West flow upriver Dredging HT LT 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 -80 Local time Figure 10E. East-west velocity measured at mooring 2, December 5. 84 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 85 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 5 Low Tide Mooring 6 Surface Turbidity 50 LT 17:45 Dec 5 Flow up river towards moorings 1-2 LT 5:54 Dec 6 45 40 Turbidity, in NTU 35 30 Low Tide @ 5:40 12/6 25 20 15 Low Tide @ 17:45 12/5 10 Dredging 10:24 through 19:03 12/5 5 4:00 3:45 3:30 21:45 3:15 2:45 2:30 2:15 2:00 1:45 1:30 3:00 20:45 19:45 1:15 1:00 0:45 0:30 18:45 0:15 0:00 0:15 0:30 0:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 16:45 Local time 12/5 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 15:45 2:45 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 3:00 14:45 13:45 0 Time before/after Low Tide Mooring 6 December 5 Low Tide Bottom OBS Reflectance 100 Flow up river towards moorings 1-2 LT 17:45 Dec 5 90 LT 5:40 Dec 6 70 60 50 Low Tide @ 17:45 12/5 40 Low Tide @ 5:40 12/6 30 20 10 Dredging 10:24 through 19:03 12/5 4:00 3:45 3:30 3:15 3:00 2:45 2:30 2:15 2:00 1:45 1:30 1:15 1:00 0:45 0:30 0:15 0:00 0:15 0:30 0:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 0 4:00 OBS Backscatter, in millivolts 80 Time before/after Low Tide 86 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figure 10F and 10G. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water, and OBS backscatter (in millivolts) the bottom water at mooring 6 during the low tide at 17:45 on Dec. 5 and the low tide at 5:40, December 6. December 5 Mooring 5 Low Tide Surface Turbidity 1000 LT at 1745 on Dec. 5 Flow up-river to moorings 1-2 LT at 540 on Dec. 6 Low Tide @ 5:40 12/6 Turbidity, in NTU 100 10 Low Tide @ 17:45 12/5 Dredging through 19:03 12/5 4:00 3:45 3:30 3:15 3:00 2:45 2:30 2:15 2:00 1:45 1:30 1:15 1:00 0:45 0:30 0:15 0:00 0:15 0:30 0:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 1 Time before / after low tide 10H. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water at mooring 5 during the low tide at 17:45 on Dec. 5 and the low tide at 5:40, December 6. 87 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 6 – AM Dredging on December 6 was conducted from 9:17 to 12:23 (AM sampling), from 13:01 to 16:19 (PM sampling), and for a short time from 17:37 to 18:48, which was not sampled. A total of 35 unique dredge bites were collected during the morning from between the XY coordinates 594244-695394 and 594281-695358 (corresponding to dredge cell A3) (fig. 3). During most of the morning, flow in the river was upriver toward line M12, however, the flow had reversed (at 1015) and was downriver for nearly half of the time the dredging occurred. Cross-sectional sampling for SS was conducted from 730 to 1130 (am sampling) along both lines. Note that sampling was conducted during both up- and downriver flow. TOPS sampling was conducted from 830 to 1130 (pm) along both lines, the majority of time flow was up-river. During the early morning cold weather caused the equipment to freeze up which may have affected the dissolved fraction samples. Suspended Sediment Flow during the morning of Dec. 6 was in both the upriver and downriver direction (fig. 11A), making interpretations of the SS and chemical data difficult. Because the majority of samples were collected during upriver flow, the up-river line M12 is considered downflow for this evaluation (of the total 10 samples collected, five were collected during the dredging). The suspended sediment concentrations measured in the bottom water at the down-flow line M12 peaked at 900, after which time the values steadily declined. Concentrations in the surface water at line M12 did not peak but rather decreased steadily throughout the morning. SS did not increase during dredging. A similar decreasing trend in concentration was observed at the downriver line M56 during the morning. The highest concentration in the down-flow bottom-water samples (line M12) was collected at 900, which was more than 15 minutes before the initiation of dredging, and 88 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 was followed by a decline during the remainder of the morning dredging. Thus, the spike observed in the bottom water at 900 can not be attributed to a release by the dredging. Between 900 and 1015, flow was upriver but was slowing as the tide began to reverse. At an average upriver velocity of -10 cm/sec, sediment released from the dredge would take approximately 50-60 minutes to reach line M12. Thus, any sediment released from early in the dredging activity could have reached line M12, and it would be expected to have been observed in the samples. Any sediment released after the flow reversed (after 1015) would not have reached line M12, but could have reached line M56 before the end of sampling at 1130. There is no indication of an increase in SS during the dredging at either line M12 or M56. Turbidity The turbidity (OBS) measured in the down-flow bottom water at M1 (fig. 11B) increased during the morning, beginning around 800 and peaking at about 900, but then declined during the remainder of the morning. A small increase in turbidity was detected in the bottom water at M2, and in the surface water of M2, beginning shortly after 900. These OBS values confirm the increase in SS measured in the bottom water-samples collected in the cross-channel samples at line M12. The increased turbidity in the surface water was not reflected in the concentrations of SS in the surface water samples collected by the cross-sectional monitoring- the increase in suspended material in the surface water may have been too small or localized to affect the cross-channel SS samples. A very large increase in turbidity was measured at moorings 5 and 6 beginning around 700, but turbidity had had returned to low levels by 900, before dredging had started (fig. 11C), values were low and constant in the surface and bottom water at M56 after 1000. The turbidity measured at line M56 also confirm the SS in the samples that were collected from this line. Water Salinity 89 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Inspection of the plot of salinity and water elevation at mooring M2 ( figure 11D) shows that the salinity of the bottom and surface water increased significantly beginning shortly after 800 and had reached a maximum at 1000, and remained elevated throughout the afternoon. This shows that the salt-water interface passed through the line M12 during the morning sampling. The dredging, however, occurred as the (upriver) flow velocity was decreasing (fig. 11F), then through the period of low-tide (no-flow), and continued as the flow downriver began to increase. The downriver velocity profile is somewhat distorted – the velocity in the surface water remained low and steady until 1300, before reversing. In the bottom water, the velocity peaked, then decreased and reversed until 1400, after which time it began to rise in the downriver direction. Sediment Chemistry The concentrations in the suspended sediment collected the morning of December 6 are difficult to interpret because sediment was collected during a flow-reversal – there is not a clear “up-flow” to “down-flow” relation between the sampling lines. However, because most of the dredging occurred during the time of downriver flow, the samples from the downriver line M56 was chosen to be down-flow for this comparison. The total PCB concentrations in the TOPS samples collected during the morning of December 6, decreased by 231 g/kg, (a -31% decrease) between the sample collected up-flow at line M12 and down-flow at line M56 (table 4). Total dioxin/furans in these samples decreased by -1.3 g/kg, or -28%, as did both 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF decreased between two monitoring lines (-112 and -44 ng/kg, or -43 and -37 percent, respectively). The total 4,4’-DDT concentration increased by +35 g/kg (+14 percent). Note that if the upriver line M12 was chosen to be the down-flow of the dredging, then all of these concentrations would have all increased during the morning dredging. 90 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 The total PCBs in the suspended sediment at line M12 and M56 were lower than the range of concentrations measured in the surface layer of the bottom sediment (table 5). The 2,3,7,8-TCDD and the 2,3,7,8-TCDF concentrations in the suspended sediment were within the range for the surface layer of the bottom sediment as was the content of total4,4’-DDT concentrations were also in the range for the surface bottom sediment. The concentrations of total PCB, total PCDD/PCDF, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, and 2,3,7,8-TCDF compounds in the suspended sediment were within the range of the CARP PAS-1 and Newark Bay samples, but the total 4,4’-DDT concentrations exceeded the range in the CARP samples (table 5). Dissolved concentrations were measured only in the downriver (down-flow) samples, so an evaluation of the change in chemistry cannot be made. December 6 PM Dredging on the afternoon of December 6 was conducted from 1301 to 1619 (PM sampling), and for a short time from 1737 to 1848, which was not sampled. During the afternoon (1301 to 1619) a total of 82 unique dredge bites were taken between the NJSPC XY coordinates 594285-695362 and 594436-695390 (dredge cells B3 through D3) (fig. 3). Flow was downriver toward line M56 during the entire afternoon. Cross-sectional monitoring for SS was conducted from 1330 to 1600 along both lines. TOPS sampling was conducted from 1330 to 1600 along line M56 and 1330 to 1630 along the upriver line M12. Suspended Sediment During the afternoon of December 6, the flow of the river was in one direction from line M12 toward line M56. SS concentrations at the up-flow line M12 and the down-flow line M56 increased steadily as dredging preceded (fig. 11A) reaching very high concentrations in both the bottom and surface water. The increase in SS in line M12 91 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 samples cannot be attributed to dredging; these moorings were up flow of the dredging area for the entire afternoon, and the flow had been downriver for nearly 2 ½ hours after the morning dredge activities had ended. Turbidity Turbidity in the surface and bottom water down-flow at mooring M56 (fig. 11B) had already started to increase before dredging commenced at 1300. Although the turbidity data are extremely “noisy”, and temporal trends are difficult to see, an extremely large spike in turbidity occurred in the surface water at mooring 6 between the start of dredging at 1300 and lasting until 1400. A second spike in turbidity detected from 1900 to 2000, well after the evening dredging had ended. Turbidity (and OBS backscatter)at M5 and M6 reached maximum values between 1500 and 1600 hours, after which it decreased. The decrease in turbidity continued well after the dredging had ended at 1619. At the upflow moorings M1 and M2, the turbidity of the bottom water (M2) and in the surface water (M1) also began to increase starting at about 1500. The data from down-flow mooring 5 and 6, as well as from the up-flow moorings 1 and 2, confirm the increase in SS observed at both cross channel sediment sampling lines (fig. 11A). The increase in SS along down-flow line M56 can most easily be explained by the downstream transport of sediment in the water measured concurrently at line M12 (fig. 11A). At an average downriver flow velocity of 40 cm/sec, sediment passing line M12 would reach line M56 in about 25 to 30 minutes. However, while the downriver transport of sediment from line M12 may explain the SS at line M56, the concentrations in samples from line M56 were higher than those measured in samples collected at line M12 (at least until the 1600 sample) suggesting that additional sediment was added to the water between line M12 and M56. 92 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Water Salinity Inspection of the salinity (fig. 11D and 11E) shows the water at both lines M12 and M56 was very saline during the first-half of the afternoon dredging period, but then had freshened to nearly freshwater values by the time dredging ceased shortly after 1600. During this time the velocity of the bottom and (surface water) increased rapidly and reached a maximum downriver flow rate of over 60 cm/sec by 1500 (fig. 11F). Thus, the afternoon rise in SS occurred during the passing of the salt-water interface and during the times when maximum flow velocity was reached in the dredge area. Comparison with Turbidity in the Next Tidal Cycle Because the suspended materials increased down-flow during the afternoon dredging on Dec. 6, the turbidity values were compared with the turbidity during the next low-tide cycle that occurred during the early morning hours of December 7 (when dredging was not underway). To make the comparison meaningful, the data were shifted in time to line up corresponding phases in the tide cycles. During the afternoon of Dec. 6, low tide was reached at 19:10 at M6, and on Dec. 7 at 6:50 (fig. 11H, and 11I). To do this, data measured at line M56 were aligned at the time when maximum low-tide was first reached (0 on the plot), and were plotted for a period of four hours before until four hours after low-tide. 93 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 With two exceptions, the turbidity in the surface water was very similar during these two tidal cycles (figs. 11G and 11H). The first difference occurred near the end of dredging at 1610, when the turbidity in the surface water increased to nearly 5 times the turbidity measured during the same relative point in the Dec. 7 low-tide cycle (fig. 11G). The period of high turbidity lasted until approximately 30-45 minutes after the end of dredging. A rise in turbidity (OBS backscatter) also occurred about the same time in the bottom water at mooring 6 (fig. 11H). Thus, when compared with the conditions during the next low-tide, the turbidity values at down-flow line M56 showed higher levels of suspended materials in the water-column. A second very large increase in turbidity of the surface water occurred just as maximum low-tide was reached at 1910 on Dec 6, and lasted for over 30 minutes (fig. 11G). The increase continued well after maximum low tide was reached, and may have been associated with the dredging that occurred in the evening on the 6th and that ended at 1848, some 25 minute before maximum low tide. Because the cross-channel monitoring had ended, this increase in turbidity was not captured in the SS or chemical sampling. Sediment Loads and Mass Balance The sediment loads mass-balance data for the afternoon of December 6 is presented in table 11. The overall sediment mass balance for the time period beginning at 1300 changed by -61 percent between the up-flow and down-flow lines, much higher than the level assumed to be significant. The mass-balance indicates that sediment was released during the afternoon dredging. 94 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 11. Sediment loads and mass-balance for December 6, 2005. [kg, kilograms] Mass of Change in sediment sediment Difference in load1, Mass of sediment mass in (down- passing M56, in (M12-M56), in percent minutes flow) kg/30 minutes kg/30 minutes 1300-1330 958 1330-1400 7,760 -6,810 1330-1400 4,420 1400-1430 16,700 -12,300 1400-1430 8,920 1430-1500 23,100 -14,200 1430-1500 18,600 1500-1530 26,300 -7,700 1500-1530 19,500 1530-1600 26,700 -7,180 1530-1600 20,900 1600-1630 34,700 -13,800 1600-1630 26,900 1630-1700 26,300 634 Total 100,000 162,000 -61,300 190,000 271,000 -80,400 passing Time M56 Time for M1M2, in for M12 kg/30 (up-flow) Total for 24hours -710 -278 -159 -42 -37 -66 2.4 -61 -42 1.Percent change is calculated as (M12-M56)*100/M12. Negative values imply more mass passed M56 than M12. Sediment Chemistry The concentration of total PCBs increased from 870 g/kg in the up-flow sample (line M12) to 1,390 g/kg in the down-flow sample collected downriver at line M56, representing a 59% increase in the concentration (table 4). While total dioxin/furans were nearly identical in the up-flow and down-flow samples, differing by only 2.5%, the 2,3,7,8-TCDD increased by 103 ng/kg, a rise of +33% and 2,3,7,8-TCDF increased by 76 ng/kg, or +51%. Total 4,4’-DDTs decreased by 277 g/kg, representing a loss of 40% . 95 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 The concentration of total PCB in the down-flow sample from line M56 (1,390 g/kg) was high, but was within the range measured in the surficial sediment from the 2004 cores, as were the concentrations of total PCDD/PCDF, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, and 2,3,7,8TCDF (table 5, fig. 7). Total 4,4’-DDT in the up-flow sample was lower than, while the down-flow sample was greater than the range of concentrations in the bottom layer (0-1 ft. depth). The total PCB, total PCDD/PCDF, and 2,3,7,8-TCDD, and 2,3,7,8-TCDF, concentrations in the suspended sediment are all within the range found in the CARP sampling (table 5). The 4,4’-DDT in the up-flow sample was within the range, but the down-flow sample was greater than the range found in the CARP samples from PAS-1 and Newark Bay. Dissolved concentrations were measured in the both up-flow and down-flow samples collected on the afternoon of Dec. 6. Dissolved total PCBs increased 660 pg/L (18 percent) while total PCDD+PCDF concentrations decreased (-22 percent). The 2,3,7,8TCDD increased slightly, although in the down-flow sample this congener was below the detection level. 2,3,7,8-TCDF remained approximately the same from up-flow to down flow samples (+7 percent). Dissolved total 4,4-DDT decreased by 29 percent. Values of all these indicator components are within the range reported for the CARP samples. 96 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 6 Suspended Sediment 130 Down-river M56 shallow 120 Flow up-river to M12 Down-river M56 deep Up-river M12 shallow 110 Up-river M12 deep Suspended Sediment in mg/L 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Dredging 10 Dredging 0 700 730 800 830 900 930 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200 1230 1300 1330 1400 1430 1500 1530 1600 1630 1700 Time Fig 11A. Suspended sediment concentrations in cross sectional samples collected December 6. Vertical lines indicate times when chemical sampling was undertaken. 97 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 6 Mooring 1-2 Surface and Bottom Turbidity and OBS Reflectance 150 130 Turbidity, in NTU, and OBS backscatter, in millivolts 2 points off scale Surface Turbidity M2 Bottom OBS M2 Surface Turbidity M1 Bottom OBS M1 * 1000 140 Flow up river towards M1-2 Flow up river towards M1-2 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 15:00 Dredging 0 Local Time Figure 11B. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at line M12, December 6. December 6 Mooring 5-6 Surface Turbidity and Bottom OBS Reflectance 100 10 Flow up-river toward moorings 1-2 Surface Turbidity M6 Bottom OBS M6 Flow up- river toward moorings 1-2 Dredging Surface Turbidity M5 Bottom OBS M5 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 LT 13:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 12:00 HT LT 1 0:00 Turbidity, in NTU, and OBS Backscatter, in millivolts 1000 Local Time 98 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figure 11C. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at line M56, December 6. 99 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 6 Mooring 2 Salinity and Water Elevation 12 12 11 11 Elevation 10 Bottom Salinity 10 Surface Salinity 9 9 8 7 6 7 5 6 4 5 3 Salinity, in PSU Water elevation, in meters 8 4 2 3 1 2 0 Dredging Dredging Dredging 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 9:00 10:00 0 8:00 -2 7:00 1 6:00 -1 Figure 11D. Salinity and water elevation at mooring 2, December 6. December 5- Mooring 6 Water Elevation and Salinity 12 Water Elevation Bottom Salinity Surface Salinity 8 6 4 2 0 Dredging Dredging 20:00 19:30 19:00 18:30 18:00 17:30 17:00 16:30 16:00 15:30 15:00 14:30 14:00 13:30 13:00 12:30 12:00 11:30 11:00 10:30 10:00 9:30 9:00 8:30 8:00 7:30 7:00 6:30 -2 6:00 Water elevation in meters and salintiy in PSU 10 Local Time 100 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figure 11E. Salinity and water elevation at mooring 6, December 6. 101 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 6 Mooring 2 E-W Velocity 100 + = East flow to Newark Bay Flow up-river to M12 80 Flow up-river to M12 60 EW Velocity in cm/sec 40 20 0 -20 -40 Bottom Bin Surface 1m -60 Dredging Dredging -= West flow upriver 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 -80 Local Time Figure 11F. East-west velocity measured at mooring 2 on December 6. 102 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 6 Low Tide Mooring 6 Surface Turbidity 10000 LT 1910 Dec. 6 Flow is up river towards moorings 1-2 LT 650 Dec 7 Low Tide at 19:10 12/6 Turbidity, in NTU 1000 100 10 23:10 3:30 3:45 4:00 3:45 4:00 3:15 3:30 3:00 2:45 2:30 22:10 2:15 2:00 1:45 1:30 21:10 1:15 0:45 0:30 0:15 0:00 0:15 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 20:10 18:10 local 12/6 1:00 17:10 1 0:30 16:10 Low Tide at 6:50 12/7 0:45 15:10 Dredging 17:37 through 18:48 1:00 Dredging 13:01 through 16:19 Time before/after Low Tide December 6 Low Tide Mooring 6 Bottom OBS Reflectance 1000 LT 1910 Dec. 6 Flow is up river towards moorings 1-2 100 Low Tide at 19:10 12/6 10 Low Tide at 6:50 12/7 Dredging 13:01 through 16:19 12/6 Dredging 17:37 through 18:48 12/6 3:15 3:00 2:45 2:30 2:15 2:00 1:45 1:30 1:15 1:00 0:45 0:30 0:15 0:00 0:15 0:30 0:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 1 4:00 OBS backscatter, in millivolts . LT 650 Dec. 7 Time before/after Low Tide 103 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figure 11G and 11H. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water, and OBS backscatter (in millivolts) in the bottom water at mooring 6 during the low tide at 19:10 on Dec. 6 and the low tide at 6:50 on December 7. 104 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 7 - AM Dredging on December 7 was conducted for only one period – from 744 until 1538, with a total of 143 unique dredge bites being taken between the NJSPC XY coordinates 594185-695487 and 594345-695465 (corresponding to dredge cells A1 through B1) (fig. 3). Between 800 and 1145 the flow direction was up river, and from 1245 to the end of dredging the flow was down river. Cross-sectional monitoring for SS was conducted along both lines from 800 to 1230 and again from 1430 to 1630. Chemical sampling was conducted from 930 to 1230 along both lines during the time flow was upriver– TOPS sampling was not conducted during the afternoon. Dec. 7 data was evaluated as a morning sample (which included chemical and sediment sampling) and an afternoon period that was sampled only for suspended sediment. There were no significant problems associated with the sediment or chemical sampling. Suspended Sediment The concentrations of suspended sediment at both lines M12 and M56, in the surface and bottom water, followed a very similar pattern during the dredging (fig. 12A). In the samples collected at down-flow line M12, SS concentrations began to increase beginning at 800 in both the surface and bottom water. After initially rising, the concentrations in the surface water remained at about 15 to 25 mg/L until 1130, after which time they decreased. Because the flow was upriver from line M56 to line M12, the increased SS in the samples from the up-flow line M56 cannot be attributed to dredging. The concentration of SS at line M56 followed nearly the same pattern as line M12; first increasing, peaking (at 1030), and then declining. The concentration of SS in the surface water at line M56 was very high in the first two samples, but was declining until 900. After 900, the concentrations increased steadily throughout the remainder of the morning. 105 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Turbidity Inspection of the turbidity data from down-flow mooring 2 showed that turbidity increased steadily in bottom and surface water beginning at about 1000 (fig. 12B). Turbidity also increased in the bottom water at mooring 1, where it peaked at 1100 before declining as the reversal in flow direction approached. During this same time, the turbidity in the bottom water at the up-flow mooring 6 increased sharply beginning at 930, peaking at 100, thereafter declining to moderate levels over the remainder of the afternoon (note that after 1200 the M56 line was down-flow) (fig. 12C). Turbidity in the surface water at M5 was also very high during the time flow was upriver. However, turbidity was not elevated in the surface water at M6. These data confirm the increase in SS concentrations in the cross-channel samples from both lines M12 and M5. Water Salinity Dredging began on December 7 at the end of low-tide, continued through flood tide, and ended almost at the time of maximum low tide in the afternoon (fig. 12D). Beginning at about 1000, the bottom water salinity increased sharply as the salt-water interface moved upriver through the area, and peaked at about 1130. In the surface water, the salinity increase was more gradual, and reached a level of about one-fourth the salinity of the bottom water. The dredging concluded as the salinity declined with the afternoon outgoing tide (fig. 12D). The dredging was conducted through the entire upriver velocity cycle, through the time of no-flow at high-tide, and then continued until maximum downriver velocity was attained (fig. 12E). Thus, the increase in SS content recorded by the cross-channel monitoring and the increased turbidity correlate almost exactly with the passing of the salt-water interface (first upriver and later downriver) and during the time of maximum flow velocities in both directions. 106 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Comparison with Turbidity in the Next Tidal Cycle Additional evidence for the movement of the turbidity maximum through line M12 was found by comparing the turbidity measurements made at mooring 2 during the flood tide on December 7 with the next flood tide that occurred at 140 am on Dec. 8 (fig. 12F-I). The turbidity data were aligned at the time of maximum high tide for the two cycles, and the data were plotted from 4 hours before until 4 hours after high tide was reached. Almost identical OBS readings were measured for the two cycles in the bottom water at mooring 2, showing that the elevated turbidity in the bottom water that occurred during the dredging was not anomalous (fig. 11F). In the surface water at (down-flow) mooring M2 (fig. 10G), the turbidity was lower during the time dredging occurred compared with the 140 Dec. 8th cycle. However, after reaching high tide at 1215 on Dec. 7, the turbidity was significantly higher than was measured during the next tide cycle – but this increase came when the flow direction was downriver and cannot be attributed to dredging. The surface-water turbidity measured at mooring 1 on Dec. 7 was very similar to the turbidity measured during the 140 Dec 8 flood tide, although a few short “peaks” in turbidity were detected in Dec. 7 (fig. 12H). The OBS measurements in the bottom water at mooring 1 were collected on a coarse (30 minute) time scale, and do not contain the detail observed in the turbidity (OBS) at the other moorings. However, the data from plotted in nearly identical patterns through both tide cycles- reaching high levels after high tide was reached and during the last hour of dredging. Sediment Loads and Mass-Balance The sediment load and mass-balance was calculated for December 7, for two time periods, 800 to 1230 when flow was up river, and 1230 to 1630 when flow was downriver (table 12). For the morning upriver period the imbalance was calculated to be 107 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 +3.2 percent, showing there was no difference between sediment loads at the two mooring lines. 108 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 12. Sediment loads and mass-balance for December 7, 2005 Mass of Change in sediment Time M12 passing M1M2, in Time M56 Difference in sediment Mass of sediment mass load1, passing M56, in (M12-M56), in Kg/30 minutes in percent kg/30 kg/30 minutes minutes Upriver flow – morning 800-830 -238 700 4,330 -4,570 830-900 -2,050 730 1,370 -3,420 900-930 -2,900 800 -1,390 -1,510 930-1000 -3,710 830 -1,380 -2,340 1000-1030 -5,460 900 -5,100 -357 1030-1100 -5,000 930 -7,000 2,000 1100-1130 -7,040 1000 -7,200 158 1130-1200 -3,420 1030 -6,960 3,540 1200-1230 -1,280 1100 -4,390 3,110 1230-1300 492 1130 -1,920 2,410 Total -30,600 -29,600 971 490 +3.2 (14.4) -3,080 -627 -589 -23 -2,560 -113 -6,230 -223 -10,700 -253 -5,940 -150 2,650 10 -14,500 -142 -78 (-47) -67 1,920 167 52 63 6.5 -40 -2.2 -104 -242 Downriver flow- afternoon 1230-1300 492 1300-1330 3,580 1300-1330 2,560 1330-1400 3,150 1330-1400 2,270 1400-1430 4,820 1400-1430 2,790 1430-1500 9,020 1430-1500 4,220 1500-1530 14,900 1500-1530 3,950 1530-1600 9,890 1530-1600 26,200 1600-1630 23,500 1600-1630 10,200 1630-1700 24,680 Total 52,600 93,500 -40,900 Total 1230 to 2030 130,300 217,600 -87,300 Total - 24 hours 191,000 318,000 -12,7000 -66 (-16) 109 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 1. Percent change is calculated as (M12-M56)*100/M12. Negative values imply more mass passed M56 than M12. Sediment Chemistry With the exception the last cross-channel aliquot, all of the chemistry samples were collected during the time flow was upriver. Total PCB content in the up-flow sample from line M56 (downriver of the dredge) collected during Dec. 7 was 1,110 g/kg, while in the down-flow sample (upriver of the dredge at line M12) the total PCB value was 945 g/kg, a loss of -165 g/kg, or a decrease of -15 percent from the up-flow concentration (table 4). Total dioxin/furans concentrations in these samples were 7,360 ng/kg (downriver) and 5,510 ng/kg (upriver), a decrease of -2.5 percent. The 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF concentrations also declined, from 1,080 ng/kg at line M56 to 342 ng/kg at M12 (a -68 percent decrease) and 183 ng/kg to 153 ng/kg (a -15 percent decrease). Likewise a reduction in total 4,4’-DDTs was observed, from 214 g/kg at M56 to 169 g/kg at M12, a reduction of 22 percent. Comparing the concentrations of indicator compounds in the bottom sediment, showed the down-flow samples (from line M12) contained total PCBs lower than the range, but total dioxin/furans, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, 2,3,7,8-TCDF, total 4,4’-DDT that were within the range of concentrations in the surface layer (0-1 ft depth) of the bottom sediment (table 5, figure 7). The values of all the PCBs and other compounds except 2,3,7,8-TCDF in the up-flow (down-stream) sample and the total 4,4’-DDT (in all samples) are within the ranges found in the CARP samples from PAS-1 and Newark Bay. The 4,4’-DDT concentrations were higher than in the CARP samples (table 5). The elevated 2,3,7,8TCDD concentration in the up-flow sample was nearly identical to the concentration measured in the up-flow sample collected during the afternoon of Dec.5. In both cases, the samples were collected up-flow of the dredging and cannot be attributed to dredging. The monitoring data further support that the range in concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in suspended sediment may be greater than that reported by the CARP samples. 110 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Dissolved compounds were measured only in the up-river (down-flow) samples. The concentrations of dissolved PCBS was within the range measured in the CARP samples. December 7 – PM Samples collected during the afternoon of Dec. 7 were analyzed only for suspended sediment concentrations. With the exception of the last sample of bottom water collected from down-flow line M56, SS in the afternoon samples (collected 1430 to 1630) were low (less than 15 mg/L), and increased only slightly throughout the afternoon. The SS in the surface water down-flow at M56 decreased through the afternoon but, as mentioned, increased in the very last sample collected. SS in the bottom water at M56 remained approximately constant throughout the afternoon, but like the surface water, SS was elevated in the last sample of surface and bottom water from line M56 (collected approximately 30 minutes after dredging ended). SS concentrations at the up-flow line M12 were low (less than 15 mg/L) and relatively steady during the afternoon. Turbidity The turbidity at up-flow line M12 continued to increase steadily throughout the afternoon, peaking between 1300 and 1400 (fig. 12A). Because the flow was downriver after 1200, the afternoon peaks in turbidity at line M12 cannot be attributed to dredging. Instead, the rise in turbidity resulted, in part, from the downriver transport of sediment that had been previously been transported upriver by tidal flow. The turbidity measured in the bottom and surface water down-flow at M5 and M6 was generally steady throughout the afternoon, although an increase in turbidity was detected in the bottom water at M6 at 1400, after which it declined sharply. Turbidity in the bottom water at M6 and the surface water at M5 began to increase at about 1600 and remained elevated for 111 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 about four hours through 2000. A very sharp increase occurred in the surface water turbidity of M6 beginning shortly before 1900. However, all of the increases in turbidity occurred after 1538 when the dredging operations had finished for the day. During this time, the downriver flow velocity was over 40 cm/sec, so only a release at the very end of the dredging could possibly have caused the increase in turbidity that was measured down-flow after 1600. There was no clear indication that turbidity increased downstream of the dredging when it was ongoing. The turbidity data confirm the increase in SS measured in the last sample collected from the cross-channel monitoring at M56 at 1600, and also show that high levels of suspended material remained in the water column for about 4 hours throughout the evening low-tide cycle (ending at 2100), well after dredging had ended. Salinity During the afternoon of December 7, the salinity of the bottom water was elevated until approximately 1400, when it began to decrease sharply. In the surface water, however, the salinity decrease was gradual and reached freshwater values at 1730. During this same period, the velocity of both the bottom water and surface water increased steadily and there was a marked difference between the velocity at the bottom and surface; the velocity was about 40 cm/sec faster in the surface water than the bottom water. Thus, the afternoon dredging and sampling occurred at the salt-water interface, and likely its associated zone of high turbidity, passed through the dredging area. Sediment Loads and Mass-Balance For the afternoon period when flow was downriver, the sediment mass balance was calculated to be -28 percent, which is above the assumed level of significance (table 12). Increasing the length of time that the sediment load was integrated to include the entire period of downriver flow, decreased the imbalance only slightly, to -25 percent. The 112 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 mass-balance supports that more sediment passed the down-flow line M56 than passed line M12 during this time period. Sediment Chemistry The chemical sampling was conducted only during the morning period (until 1230) when the flow was upriver. No sampling or other tests were performed to determine the chemistry of the sediment during the afternoon downriver flow. 113 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 7 Suspended Sediment 35 Flow up-river to M12 Down-river M56 shallow Down-river M56 deep Up-river M12 shallow 30 Up-river M12 deep Suspended Sediment in mg/L 25 20 15 10 5 Dredging 0 700 730 800 830 900 930 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200 1230 1300 1330 1400 1430 1500 1530 1600 1630 1700 Local Time Fig 12A. Suspended sediment concentrations in cross sectional samples collected December 7. Vertical lines indicate times when chemical sampling was undertaken. 114 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 7 Mooring 1-2 Surface and Bottom Water Turbidity 100 Surface Turbidity M2 Bottom OBS M2 90 Turbidity, in NTU, and OBS Backscatter, in millivolts 1 points 144 OBS Flow up river towards M1-2 Surface Turbidity M1 80 Flow up river towards M1-2 Bottom OBS M1 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Dredging 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 0 Local Time Figure 12B. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at line M12, December 7. December 7 Mooring 5-6 100 Flow up river toward moorings 1-2 Surface Turbidity M6 Turbidity, in NTU, and OBS Backscatter, in millivolts 90 Bottom OBS M6 Surface Turbidity M5 Flow up river toward moorings 12 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 LT HT Dredging LT 0 Local Time Figure 12C. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at line M56, December 7. 115 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 7 Mooring 2 Water Elevation and Salinity 12 12 Elevation 11 11 Bottom Salinity Surface Salinity 10 10 9 9 8 7 6 7 5 6 4 5 3 Salinity, in PSU Water elevation, in meters 8 4 2 3 1 2 0 Dredging 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 0 2:00 -2 1:00 1 0:00 -1 Local Time Figure 12D. Water elevation and salinity at mooring 2, December 7. December 7 Mooring 2 E-W Velocity 100 + = East flow to Newark Bay Flow up-river to M12 Flow up-river to M12 80 60 20 0 Bottom Bin Surface 1m -20 -40 -= West flow upriver Dredging -60 LT LT HT 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 -80 0:00 EW Velocity, in cm/sec 40 Local Time 116 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figure 12E. East-west velocity at mooring 2, December 7. 117 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 7 High Tide Mooring 2 Bottom OBS Reflectance 50 Flow is up river towards moorings 1-2 45 40 OBS backscatter, in millivolts HT Dec. 7, 12:15 HT Dec. 8, 1:40 35 30 High Tide @ 12:15 12/7 25 20 High Tide @ 1:40 12/8 15 10 5 Dredging from 7:44 to 15:38 4:00 3:45 3:30 3:15 3:00 2:45 2:30 2:15 2:00 1:45 1:30 1:15 1:00 0:45 0:30 0:15 0:00 0:15 0:30 0:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 0 Time before/after High Tide December 7 High Tide Mooring 2 Surface Turbidity 50 Flow is up river towards moorings 1-2 45 40 High Tide @ 12:15 12/7 30 HT Dec. 7 12:15 HT Dec. 8 1:40 25 20 15 10 Dredging from 7:44 to 15:38 High Tide @ 1:40 12/8 5 4:00 3:45 16:15 3:30 3:15 3:00 2:45 15:15 2:30 2:15 2:00 1:45 1:30 14:15 1:15 0:45 0:30 0:15 0:00 0:15 0:30 0:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:00 13:15 11:15 local 12/7 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 10:15 2:45 3:15 3:30 3:00 9:15 8:15 3:45 0 4:00 Turbidity, in NTU 35 Time before/after High Tide 118 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figure 12F and 12G. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water, and OBS backscatter (in millivolts) in bottom water at mooring 2 during the high tide at 12:15 on Dec. 7 and the high tide at 1:40 on December 8. 119 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 7 Mooring 1 Surface Turbidity 14 Flow Up River to M12 HT at 140 Dec 8 12 Turbidity in NTU 10 8 HT at 1215 Dec 7 6 HT at 1215 Dec 7 HT at 140 Dec 8 4 2 Dredging from 7:44 to 15:38 on Dec. 7 4: 00 3: 45 3: 30 3: 15 3: 00 2: 45 2: 30 2: 15 2: 00 1: 45 1: 30 1: 15 1: 00 0: 45 0: 30 0: 15 0: 00 0: 15 0: 30 0: 45 1: 00 1: 15 1: 30 1: 45 2: 00 2: 15 2: 30 2: 45 3: 00 3: 15 3: 30 3: 45 4: 00 0 Time before/after high tide December 7 High Tide Mooring 1 Bottom OBS Reflectance 40 HT at 12:15 Dec 7 HT at 1:40 Dec 8 35 OBS Reflectance * 1000 30 25 20 High tide @ 12:15 Dec 7 15 10 High tide @ 1:40 Dec. 8 5 Dredging from 7:44 to 15:38 on Dec. 7 400 330 300 230 200 130 100 30 0 30 100 130 200 230 300 345 400 0 Time before/after High Tide Figure 12H and 12I. Comparison of turbidity OBS backscatter (in millivolts) in bottom water at mooring 1 during the high tide at 12:15 on Dec. 7 and the high tide at 1:40 on 120 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 8. 121 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 8 Dredging on December 8th was conducted from 920 to 1327. A total of 85 unique dredge bites were taken between the NJSPC XY coordinates 594318-695472 and 594414695476 (corresponding to dredge cell C1) (fig. 3). During all but the last 30 minutes of dredging, flow was upriver from line M56 to line M12. Cross-sectional monitoring for SS was conducted from 830 to 1600 (samples were not collected at 1000, 1400, and 1430 along line M56), from 730 to 1530 (samples were not collected at 830 and 1300) along line M12. Chemical sampling was conducted during upriver flow from 1030 to 1330 along both lines. There were no significant problems with the sediment and chemical sampling. Suspended Sediment The concentrations of SS in both sample lines followed very similar trends (fig. 13A). Concentrations were low until 930 when they began to increase, peaking at 1100, after which time the concentrations fell steadily until 1600. The rise and fall in SS occurred nearly simultaneously at both monitoring lines. Although the concentrations in the bottom water of both lines followed the same trend, the maximum concentration reached in the down-flow (up-river) line was almost 30 mg/L greater than at the up-flow line. Because flow was upriver during most of the dredging, the increase in SS at line M56 cannot be attributed to dredging. Turbidity Turbidity and OBS (fig.s 13B and 13C) at down-flow line M12 confirm the increase in suspended material content observed in the cross-channel samples. As was the case for SS, turbidity increased in the bottom water at M1 and M2 beginning about 1000, and reached maximum values at 1100 (M2) and 1200 (M1), after which they declined. The turbidity in the surface water at M2 was very low and steady until 1130, when a very 122 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 sharp but short lived spike in turbidity occurred. The difference between the turbidity measured in the surface water at M1 and M2 is interesting – the well defined spike of turbidity that occurred at M2 is suggestive of the passing of a small “slug” of SS, perhaps related to stirring by boat traffic or debris. Similar spikes are evident in the bottom water of M1 at 300 and again at 1800. Whatever the cause, the turbidity in the surface at M2 generally was low and was not greatly affected by the spike, nor did it change as the dredging progressed. This differs from the turbidity of the surface water at the up-flow mooring 5, where a gradual increase was measured during the dredging. Unlike the spike measured at the surface of M2, the rise and fall in turbidity at M1 in both the surface and bottom water were substantial and well defined. The bottom and surface water at the down-flow mooring M5 and M6 (fig. 13C) also increased, peaked, and declined concurrently with turbidity at M12. These data confirm that the increased SS measured in the cross-sectional monitoring in the bottom sediment, and show that nearly simultaneous increases in suspended materials occurred at both lines. Water Salinity The dredging occurred during a sharp increase in salinity in both the bottom and surface water at mooring M2 (fig. 13D). The increase in salinity began shortly after 1000 while the dredge operations were underway and occurred simultaneously with the increase in turbidity shown in figure 13C. Interestingly, the surface water salinity rose to high levels (8 PSU) on the 8th, close to the value in the bottom water (10.5 PSU). In contrast, on the 7th (fig. 12D), the surface water salinity only reached about 2 PSU. Dredging was conducted over the entire upriver flow velocity cycle (fig. 13E). Comparison with Turbidity in the Next Tidal Cycle The turbidity measured on Dec. 8 at the down-flow mooring line was compared to the turbidity measured over the next high tide cycle, which was reached at 2:20 on Dec 9th. Aligning the turbidity data on the time of maximum high tide (fig. 13F, and 13G), 123 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 showed the surface turbidity at mooring 2 on Dec. 8 was very low and constant, and was very similar to the turbidity during the high tide later that night. Between 2 and 4 hours before the high tide, the turbidity in the surface water was nearly identical in the two cycles- low and steady. The turbidity on Dec 9th , however, began to rise about 2 hours before maximum high tide was reached. This was likely due to the storm that passed through the area during that time. However, during the 8th, the turbidity increased only slightly, beginning at 1300 as the flow direction reversed. Over the next 6 hours, turbidity remained low and nearly constant and clearly did not increase during the dredging. Therefore, no indication exists that dredging affected the surface water turbidity. A similar conclusion can be made from comparing the turbidity in the bottom water (fig. 13G). Almost identical turbidity existed in the bottom water for the two successive high tides – rising steeply before declining towards the end of the upriver flow. 124 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Sediment Loads and Mass Balance The sediment loads and mass-balance calculated for December 8, for the period 900 to 1330 (table 13), had am imbalance of -23 percent. This indicates that sediment was lost between the up-flow mooring line M56 and the down-flow line M12. However, this difference is within the assumed level of significance, so the loads are essentially equal between the two monitoring lines. Table 13. Sediment loads and mass-balance for December 8, 2005 Mass of Change in Mass of sediment Difference in sediment sediment passing M56, mass load1, Time passing M12, in in (M12-M56), in in M12 kg/30 minutes Time M56 kg/30 minutes kg/30 minutes percent 900 727 800 3,530 -2,810 930 -1,450 830 1,960 -3,420 1000 -5,520 900 532 -6,050 1030 -9,000 930 -3,360 -5,640 1100 -15,200 1000 -8,640 -6,570 1130 -18,900 1030 -20,800 1,860 1200 -12,200 1100 -23,700 11,500 1230 -5,560 1130 -16,500 11,000 1300 -1,410 1200 -12,000 11,000 1330 1,420 1230 -3,840 5,250 Total -67,100 -82,800 15,700 370 -23 30,400 50,500 -20,100 -66 Total for 24hours -386 235 110 63 43 -9.9 -94 -197 -755 1: Percent change is calculated as (M12-M56)*100/M12. Negative values imply more mass passed M56 than M12. 125 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Sediment Chemistry Samples for organic chemical analysis were collected between 1030 to 1345, when flow was upriver towards line M12. Total PCB content in suspended sediment collected on Dec. 8 was 1,240 g/kg in the up-flow (downriver) sample and 712 g/kg in the downflow sample, showing a loss of -530 g/kg or -43 percent (table 4). Total dioxin+furans increased (+21 percent), but a large decrease in concentration of 2,3,7,8-TCDD occurred, from 510 ng/kg to 6.2 ng/kg. The concentration of 2,3,7,8-TCDF concentration also decrease significantly (-169 ng/kg). Total 4,4-DDT’s concentrations decreased from 217 g/kg to 89 g/kg in the down-flow sample, a decrease of -59 percent. Compared to the range of concentrations in the surficial (0-1ft) layer of the bottom sediment, the total PCBS and the 2,3,7,8-TCDD in the down-flow sample were lower than the range measured in the CARP samples (table 5, figure 7). All of the other compounds in the monitoring samples from Dec. 8 were within the ranges in the CARP samples. Dissolved concentrations were measured only in the up-river (down-flow) samples that were collected on Dec 8th –from line M12. The dissolved PCB concentration was within the range reported by the NJ-CARP. 126 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 8 Suspended Sediment 100 Moorings 1-2 Down Flow of dredge area 90 Down-river M56 shallow Down-river M56 deep Up-river M12 shallow Up-river M12 deep Suspended Sedimen,t in mg/L 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Dredging 0 700 730 800 830 900 930 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200 1230 1300 1330 1400 1430 1500 1530 1600 1630 1700 Local Time Fig 13A. Suspended sediment concentrations in cross sectional samples collected December 8. Vertical lines indicate times when chemical sampling was undertaken. 127 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 8 Mooring 1-2 Surface and Bottom Turbidity 150 Surface Turbidity M2 Bottom OBS M2 Surface Turbidity M1 Bootom OBS M1 140 Turbidity, in NTU, and OBS Backscatter, in millivolts 130 1 point 159 OBS Flow up river towards M1-2 Flow up river towards M1-2 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Dredging 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 0 Local Time Figure 13B. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at line M1, December 8. 128 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 8 Mooring 5-6 Surface and Bottom Turbidity 150 140 Bottom OBS M6 Turbidity, in NTU, and OBS Backscatter, in millivolts 130 Flow up river toward moorings 12 Flow up river toward moorings 1-2 Surface Turbidity M6 Surface Turbidity M5 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 LT 13:00 12:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 11:00 Dredging HT LT 0 19:00 10 Local Time Figure 13C. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at line M56, December 8. 129 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 8 Water Elevation and Salinity 12 12 Elevation 11 11 Bottom Salinity Surface Salinity 10 10 9 9 8 7 6 7 5 6 4 5 3 Salinity in PSU Water Elevation in meters 8 4 2 3 1 2 0 Dredging 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 0 2:00 -2 1:00 1 0:00 -1 Local Time Figure 13D. Water elevation and salinity at mooring 2, December 8. 130 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 8 Mooring 2 AM 100 + = East flow to Newark Bay Flow up-river to M12 80 E-W Velocity, in cm/sec 60 40 20 0 -20 Bottom Bin Surface 1m -40 -= West flow upriver Dredging -60 LT HT 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 9:00 10:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 -80 Local Time Figure 13E. East–west velocity measured at mooring 2, December 8. 131 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 8 High Tide Mooring 2 Surface Turbidity 50 Flow is upstream towards moorings 1-2 45 HT at 13:26 Dec 8 Maximum 82.5 NTU at 2:20 (11:25 local), 1 point HT at 2:20 Dec 9 40 Flow is downstream towards moorings 5-6 Turbidity, in NTU 35 30 High Tide @ 2:20 12/9 25 20 15 10 High Tide @ 13:45 12/8 5 Dredging from 9:20 to 13:27 3:45 3:30 3:15 3:00 2:45 2:30 4:00 17:45 16:45 2:15 2:00 1:45 15:45 1:30 1:15 0:45 0:30 0:15 0:00 0:15 0:30 0:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:00 14:45 12:45 local 12/8 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 11:45 2:45 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 3:00 10:45 9:45 0 Time before/after High Tide December 8 High Tide Mooring 2 Bottom OBS Reflectance 50 Flow is down river towards moorings 5-6 Flow is up river towards moorings 1-2 45 HT at 13:45 Dec. 8 HT at 2:20 Dec. 9 35 30 25 High Tide @ 2:20 12/9 20 15 10 15:45 4:00 3:45 3:30 3:15 3:00 2:45 2:30 16:45 2:15 1:45 1:30 1:15 1:00 0:45 0:30 0:15 0:00 0:15 14:45 0:30 0:45 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 1:00 12:45 11:45 2:30 2:45 3:15 3:30 3:45 3:00 10:45 9:45 0 High Tide @ 13:45 12/8 2:00 Dredging from 9:20 to 13:27 5 4:00 OBS backscatter, in millivolts 40 Time before/after High Tide 132 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figure 13F and 13G. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water, and OBS backscatter (in millivolts) in bottom water at mooring 2 during the high tide at 12:15 on Dec. 7 and the high tide at 1:40 on December 8. December 10 Dredging was conducted twice on December 10, from 745 to 1038 (am sampling) and from 1239 to 1518 (pm sampling). During the morning dredging (745 to 1038) a total of 88 unique dredge bites were taken between the NJSPC XY coordinates 594402-695515 and 594383-695543 (corresponding to dredge cells D1) (fig. 3). During the entire morning of dredging, flow was downriver towards M56. During the afternoon, a total of 58 unique dredge bites were taken between the XY coordinates 594459-695483 and 594485-695457 (corresponding to dredge cell E1). Flow during the afternoon was upriver toward line M12 during the afternoon dredging. Crosssectional sampling for suspended sediment was conducted from 730 to 1600 (samples were missed at 1100, 1130 from line M56), and 700 to 1600 along line M12 (samples were missed at 1100 and 1130). Chemical sampling was conducted from 730 to 1030 (am sampling) on both lines, and 1230 to 1500 (pm sampling) along line M56, and 1230 to 1400 along line M12. Sampling along line M12 was stopped early after the 1400 sample because of equipment malfunction. December 10 - AM Suspended Sediment Suspended sediment concentrations in the morning samples were nearly identical at both lines (fig. 14A) - concentrations increased slowly from about 25 mg/L to slightly over 50 mg/L in final samples at 1030. Close inspection of the values shows that concentrations in samples from the up-flow line M12, both in the bottom and surface water, were 133 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 slightly greater than in corresponding samples from the down-flow line M56. Because flow at this time was down river, the increase in SS content in the line M12 samples cannot be the result of dredging. Turbidity The turbidity in the bottom water at the down-flow mooring M6 and in the bottom and surface water at M5 increased greatly during the morning as dredging began, and peaked at about 1015, after which it declined at all locations (fig. 14B). However, turbidity in the surface water at M6 did not change during this time. Only in the bottom water from the up-flow mooring M2 (fig. 14C) was a marked increase in turbidity detected. Turbidity in the surface- and bottom-water at M1 increased slowly but steadily through the later half of the morning. Turbidity in the surface water at M2 was steady until just after 1000 when the flow direction reversed. These data confirm the gradual increase in SS concentrations measured in both the down- and up-flow cross-channel monitoring lines. Water Salinity The morning dredging was conducted during the ebbing tide as the water level declined and freshened (fig. 14D). The salinity decreased only slightly throughout the morning. During this time, the east-west water velocity was constant throughout the water column at about 30 cm/sec, until about 1000 when the velocity decreased very rapidly as the flow direction reversed (fig. 14E). Thus, the increased turbidity observed in the down-flow mooring M56 occurred after the salt-water interface had passed and during a period of high and constant downriver velocity. Shortly after the dredging and sampling ended, the flow rapidly changed direction and the up-river flow velocity increased and a short flood tide occurred. Compared to the other monitored days, the “stepped” velocity profile during the morning of December 10 is unique, and may have affected the pattern of turbidity. 134 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Comparison with Turbidity in the Next Tidal Cycle The surface and bottom water turbidity measurements made at the down-flow mooring line M56 during the morning low-tide cycle of December 10 were compared with the turbidity measured during the next low tide cycle, which occurred at 22:40 on December 10 (fig.s 14 F-H). In the surface water at mooring 6 (fig. 14G), the turbidity measured during the lead up to low-tide were almost identical in both cycles- the turbidity was very low and showed very little fluctuation throughout the tidal cycles. For the most part, this was also observed in the bottom water at mooring 6 (fig. 14H), however, close inspection showed that turbidity (OBS reflectance) in the bottom water began to increase at about 845 in the morning of Dec. 10 (note the log scale used in this plot, which reduces the apparent difference in values). The turbidity measured in the shallow portion of the river channel at the down-flow mooring 5 (fig. 14H) during the morning of Dec. 10 was much greater than the turbidity recorded during the evening tide cycle. Sediment Load and Mass Balance The sediment loads and mass-balances for December 10 were calculated and are presented in Table 14. The loads were offset by 30 minutes to account for the downriver travel time between mooring lines. The sediment loads for the period 730 to 1130 had an imbalance of -14 percent, within the 25 percent uncertainty, indicating no significant difference was apparent in the loads crossing the two mooring lines. 135 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 14. Sediment loads and mass-balance for December 10, 2005 Mass of Change in sediment Mass of sediment passing M12, passing M56, in in Time kg/30 M12 minutes 730-800 800-830 830-900 900-930 930-1000 1000-1030 1030-1100 6,470 9,590 7,600 7,760 8,640 8,970 9,510 Total 58,500 1200-1230 1230-1300 1300-1330 1330-1400 1400-1430 1430-1500 1500-1530 1530-1600 1600-1630 Total -4,790 -8,990 -16,600 -25,100 -22,900 -12,300 -6,970 -2,970 1,400 Total for 24- hours -99,300 -109,000 kg/30 minutes Time M56 sediment Difference in load1, mass in (M12-M56), in percent kg/30 minutes Downriver flow – morning 800-830 12,200 830-900 10,300 900-930 11,000 930-1000 12,600 1000-1030 17,600 1030-1100 9,440 1100-1130 4,820 77,900 Upriver flow – afternoon 1100-1130 4,820 1130-1200 -2,210 1200-1230 -7,580 1230-1300 -21,200 1300-1330 -26,600 1330-1400 -21,300 1400-1430 -15,700 1430-1500 -8,030 1500-1530 -3,360 -101,000 -58,300 -5,730 -699 -3,390 -4,890 -8,930 -463 4,690 -89 -7.3 -45 -63 -103 -5.2 49 -19,400 -33 (15.6) -9,600 -6,790 -9,010 -3,950 3,610 9,010 8,690 5,070 4,760 200 76 54 16 -16 -73 -125 -170 340 1,782 -50,950 -1.8 47 1: Percent change is calculated as (M12-M56)*100/M12. Negative values imply more mass passed M56 than M12. Sediment Chemistry The concentration of total PCBs during the morning of December 10 was almost identical at the two monitoring line, 1,100 g/kg in the upriver (and up-flow) sample at line M12 and 1,070 g/kg in the downriver (down-flow) sample from line M56, representing a difference of -2.7 percent (table 4). Total dioxins/furans in the samples decreased slightly 136 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 from 7.41 g/kg to 6.38 g/kg, representing a decline of -7.5 percent. However, 2,3,7,8TCDD declined significantly (-1164 ng/kg, or -73 percent) while 2,3,7,8-TCDF increased slightly (2.6 percent). The total 4,4’-DDTs declined by 63 g/kg, or -50 percent. The total PCBs and total dioxin/furans in both samples collected during the morning were lower than the range, while the concentrations of all of the other indicator species were within the range of concentrations in the surface layer (0-1 ft. depth) of the bottom sediment (table 5, figure 7). Compared with the values in the PAS-1 and Newark Bay CARP samples, the concentrations of all the indicator species except 2,3,7,8-TCDD in the up-flow sample and total 4,4’-DDT in the down flow sample were within the range of concentrations reported for the CARP samples (table 5). The elevated 2,3,7,8-TCDD in the up-flow sample cannot be attributed to a release of sediment from the dredging. The similar high concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in (up-flow) samples from Dec.5, Dec. 7, and Dec. 10th indicates that a greater range of concentration of this congener exists in the Passaic River than was captured in the CARP samples. During the morning of the 10th, only the sample from the down-flow (down-river) line M56 was analyzed for dissolved constituents (table 6). Dissolved PCBs were within the range of the NJ-CAR samples (table 5). December 10 – PM Suspended Sediment During the afternoon of December 10, flow was upriver from line M56 to line M12. The SS concentrations from the two sampling lines followed similar trends - first increasing with the onset of dredging but then decreasing throughout the afternoon. Initial concentrations of SS were low and, with the exception of the upriver deep water from line M12, were similar to those measured during the morning sampling (fig. 14A). 137 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 However, concentrations increased after 1230 and reached a maximum in the 1300 and 1330 samples, after which time the SS declined to values similar to those at the onset of dredging. The pattern exhibited by the SS concentrations in the bottom water of the down-flow line M12 is similar to that at up-flow line M56 except that (1) the initial sample at M12 contained a very high SS content, near 150 mg/L, while at M56 the initial SS concentration was less than 50 mg/L, and (2) the general pattern of the concentrations (first increasing then decreasing) measured at line M12 is offset in time compared to M56; the maximum concentration was reached in the bottom water of line M12 at 1330, while at line M56, the maximum was reached at 1300. The high SS concentrations at 1330 was, at first, suspicious, – perhaps having been generated by the sampling line hitting the bottom. However, it is considered to be real because concentrations remained elevated over the 1-1/2 hour period and the general pattern in concentration (first increasing, peaking, and then decreasing) was observed at both sampling lines. The concentration of SS in the down-flow samples in the bottom water from the down-flow line M12 greatly exceed those measured in the bottom water of the up-flow line M56, reaching nearly 200 mg/L. Turbidity Turbidity in the bottom water at the down-flow mooring M1 and M2 (fig. 14B), and the surface water at mooring M2 increased significantly during the afternoon. The turbidity in the bottom water at mooring 1 and at the surface of M2 increased to very high values before returning to near their initial low levels – following the same pattern as observed in the SS samples (fig. 14A). Turbidity at the surface of mooring M2 remained elevated until much later in the day, when at about 1700, a very sharp decline occurred as values returned back to pre-dredge levels. This pattern of a sharp increase and sharp decrease may be real, however, the jump in turbidity may also indicate instrument related problems such as the clogging of the sensor. Also, turbidity in the surface water at M1 remained low and steady during this period even though high turbidity existed in the 138 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 bottom water at this mooring. Over the same time period the turbidity in the bottom water at the up-flow mooring 6 and in the surface water at M5 rose to high levels before they declined as the end of the upriver flow cycle approached. The turbidity in the surface water at M5 remained low and steady, similar to that measured at M1. The turbidity measured at the two sampling lines confirm the pattern of SS concentrations that were measured in the bottom water, and showed that the suspended material content increased, peaked, and then decreased during the dredging. Water Salinity The dredging during afternoon of the 10th, occurred as the salinity of the bottom and surface water increased accompanying the incoming tide (fig. 14D). The salinity in the bottom and the surface water rose to very high levels, about 12 PSU in the bottom and 9 PSU in the surface water, respectively. Thus, the increase in turbidity and SS concentrations observed during the afternoon sampling coincided with the upriver movement of the salt-water interface, and likely, the associated zone of high turbidity. The high turbidity that was measured in the surface water at mooring 2 (fig. 14B) may be related to the high salinity that was measured on this day. Comparison with Turbidity during Next Tidal Cycle The turbidity and OBS data for the afternoon tidal cycle (high tide at 15:45 on Dec. 10) at the down-flow line M12 were compared with the values measured during the next high tide cycle which occurred at 4:45 on Dec. 11 (fig. 14I to K). The turbidity in the surface water at mooring 2 (fig. 14I) was very similar in the two tide cycles until approximately 2 hours before high tide was reached on Dec. 10, when the turbidity jumped significantly from around 50 NTU up to 100 NTU. The turbidity remained at near this value until about 1 hour after high tide was reached. This “step” in turbidity is curious, and may have indicated an instrument problem such as the clogging of the sensor or other malfunction. However, if it is real, then a significant increase in turbidity occurred at mooring 2 during 139 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 afternoon of Dec. 10. There was no indication of a similar jump in the tide cycle on Dec 11. The OBS backscatter in the bottom water followed the same pattern during the two cycles, but turbidity was elevated during the Dec. 10 high tide cycle (fig. 14J) (note log scale). The turbidity in the surface water at M1 was similar during the two cycles, but was elevated over the turbidity measured during Dec 11. Sediment Loads and Mass-Balance To calculate the afternoon sediment mass-balance, the loads were offset by 60 minutes to account for the travel time between moorings at an average upriver flow velocity of -20 cm/sec. The calculated sediment load for the afternoon (table 14) for the up-flow line M56 almost exactly equals the load across the down-flow line M12; with a difference of 0.9 percent. Thus, there is no significant difference between the sediment loads at the two monitoring lines. Sediment Chemistry Nearly identical concentrations of total PCB were measured in the sediment samples collected during the afternoon of December 10th; with only a small difference (6 percent) between the up-flow (1,090 g/kg in the downriver sample at line M56) and the downflow (1,160 g/kg in the upriver sample at line M12) samples (table 4). Total dioxin/furans increased by 24 percent, from 5.52 g/kg in the downriver sample to 6.87 g/kg in the upriver samples, but the 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF did not differ significantly between the two sampling lines, increasing by 2.2 percent and 17 percent, respectfully. The total 4,4’-DDT content did, however, increase significantly, nearly tripling from 76 g/kg to 224 g/kg. The concentrations of most of the indicator species (except 2,3,7,8-TCDF in the downflow sample and 4,4’-DDT in the up-flow sample) were within the range for the bottom 140 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 sediment (0-1ft) surface layer (table 5, figure 7). All of the concentrations, except total 4,4’-DDT in the down-flow sample, were within the range of concentrations in the CARP samples (table 5). Dissolved components were not measured in the afternoon samples collected on Dec. 10. 141 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 10 Suspended Sediment 250 Flow up-river to M12 Down-river M56 shallow Down-river M56 deep Up-river M12 shallow Up-river M12 deep Suspended Sediment in mg/L 200 150 100 50 Dredging 0 700 730 800 830 900 930 Dredging 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200 1230 1300 1330 1400 1430 1500 1530 1600 1630 1700 Local Time Fig 14A. Suspended sediment concentrations in cross sectional samples collected December 10. Vertical lines indicate times when chemical sampling was undertaken. 142 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 10 Mooring 5-6 Turbidity and OBS Reflectance 300 Surface Turbidity M6 Flow is up river toward moorings 1-2 Bottom OBS M6 250 200 150 100 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 LT 19:00 18:00 17:00 HT 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 Dredging LT 10:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 0 11:00 50 9:00 Turbidity, in NTU, and OBS Backscatter, in millivolts Surface Turbidity M5 Flow is up river toward moorings 1-2 Local Time Figure 14B. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at line M12, December 10. 143 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 10 Mooring 1-2 Turbidity and OBS Reflectance 300 Flow up-river to M12 Flow is up river towards M1-2 250 200 150 100 Dredging 50 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 15:00 Dredging 0 14:00 Turbidity, in NTU, and OBS Backscatter, in millivolts Surface Turbidity M2 Bottom OBS M2 Surface Turbidity M1 Bottom OBS M1 Local Time Figure 14C. Surface-water turbidity and bottom-water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at line M56, December 10. 144 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 10 Mooring 2 Water Elevation and Salinity 12 12 11 11 Elevation Bottom Salinity 10 10 Surface Salinity 9 9 8 7 6 7 5 6 4 5 3 Salinity, in PSU Water elevation, in meters 8 4 2 3 1 2 0 1 Dredging -1 0 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 0:00 -2 Local Time Figure 14D. Water elevation and salinity at mooring 2, December 10. December 10 EW Velocity at Mooring 2 100 Bottom Bin + = East flow to Newark Bay Surface 1m Flow up-river to M12 80 60 20 0 -20 -40 -60 Dredging -= West flow upriver Dredging LT 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 16:00 HT -80 0:00 E W Velocity in cm/sec 40 Local Time 145 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figure 14E. East –west velocity measured at mooring 2, December 10. 146 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 10 Low Tide Mooring 6 Surface Turbidity 50 Flow is up river toward mooring 1-2 45 LT at 10:30 Dec. 10 LT at 22:40 Dec 10 40 Turbidity in NTU 35 30 Low Tide @ 10:30 12/10 25 Low Tide @ 22:40 12/10 20 15 10 Afternoon Dredging 12:39 through 15:18 12/10 4:00 3:30 3:15 3:00 2:45 2:30 3:45 14:30 13:30 2:15 1:45 1:30 12:30 1:15 1:00 0:45 0:30 0:15 0:00 0:15 11:30 0:30 0:45 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 1:00 9:30 local 8:30 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 7:30 3:45 4:00 6:30 0 2:00 Morning Dredging 7:45 through 10:38 12/10 5 Time before/after Low Tide December 10 Low Tide Mooring 6 Bottom OBS Reflectance 1000 LT at 1030 Dec 10 Flow is up river toward moorings 1-2 LT at 2240 Dec 10 100 10 Low Tide @ 22:40 12/10 Afternoon Dredging 12:39 through 15:18 4:00 3:45 1430 3:30 3:15 2:45 2:30 1330 2:15 1:45 1:30 1:15 1:00 0:45 0:30 0:15 0:00 0:15 0:30 2:00 1230 1130 0:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 930 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 830 2:45 3:15 3:30 3:00 730 630 3:45 1 3:00 Morning Dredging 7:45 through 10:38 12/10 4:00 OBS backscatter, in millivolts Low Tide @ 10:30 12/10 Time before/after Low Tide 147 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figure 14F and 14G. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water, and OBS backscatter (in millivolts) in bottom water at mooring 6 during the low tide at 10:30 on Dec. 10 and the high tide at 22:40 on December 10. 148 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 10 Mooring 5 Low Tide Surface Turbidity 100 Flow is up river toward moorings 1-2 90 LT at 1030 Dec 10 LT at 2240 Dec 10 80 Low Tide @ 10:30 12/10 Turbidity in NTU 70 60 50 40 30 20 Afternoon dredging 12:39 through 15:18 12/10 Low Tide @ 22:40 12/10 10 Morning dredging 7:45 through 10:38 12/10 4:00 3:45 3:30 3:15 3:00 2:45 2:30 1330 2:15 2:00 1:45 1:30 1230 1:15 0:45 0:30 0:15 0:00 0:15 0:30 0:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:00 1130 930 1:45 2:15 2:30 830 2:45 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 3:00 730 0 2:00 630 Time before/after Low Tide Figure 14H. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water at mooring 5 during the low tide at 10:30 on Dec. 10 and 22:40 on Dec. 10. 149 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 10 High Tide Mooring 2 Surface Turbidity 1000 Flow is up river towards moorings 1-2 SURFACE NTU AM SURFACE NTU PM High Tide @ 15:45 12/10 Turbidity, in NTU 100 10 High Tide @ 4:45 12/11 Afternoon dredging from 12:39 to 15:18 4:00 3:45 3:30 19:45 3:15 2:45 2:30 2:15 2:00 1:45 1:30 3:00 18:45 17:45 1:15 1:00 0:45 0:30 0:15 16:45 0:00 0:15 0:30 0:45 1:00 1:15 14:45 local 12/10 1:30 1:45 2:15 13:45 2:30 2:45 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 3:00 12:45 2:00 11:45 1 Time before/after High Tide December 10 High Tide Mooring 2 Bottom OBS Reflectance 1000 BOTTOM OBS AM Flow is up river towards moorings 1-2 BOTTOM OBS PM 100 10 High Tide @ 4:45 12/11 Afternoon dredging from 12:39 to 15:18 4:00 3:45 3:30 3:15 3:00 2:45 2:30 2:15 2:00 1:45 1:30 1:15 1:00 0:45 0:30 0:15 0:00 0:15 0:30 0:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 1 4:00 OBS backscatter, in millivolts High Tide @ 15:45 12/10 Time before/after High Tide 150 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Figure 14I and 14J. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water, and bottom water OBS backscatter (in millivolts) at mooring 2 during the high tide at 15:45 on Dec. 10 and the high tide at 4:45 on December 11. 151 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 December 10 High Tide Mooring 1 Surface Turbidity 50 SURFACE NTU AM SURFACE NTU PM 45 Flow is up river towards moorings 1-2 40 Turbidity, in NTU 35 30 Instrument stopped working after this time High Tide @ 15:45 12/10 25 20 15 10 High Tide @ 4:45 12/11 5 Afternoon dredging from 12:39 to 15:18 12/10 4:00 3:45 3:30 3:15 3:00 2:45 2:30 2:15 2:00 1:45 1:30 1:15 1:00 0:45 0:30 0:15 0:00 0:15 0:30 0:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 0 Time before/after High Tide Figure 14K. Comparison of turbidity in the surface water at mooring 1 during the high tide at 15:45 on Dec. 10 and the high tide at 4:45 on December 11. 152 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Discussion and Summary Three key observations can be made from the “far-field” monitoring program results presented in this report. Firstly, the cross-channel sampling that was designed and conducted for this program was apparently able to capture a representative crosssectional picture of suspended sediment concentrations in the river during dredging – at least as confirmed by the moored instrument turbidity and ADCP reflectance data. The cross-channel samples and moored instruments recorded similar variations in the suspended material content in the river. Only occasionally did the moored instruments record increased turbidity that was not reflected in the composite cross-channel SS samples. This suggests that similar routines can be used to monitor dredging activities. Secondly, using the concentrations of suspended sediment collected during the (crosschannel) monitoring to demonstrate unequivocally that sediment was released from the dredging operation is made difficult by the wide variation in natural suspended material content that can occur during each tidal cycle. This natural variability is associated with the presence and movement of the salt-water fresh-water interface in the estuary. The moored instrument data show the salt-water interface and an associated zone of high turbidity, migrated through the dredge area with each daily tide. The ADCP reflectance data showed that the SS in the river can rapidly change from near 0 mg/L to over 400 mg/L - this variation is the result of the migration of the natural turbidity in the river. Therefore, any sediment that is released during the dredging would quickly become “lost” if it intersected the natural zone of turbidity. Finally, using concentrations of indicator species is made difficult because of the very wide range of chemical concentrations that exist in the suspended sediment, and the similarity in concentrations between the suspended sediment and the bottom sediment. The “background” samples collected in this work fall within the range of concentrations measured in previous sampling on the river (the CARP samples). These background 153 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 concentrations overlap the concentrations in the surficial bottom sediments of the dredging area. At least for the selected “indicator species”, concentrations in the suspended sediment are exceeded only by the concentrations from sediment deeper than 2 feet in the bottom. The samples collected during dredging (and background) fall within the range of concentrations found in the surficial (0 to 1 or 2 ft depth) bottom materialsthe sediment that would be likely disturbed and released by dredging or natural erosion/resuspension. While these conditions make it difficult to identify the presence of any sediment released by dredging, the sediment/chemical monitoring conducted in this program may support (or repudiate) that suspended sediment was contributed by the dredging activity. To help in summarizing the evidence provided in this report, the SS, chemical, and moored instrument data were further reduced to a number of questions that are presented in table 14. To further reduce and summarize the results, two questions are answered for each day of operations; (1) did SS concentrations increase down-flow of the dredging operations (compared with the SS entering up-flow of the site)? and (2) did concentrations of indicator species increase down-flow of the dredging activity? December 5 am. The information from the morning dredging period is difficult to interpret because the monitoring was conducted during a flow reversal. Dredging began late during the morning after the flow had reversed direction in the river while the bulk of the composite sample was collected when flow was upriver when dredging was not underway. During the period when flow was downriver and dredging was underway, the SS down-flow of the dredge did not increase- therefore, there is no evidence that dredging released sediment. Because the timing of the chemical samples (collected mainly during upriver flow when dredging was not occurring), the chemical data are not adequate to demonstrate whether a change in concentrations occurred during dredging. December 5 pm. During the afternoon dredging was conducted when flow in the river was in one direction, making the interpretations of the monitoring data more 154 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 straightforward. The SS in the samples collected down-flow of the dredging increased significantly. During this same time the SS measured up-flow were decreasing from rise that occurred during the morning. However, the increase in SS down-flow of the dredging is most easily explained as the passing of water and sediment that had migrated upriver earlier in the day. The moored data show this sediment was likely associated with the salt-water interface and the zone of natural turbidity. The concentrations of indicator chemicals did not change from up-flow to down flow directions, and therefore, do not support that sediment was released by dredging. December 6 am. The dredging was conducted when a reversal in flow occurred in the river, making it difficult to interpret changes in SS and chemical concentrations. The concentration of SS increased at the down-flow of the dredge– but this increase began well before the initiation of dredging and cannot be associated with the dredging activity. The SS declined as dredging proceeded during the morning, which is not consistent with an ongoing release of sediment during dredging. Although the concentrations of indicator chemicals decreased from up-flow to down-flow of the dredging, the reversal in flow makes their interpretation equivocal. December 6 pm. The dredging took place during a period of unidirectional down river flow, making interpretations more straightforward than for the morning. The SS increased in the samples collected down-flow of the dredge, but SS also increased upflow of the dredging during this same time. However, the concentrations of SS measured down-flow of the dredging were greater than the concentrations measured up-flow, suggesting that SS was added to the river. The increase in SS occurred during the time the salt-water interface was migrating downriver through the area, and thus any sediment addition from the dredging was obscured by the natural zone of turbidity. All of the indicator chemical concentrations increased in the down-flow sample, and were within the range measured in the bottom sediment. However, with the exception of total 4,4’DDT, the concentrations were also within the range considered to be background. Although obscured by the natural turbidity of the river, the sediment and chemical data 155 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 support that sediment may have been added to the river during the dredging. Further evidence should be sought in the L and M boat data for the presence of a “near-field” sediment plume during this time period. December 7 am. Although dredging on this day was undertaken during a flow reversal, flow was upriver during the morning when the chemical sampling was conducted which helps make the interpretations more straightforward. The SS in both the samples collected both down-flow and up-flow of the dredging increased when dredging first began, but then decreased as high tide approached and the upriver flow velocity diminished. The salt-water interface moved through the area twice during the morning monitoring, so it is likely that SS increases reflect the passing of the zone of natural zone of turbidity through the monitored area. The concentrations of all indicator species decreased between the up-flow to down-flow samples collected during the dredging, and were within the range of concentrations considered background. There is no indication in these data that a sediment was released by the dredging. December 7 pm. During the afternoon on this day, monitoring sampling was conducted for only suspended sediment as the dredging proceeded. The concentrations of SS in the samples down-flow of the dredging increased slightly during the afternoon, however, the SS at the up-flow were also increasing. The last sample collected from down-flow of the operations did contain a high concentration of SS that might be related to the late dredging operations on this day. Further evidence for the presence of a “near-field” sediment release should be sought from the L and M boat monitoring data. December 8. Dredging occurred on this day mainly during the time flow was in the upriver direction. The concentration of SS in samples from both down- and up-flow of the dredging increased as dredging proceeded but after peaking, declined as dredging proceeded. This pattern is not consistent with an ongoing release by dredging. The saltwater interface passed through the area during this time, so the pattern in SS is consistent with the passing of a zone of natural high turbidity. The chemical concentrations of the 156 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 indicator species declined from up-flow to down-flow monitoring locations. Thus, there is no indication of a release of sediment having been released by the dredging. December 10 am. During the morning, flow was downriver and no reversal in flow occurred. The SS concentrations measured in samples from down-flow and up-flow of the dredging increased steadily through the morning, and data from both locations followed a very similar pattern. The salt-water interface had passed through the area early in the dredging, so the increase in SS was likely related to the passing of the natural turbidity zone. The concentrations of chemical indicator species declined between the two monitoring locations, so there was no indication that sediment was released from the dredging operations during this period. December 10 pm. During the afternoon, the flow was upriver and did not go through a reversal. Concentrations of SS in samples from both up-flow and down-flow of the dredge increased with the onset of dredging, then peaked and declined throughout the afternoon. Although this pattern is not consistent with a release from dredging, the concentrations of SS down-flow of the dredging remained higher than up-flow. The saltwater interface passed through the area during the afternoon dredging, so the increase in SS may have been related to the passing of the natural zone of high turbidity. The chemical data are equivocal- although the concentrations of the indicator species were higher down-flow of the dredging, the change is within the assumed uncertainty in the analyses. The measured concentrations in the suspend sediment are within the range measured in the bottom sediments, but they also within the range of background samples. Therefore, there is no clear evidence that sediment was released by the dredging. 157 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 14. Summary of sediment, river conditions, and chemistry measured during the Lower Passaic Environmental Dredging Pilot Program. Date and time of ID of down-flow Did SS increase in down-flow sampling sample samples during dredging? Did turbidity increase down-flow during ? Was turbidity Did sediment load increase elevated over levels in down-flow? next tidal cycle? Dec. 5 am M56 No No Not evaluated Not evaluated Dec. 5 pm M56 Yes Yes, both lines, increased then Yes No decreased 1 Dec. 6 am M56 Yes, but then decreased Yes- in both lines Not evaluated Not evaluated Dec 6 pm M56 Yes, both lines Yes-both lines, increased then Yes, at very end of Not clear decreased dredging Yes-both lines No Dec. 7 am M12 Yes, both lines No during morning chemical sampling, yes during afternoon sediment sampling Dec. 7 pm M56 Yes, both lines No Not evaluated Yes Dec 8. M12 Yes, increases then decreased Yes, increased then decreased No No Dec. 10 am M56 Yes Yes, increased then decreased Yes No Dec. 10 pm M12 Yes, increased then decreased Yes, increased then decreased Yes No 1. During the morning dredging on December 6 the flow direction in the river reversed, and both M12 and M56 sampling lines were up-flow and down-flow of the dredging activity. Line M56 was chosen to represent the down-flow sampling site because it was down-flow for the longer period of time. 158 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 14. Summary of sediment, river conditions, and chemistry measured during the Lower Passaic Environmental Dredging Pilot Program. --Continued Date and time Down-flow sample of sampling Did salinity Did salt-water Did bottom-water Was dredging Was it likely that zone of change during interface pass velocity increase conducted during period of maximum turbidity passed dredging? through area during during dredging? maximum flow velocity? through area during dredging? dredging? Dec. 5 am M56 Yes, surface only No Yes No Unclear Dec. 5 pm M56 Yes- deep only Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Dec. 6 am M56 Yes, surface only No Yes, flow reversal No Yes Dec. 6 pm M56 Yes, decreased Yes Yes Yes Yes Dec. 7 am M12 Yes, increased then Yes-twice Yes, flow reversal Yes, up-river Yes, twice decreased Dec. 7 pm M56 Yes, decreased Yes Yes No Yes Dec 8. M12 Yes, increased Yes Yes, increased then Yes Yes decreased Dec. 10 am M56 Yes, decreased No No Yes Unclear Yes No, decreased Yes Yes slightly Dec. 10 pm M12 Yes, increased 1. During the morning dredging on December 6 the flow direction in the river reversed, and both M12 and M56 sampling lines were up-flow and down-flow of the dredging activity. Line M56 was chosen to represent the down-flow sampling site because it was down-flow for the longer period of time 159 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 14. Summary of sediment, river conditions, and chemistry measured during the Lower Passaic Environmental Dredging Pilot Program. --Continued How did concentration change between up-flow and down-flow sample? Date and time of Up-flow/down- Change in total PCB Change in total Change in 2,3,7,8- Change in Change in total sampling flow sample concentration PCDD+PCDF TCDD 2,3,7,8-TCDF 4,4’-DDT Dec. 5 am M12/M56 Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased Dec. 5 pm M12/M56 Decreased, but within Increased Decreased Decreased, but within Decreased uncertainty uncertainty 1 Dec. 6 am M12/M56 Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased Increased Dec. 6 pm M12/M56 Increased No Increased Increased Decreased Dec. 7 am M56/M12 Decreased, but within Decreased, but within Decreased Decreased, but within Decreased uncertainty uncertainty uncertainty Dec. 7 pm M12/M56 Not evaluated Not evaluated Not evaluated Not evaluated Not evaluated Dec 8. M56/M12 Decreased Increased Decreased Decreased Decreased Dec. 10 am M12/M56 Decreased, but within Decreased, but within Decreased Increased, but within Decreased uncertainty uncertainty Increased, but within Increased Dec. 10 pm M56/M12 uncertainty uncertainty Increased, but within Increased, but within uncertainty uncertainty Increased 1. During the morning dredging on December 6 the flow direction in the river reversed, and both M12 and M56 sampling lines were up-flow and down-flow of the dredging activity. Line M56 was chosen to represent the down-flow sampling site because it was down-flow for the longer period of time. 160 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 14. Summary of sediment, river conditions, and chemistry measured during the Lower Passaic Environmental Dredging Pilot Program. --Continued Was concentration of down-flow sample within range of surficial bottom sediment ? Date and time of Up-flow sampling sample/down-flow Total PCB Total PCDD+PCDF 2,3,7,8-TCDD 2,3,7,8-TCDF Total 4,4’-DDT sample Dec. 5 am M12/M56 Dec. 5 pm M12/M56 No, lower Yes Yes, 1-2ft layer Yes, 1-2ft layer Yes 1 Dec. 6 am M12/M56 No, lower Yes Yes Yes Yes Dec. 6 pm M12/M56 Yes Yes Yes Yes No, greater Dec. 7 am M56/M12 No, lower Yes Yes Yes Yes Not evaluated Not evaluated Not evaluated Not evaluated Not evaluated Dec. 7 pm Dec 8. M56/M12 No, lower Yes No- lower Yes Yes Dec. 10 am M12/M56 No, lower No, lower Yes Yes Yes Dec. 10 pm M56/M12 Yes Yes No, lower Yes Yes 1. During the morning dredging on December 6 the flow direction in the river reversed, and both M12 and M56 sampling lines were up-flow and down-flow of the dredging activity. Line M56 was chosen to represent the down-flow sampling site because it was down-flow for the longer period of time. 161 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Table 14. Summary of sediment, river conditions, and chemistry measured during the Lower Passaic Environmental Dredging Pilot Program. --Continued Was concentration of down-flow sample within the range of CARP samples? Date and time of Up-flow sampling sample/down-flow Total PCB Total PCDD+PCDF 2,3,7,8-TCDD 2,3,7,8-TCDF Total 4,4’-DDT sample Dec. 5 am M12/M56 Not evaluated Dec. 5 pm M12/M56 Yes No Yes Yes Yes 1 Dec. 6 am M12/M56 Yes Yes Yes Yes No, greater Dec 6. pm M12/M56 Yes Yes Yes Yes No, greater Dec. 7 am M56/M12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Dec. 7 pm M12/M56 Not evaluated Not evaluated Not evaluated Not evaluated Not evaluated Dec 8. M56/M12 Yes Yes No, lower Yes Yes Dec. 10 am M12/M56 Yes Yes Yes Yes No, greater Dec. 10 pm M56/M12 Yes Yes Yes Yes No, greater 1. During the morning dredging on December 6 the flow direction in the river reversed, and both M12 and M56 sampling lines were up-flow and down-flow of the dredging activity. Line M56 was chosen to represent the down-flow sampling site because it was down-flow for the longer period of time. 162 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 References Final data summary and evaluation report for the Lower Passaic restoration project, May, 2005, prepared by TAMS for the New Jersey Department of Transportation Office of Maritime Resources under Contract No. 2001-NJMR02, 310 p. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, 2001, New Jersey Toxics Reduction Workplan (NJTRWP) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) NJTRWP-01, Rev. 1.0, March 2, 2001: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, 112 p. New York/ New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program Final Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan, Trenton, NJ, March 1996. Stevens Institute of Technology, 2005, The New Jersey Toxics Reduction Workplan for NY-NJ Harbor ambient monitoring of water quality within major tributaries & the estuary, Studies I-D and I-E, 2nd draft, 150p. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1994, USEPA Method 1613: Tetra- through octa- chlorinated dioxins and furans by isotope dilution HRGC/HRMS: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water, EPA Report Number EPA/821/B-94/005, 86 p. Wilson, T.P., and Bonin, J.L., 2006 (in press), Concentrations and loads of organic compounds and trace elements in tributaries to Newark and Raritan Bays, New Jersey, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigative Report XX-XX. 520p. 163 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 Appendix 1-Data Tables? 164 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 165 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 166 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 167 DRAFT: Subject to Attorney Client, Work Product, Deliberative Process and/or Joint Prosecution Privileges; FOIA/OPRA Exempt Not USGS Approved 2/6/2016 168