LOW PORT PRIMARY SCHOOL: PARENT COUNCIL Wednesday 19 November 2014 at Low Port Primary School Present Committee Stephen Blake Joanna Bremner Kirsteen Cameron Chris Eatock Kieran Coyle Debbie Hanson Rebecca Holmes Susan Johnston Jane Livingston Sarah McArdle Karen Mitchell Richard Payne Kelly Robertson Irene Sandham Nicola Steele Co-opted Member, St Michael’s Parish Church P5 Representative Clerk Co-opted Parent Member Teacher P7 Representative P1 Representative Teacher Head Teacher P2 Representative Co-Opted Parent Member Chair P3 Representative P6 Representative Teacher In Attendance Judith Paley Susan Saunders Parent Parent Apologies Paula Fraser, Fiona Maxwell 1. WELCOME & INTRODUCTION Richard welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING & MATTERS ARISING: 24 SEPTEMBER 2014 Minutes accepted as correct. Education Trust Fund Survey Results: Shared with parents and carers. Education Trust Fund Display Boards: Updated for parents evening consultations. Parentmail – School Grounds: Parentmail to be sent. Membership of SPTC: Now in place 3. OBJECTIVES 2014/15 In addition to the regular and ongoing roles / work of the committee it was agreed to adopt specific objectives as below Review constitution with the support of SPTC Promote the involvement of parents and carers in validated self-evaluation Support the school and represent parents and carers with respect to the improvement plan It was agreed that sub-groups would be used to take forward focussed areas of the Parent Council. 4. INVOLVEMENT OF PUPILS IN PARENTS' EVENING CONSULTATIONS The group discussed the opportunity this would offer children to hear constructive feedback. Children are already involved in learning logs and conversations and participate in similar discussions. However, there may be time implications to consider. Jane will discuss this with the teaching staff to consider how this can be implemented for example with the upper school first. In general any parents or carers who are keen for their children to be involved can discuss this with their class teacher in advance of the evening. 5. CONSULTATION ON TERM DATES A number of parents gave feedback on the finish dates for Christmas. The Parent Council is given the opportunity to comment on future term dates. It was agreed that future dates would be discussed by the Parent Council and if there are concerns, the wider parent and carer group could be consulted. Jane explained that there are various reasons why dates are difficult to set including the secondary school exam timetables and the different local town holidays in West Lothian. These factors limit the scope for parents and carers to influence dates in the future. 6. FREE SCHOOL MEALS FOR EARLY YEARS Jane advised that there has been no guidance provided by the Council at the current time, however there is a meeting scheduled next week for senior staff. It was noted that other local authorities are consulting with parents on allergies, however this is already catered for within the school. 7. CLASS SIZES AND COMPOSITION The composition of P1 to 3 classes has proved challenging for parents and carers and the school this year. The group discussed the challenges of having small numbers of pupils from one year group in composite classes. Jane explained that she does not make the decisions around capping year sizes. It was agreed that a sub-group would take forward this work to agree questions to raise with the Council and perhaps write a sub-policy for the school giving fair and transparent guidance on how children will be selected where composite classes are necessary. This would need to be ratified by the Council. Subgroup – Sarah, Judith, Susan, Rebecca, Kelly, Joanna, Kirsteen and Richard (chair). Jane is happy to liaise with this group. NB – following discussions with WLC after the meeting it is clear that a sub-policy is not possible to develop, comment on existing policy should be directed via customer services. 8. VALIDATED SELF EVALUATION (VSE) Jane has recently been part of a VSE team at another school, including identifying strengths and areas for improvement. On the completion of this evaluation, the information is presented to the Education Quality Assurance Committee. Low Port’s VSE is scheduled to start on 2nd March 2015. So far Jane, Elizabeth Ramsay, a representative from Education Scotland and an Education Psychologist have been identified. Other team members will be identified. Richard expressed enthusiasm for parents and carers to be included as members of visiting teams as well as being canvassed for feedback in relation to their own schools. Jane reported that there are internal quality assurance approaches in place with learning rounds being undertaken. Within Low Port, Jane, Susan Johnston, Kate Newman are involved in learning rounds with Meg Morrison (Quality Improvement Officer). They are looking at differentiation across the whole school. 9. CURRICULLUM Jane has been providing information to parents and carers about the focus of in-service days and new teaching approaches. Jane is planning a session for parents and carers to attend in January. There have been shared training and resource opportunities within the cluster. 10. SCHOOL WEBSITE The school website has been redesigned and is now set up to allow the school and Parent Council to populate information on the calendar and Parent Council page. Some of the information on the site is out of date and is in the process of being updated. Richard expressed thanks for all the work that Steve Cooke has done with the website. 11. SCHOOL CAR PARK A parentmail has been sent reminding parents and carers not to drive into the staff car park at any time (parents and carers dropping children off for out of school club and breakfast club are advised to park in one of the public car parks by Tesco). An incident occurred recently where an ambulance was in the playground and could not leave because a parent’s vehicle blocking access. The biggest area of difficulty is the top staff car park where the skip and bins are located. It has been observed that some cars are driving fast within the Low Port Centre car park and Jane is extremely concerned for the safety of the children especially with the darker morning and evenings. Richard is keen that the Parent Council supports the school on this issue and will send out a parentmail. 12. SCHOOL GROUNDS The fence on the side of the path from the rose garden has now been removed, however there is further work required including the installation of a gate, the rear path and the willow hut. Chris has been working on the grounds and is looking for volunteers to assist. The fence at the side of the staff car park is now down and it was agreed that it is beneficial to have this reinstated. Jane reported that she is waiting for the cost of installing the seating. It was agreed that a sub group should be formed for the grounds. 13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS None. Date of Next Meeting : Wednesday 4th February, 7-9.00pm in the Library. ACTIONS AREA FOR ACTION Consider how to involve children in parents’ evenings. Send parentmail concerning car parking issues. Information session for parents in January 2015. Sub groups to meet outwith scheduled PC meetings. Parentmail to invite interested parents and carers to become involved with the school grounds. ITEMS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS AREA Discuss proposed term dates. RESPONSIBLE PERSON Jane Richard Jane All Chris DATE OF MEETING PERSON When dates released