MRS Independent Living – Postural Stability Classes (PSI) for older people at risk of falling. Falls Prevention / Rehabilitation Courses of 24 sessions. For information about referral, call 0330 380 1013, fax 0845 094 1612, email am am Monday 11.45– 12.45pm Senior N’shei Group Brenner Centre Tai Chi/gentle exercices Orthodox Jewish Women Tuesday 12.noon Sam & Annie Day Centre Northwold Road E5 PSI Class Anstey Bligh Wednesday Thursday 12.30noon Sam & Annie Day Centre Northwold Road E5 PSI Class Charlotte Seirberg 1pm – 1.45pm Clissold Park N16 11am – 12.noon Queensbridge Sports Centre, E8 PSI Class Anstey Bligh 12 noon to 1.15pm John Scott Health Centre Green Lanes N4 PSI Class Jane Taylor Walking Class Helen McGinley Augusto Perez Friday 10.30 to 11.30pm Queensbridge Sports Centre, E8 PSI for People with Osteoporosis For frailer users Charlotte Seirberg 12 - 1pm Queensbridge Sports Centre, E8 PSI class run in Partnership with The Stroke Project Charlotte Seriberg pm 1.30pm – 2.30pm Queensbridge Sports Centre, E8 PSI Class Charlotte Seirberg 12.15pm - 1.15pm Queensbridge Sports Centre, E8 PSI Continuation Class Charlotte Seirberg £2 per session pm 12.30pm to 1.30pm Queensbridge Sports Centre E8 PSI for People with Osteoporosis Bone loading exercises Anstey Bligh 2.15 – 3.30pm & 3.30 – 4.30pm Barton House Health Centre Albion Road N16 PSI Class Jane Taylor 2.30pm – 3.30pm Kings Hall GLL Leisure Centre E5 PSI Advanced Charlotte Seriberg GLL fee or membership