Yalesville Elementary School PTO Meeting Minutes Date January 9, 2007 Time 7:00 p.m. Location Y.E.S. Media Center Meeting Type General Monthly Meeting Attendees Kathleen King, Jen Carnale, Lorinda Weaver, Kim Corless, Deb Beaudoin, Beth Raccio, Carol Mikulski, Linda Conchado, Meredith Koch, Ann Mantzaris, Brandi Sarracini, Shannon Julia, Marlene Thorp, Angela Buccheri, Lisa Marks, Donna Button. Recorded by Beth Raccio Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Executive Committee Reports President’s Report (Kathleen King) Kathleen reported that the Fall Fundraiser company is giving us tshirts for free. We will donate these to the 5th graders to wear on field day as a replacement for the DARE shirts. Kathleen expressed continued concern over the fact that a DARE officer is not available to finish the program with our students. She will write a letter to the Wallingford Chief of Police. Principal’s Report (Carol Mikulski) Beth Devaney is resting at home and will be out for the rest of the week. They are in the process of interviewing replacements, to be in place ASAP. Carol thinks Beth will still handle PTO website approvals. Bob the custodian had surgery and will be out 6-8 weeks. The Moxi cultural events program held today was excellent. People are still complaining about the parking lot to the Superintendent. Darren Novack is coming over to talk to Carol. Carol Approved 3/12/08 Page 1 of 5 reminded everyone that we are also renting 16 additional spaces from the church. Vice President’s Report (Deb Beaudoin and Kim Corless) Planning for Nature’s classroom is going well. The 2nd deposit is due in January. The PTO will reserve 2 busses. They are not planning to do a special fundraiser but if someone else wants to coordinate they will be happy to support. Deb and Lisa Marks are willing to be the on-duty nurses that week in order to help decrease expense. Carol Mikulski suggested that they discuss this with Nature’s Classroom. Treasurers’ Report (Lorinda Weaver and Jen Carnale) December and January Treasurer reports were distributed and reviewed. A possible discrepancy was identified in the book fair numbers. Jen said she would investigate and resolve. Dec07_Treasurer_RpJan08_Treasurer_Rp t.xls t.xls The PTO discussed concern regarding lower than projected profit on fundraisers. We will probably need to have another fund raiser this year. This will be discussed at the next Executive Board meeting. Linda Conchado volunteered to run the Cookie Dough fundraiser next year. Meredith Koch suggested that the Gator Gear sales be done as a fundraiser in the spring so that a separate event does not have to be coordinated. Discussion took place regarding options for apparel and other products. It was also suggested that we look into using T It Up... they have our gator screen. Angela Buccheri has a catalogue from this company. The light bulb fundraiser is over. Carol pointed out that these can not go home with the kids. Jen said that the audit committee would meet next month. Secretary’s Report (Beth Raccio) The minutes of the 12/12 meeting were approved. Teacher Representative’s Report (Michele Genest) No report. Approved 3/12/08 Page 2 of 5 Committee Reports 5th Grade Activities (Beth Raccio) Beth reported that the BK attendance from both 5th grade evenings appeared to be low. MountainRidge – Carol Mikulski will sign the contract, and the PTO will provide the deposit of $500 which is currently due. The Sturbridge field trip is scheduled for 5/23/08. DARE – Carol reported that this will be discussed at the elementary school principals meeting. The program will be finished but they will have no official graduation because they think that this will upset the children. Reading Committee (Angela Buccheri) Angela reported that the committee met on 1/3 and 1/8; the program starts 1/22. Kristina Kiely and Angela presented the program to the staff today. The program has been changed this year to reflect feedback from parents (don’t like trinkets) and teachers (kids have reading contracts anyway). The program has a book review theme, and Angela showed a draft of the 2 page brochure. When a book review is completed, the child earns a ticket to place in a raffle for 1 of 24 baskets. There will be 4 winners per grade level. The baskets include books and gift cards, which were purchased from PTO funds. All participants will receive a certificate. Cultural Events (Meredith Koch) Meredith reported that the Moxi Radio Hour was held today (1/9). The 3rd – 5th grades really enjoyed the program, but some of the younger grades did not really understand the show. They did make some adjustments after the first show. Denis Waring “Trash to Tunes” is the next program. We have not heard from the CT Dept of Tourism regarding our grant application for $855. This Friday there will be a Flamenco dance demonstration for the 5th grade by a group that is auditioning for Young Audiences. Variety Show (Kathleen on behalf of Liz Penczynzyn) Approved 3/12/08 Page 3 of 5 100th Day Jen Carnale produces the PTO newsletter but will be graduating Yalesville at the end of this year. The PTO is seeking a volunteer to take this over. Field Day (Kathleen King) Kathleen reported that they are in need of someone to coordinate the orders. This involves collecting orders and money. Usually the order needs to be complete by May 1st for field day delivery. This year they will be ordering primary colored shirts with no year. Newsletter Lorinda will send out an e-mail to the teachers by Friday to see if anyone is interested in teaching a class. Carol will follow up with Mary Vaughn to see if she is interested in running a Circle of Friends class. Field Day T-shirts (Kathleen King) Orders are still being processed. Enrichment (Lorinda Weaver) The teachers have requested that the PTO just coordinate the 100 sign for that day. They do not want us to purchase pencils or any other incentive item. Yearbook (Jen on behalf of Meredith Hutchinson) Because the show will be at Sheehan, we will not be using any children volunteers for help. So far only 13 submissions have been received, they are due by 1/18. A former student may do the lights and sounds. This event is currently scheduled for June 6th with a rain date 6/13. Kathleen reported that Tracy Tyrell may have conflict with the 13th so we may reschedule rain date to 6/11. Family Events (Ann Mantzaris) Ann reported that Mrs. Rogers’ husband will be catering the Valentine’s dance. The menu includes pasta, meatballs, ham, turkey, and rolls. Amy’s Artistry will be taking the formal photos, the price is $14. Ann will use the baking committee to provide dessert. We have booked a Rock Cats game for May 3rd, this will be an all family event. Price is $4, the gates open at 5:05, game is at 6:30. An all boys movie event will take place on March 28th, location TBD... either Yalesville or Holiday Cinemas. Approved 3/12/08 Page 4 of 5 Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m. Announcements Next meeting: February 13th, 7:00 pm, in the YES media center Upcoming PTO Events: Burger King Night: December January 17th (3rd grade) Popcorn Friday: January 25th Reading Program: January 22nd – February 15th Valentine’s Dance: February 8th Cultural Events Program – Dennis Waring: March 4th Variety Show: April 11th (Dress Rehearsal 4/10) 5th grade field trip to Sturbridge: May 23rd 5th grade outing to MountainRidge: June 9th FYI - Upcoming School Budget Activities: 1/14/07 – BOE Operations Committee Budget Overview, 6:00 p.m. 1/22/07 – Budget Workshop, Elementary, 6:00 p.m. 1/28/07 - BOE adopts budget, 7:30 p.m. February – Budget presented to Mayor April – Mayor recommends budget; Town Council public budget hearings Approved 3/12/08 Page 5 of 5