Client Advisory Council Application The Women’s Community Clinic is recruiting current and former clients to join our Client Advisory Council. As someone who has shown an interest and commitment to women’s health and to the Clinic, we would like to invite you to apply to the Council. The Client Advisory Council provides the Clinic with important feedback on services and programs to ensure that we continue to meet the needs of our clients and community. Council members will also have opportunities to develop leadership skills, in order to act as an ambassador for the Clinic in the community. The Council will meet the last Tuesday of every other month from 6pm-8pm. The next meeting is Tuesday, September 23, 2014. Attendees will receive a $25 stipend for full attendance. If you are interested in applying, please answer the questions below and return them via mail, fax, or email by Friday, September 5, 2014 to: Dana Kleinhesselink, Community Engagement Coordinator Women’s Community Clinic 1833 Fillmore Street, 3rd Floor San Francisco, CA 94115 Fax: 415.379.7384 Email: Feel free to call Dana, Community Engagement Coordinator, with any questions: 415-820-7384. Name: Nickname (preferred name): Address: City, State, Zip Code: Primary Ph. #: Secondary Ph. #: E-mail Address: Date of Application: 1. Are you a current or former client? Neither Current Former 2. Are you able to attend meetings the last Tuesday of every other month from 6pm-8pm? Y N 3. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 23, 2014 from 6pm-8pm. Can you attend that meeting? Y N 4. Do you feel comfortable working in a pro-choice organization? N Y 5. Please tell us, briefly, why you are interested in serving on the Women's Community Clinic’s Client Advisory Council? (please feel free to respond on a separate page) Please return this application by mail, drop-off at Clinic, fax, or email by September 5, 2014. Thank you! Client Advisory Committee 2014 Meeting Schedule Date Topic Tuesday, January 28, 2014 Full-Scope Primary Care Services at the Clinic Tuesday, March 25, 2014 cancelled Tuesday, May 27, 2014 Christine Dehlendorf & Team; other Tuesday, July 22, 2014 Christine Dehlendorf & Team; other Tuesday, September 23, 2014 TBD Tuesday, November 25, 2014 Christine Dehlendorf & Team; other All meetings are from 6-8 pm in the A-level conference room. Snacks and beverages provided. Member Position Description The Client Advisory Council (CAC) is comprised of clients of the Women’s Community Clinic. The Council will provide the Clinic with important feedback on services and programs to ensure that we continue to meet the needs of our clients and community. Council members will also have opportunities to develop leadership skills, in order to act as an ambassador for the Clinic in the community. Primarily, the Council prioritizes the following activities: Constructive suggestions, feedback, and insights for the improvement and maintenance of the Clinic’s services and programs Reviewing health education materials and other communications The Council will meet every other month from 6pm-8pm. Meetings are typically held at 1833 Fillmore Street, Lower Level (or Level “A”) Conference Room but may occasionally be held at alternate pre-announced locations or times. The Client Advisory Council will be led and supported by the Clinic's Project Manager, and other staff attending as needed. Membership Expectations Each committee member shall: Attend and participate in up to six meetings, with a minimum of three meetings per year, not including possible meetings scheduled for sub-committee work; Offer essential skills and experience ; Commit to playing a significant role in advising the Women’s Community Clinic; Maintain confidentiality of personal information of CAC members and activities, as well as confidential information related to Clinic activities; Assist Clinic staff as needed with input on the CAC agenda, guest speakers, snacks, etc.; Prepare in advance for CAC meetings, as appropriate, by reading assigned articles and/or gathering information on relevant healthcare topics; Commit to respecting other panel members who may have different experiences, beliefs, concerns, and needs; Competently represent the Clinic, its mission and belief, and its clients and their needs to various audiences; and Be able to participate in discussions between committee meetings via email or phone. Membership Terms Members shall commit to a one-year term (or six meetings), upon accepting a seat on the Council, which can be renewed up to two times for a maximum term of three years. Members shall successfully complete an initial 3-month probationary period on the CAC. Members shall remain active clients of the Women’s Community Clinic, as defined as being seen within one year of the current Council meeting date. Members not seen at the clinic within one year of the current meeting will roll off the Council within four months (may attend up to 2 additional meetings). If unable to attend any of the scheduled meetings, Council members will contact the Project Coordinator in advance. Members agree to keep the Women’s Community Clinic informed of any changes to their phone and/or email contact information, so they may receive scheduling and any other meeting reminders in a timely fashion. Members will receive a $25 stipend per meeting, for full and timely attendance of each meeting. It is important to arrive on time to meetings and participate fully. When unable to attend full CAC meetings, members are encouraged to attend partial meetings. If members arrive 15-20 minutes late, they will be paid a $10 stipend (instead of the $25 stipend for full meeting participation). If members arrive more than 30 minutes late to CAC meetings, they will not be paid a stipend (instead of the $25 stipend for full meeting participation). I have reviewed, understand, and agree to follow this CAC Member Position Description, and I have received a copy of this document. Print Name Signature Date Disciplinary Guidelines As a member of the Women’s Community Clinic’s Client Advisory Council (CAC), I understand that the first 3 months of my CAC service are a probationary period. I understand that I will be immediately removed from the CAC for the following: Repeating confidential information about another CAC member Violent or threatening behavior Stealing from the Clinic or another CAC member I understand that the following steps will be taken for other inappropriate behavior: First offense: Verbal warning Second offense: Written warning Third offense: Removal from the CAC I understand that I can appeal these disciplinary steps, by asking the CAC Project Manager or the Clinic Director. Print Name Signature Date