Meeting called to order by Chair- Mike V. with the Serenity Prayer at 7:00 pm Central Time
Secretary Report:
Barbara K. - Minutes of October 30th business meeting have been posted on the website. E-mailed
minutes to members. Summation of 13 members in attendance was read; others noted; however
the entire list was not available at this time.
Jimmie D. accepted Secretary Report
Marie T. seconded
Speaker Coordinator Report:
Raynette M. – We need more speakers to participate.
Errol J. accepted Speaker Coordinator Report
Jimmie D. seconded
Karen J. – Asking to go back to the minutes I sent corrections for the minutes, were my
corrections noted in the minutes.
Barbara K. – written reports submitted; scroll down and you will see them.
Welcoming Committee:
Errol J. – All is going well. Welcoming those on the phone line. We are going to set up a
committee meeting.
Barbara K. - Report accepted
Jimmie D. seconded
Web Wizard:
Katie D. – Karen M. and myself have met informally. Karen is making sure all flyers are posted
and is learning about the website in order to fulfill duties in my absence. New information posted
please take a minute to read. Asked all Committee members to send meeting dates to be
posted. There are a couple of motions to discuss later, will provide a written report.
Barbara K. - Report accepted
Jimmie D. - seconded
Moderator Report:
Barbara K. – Thank you, honor to be of service; this is a grateful humbling experience allowing
us to do how we feel we should do spiritually, learning a giving us this experience.
Erroll J. - Report accepted
Yvonne M. - seconded
Treasurer Report: (read by Chair)
Chair – Mike V.- The Group received a letter written by treasurer Dwight S. announcing his
resignation as Treasurer of the Group:
Shannon read resignation letter - “I am resigning as the treasurer of the group. The Three
donations I received are being returned. Thank you for allowing me to serve.” Dwight S.
Shannon B. – I have a willingness and do have the qualifications to step up as the treasurer.
Checked P.O. Box is $30.00/ 6 months and two banks available. More will be revealed, we can
have post office box to start receiving mail this week if the group wants to move forward.
Barbara K. - accepted report
Virginia T. – questioned the reason behind the Treasurer resigning.
Chair asked the group to show courtesy. Asked member to read the Guidelines, which state we
have already adopted the 7th Tradition.
Jimmie D. – accepted report
Chair allowed five minutes to discuss.
Jessi C. – Questioned the intent of the 7th Tradition. The announcement is being made during the
meeting to prepare for. What expense are we preparing for with Pay Pal. If there are expenses
what are they?
Shannon B. – restated a portion of her report for clarification.
Barbara K. - provided reason behind the letter of resignation that was received from the past
Treasurer; to be his personal address being released during the morning meeting without his
Erroll J. - re- stated his morning Meeting announcements in regards to the 7th Tradition and Pay
Pal for clarification.
Chair – Five minutes is up and we will discuss the 7th Tradition in upcoming meetings.
Chair Report:
Mike V. – Special thanks to the Co- Chair and others for their commitment through the adversity
during the last two months. We lost our Treasurer ; suggested members read the Guidelines. In
December we will be resuming monthly meetings. Looking forward to Group Anniversary in
Detroit. Asked if members would be interested in having Christmas Holiday in Recovery.
Attendance is appears to be declining and we need to seek ways to reach out to more people. We
need to start our 7th Tradition as well. Encourages everyone to embrace carrying the message and
eliminate member manipulation of the Traditions. Subcommittee put more efforts in their
positions, continue to have monthly meetings.
Erroll J. – accepted report
Yvonne M. – seconded
Policy & Procedures:
Karen W. - We did not meet this month; we are going over guidelines for conflicts in Guidelines.
In order to update guidelines a list of all motions is needed. Policy has received a list of motions
but have no dispositions on them. The motion when we archive recorded motions they need to
say if the motion passed or failed.
In going over the Guidelines it seems that the group members are under the impression when a
member resigns or a position becomes vacant the co- chair or alternate automatically steps up to
fill the position. The way the Guidelines read now the co-chair fills in for the chair, we need to
elect another chair. It states in our Guidelines that we must select another chair. The co chair can
run for election but an election must take place. The committee plans on meeting in two or three
weeks. The report will be emailed to the Website. The Group & Webmaster will be notified when
the next Policy Committee will be held.
Report accepted
Erroll J. seconded
Mike V. - Jessi Concept 10 destructive behavior, this is all that I have, can someone help
Katie I have it in front of me. The Agenda is different from the minutes they are in
conflict with each other.
Mike V. we accepted report this is old business
Shannon both Jessi and Dwight sent in as New Business but now it is old business.
Mike V. Policy & Procedure: made a recommendation.
Jimmie D.: has experience with 10th Concept I believe we should vote on this motion
brought up
Shannon: It is an agenda items to be discussed.
Jimme D. : Let me know if I am wrong, policy brought back a motion to reinstate,
grievance was done last month.
John K. I just woke up she never had an opportunity to dom it.
Mike V. Policy and Procedure made recommendation we revisit 10 concepts with Jessi
C. I don’t have a clue
Karen: Instead of rehashing over and over again we should vote group conscience
Mike I am going to ask for a count 2/3 votes.
Katie Have the motion read
Mike Have Policy and Procedure read the motion
Barbara K. I have a question while policy is search what are the duties and
responsibilities of the secretary and alternate secretary that your have approved so I can
be o.k. before the vote. I heard the part no one moves up there is something about
alternate secretary that needs to fill the secretary qualifications and duties we are heading
to an outside issue that has nothing to do with secretary and alternate secretary.
Katie: read the qualification of secretary and alternate secretary (see guidelines)
Karen Policy motion recommended that we reinstate Jessi as secretary of group.
Daryl L. Intent interest in-group unity as both sides were different Jessi is willing to be
secretary to the group.
Mike V. Katie are you o.k. with the motion read.
Theron: Barbara with all due respect when we had the motion, we should have never
elected a secretary but we learn.
Barbara: Trying to get some clarity if secretary position is vacant whether it is an outside
issue from my understanding conflict of interest on both parties that is not healthy for NA
as a w hole.
Mike V. Slow down the meeting.
Jimmie D.- call this to a vote
Mike V. Eligible to vote if you made last 2 of 3 meetings.
Joseph B: first of all we are doing things in a arbitratory way if it is our conscience that
this wrong and we are are making a right to reinstate her it is fine. There are no 2/3
votes, it is simply majority. We as group have been acting in the blind there has never
been any discussion on Quorum, how many individuals it takes to conduct business.
Mike V. We are going to start doing it right now
Jessi - reading 10 concept last paragraph; noted Concept 7 & Concept 9
Vote: For Reinstatement 13 Not for Reinstatement 8
Jessi has been reinstated as our Secretary
Mike V. Shannon going to be stepping up Policy & Procedure mentioned something.
Mention people stepping up in position. Dwight stepped down; alternate stepped in to
position until election. Next month we will have nominations.
Are we meeting this month? No, second Saturday of next month December 11th.
Shannon Q recognized in meeting came on at 7:10 p.m. Chicago time.
End of Meeting 8:18 p.m.