MARY E - University of Central Missouri

High School Application for the
Established 1998
The Ada M. Griffin Scholarship is available through the University of Central Missouri Foundation for a graduating
senior who plans to pursue a degree in teacher education at UCM. The scholarship was made possible by way of a
gift from Mary M. Griffin of Rich Hill, Missouri, in memory of her sister, Ada M. Griffin.
Ada M. and Mary M. Griffin were sisters who grew up and spent their adult lives in the Rich Hill area of Bates
County, Missouri. Many of their family members were teachers and many of Ada’s and Mary’s students became
teachers as a result of their influence.
Ada M. Griffin was born in Papinville, Missouri on March 10, 1913. After attending elementary and secondary
school in Bates County schools, she attended University of Central Missouri with scholarship assistance. She lived
in Yeater Hall and traveled to Rich Hill by bus every Friday night and returned to campus by bus every Sunday
night. Ada graduated cum laude from Central in 1947 and moved back to Rich Hill to teach in the rural schools of
Foster and Metz. Later in her career, she taught at Rockville, Hume, and Rich Hill, Missouri, and Prescott, Kansas,
where she retired in 1972. Ada’s unique teaching gift was her ability to recognize outstanding students to whom she
gave special attention and academic challenges. Ada died September 29, 1997.
Mary M. Griffin was born August 20, 1911. She, too, attended elementary and secondary school in Bates County
schools before first attending University of Central Missouri in 1931. She taught in a one-room school near Rich
Hill during the academic year in order to pay for her tuition at Central during the summers. After 11 summers in
undergraduate studies, she graduated from Central in 1942. She taught in rural schools before being offered a
teaching position at Rich Hill High School after the male teacher who taught social studies was drafted in World
War II. Since her retirement from Rich Hill High School in 1976, Mary attends the class reunions of her former
students every year. She enjoys spending time with her former students to learn what they have done since leaving
high school.
Mary established the Ada M. Griffin Scholarship in loving memory of her sister, Ada, and to provide assistance to
young people who have chosen teaching as their profession.
To be eligible to apply, a student must:
a. be a graduating senior of a high school located in Bates County, Missouri;
b. be accepted to UCM and plan to pursue a degree in teacher education;
c. have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5;
d. have demonstrated leadership and service in the Bates County, Missouri community;
e. be worthy, deserving and of good moral character;
f. demonstrate financial need.
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-- Keep a copy of completed application for your records --
Ada M. Griffin Scholarship
Scholarship Information
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Selection Process:
The recipient(s) of the Ada M. Griffin Scholarship will be recommended by the University Scholarship
Selection Committee. Recipient(s) will be approved by the UCM Scholarships and Awards Officer.
After the first year, the student holding the Ada M. Griffin Scholarship may re-apply for the scholarship
provided he/she meets all criteria.
Preference shall be given to the previous recipient(s) of the Ada M. Griffin Scholarship provided he/she
meets all criteria. The Ada M. Griffin Scholarship may be awarded to the same recipient(s) for no more than
four (4) academic years.
If the student holding the Ada M. Griffin Scholarship is not eligible to receive the scholarship for a second
year, then the scholarship shall be awarded to an incoming freshman student who is a graduate of a high
school located in Bates County, Missouri and meets the criteria.
If a student(s), in any given year, is deemed not eligible for renewal of the Ada M. Griffin Scholarship, that
student(s) shall not be eligible at any other time during his/her enrollment at UCM.
The Selection Committee, with the approval of the Executive Director of the Foundation, will annually
establish the number and award amount. In a given year, the Committee may exercise the option of making
no selection.
1. Name _________________________________________ UCM student ID# ____________________________
2. Permanent Address ______________________________________________________________________________
zip code
3. High school attended _____________________________________________________________________________
name of school
4. Home Phone (
) __________________________ E-mail address ________________________________
5. Attach a list of high school and community organizations to which you belong. List leadership roles when
6. Attach a typed statement of not more than 300 words relative to your educational and vocational goals. You
might include what your plans and aspirations are for the future and what values you hold important in your
7. Attach a high school transcript.
1. Name ________________________________________
Relationship ________________________________
Phone Number _________________________________
E-mail _____________________________________
2. Name ________________________________________
Relationship ________________________________
Phone Number ________________________________
E-mail _______________________________________
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-- Keep a copy of completed application for your records --
Ada M. Griffin Scholarship
Scholarship Application
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If I am selected as a recipient of this scholarship, I understand that I must meet the criteria as outlined in this
application at the beginning of the semester in which the scholarship is to be applied to my student account. If my
status should change before/during the academic year, I understand that I must notify the Office of Student Financial
Services. I further understand that a change in my status may affect my eligibility and the application of the
scholarship to my student account.
Application must be delivered or postmarked by March 1 to:
Office of Student Financial Services ▪ University of Central Missouri ▪ Ward Edwards 1100 ▪ Warrensburg, MO 64093
-- Keep a copy of completed application for your records --