
Jessicca Hofbauer
Ms. Randolf
English Honors 9 6th hour
1, November 2011
Wicked Deed
If the life you once had took over what would you do? You couldn't run away from an ever
haunting memory, something that would sit patiently in your brain then ease into your mind's eye.
Hold you captive while you cried and when you screamed, Wyatt Knight knew the horror and suffering
that was his father. Hexis Darth Knight Hellsing was not always a cruel twisted thing. Hexis took part
of his blackened soul and created the Deathlings that killed so many charm casters. Wyatt shook his
head his black bangs hiding his blue-ish gray eyes, he disowned his father the night he came home with
a dead woman in his arms.
Wyatt chuckled humorlessly he should have known better, he should
have seen the signs that Hexis's brain was rotting away inside his own head. Wyatt's mind was on overdrive his body tense with unused energy, he knew Penny was trying as fast as she could to find enough
information on his father and yet it didn't seem enough. Then again nothing ever seemed enough.
Chapter 1
Sixteen years ago...
In the dark secluded alleyway where the rats crawled across the putrid ground filled with the
garbage of that evening, a small petite silhouette ran across the stones. The full moon rising high as the
rats scattered, the woman running as fast as she could she knew that she only had a few minutes to
escape through the portal that awaited her at the end of the alley. The only problem was that she
wasn't alone “Sarah!” She didn't dare look back in fear of the thing that chased her down like a hunted
animal. “SARAH! Stop! There is no where you can hide. No where for you because I will always find
you!” The pounding of her heart echoed in her ears, the footsteps of her tormentor reverberating off the
She was so close, she could see the swirling mist of the portal not so far away. But no
matter how fast she ran Sarah knew the man she once loved, who once held her...was out to kill her.
The moon in the black velvet night rose higher, the man behind her laughing as he took to the sky. A
chilling wind wrapped its fingers around Sarah choking the very breath out of her. “I told you Sarah
that you should have left my business alone. Now I have no choice.”
The whisper was tainted with the sick stench of the souls that died within the man's body. Sarah
held a hand to her throat her eyes showing the true emotions hidden deep within her. “Come now
Sarah you know I still love you, but you must keep the vow you promised to me.” Sarah tried to
scream as her limbs were held to the alley's floor, the shadowy figure oozing with acidic blood. Its
flesh dripping to the ground only to sizzle and dry up in a cloud of dust.
“Please...Hexis don't do this, where is the man I used to know? Used to love and wake to as the dawn
rose to kiss the earth? Please...Hexis let me go.” “Don't call me that!” Hexis screamed “That man
died when his wife...when his wife left him because he wanted only to give her everything.”
Hexis sneered and leaned down to spit in his wife's face her body shaking with fear and energy
of her power. A power he thought She rarely used. “I worshiped you, I loved you more than my own
life...I wanted to give you EVERYTHING! But you told me I was insane, that I was sick. Now Sarah
I'm giving you a chance, give me your power or die. Your choice really, I don't care e way or the
other.” Sarah's tears slid down her face as she shook her head, her body going into convulsions. The
moon turning a bloody red and casting a ray of light over the scene. “Fine, die then.” The glint of the
dagger finally made Sarah give in but it was to late, as her scream left her lips the blade was already
stained with blood.
Before Sarah died a small smile was upon her lips as if all her troubles and pain left her and she finally
found peace. Hexis's breathing was labored as his wife's body turned a stone pale her blood
disappearing up into the sky only to be lost within the moon. As Hexis was about to turn away and
summon the Deathling or shadowy creature to him a tiny movement caught his eye. He knelt down
sliced the flesh open and pulled out a baby with black hair as black as the raven's wings.
But the eye's were the same blue-ish gray as the woman who lay beneath his feet. Hexis
narrowed his eye's a son that should have died within the womb and yet as Hexis looked down at this
child he could not kill him. So he did the only thing he could do, he closed the portal and left the child
in the blood of his dead mother.
Later that night an elderly woman with white hair heard the cries
of a baby and as she saw the bloody scene she knelt down and took the child in her arms. The baby
boy opened his eyes, saw the blood on the ground and looked up at the kind face of the woman.
Even of the death of his mother something happened that night that changed the entire world of
charm casters and the humans who stood beside them. Something that would decide the fate of the
living and destroy the evil of the dead.
Chapter 2
Sixteen years later
“Penny where's Micheal he should have been here by now, and do you have any information on the
location of Hexis?” Penny sighed exaggerated her auburn hair frizzed and in disarray as she typed
faster the screen flashing in a non-rhythmic fashion.