LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF TIMBER HARVESTING ON SEDIMENT DELIVERY AT SEVERAL TIMESCALES Study Synopsis Objective The objective of this study is to quantify the long-term effects of two levels of timber harvest on suspended sediment delivery at several timescales: within an individual storm, from storm to storm within a year, and from year to year. Study design and history This study utilizes the paired watershed approach. Three different treatments will be compared: a 100% clearcut watershed without roads (WS 1), a 25% harvested patch-cut watershed with 6% of area in roads (WS 3), and a forested control (WS 2). Continuous measurement of discharge was initiated in 1953 and sampling of suspended and bedload sediment was initiated in 1957 on all three watersheds. Watershed 1 was harvested over the period 1962-1966 and slash was broadcast burned in a hot fire in 1966. Roads were constructed in WS 3 in 1959 and three small areas were clearcut in 1963. Watershed 3 experienced multiple debris slides and flows during the 1964 storm. Watershed 1 also experienced several smaller slides which did not become debris flows during the period 1964-1972. All three sites have been monitored through 1988, although the frequency of storm sampling has steadily diminished during the 1980's. Suspended sediment was grab sampled during storms and at irregular intervals during non-storm periods. One sample per timepoint per watershed was taken. Most but not all major storms were sampled. Number of samples per storm varied from 1 to 16 averaging from 3-4. The sediment contained in each sample was dried, weighed and reported as a concentration (milligrams/liter). The primary basis for comparing the three watersheds is in terms of their sediment rating curves, a relation between the measured sediment concentration and the discharge at the time the sediment sample was taken. We hypothesize that both the slope and the intercept of this relation will vary as a function of the time within a storm (before or after the peak), the sequence of the storm within the year (early fall storms will have correspondingly higher sediment concentrations for the same discharge than later storms), from year to year (there will be a decline with time in the concentration of sediment for a storm of similar magnitude and sequence) and as a function of treatment type (patch-cut versus clearcut). Exploratory data analysis will be conducted to develop predictive models between discharge and sediment discharge with the least variation at these different timescales. This analysis will involve looking at alternative approaches to characterizing the sediment samples in terms of their timing and sequence within a storm or from storm to storm. Initially, we will concentrate on developing these relations for WS 2 (the control) with the intention of using the same form of the relations for the treatment watersheds. Data structure The data consists of the primary hydrology (Table 1) and sediment (Table 2) data sets and two secondary data sets derived from these primary sets: a storm hydrology data set (Table 3) and a sediment sample data set (Table 4). The storm hydrology data set was generated through an analysis of the complete hydrology data set consisting of the complete 35 year discharge record. Storms were identified based on several criteria, including the magnitude of the secondary hydrograph rise and the time since previous rise; peaks within a given storm were also identified. Each storm was numbered by year and watershed; storms were cross-correlated by number across watersheds so that the same storm could be identified at all three sites. Variables describing the storm are given in the attached table. Using the storm data set, a secondary sediment sample data set was derived. Each sediment sample was classified as either a storm sample, if it was taken during an identified storm period, or a non-storm sample. For storm sample points, a set of additional variables were derived (Table 4). The secondary sediment sample set will be cross-referenced to the storm data set through the storm number. Questions to be addressed: 1. What multivariate techniques might be available to identify the most important variables influencing the discharge/sediment discharge relationship at each timescale? 2. What is the most efficient way of classifying the sediment sample points with respect to their storm attributes? 3. What is the appropriate structure for the statistical tests for comparing the response of the same watershed over different timescales or different watersheds over the same timescales? 4. Would a type of time series analysis be appropriate for looking at the changes in sediment discharge with time? Table 1. Primary hydrologic data ************************************************************************* * HF04 Variable Format and Definitions FSDB 05/24/89 ************************************************************************* * Format: 1 HJ Andrews watersheds complete summary -----------------------------------------------Variable -------DATACODE SITECODE COYOTE Coded --Y Format ------A1 A1 Columns ------1-1 Units ------- 2-2 hydrograph Definition ---------S = STREAMFLOW CODE H = H.J. ANDREWS, C = CREEK, F = FOX CREEK WSNUMBER I2 3-4 WATERSHED NUMBER WATRYEAR I2 5-6 WATERYEAR MONTH I2 7-8 CALENDAR MONTH YEAR I2 9-10 CALENDAR YEAR DAY I2 11-12 TIME F5.2 13-17 HH.DD DECIMAL TIME STAGE F5.3 18-22 FT STAGE A1 23-23 ESTCODE PROPORTIONAL CALENDAR DAY E = ESTIMATE, S = SAMPLE CFS F8.3 24-31 CFS CUBIC FEET PER SECOND CFSM F7.3 32-38 CFSM CUBIC FEET PER SQUARE MILE INTERVAL INTERVAL F6.2 39-44 HRS HOURS IN STREAMFLOW MEANCFS STREAMFLOW F8.3 45-52 CFS AVERAGE CFS IN INTERVAL MEANCFSM F7.3 53-59 CFSM AVERAGE CFSM IN INTERVAL INCHES F7.5 60-66 INS INCHES OF WATER WATERSHED AREA II. Table 2. Primary sediment data ************************************************************************* * HS03 Variable Format and Definitions FSDB 05/24/89 ************************************************************************* * Format: 2 HJA with streamflow ------Variable -------STCODE samples susp sediment conc -------------------------------------------Coded --- FORMAT SITECODE grab Y SAMPLENO Format ------A4 Columns ------1-4 Units ------- Definition ---------STUDY CODE A1 5-5 FORMAT A3 6-8 SITE CODE 1X,A4 10-13 SAMPLE ID NUMBER 1X,A2 15-16 ID NUMBER OF STREAM DATE 1X,A6 18-23 YYMMDD DATE SAMPLE TAKEN TIME 1X,A4 25-28 HHMM TIME SAMPLE TAKEN 1X,F5.3 30-34 FT GAGE HEIGHT (USUALLY HOOK 1X,A1 36-36 STREAMNO Y GAGEHT GAGE) STATUS HYDROGRAPH Y TREND OF (RISING,FALLING,STEADY) TEMP CFS SECOND CFLW SED1 VALUE OF 1X,I2 38-39 DEG F F8.3 40-47 CUBIC F F8.2 48-55 ACRE FE F7.1 56-62 mg/l AIR TEMPERATURE CUBIC FEET OF WATER PER CUMULATIVE FLOW FIRST SUSPEDIMENT WATER SAMPLE SED2 SEDIMENT VALUE F7.1 63-69 mg/l SECOND SUSPENDED OF WATER SAMPLE III. Table 3. Secondary hydrologic data: storm identification ************************************************************************* * HF06 Variable Format and Definitions FSDB 05/24/89 ************************************************************************* * Format: 1 HJA WS 1,2,3 listing of storm begin, peak, & flow ----------------------------------------------------------Variable -------STCODE Coded --- FORMAT BASIN Y WATERSHD Format ------A4 Columns ------1-4 Units ------- end times Definition ---------STUDY CODE A1 5-5 FORMAT A3 6-8 BASIN 1X,I2 10-11 WATERSHED NUMBER WATERYR I2 12-13 WATER YEAR STORMID WATER YEAR 1X,I2 15-16 # OF STORM WITHIN CORRELATED TO WATERSHEDS 1 AND 2 IDCODE RECORDED A1 17-17 IF STORM IN ONE WS WAS AS TWO IN ANOTHER, EACH OF THE TWO GETS A LETTER TO DESIGNATE THAT THEY WERE COUNTED AS ONE STORM IN THE FIRST WS. TYPESTRM Y 1X,A1 19-19 TYPE OF STORM ENDCAUSE Y A1 20-20 CAUSE OF STORM'S END DURATN TIMEBGND BEGINNING 1X,F5.1 22-26 HOURS 1X,A6 28-33 YYMMDD DURATION OF STORM DATE OF STORM'S (YYMMDD) TIMEBGNT BEGINNING 1X,A4 35-38 HHMM TIME OF STORM'S (HHMM) GHTBGN BEGINNING OF 1X,F5.3 40-44 FEET GAGE HEIGHT AT STORM CFSBGN CUFLWBGN STORM 1X,F6.3 46-51 CUBIC F CFS AT BEGINNING OF STORM 1X,F7.2 53-59 ACRE FE CUMULATIVE FLOW AT OF TIMEPKD (YYMMDD) 1X,A6 61-66 YYMMDD DATE OF STORM'S PEAK TIMEPKT (HHMM) 1X,A4 68-71 HHMM TIME OF STORM'S PEAK GHTPEAK STORM 1X,F5.3 73-77 FEET GAGE HEIGHT AT PEAK OF CFSPEAK 1X,F6.3 79-84 CUBIC F CFS AT PEAK OF STORM CUFLWPK STORM 1X,F7.2 86-92 ACRE FE CUMULATIVE FLOW AT PEAK TIMEENDD (YYMMDD) 1X,A6 94-99 YYMMDD DATE OF STORM'S END TIMEENDT 1X,A4 101-104 HHMM TIME OF STORM'S END (HHMM) GHTEND STORM 1X,F5.3 106-110 FEET GAGE HEIGHT AT END OF CFSEND 1X,F6.3 112-117 CUBIC F CFS AT END OF STORM 1X,F7.2 119-125 ACRE FE CUFLWEND STORM'S END IV. CUMULATIVE FLOW AT Storm data codes ************************************************************************* * HF06 Variable Code Definitions FSDB 05/24/89 ************************************************************************* * HJ Andrews WS 1,2,3 storms Variable: BASIN HJA H J ANDREWS EXPERIMENTAL FOREST Variable: WATERSHD 1 2 3 WATERSHED 1 WATERSHED 2 WATERSHED 3 Variable: TYPESTRM P S AFTER PRIMARY STORM SECONDARY STORM (STORM BEGINNING 12-24 HOURS PREVIOUS STORM) HAS SLIGHTLY LOWER STORM STORM 12-24 QUALIFYING CRITERIA THAN PRIMARY STORM Variable: ENDCAUSE HRS N STORM ENDED BY BEGINNING OF NEW D P PEAK STORM ENDED BY TIME: 24 HRS FROM PEAK STORM ENDED BY TIME:12 HRS FROM SEC PEAK AND > G FROM PRIM PEAK STORM ENDED BY GAGE HEIGHT: GAGEHT DROPPED TO FROM 24 HRS W/IN 20% OF INIT GAGEHT V. Table 4. Variable -------WATERSHD Secondary sediment sample data set Coded --- Format ------1X,I2 Columns ------10-11 WATERYR I2 12-13 STORMID WATER YEAR 1X,I2 15-16 Units ------- Definition ---------WATERSHED NUMBER WATER YEAR # OF STORM WITHIN CORRELATED TO WATERSHEDS 1 AND 2 IDCODE RECORDED A1 17-17 IF STORM IN ONE WS WAS AS TWO IN ANOTHER, EACH OF THE TWO GETS A LETTER TO DESIGNATE THAT THEY WERE COUNTED AS ONE STORM IN THE FIRST WS. STORM STORM SAMPLE POINT (Y OR N) LPEAKHRS (HRS) LPEAKCFS STATUS FALLING POINT TIME SINCE LAST PEAK DISCHARGE AT LAST PEAK RISING, (R,P,F) PEAK, OR TYPESTRM PRIMARY OR SECONDARY PROPEAKP CFS PROPORTION OF CFS TO PEAK PEAK (PRIMARY) PROPEAKS PEAK CFS PROPORTION OF CFS TO (SECONDARY) SSAMPNUM STORM (I.E. NUMBER IN SAMPLE IN 1 OF 5) SSAMPTOT CFLW DISCHARGE TOTAL SAMPLES FOR STORM CUMULATIVE (ACRE-FEET) CFS SEDCONC CONCENTRATION DISCHARGE (CFS) AVERAGE SEDIMENT (PPM)