Advert – Event Treasurer - Victorian Rogaining Association

Event Treasurer
Position description
Overview – Management of all items relating to money associated with events,
including revenue, expenditure, budgeting
Pre-event –
 Provide catering manager with cash advance
 Provide admin manager with correct forms, bank deposit book and manuals to
run the event financials
o (Event Admin Manager runs the event administration, Event treasurer
overviews them but does not usually get hands on involved)
After an event
 Receive financial information back from event admin managers
 Review financial information provided by admin managers from the VRA
computerised admin system (Information as per section 1.6 of MASS manual)
o Massage and correct the information so it can tell us about the event
(Review refunds due, reconcile amounts received with amounts due
and amounts banked)
 Check correctness of refund recommendations made by Admin Manager.
Make refunds to competitors due them. (Admin manager will have written out
draft refund notices)
 Make payments to suppliers to the VRA from invoices they send us (eg, map
printers, toilets, buses, T shirts) – Confirm that the goods or services were
actually received first.
 Make sure expense claims from VRA members are complete (Receipts, totals
correct, claims are valid) and make payments to them.
 Keep one of the VRA cheque books.
 Report to treasurer details of regarding event expenditure and revenue –
 Keep and eye on cash in the bank – Cash flow
 Keep the “Note from Treasurer” manual and the “MASS Manual” (computer
software) manual maintained. (and updated if you have the time – We are
currently updating it now)
 Keep and update proformas for various purposes. (Event fee refunds, cater
advance, expense claim form, Stock useage form)
 Each year, develop a budget for the next year’s events
You need
 Moderate ability to play with spreadsheets
 Email access
You don’t need
 Detailed accounting knowledge (tracking budget to actual expenditure, the end
of year reporting and dealing with tax office and non event financials is done
by the real treasurer)
What you will get out of it
 A pretty good idea of how the front end part of an accounting / administration
system works for an organisation
 Lots of opportunity to work with, be immersed in the management of and
learn from people who are involved in all aspects of the management of a
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pretty sophisticated organisation. Lots of opportunity for personal and
professional growth (not just in the accounting side but all sorts of other things
too) and personal satisfaction of being totally responsible for the running of
part of an organisation.
Time Commitment
 Hard to estimate but I guess about 12 to 25hr per month
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Catering Manger – Cash Advance
 Amount given is usually slightly less than budgeted amount.- See budget
 Given with a catering advance pro forma
 Need to get name, phone and address of catering manager from volunteer coordinator
Documents Given To Admin Manager prior to Event
 Covering letter
 1 Deposit book with deposit forms
 Proforma to fill in
o Stock useage form
o Expense claim forms
o Notice of Refund forms
o Spare entry forms
 Manuals and inform admin manager of version date.
o Treasurers Note – The best reference – Describes to admin manager
what I want done re money and entry data
o MASS manual – Manual for VRA admin software
o Admin manual – Overview description of admin process.
o Co-ordinators check list – So manager knows where they sit & jobs
they are accountable for
 Prepaid A4 SSAE for return of doco from admin manager
 I keep stocks of Prepaid A4 envelopes to send stuff to admin managers
 Need to get name, phone and address of admin manager from volunteer coordinator
Event Financials
 Each event, I get from the admin manager, stuff I sent them (with Stock usage
and notices of refund filled in) and MASS reports
o Report from MASS as per section 11.6 of MASS manual.
 spreadsheet of teams and what they were due to pay and
 Cash receipts spreadsheet of what was paid.
 CashReceipts - Open in XL as a comma delimited text
 I link the 2, summarise and put into a summary document.
Most of that summary document is sent to GM via the cheques
 To reconcile amounts due vs amounts received, I use a
VLookup formula to put cash received into Teams
o Common error in VLookup. When one team has
2 cash receipt entries, the second cash receipt
amount does not appear in the teams sheet
vlookup column.
 Note that “Received $” and “Received Late $” columns
on the Team Member’s spreadsheet are inaccurate and
not meaningful.
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Note that the numbers in spreadsheet are not formulas
but text only. So if you change a number, the totals do
not change.
 I also use linked document to
 check refunds
 See if there are any systemic problems
 To tell membership secretary of memberships that are
due to be paid in MASS that were not paid. (These
currently show up as paid in MASS)
 These documents are kept with each event’s information.
o Included in data from admin is “Stock Useage Form” showing stock
sales (eg contact, books) and stock used (stock consumed such as
punch cards) – See “expenditure tracking”
o Admin manager gives me filled in “notice of refund” forms. I write
cheques to competitors who need refunds.
 The competitors refunds pro formas are checked, principally
with information in spreadsheets from MASS and the merit of
refund reviewed – to see if it follows the rules.
 I then send proforma refund letter to competitor with cheque.
 I make copy of each refund letter sent to competitors for VRA
records. Write cheque number & date on copy
 I also keep event publicity page for info
 External suppliers also invoice me direct for goods and services supplied for
o Need to check that
 VRA actually ordered the service, the price that was agreed on,
that the goods were delivered as invoiced and that no one else
has paid for the goods. Check with the most likely person who
ordered it – If can’t find out, see competition manager or event
o Send suppler a cheque with copy of invoice –Usually I attach cheque
to be paid with a photocopy of the bill or claim, to ensure receiver
knows what attached cheque is for.
o Original of invoice, with cheque number and date written on kept with
event financial records.
 Volunteers send in to event treasurer “expense claim forms” with invoices to
support expenses.
o Usually accept expense claims of phone calls without sighting phone
bills. Big bills usually from committee – (vol co-ord, president) and
event co-ordinator or setter.
o Expenses also include travel to & from event @ $0-20 per km
o Write cheque number & date on expense claim.
o Write amount of GST on relevant part of expense claim too
Cheque Book
 Only cash out is via cheque book – Must not pay cash out of money received
from an event – Internal Control
 Any 2 of 5 to sign cheques
 2 cheque books – 1 held by P.Chen and the other by G.Mackay
 Bank statements given to G.Mackay each month – Also available on internet
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Bank statement kept in folder
Internet Banking
 VRA has internet banking
o Bank balance, statements, transactions can be sighted on internet –
o Protocol for internet pay anyone withdrawls – VRA (the 2 treasurers
only) can transfer funds from VRA account to any other bank account
 Protocol is that one treasure makes the withdrawl with the
(phoned / email) consent of another signee. Then later another
signee of the VRA account to countersign or acknowledge the
paperwork associated with the internet payment.
o We currently strongly discourage internet deposits by competitors to
events because:
 We have to find the payment in the bank statement (via
internet) and report it to admin manager – So treasurer becomes
part of the event payment chain without adding any value. (we
don’t want admin mangers to be able to access our internet
 This is another source of mistakes for admin manager
o If competitors must use internet payment for events, I have written a
protocol which describes what they must type in as “description’ for
internet payment and the timing of the payment.
Expenditure & Cash Balance tracking – Spreadsheet and Expense Folder
 Produce spreadsheet of all expenditure and revenue just from events
o Each spreadsheet that I send is named with a progressively higher
number – To keep track of it
 Cheques - Expenses
o Keep a list of all cheques written (including cheques written by GM)
using spreadsheet that I send to GM about every month.
o Spreadsheet dissects costs (cheques) into accounts (type of expense)
and job numbers (events) and records GST of expenditure. – GM
Loads this into MYOB – Double handling a little.
 Chart of accounts and chart of job numbers are in this
o Also in expenditure spreadsheet is stock used and stock sold at events
– For prices – see stock issue form.
o Also in expenditure spreadsheet is when T shirts are printed, the cost
of the T shirt, as given to printer, is counted as an expense against the
o Novice packs not counted as expense against event – counted as
general expense..
 Revenue reporting
o Revenue is reported to GM via summary of event financials in that
same spreadsheet.
 Cash flow – cash balance
o Spreadsheet also used to determine cash balance – need to ensure we
have sufficient funds in account to write cheques
 Original documents,
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o Invoices from external suppliers and expense claims with cheque
number and cheque date written on and GST amount written on, are
put in folder
o Revenue information also put into folder
 No GST on travel claims
 GST payable on phone
 GST Rules – Have folder with GST / ABN rules in it
o Need tax invoice for costs over $50 to claim GST back.
o Payments to businesses (not hobby) suppliers must have ABN for
expenses over $50. Otherwise we are obliged to with hold 48.5% of
payment – See rules
 Spreadsheet records GST too.
o For a receipt that has items with and without GST (Principally
supermarket receipts for catering) I have 2 separate entries in
spreadsheet – (food with GST and food without GST).
 Put GST amount on claim forms
 Expense Folder
o Expense claims, invoices from suppliers, competitor refund forms and
other info associated with an event are placed in folder and filed by
o Non event expense claims – Originals given to GM, Copies kept by PC
in “non event” part of expense folder
o Budget for that year kept in folder
 Other records folder
o Bank Statements, Debtors, signatories of bank account,
o I have a spreadsheet with records of expenditure over the last few years split
into like events
o Allows me to model / guess budget future forecasts of the various classes of
expenditure (Maps, catering, travel, toilet hire, truck hire, T shirts for
volunteers, insurance for particular events, hire / rent use of a site from council
o Principally done to determine event and membership fees for next year.
Membership - Groups
 We have quite a few junior groups that have junior group membership at $30 /
yr. This provides all members of the group with VRA membership. The adults
associated with the junior group also deemed to have membership.
 A lot of schools that participate in the winter 6 hr have junior membership
 The scout Assn in Victoria has one junior membership covering all the scouts
in Vic. The Girl Guides in Vic also have one junior membership covering all
guides in Vic
 Some local SES’s and the search and rescue in Vic also have their membership
fees waived for one of the 24 hr events that they use as a practice rescue.
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 Have digital copies of all pro forma
 Have digital copies of
o MASS manual
 Recommend you update the treasury side of MASS so you get
the reports and information that you want in the form you want
it in the finances
 Update this to the extent you are comfortable. Maintenance is
not too much work. Rewrites (due to changes in MASS can be
a lot of work) Good idea that you review the manual to make
sure it gives you what you want.
o Note from treasurer to admin manger
 This is the definitive note to admin manager of the things that
you want them to do. Essential that you maintain and update it.
Not much work at all.
o Admin note
o Co-ordinators checklist
 Have digital copy of internet payment protocol
 We invoice MUMC when they enter a team at rogaines as they get the sports
union to pay half their fees
o Procedure for them paying is in a written procedure that I have given
to the MUMC
o The MUMC representative is currently Peter Hield,
 Monash Uni Bushwalking – Stephen Lade, 80 Bastow Rd, Lilydale, 97355851 is going to be the Monash Uni Bushwalking club contact and will want
to be invoiced like MUMC. They have not yet contacted me re invoices yet.
 Ferntree Gully Secondary College has paid us in advance for event /
membership fees.
o Their contact is John Mills of 7 Ulah Cl Scoresbyo Current balance available to FTG College is $27 – See letter dated 27
Feb 2004
Schools – Winter 6hr
 Winter 6 hr admin has been done manually by VRA schools co-ordinator
 Current VRA schools co-ordinator is John Sheahan
 Event treasurer has a pro-forma for entry information that the schools coordinator sends to schools
 On day of event, school and school co-ordinator fills in the pro-forma
 An abridged version of the entry procedure is attached to the proforma
given to the teachers and a full version of the entry procedure given to
the schools co-ordinator and his helpers
 The event treasurer gets the pro-forma after the event and invoices the school.
(The school teachers on the day write out an invoice for the school, but I
rewrite it based on the information in the invoice they write)
Entry Fee Vouchers
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We currently give free entry to any one event vouchers to the people who act
as co-ordinator, admin manager, cater manager and equipment officer of an
event. (sometimes there is sharing of a job so there are more than one voucher
per position)
o Vouchers are valid for use for 1 year from issue
Get from Volunteer co-ordinator voucher list as follows
o The identifying number of the vouchers issued,
o Date voucher issued
o Event voucher issued for
o Who the voucher was issued to
Event Admin manager receives voucher from competitor.
o Admin manager will record on MASS that a voucher was used to pay
for a competitor. Voucher value will not appear in MASS cash receipts
o Admin manager will send voucher back to event treasurer
o Event treasurer files them?? Or chucks them out after a time???
Record, using vol co-ord’s voucher list spreadsheet,
o The event at which the voucher was redeemed
Report to Treasurer
o Vouchers issued for each event
o Vouchers redeemed for each event
Send the vol co-ord’s voucher list spreadsheet back to the vol co-ord with the
expended vouchers marked off.
 The VRA provides the volunteers on an event with a printed T shirt.
 Initally, we purchase a whole heap of blank T shirts. We then get them printed
on the back with a generic volunteer logo.
 Then, for each event, the volunteer co-ord gets printed on the front a event
specific logo
 Design usually by Ainslie Cummins.
 Volunteer co-ord usually gets them printed at Technogrpahics
 Technographics sends bill direct to the event treasurer
 Event treasurer usually checks with vol co-ord how many T shirts were
delivered, is the price is OK and if they were picked up.
Bus for 24hr events
 VRA hires a bus with long leg room and toilets for 24 hr events. – M.Chircop
usually does the hiring
 We charge $15per person and subsidise the rest.
Issues currently on the Go that Affect the Treasurer
 Revise MASS
o Presently GM & PC are revising MASS to make the accounting more
o Needs revision of membership and other stuff too
o May need to revise how we charge competitors and other parts of the
admin process – This is currently not part of the treasurer’s duties.
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o Project will not be deemed complete and will not go live (Will not be
used by admin managers as the principal way to record event entries)
till revised software is trialled and operational and a manual is
completed. (I said that I would resign if this did not happen)
Difficulty of admin process
o Perception that it is caused by MASS – Not totally correct.
o Need to resolve what the problems of admin managers really are and
fix the problem
o There is a list about of issues needing resolution – Overlaps a bit on
revision of MASS
o Project not to be started till the “revision of MASS” project is complete
o Competitors pay by Bpay.
o Payment details recorded in the VRA bank statement. (We do not want
to use Westpac “deskbank”)
o When admin manger receives entry form with Bpay on it he accepts it
as correct and processes entry
o Treasurer (GM) collates payment details from VRA bank statement
and compares it to what admin manager says competitor said they paid.
o Treasurer resolves any differences between what was due (entry form)
and what was paid (Bpay via VRA bank statement)
Internet Entry
o Competitor does their entire event entry via internet
o Vastly reduces work of admin manager –
o Not yet a project till MASS revised.
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