A meeting of the Flint Public Library Board of Trustees was held on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 in the
Flint Public Library Meeting Room, 1 South Main Street, Middleton, MA.
Members Present: Melissa Stankus, Eileen Paul, Gretchen Moreschi and Mary Toropov.
Absent: Brenda Kirwan,
Others Present: Melissa Gaspar, Library Director; Annie Wilton, Friends of the Flint; and Paula
Lanfranchi, Recording Secretary
Call to Order: 7:05pm by M. Stankus
Signing of Bills:
Bills were reviewed and signed by members in attendance and returned to M. Gaspar.
Approval of Minutes:
The minutes of the 6/11/12 Board of Trustees meeting were presented for review and approval. E. Paul
made a motion to approve as presented. Second by G. Moreschi. Motion carried 3-0-1, with M. Toropov
abstaining from the vote.
The minutes of the 9/10/12 Board of Trustees meeting were presented for review and approval. M.
Toropov made a motion to approve as presented. Second by E. Paul. Motion carried 3-0-1, with G.
Moreschi abstaining from the vote.
Friends of the Flint:
A Wilton reported that Friends of the Flint membership was at a record high. She also reported that for
the very first time, 100% of the Executive Committee of the Friends of the Flint, as well as members of
the Board of Trustees were official dues paying members.
A Wilton deferred to M. Gaspar about recent attendance at the Middleton Farmer’s Market. M. Gaspar
reported that it was very rainy, so she did not set up a table. There was about ¼ of the usual attendance.
She put the library’s October schedule on the main table, and distributed bags. She met the owner of the
Reflective Designer and had a very positive conversation.
M. Gaspar thanked the Friends of the Flint for purchasing new legal size file cabinets for the craft room,
and also for purchasing new “Vote for Books” posters to be hung in the Children’s Room.
A Wilton discussed preview night for the annual book sale. Preview night will be on 10/19 from 6-8pm.
M. Stankus offered to assist. On Saturday, 10/20 the book sale will be in full swing, with Mona Cocciardi
dressed as Glenda the Good Witch. This is always a big hit with the children. E. Paul and M. Stankus
will assist by handing out glow in the dark necklaces prior to the hay ride. M. Gaspar will be in
attendance most of the day, but will have to leave early as she has a planned vacation. The book sale will
run from 10-3. A Wilton stated that volunteers are needed for baking. Baked goods should be left in the
meeting room kitchen on Friday morning (10/19). G. Moreschi, M. Toropov, M. Stankus and E. Paul all
offered to bake for the event.
Trustees’ Report
G. Moreschi stated that she would like to attend the Massachusetts Library Trustees Conference, which is
being held at Worcester Tech High School on Saturday, 10/27/12. She wondered if any other Trustees
were interested in attending. M. Stankus is interested in attending the morning session. A. Wilton will
mention this at the next Friends of the Flint meeting, to see if anyone else is interested in attending. The
registration form was filled out and given to M. Gaspar to forward to Judy Gallerie for payment. The
event will be paid for by Friends of the Flint.
Treasurer’s Report
E. Paul made a motion to table the Treasurer’s Report until the next regular meeting. Second by G.
Moreschi. Motion carried 4-0-0.
Director’s Report:
Circulation and Budget Reports: Circulation and budget reports were distributed and statistics discussed.
M. Gaspar reported on the Essex National Heritage Area Trails and Sails event, which ran the weekend of
September 21-23, and again the weekend of September 28-30. She thanked A. Wilton and the Friends of
the Flint for providing cider and donuts. While attendance was not significant, there were people from all
over New England who genuinely enjoyed the tour of the clock tower and seeing and learning about the
history of the stained glass windows. M. Gaspar distributed a handout she prepared for the event, which
described the history of the beautiful stained glass windows, offered a brief biography of Charles L. Flint,
and described the history of the tower clock upstairs in the library. The Trustees were very impressed
with this, and suggested a generic form be prepared for future use. When asked if she thought the Flint
Public Library should participate in this program again last year, M. Gaspar stated that although
attendance was lower than expected, she would do it again, especially as it would be a nice way to wrap
up the Community Read.
M. Gaspar discussed the library’s new program, “Creative Kids”. Three moms asked if they could
coordinate a play group, including art, for children ages 1-3. The group would be limited to 16 children
per class. It has worked out very well because the parents are volunteering their time and running the
program with very little assistance from the staff. A program like this would be a lot of work for the staff
to take on at this time. A. Wilton suggested giving the volunteer moms a bag and a mug at the end of the
The annual Volunteer Luncheon and Holiday Open House were discussed. A. Wilton suggested sending
invitations to all who donated to the Friends of the Flint for the Holiday Open House. The Volunteer
Luncheon is planned for December 4th, and details are being coordinated by Judy Gallerie. M. Gaspar
asked if it would make sense to hold the Holiday Open House that same evening, since the library would
already be set up for the Volunteer Lunch. M. Gaspar stated she would run the idea by the staff and get
their input.
The Community Read Grant has been awarded the full amount possible which is $7,500, and M. Gaspar
is currently working on the schedule of events. She will have more details available at next month’s
M. Gaspar reported that the former Meritor Academy is now a new Arab school, with a lot of students
from out of state. She is trying to collaborate with the principal there, who has offered to send a teacher
to meet with M. Gaspar and talk further.
Paula Savage is ready to do more sound panels in the Children’s Room. She will use an Eric Carle
inspired jungle theme, and asked for a deadline to have this completed. The Trustees suggested asking
her to have this finished by the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, to allow for plenty of time prior to the
Holiday Open House on 12/4.
M. Gaspar reported she has been in discussions with Ira Singer and the contract about ongoing roof and
gutter issues. How to pay for it is yet to be determined.
The library will be having a teen read event the week of October 14th. M. Gaspar stated she is trying to
take advantage of every opportunity to get teens to use the library. She is coordinating this with the 6th
grade classes in Middleton, and trying to publicize wherever possible. It was suggested she also contact
Masconomet Middle School about including news about the events (including a Scavenger Hunt) in their
weekly newsletter. P. Lanfranchi offered to forward contact information to M. Gaspar.
M. Gaspar reported that all staff, except for two, have completed CPR and AED training.
M. Gaspar reviewed upcoming dates and events:
December 1 – Winter Festival
December 2 – Volunteer Luncheon and possibly Holiday Open House
December 13 – Senator Bruce Tarr will broadcast the annual Toys for Tots event, and kick off the
Neighbors in Need program.
The Trustees walked upstairs to look at, and make a decision regarding signage. All were in agreement
that the 4” letters were a good size, and the bronze/gold color nicely matched the dedication plaques.
E. Paul made a motion to approve the 4” bronze/gold colored signage for upstairs in the library. .
Second by G. Moreschi. Motion carried 4-0-0.
The Trustees returned downstairs to view the temporary signage over the Children’s Room, and the
signage that points upstairs. All were in agreement that the multicolored 4” letters over the Children’s
Room should be kept the same. M. Toropov thought that the signage with arrow “Adults and Teens”,
which was 6” lettering, was out of character and should be kept in line with the 4” bronze/gold theme.
All were in agreement.
E. Paul made a motion to approve the 4” bronze/gold colored signage pointing upstairs, and the 4”
multicolored lettering above the Children’s Room. Second by G. Moreschi. Motion carried 4-0-0.
Date for Next Meeting: Monday, November 19, 2012, 7:00pm.
Adjournment: There being no further business, G. Moreschi motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 pm.
Motion carried 4-0-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Lanfranchi
Recording Secretary