Draft Agenda

Sunset Pointe on High Rock HOA
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: April 2, 2012
Meeting Location: Clubhouse
Attendees: Board Members (Mike O’Connell, Andy Randolph, Bob Semrad, Bill
Moore); Property Owners (Debbie and Joel Scott, Lisa Randolph, Roy Mendoza,
Clark Stafford)
Next Meeting: April 30, 2012, 7:30 p.m., Clubhouse
Meeting Called to Order: 7:38 pm
Meeting Adjourned: 8:57 pm
Notes/New Items
 Mike proposing Round-Up on seams between asphalt and concrete in patio
home area. Motion for up to $50 in supplies. Passed (Mike).
 Secure Sunset Pointe Lowes credit card to receive a 5% discount on Lowe’s
purchases (Bob). Done.
 Spring cleanup scheduled for April 21, 9:00 a.m. (ALL) Rain backup is April
o Apply clover control chemicals (Bob). Done.
o Bob wants Round-Up and fire ant killer to in preparation for cleanup
day. Motion for up to $150 for chemicals. Passed (Bob).
o Truck load of pine needles… call Randy Shuler (Bob). How much did
we get before?
o Send recommendation for pine needle supplier to Bob by 4/5 (Clark,
Andy, Bob, Bill). Plan on 390 bales delivered, includes (50) for
Charlie and (40) for Clark.
o Have Debbie send out an official evite (Andy). Clubhouse gathering to
follow cleaning at noon.
 Provide septic pump supplier contact information to Mike (Clark).
 Send final version of clubhouse use agreement to Mike (Andy). Add
agreement to bylaws and submit revised bylaws for approval at next meeting
(Andy). Send updated version of bylaws to all property owners once
completed (Andy, Mike).
 Gather insurance quotes for review at May HOA meeting and make decision
on new policy (Bob). Current policy expires end-of-May.
 Ask Richard Glass for price of Sunset Pointe mail boxes only, no poles
(Mike). Also get quotes on alternatives (Mike).
 Proceed with 2012 lawn maintenance contract through Southern Images
 Road repairs – cracks and potholes:
o Roads generally in good shape except along edges; however, at a
minimum one damaged area towards the back of the sub needs repair
this year where water flows over the road.
o Written bid from Ace for road repairs $4600. Contact them to find out if
proposal is still valid (Bob).
o Ask Bennie for referral for cut and patch, not crack filling (Bill). Not
done yet.
o Make decision by May HOA meeting.
No Committee reports (no activity).
o Memorial weekend social Saturday evening, May 26 (Debbie). Evite
Charlie has volunteered to repair tennis court cracks when he returns
Propose sign and verbage stating No Trespassing at the entry-way (Mike).
Put together letter to send out to owners in good standing requesting
nominations for two open HOA Board positions (Mike).
Bob has a draft architectural review application. Make final proposal at May
HOA meeting (Bob, Clark). Does application need to be added to bylaws?
Fire department would like permission to use our boat ramp. Contact Miller’s
Ferry fire department to grant access (Skip).
Elk’s Lodge poker run stop at Mikey’s dock June 16. Opportunity for us to
showcase Sunset Pointe (ALL).
Pool grand opening scheduled for May 1. File application and arrange
inspection (Bob). Motion to pay fee approved.
Previous Action Items, Carryover
 Residents concerned with foot traffic along water line. Skip volunteering to
put in ‘No Trespassing’ signs (Skip). Not done yet.
 Culvert going under Marina Point is filling with red clay from the marina dirt
pile. Inspect and make a plan (Skip, Bob). Keith Freeman installing silt
fence in exchange for some of the dirt. Should be done soon. Hasn’t
happened yet.
 Tennis court lights? Go look at tennis court lights and make recommendation
including full project scope and cost if we wish to proceed (Mikey Wetzel).
No feedback yet.
 Generate design proposal, bill of materials, and formal quote for tennis court
wall (Mikey). Is a permit required? Not done yet.
 Enter monthly minutes in the members section of the HOA website manually
until the procedure is streamlined after which the Board will do it (Mikey).
 Send list of pool expenses to Mikey to see if he has a cheaper option (Bob,
Mikey). Still looking into it.
Previous Action Items, Completed
 Clark proposing the HOA purchase a septic pump to keep on hand for
emergency use. Problem is that five-year warranty would be expended on a
pump sitting in a closet. Clark to find source that we can use in the future
when needed (Clark Stafford). Stocking a spare pump is not an HOA
function – residents are welcome to purchase a community spare on their
own. Clubhouse pump is an emergency backup with Board approval.
Re-open new claim with Duke for $500 sewer line repair expense (Bob).
Done, check for $250 received.
Residents concerned over lack of rules regarding clubhouse use. Prepare
draft of new bylaw reserving right of HOA to determine utilization (Bob). Draft
presented, reviewed, and accepted.
Received letter from insurance company that they are not going to renew our
policy. Our insurance agent is looking for other providers and will let us know
the rate. When does our current policy expire (Bob)? End of May. Provide
list of other potential insurers for more quotes (Bill). Kurt Cronefeld? E-mail
contact information to Bob (Bill). Done.
Ask Richard Glass if he is still interested in supplying mailboxes to Sunset
Pointe (Mike). Yes. What is the cost (Mike)? $189 per mailbox but requires
$2472 in street sign poles.
Padlocks on pool gates have been replaced; new combination GATE. Lock
on tennis court is POOL.
Contract Southern Images for 2012 lawn maintenance contract (Bob).
Quotes gathered.
o Condo area $65/cut.
o Clubhouse/tennis court $65/cut.
o Roadway $85/cut.
o Surcharge of 3-5% if gasoline exceeds $4/gallon.
o Motion passed to proceed. Done.