LCM AZ Treasurer Policies

Procedures for the Treasurer of Lutheran
Cursillo Movement of Arizona
This is not, will not be, and is not intended to be a
comprehensive Procedures manual. It is intended to ease
the transition of a newly elected Treasurer. It should be
viewed as a dynamic document and can be added to or
subtracted from as necessary. Each Treasurer should review
this document within the last 90 days of their tenure and
update as necessary. An electronic copy should be
forwarded to the new Treasurer.
What do to after election to Treasurer?
1) Meet with out-going Treasurer to pick up records, files,
passwords for accounts, etc.
2) Meet at a Chase branch with the current President,
Secretary and out-going Treasurer of Secretariat to
change signors. You must bring minutes of the meeting
indicating there has been a change in treasurer, and
President and/or Secretary, if applicable. Make sure that
signors are changed in LCMA account ONLY. Do not
change signors on the account for NLSAM08.
3) If not done by the outgoing Treasurer, clean out the
files. Retain all tax returns and deposits/expenses with
monthly financial statements indefinitely. Other files can
destroyed, e.g., only the current CCLI license, insurance
policy and Arizona Corporate Commission report need
be retained.
Passwords as of January 2008: Maintain confidentially
1) Online access to Chase Bank account number , User ID ,
2) for website hosting. Account number ,
password (case sensitive) .
Timing and Amount of recurring expenses (amounts as of 12/07)
1) CCLI license-annually, around September, $223.00
2) AZ. Corporate Commission-annually, May-$10
a) Be sure to change the officers and statutory agent
(s/b treasurer)
3) Liability insurance-annually, late November. $1143
4) Dues to National Via de Christo movement-annually in
March ($250 or $3/participant for the previous year,
whichever is LESS)
5) Supply storage-Mobile Mini-monthly, mid-month, 51.35
per unit (2). Also-$100 each for drop-off and pickup for
weekends ($400/weekend)
6) Weekend Rector(a) fund-$100 paid at first Secretariat
meeting attended by called Rector(a)
7) Weekend Food Fund-$1200 paid to Head Cook by the 2nd
team meeting
8) Weekend Bible Fund-$350 paid to Rector(a) or Head
Cook by 3rd team meeting
9) Weekend rent ($1700) and security ($240)-paid as billed
Recording of deposits and expenses
1) ALL donation checks should be copied before
depositing-see Exhibit 1
2) Copy the deposit slip-see Exhibit 1
3) After depositing, attach deposit verification to copies of
checks and deposit slip. See Exhibit 1.
a. Note any Head Cook refund of food money as
such, THIS IS NOT A DONATION. (see section on
Head Cook Fund Accounting)
4) When paying any expenses with an invoice, make a
copy of the invoice and write on our copy; “PAID”,
5) For expenses with no invoice (weekend expenses for
food, bibles, etc, will be the most common of these) Log
date paid and amount in Financial Reports (see section
on Preparing Financial Statements)
6) Any expenses paid to Secretariat and/or Community
members for supplies MUST have a receipt to be
reimbursed. Mark the receipts as described in #4 above.
7) At month end a copy of the bank statement on-line
should be printed to show all checks and deposits that
have cleared. Place a checkmark in the checkbook for
all cleared checks.
8) Attach the on-line printout and copies of all deposits
and expenses to a printout of the monthly financial
statements and retain.
Head Cook Food Fund Accounting
1) Head Cook should be sent the Excel file for
accounting for food funds within 2 weeks of receiving the
2) After giving the HC a couple weeks to rest after the
weekend, send an email requesting the form be returned,
with a check if there is a surplus
3) Food Funds are to be used for weekend pictures, as well.
4) Head Cook may use another format if they wish. The key is
to account for all revenue (team donations, food fund,
Bible funds, etc) and expenses.
a. At least every 2-3 years these should be reviewed to
determine if adequate funds are being provided.
5) Team members’ checks should be deposited and a check
for the balance of those made out to the head cook
a. MAKE COPIES of team donations. These ARE
b. Accounting for team checks and how they are posted
is covered in the section Preparing Financial
Tax Issues
1) As of 2007, donors must have a receipt for any charitable
donations TOTALING more than $250 in a calendar year for
tax purposes. A letter (LCMA donation letter.doc) should
be sent after receiving any SINGLE donation of $250 or
more at the time the donation is received.
2) Copies of all deposited checks can be used to verify
TOTAL donations over $250 by one individual (family).
Tradition has been that those donating in these amounts
request a letter. Future Treasurers may choose to develop
a system to track individual donations and send letters at
the end of the year for those totaling $250 or more.
3) Preparation of annual tax returns for LCMA has been done
in the past by Don Herman, a member of our community.
Don can be reached 623-xxx-xxxx. In the past, Don has
offered tax preparation as palanca. Nonetheless, courtesy
would dictate we offer to pay for his services. Don will let
the Treasurer know what he requires to complete the
forms. Typically, it is total receipts and total expenses. It is
best to wait until after April 15th to contact Don because
he’s working on individual returns until then. LCMA returns
are due in May. IMPORTANT: LCMA also has under its
corporation Tirosh, and as of 12/07, NLSAM 08 (Don is
treasurer). These funds must also be included in or tax
return. Contacting the Tirosh Treasurer is necessary to get
their information.
Preparation of Financial Statements-see Exhibit 3
1) This is not intended to be a tutorial on Excel. The Treasurer
should have working knowledge of multiple worksheet
files, basic formulas and establishing formats.
2) A CD is provided with past financial reports on them and it
is suggested these be used for reference
3) The treasurer should set up a new file for each year using
Excel with a worksheet tab for each month
4) The file is currently set up such that page 1 is a snapshot
of Revenues and Expenses for the current month, page 2
breaks down revenue to several subsets, pages 3-4
provides for recording expenses to specific operational
areas and page 5 provides beginning and ending balances
for the month for the various funds.
5) The Revenue recorded on page 2 will total and fill in the
Total Revenue spot on page 1 (i.e., currently the total in
C59 is recorded in B6 and D6)
6) Individual expenses must be recorded BOTH in their
appropriate place on pages 3-4 AND manually entered on
page 1. The page one entries allow for notes describing
who was paid, when and what check number.
7) At month-end it is CRITICAL that the Treasurer double
check (foot and cross-foot) that ALL revenue and expenses
are entered and the sums on pages 2-4 are reflected on
pages 1 and 5.
8) At the end of the year, upon setting up the next year’s
reports, the values in Columns C on pages 2-4 (collectively
“Monthly-Actual”) should be copied and pasted to the
corresponding month’s worksheet for the New Year in
Column E. This should also be done for “Year-To-Date”
results by copying Column G from prior reports to Column
I for the New Year. This will provide for data that can
subsequently be mined to develop cash flow projections
and to track expenses and their timing.
9) The “Ending Balance” in each of the funds on page 5
MUST be the beginning balance on the next month’s
The cells D28 and E148-154 will reflect the “Net
Change” in funds, or the positive or negative cash flow.
The Prescott Food Fund is replenished regularly. The
Cursillistas in Prescott send cash and $100 is transferred
for each weekend to the Head Cook for food palanca.
Accounting for changes in this fund are a little different
than described above.
a. Pastor Bob Collins is the current contact for this. He
should be notified when the fund is low. He can be
emailed at
b. The accounting is done by;
i. 1) entering an expense in C137 for Prescott food
ii. 2) making an entry under expenses on page 1
for Prescott Food Fund (see 10/07 Financial
report for example)
iii. 3) A manual entry to E155 on page 5 of negative
$100 or $200.
iv. 4) This amount must also be added manually to
E148, Gen. Rev. Funds Change.
v. This is done because in the past, rather than
adding the funds to the cook’s $1200 only to
have it returned after the weekend, this transfer
from one fund to another is done just within the
vi. Deposits are handled similarly, added into
general revenues, and making manual entries
on the fund balances with a positive number
going into the Prescott fund and a
corresponding negative entry backing out the
deposited funds from the Gen Rev account.
The monthly financial report, once checked and
double-checked should be saved to a separate file and
emailed to Secretariat in advance of the monthly meeting. It
is advisable to make a few copies for those that forget to
bring them.
It is the treasurer’s responsibility to present the
financials at each meeting and answer questions. Robert’s
Rules of Order preclude the Treasurer from either moving
or seconding the acceptance of the reports.