Minutes from the Metro Edge FSC Board Meeting


Minutes from the Metro Edge FSC Board Meeting

Called to order by President, Laura Arnold 7:09 pm

August 17, 2010

Minutes taken by Lana Teter

In attendance: Laura Arnold, Karen Rosemann, Joan Wise, Chalegne O’Brien, Lana

Teter, Brendan Foley, Bridgid LaMear

Also in attendance: Katina Truman

Absent: Mark Dirsa

Terry Treadway

Evelyn Gwi

Mike Loe

Colleen Soseby

Laura Arnold isolated minutes from consent agenda.

Remainder of Consent Agenda submitted for approval. It was moved by Joan Wise and

Seconded by Bridgid LaMear to approve the following items under the Consent Agenda.


President’s report.


Coaches report.


Rink Liaison report.


Club Ice Sale/Swap Policy.


Synchro report.

Treasurer’s Report

No report - vacation.

President’s Report

Shared a draft of letter for parents to go out via constant contact since website not up and running. If any changes, let Laura know. Saturday morning seminars - need help with presenting seminars. Suggest some younger coaches present. Topics should be given to Laura. Grant money is left-Katina will find out how much. Grant money could be used to bring in speakers such as Jason Selk, Sports Psychologist.

Vice President’s Report

Nutcracker budget not ready yet, still looking for committee chairs. Discussed ticket prices. Karen Rosemann moved to change ticket prices, Joan Wise Seconded, all in favor. Ticket prices will be $7 for ticket contest, $10 at retail outlets, and $12 at the door.

National Hopefuls exhibition probably won’t happen this year.

Skater Amanda Kennedy is working on her Girl Scout Gold Service Award, wants approval of club for teammates to do a production number. Will discuss further when

Amanda finds out where and when.


No report ready. Fourteen skaters were flagged with USFS for delinquent accounts, however, the flags have disappeared from account. Brendan will call Lola at USFS to check on flagged accounts.

Test Chair

No report. There is a test session at St. Peter’s Rec Plex, Sunday August 29th, 11am-


Show Me State Games

Need chair for this event. Dawn Friedman was suggested as a candidate. Bridgid will be Commissioner. Trish Kirkpatrick for was suggested for registrar/chair.


Soft goods up and running. 1st run is all synchro gear, hope to make $800 profit.

Colleen has applied for two grants, first is for Nutcracker, other grant is for coach development. Colleen sent email requesting information. If a Board Member can answer any of her questions, please respond.

Laura Arnold to hold a parent coffee/wine event to inform parents of volunteer opportunities available and to review each family’s volunteer requirements. Date will be announced at a later date.

Old Business


Bridgid LaMear motioned to adjourn meeting, Joan Wise Seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.


President’s Report

MEFSC August Board Meeting

August 17, 2010

Summer Skills program: Last week concluded our six week summer skills program taught by

Evelyn Gwi, Ali Kitchen, and Quinn Timminsky. Feedback from the clinics indicates that the sessions were very well received with multiple requests for us to run them year-round. The skaters worked hard and responded well to the varied topics. While I do not yet have the final accounting, an initial examination suggests that the Tuesday sessions were well attended and financially viable. The single Thursday class was less well-attended and not cost effective. Next

summer, we should consider a single bloc of classes in a similar format. Thank you to Bridgid and Evelyn for developing these classes and to Evelyn, Ali, Quinn, and Bridgid for great instruction.

Letter to the membership: Since the new website will not be ready for the start of the season, I have composed and will send via email a letter to the membership. This letter will welcome them to a new season with the club, update them on several items (website status, Google calendar availability, Saturday morning seminars, and encourage them to attend Board meetings or contact Board members with comments, ideas, etc.)

Website: Work continues on launching the new website. While we are behind the initial, very ambitious schedule, we hope to have things up and running soon.

Show Me State Games Chair: We are looking for a chair for this event. If you know someone who might be successful in this position, please let me know as soon as possible. Our save the date postcards for this event need to go out next month.

Saturday morning seminars: As we discussed at our last meeting, it would be beneficial to our members to implement a series of Saturday educational seminars for parents. They would be held one Saturday a month beginning in September. A beginning list of topics is below. If you have other suggestions or would like to lead a Saturday seminar, please let me know.

USFS and ISI: Navigating the Governing Bodies and their different perspectives and testing levels.

Testing: Why your skater should do it and what to expect

How to prepare and what to expect at competition

How to be a successful skating parent

Balancing Competitiveness and Sportsmanship with your skater

Skating Scoring for individual and synchronized skating

August 14, 2010

Coach’s Report

The July/August Clinics went well. We went with one instructor on Thursdays after it was apparent that we could not afford to pay for two. The following instructors need to be paid:

Evelyn Gwi 9.5 hrs

Alissa Kitchen 4.0 hrs

Quinn Tyminski 4.0 hrs

Evelyn is currently working on the instructor’s education reimbursement form and will have that ready for the board asap.

We are looking forward to a fantastic season of skating.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bridgid LaMear

Evelyn Gwi

Report of Rink Liaison

Chalegne O’Brien

August 13, 2010

1. Ice Procurement.

Fall/Winter Ice. a. Webster Groves. All dates have been communicated other than the Spring

Show. Chris Ott is supposed to contact me regarding a couple of swaps in

December for Nutcracker rehearsal. Dave Garth is working on the final schedules and should have soon for signature. I don’t expect any surprises. b. Chesterfield. I would love to help in anyway I can. c. Off-Ice Rooms. Webster has been reviewing for a while. Should have response soon on what we can have.

2. Learn To Skate Synchro

I have been working with Katina Truman on sending a flyer to the schools to publicize skate with Synchro. The Superintendent for Webster Schools has approved the flyer. We can submit 50 fliers to each elementary school.

3. Purchase of Storage Shed for Rink. Shed is being ordered and will be installed by Tim

(my husband) when it arrives.

4. Nutcracker. Still trying to set up meeting with Debbie to discuss.

Metro Edge Figure Skating Club Ice Sale/Swap Policy

July 10, 2010

Recognizing our responsibility to all skaters and coaches of Metro Edge Figure Skating

Club (MEFSC), we believe that every effort should be made to provide practice ice for our skaters to further their skating skills. We also believe that this commitment will be beneficial to our skaters and coaches in financial and time management.

The fulfillment of this policy is the joint responsibility of the Ice Chair, Synchro Liaison,

President, V. President and Board Coach Representative.

The Ice Monitor will maintain accurate records of ice used by skaters and coaches for each club ice session.

Should a request be made by any other skating activity such as synchro, Nutcracker, etc. or the rink, to purchase club ice from MEFSC, a two week lead time will be required. The parties involved will look at the club ice session to determine how heavily the session is utilized, if there are any upcoming individual competitions that will impact our skaters and coaches, and a determination will be made as to the feasibility of the sale.

If a request for sale/swap is accepted, we will endeavor to place a One Call Now and post the information on the website calendar within 24 hours to allow skaters and coaches enough time to find another venue for their practices.

Adopted this _______ day of ______________



Saint Louis Synergy - MEFSC Board Report - August, 2010

The Synchro Committee meets on the 2 nd

Wednesday of each month; all are welcome to attend.

1. Coaches’ Report. Coaches monthly meetings will be held on the 1 st

Thursday of each month; Dresses are moving forward. Coaches will be re-evaluating skaters during Boot

Camp and Coaches will talk to the teams and an email will be sent out to the parents regarding re-evaluation of those skaters who are skating between two teams and want to be re-evaluated; re-evaluations will be on September 2; At this time we are unable to support an Advanced

Formation, older kids that don’t want to skate formation with the younger skaters but are not ready to travel, may possibly join Beginner but can elect not to do Kalamazoo. Coaches to talk with parents. Coaches will discuss discipline enforcement on teams.


Soft Goods. Jenn Wagnon and Colleen Sosbey have worked very hard organizing soft goods that will be available for sale during Boot Camp. Colleen Sosbey has fronted the money and will be paid back as the goods are sold. If everything is sold we will have approximately $1000 profit. Goods will be sold during Boot Camp on Saturday August

21, 28 and Sunday the 29 th (goods will not be sold during the practices during the week);

Jenn will send out information via Constant Contact and have flyers to hand out on the

17 th

and 19 th

; Karen Rosemann has a quote on UnderArmor, which is embroiderable from Johnny Mac’s - it is a starting point in negotiation and Jenn will look further into.

Items for purchase: blanket, knit scarves, attaché case, ball cap, crew neck sweatshirt, drawstring bag, (no lunchbox—all out of stock right now). Will put fleece headbands on list. Coaches interested in something for coaches for practice.

3. Fundraising. Kelly Vance led the discussion and it was decided to have one large fundraiser each year and continue with small year long fundraisers (TJ’s pizza, wreath sales

(could tie in with Nutcracker?), Restaurants, escrip (Schnucks)). Kelly has information on how to run a scrapbooking event from former organization. Discussion as how to divide the profits

- What is the goal for fundraising? Kelly is researching other clubs to see how they divide fundraising profits; Fundraising profits will perhaps be put into account and applied to ice time

or travel for the following year; thereby everyone receiving their prorata share of the funds.

Kelly, Terry, Pat and Joan to meet to go over options, set goals and present to committee next month.

4. Boot Camp. Because of the schedule this year, check in will only be on Saturday

August 21, 28 and Sunday the 29 th ; Will not do wristbands this year; we will contact those skaters who have not turned in their membership papers to do so prior to their first Boot Camp practice so that we have insurance to cover; Constant contact asking people for selling used clothes. Articles ordered from Head to Toe at Summer Camp and during the summer will be available on the Saturdays and Sunday of Boot Camp at the rink; Measurements for costumes and warm-ups will be taken at Boot Camp. Parent Meetings usually held during boot camp will be held at a date in September - coaches will be there to talk about the program and rules for the year; questions and answers.


LTS Coupons. The fall session LTS coupons for Prelim, Beginner and Formation will be given out the first night of Boot Camp.

6. S Program. Suggest to let the Junior Board take the S program and form groups, get volunteers of skaters, perhaps use family system. Ask Ali and Quinn to work with Junior

Board. Coaches will form family groups. Last month we talked about doing a t-shirt instead of charms. We will provide two T-shirts – one team specific and an “S” shirt; The S T-Shirt will be a travel & practice T-shirt. Karen G will get Jenn specifics for S T-Shirt. Will have team Tshirts and S T-shirt distributed at different times.

7. Skate with Synchro Wednesday 6 – 6:30. On 9/15. Ask kids to come in who are available to help out. Could do bring a friend—to learn a routine. Get invitations out by boot camp.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Wise, Synchro Liaison
