Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society The Graduate Center, The City University of New York Senior International Fellows Program Fall 2007 Program Calendar & Class Syllabus Seminar sessions are indicated with an asterisk (*) and will meet as indicated below. Meetings are generally held from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at The Graduate Center in room 6300, UNLESS otherwise indicated. We recommend checking the syllabus and calendar daily to review the time and place for all program activities. Program Assignments & Expectations: Fellows are to attend seminar sessions, scheduled meetings and other group events, as well as to complete assigned readings. Short (1-2 page) abstracts are recommended for assigned readings (particularly those marked with an “A”), but are not required. Reading materials: Unless noted otherwise in the syllabus, assigned readings will be posted to the Center’s website. To access seminar readings (arranged alphabetically) and other program materials, visit: Position Paper: Each Fellow will write a 10-page position with recommendations to facilitate the development or expansion of: (a) community philanthropy locally and regionally; and/or (b) the culture and institutions of philanthropy and the civil society in his/her home region; and/or (c) diaspora/transnational philanthropy in order to facilitate the transfer of funds from non-residents for development in the home country or in support of global engagement. The specific details of your paper will be worked out in accordance with your proposal and staff at the Center. However, all Fellows are to consider which aspects of foundation work or NGO/NPO activities in other parts of the world are appropriate for encouraging the growth of community foundations, diaspora philanthropy or a culture of philanthropy in their home communities and countries. All position papers should focus on practical applications and include recommendations for “next steps” to be taken. These papers will be shared in the seminar during the last week of the program and completed papers must be turned in by mid-day Friday November 9th. Friday November 9, 2007 is also the final due date for paper abstracts and executive summaries, as well as program evaluations. SIFP – Syllabus 2007 Senior International Fellows Program Updated 10/22/07 WEEK I OCTOBER 15 (Monday) Time/Place: Event: 10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m., The Graduate Center, room 6300 GC orientation meeting with Sara Oommen, Associate Director, Office of Human Resources, The Graduate Center, CUNY Assignments/ Notes: Bring your passport and travel documents with you. Time/Place: Event: 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., The Graduate Center, room 6300 Welcome and Orientation Meeting, with Eugene Miller and Barbara Leopold Assignments/ Notes: Please come prepared to introduce yourself (briefly identifying your professional work; the topic of your position paper, and what you hope to achieve during the program). Time/Place: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m., The Graduate Center, room 3305 *Event: Topic: Speaker: Readings: Seminar Overview on Foundations in the US and beyond James Allen Smith, Waldemar A. Nielsen Professor of Philanthropy, Georgetown University Leslie Lenkowsky, “Foundations and Corporate America, in The State of Nonprofit America, ed. Lester M. Salamon, 355-386 (Washington, DC: Brookings Institute Press, 2002) "A" [Photocopy provided in your welcome packet. Also available in .PDF on CPCS website.] James Smith, “The Evolving American Foundation,” in Philanthropy and the Nonprofit Sector in a Changing America, ed. C. Clotfelter and T. Erlich, 34-51 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999). [Photocopy provided in your welcome packet.%] Foundation Center, Foundation Today Series, 2007 editions “Key Facts on Community Foundations” “Highlights of Foundation Yearbook” “Highlights of Foundation Giving Trends” [Photocopies provided in your welcome packet. Also available in .PDF on CPCS website% and at: ] Throughout the Foundation Center’s 50th anniversary year in 2006, Philanthropy News Digest featured a special series of Newsmakers interviews that illuminate both the current state and the future of American philanthropy. The series includes interviews with 15 leaders in the field. The interviews are available online at: OCTOBER 16 (Tuesday) Time/Place: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m., The Graduate Center, room 8106 *Event: Topic: Speaker: Seminar Diaspora Philanthropy Peter F. Geithner, Advisor to the Asia Center, Global Equity Initiative, and Ash Institute, Harvard University Unless noted otherwise in the syllabus, assigned readings will be posted to the Center’s website. To access seminar readings (arranged alphabetically) and other program materials, visit: 2 SIFP – Syllabus 2007 Senior International Fellows Program Updated 10/22/07 Reading(s): Paula Doherty Johnson, “Diaspora Philanthropy: Influences, Initiatives, and Issues.” (The Philanthropy Initiative Inc., and The Global Equity Initiative, May 2007). % "A" Nick Young and June Shih, “Philanthropic Links between the Chinese Diaspora and The People’s Republic of China” in Diaspora Philanthropy and Equitable Development in China and India, ed. Peter F. Geithner, et al. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004): 129-175 (chapter 4). “Overview” in Diaspora Philanthropy and Equitable Development in China and India, ed. Peter F. Geithner, et al. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004): xiii-xxii. [Article available in .PDF %; full volume available in CPCS resource room, 5401.01] Barbara J. Merz and Lincoln Chen, “Cross-Border Philanthropy and Equity / Filantropía Transfronteriza y Equidad” in New Patterns for Mexico / Nuevas Pautas para México, ed, Barbara J. Merz (Global Equity Initiative, Harvard University, 2005): 212-254 (ch. 6 / in English and Spanish) % "A" OCTOBER 17 (Wednesday) Time/Place: 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., The Graduate Center, room 6300 *Event: Seminar Topic: The Early U.S. Community Foundations: the Case of New York Community Trust Speaker: Robert Edgar, Vice President, Donor Relations, New York Community Trust Readings: Paula Doherty Johnson and Stephen P. Johnson, “Tools for Good: A Guide to Vehicles for Philanthropy and Charitable Giving,” in Rethinking Philanthropic Effectiveness, ed. Dirk Eilinghoff, Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2005. % "A" Jennifer Leonard, “Creating Community Capital: Birth and Growth of Community Foundations.” in An Agile Servant, ed. Richard Magat (The Foundation Center, 1989): 89103. % Mariam C. Noland, “Grants: Giving Life to the Public Trust” in An Agile Servant, ed. Richard Magat (The Foundation Center, 1989): 121-135. % “National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations,” Council on Foundations, 2004 and “Public Support Test for community foundations and other public charities” "A" [photocopy to be provided] Time/Place: Event: 6:00 p.m., Todai restaurant, 6 East 32nd Street (between Madison and Fifth Avenues) Welcome Dinner Unless noted otherwise in the syllabus, assigned readings will be posted to the Center’s website. To access seminar readings (arranged alphabetically) and other program materials, visit: 3 SIFP – Syllabus 2007 Senior International Fellows Program Updated 10/22/07 OCTOBER 18 (Thursday) Time/Place: *Event: Readings: 7:15 a.m. train departing Penn Station (between 7th & 8 Avenues / 31st-33rd St.) for All day trip for mid-morning meeting at The World Bank, 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433, tel. 202.458.4197 (depart Penn Station, 34th St. & Seventh Ave. c. 8:00 am; return c. 8:00 pm) Meeting with Juraj Mesik, Senior Community Foundation Specialist, Social Development Department Suzanne L. Feurt and Eleanor Sacks, “An International Perspective on the History, Development, and Characteristics of Community Foundations,” in Building Philanthropic and Social Capital: The Work of Community Foundations” edited by Peter Walkenhorst (Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers, 2001). [Available in .PDF ; Copies of the full volume are available for borrowing from CPCS library.] Eleanor W. Sacks, 2005 Community Foundation Global Status Report (WINGS-CF, 2004). The report consists of: an Executive Summary; Part I “Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support – Community Foundations”; and Part II “Country Profiles”. Please read the Executive Summary and begin reviewing the Country Profiles. "A" [Available on the CPCS website% and at] The Community Foundation Difference. Describing What Makes Us Special. Ottawa, ON, Canada: Community Foundations of Canada, 2002. [Available in .PDF at:] "A" Visit the World Bank’s social development page: . OCTOBER 19 (Friday) Time/Place: Event: Assignments/ Notes: 3:00 – 4:00 p.m., The Foundation Center, 79 Fifth Avenue (at 15th Street), 2nd floor Resources Orientation with Susan Shiroma, Senior Librarian [212.620.4230] Problem statement and detailed working outlines for position papers are due. Please provide copies electronically to Amal Muhammad ( and Barbara Leopold ( Unless noted otherwise in the syllabus, assigned readings will be posted to the Center’s website. To access seminar readings (arranged alphabetically) and other program materials, visit: 4 SIFP – Syllabus 2007 Senior International Fellows Program Updated 10/22/07 WEEK II OCTOBER 22 (Monday) Time/Place: *Event: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., The Graduate Center, room 6300 Peer Learning Session, facilitated by Barbara Leopold Time/Place: Event: 1:00 -2:30 p.m., Synergos Institute, 51 Madison Avenue, 21st Floor (1-212-447-8111) Roundtable Discussion Topic: Mobilizing Resources and Building Bridges Speaker(s): Synergos Institute’s Strengthening Bridging Organizations Program staff: Cristina Parnetti, Senior Program Officer, Latin America; Azeen Salimi, Program Officer, Senior Fellows; Shari Turitz, Director, Strengthening Bridging Organizations, and Country Director, Brazil Readings: Foundation Building: Sourcebook (Synergos Institute, 2000). Select chapter(s) of relevance to your paper and your professional work. [Copies available in the CPCS library for borrowing.] Helmut Anheier and David Winder. “Innovations in Strategic Philanthropy—Lessons from Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, and Latin America” in Rethinking Philanthropic Effectiveness. Lessons from an International Network of Foundation Experts, ed. Dirk Eilinghoff, 145-159. "A" OCTOBER 23 (Tuesday) Time/Place: *Event: Topic: Speaker: Readings: 9:45 – 11:45 a.m., The Graduate Center, room 6300 Seminar The Political Role of Foundations Andrew Rich, Associate Professor of Political Science, City College and The Graduate Center, CUNY; Associate Director, Colin Powell Center for Policy Studies, City College; Acting Director, Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society Andrew Rich, “War of Ideas and the think tanks they support. Why mainstream and liberal foundations are losing in the war of ideas in American politics, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Spring 2005: 18-25. "A" “Foundation Growth and Giving Estimates. Current Outlook,” Foundation Today Series, Foundation Center, 2006 edition. [Posted on the CPCS website% and at:; photocopies also available] Time/Place: *Event: Topic: Speaker(s): Readings: 2:30 – 4:30 p.m., BrazilFoundation, 345 Seventh Avenue. (between 29th & 30th Streets), suite 1401 Seminar Diaspora Philanthropy: the Case of BrazilFoundation Leona Forman, President and CEO, BrazilFoundation Leona S. Forman, “BrazilFoundation: Transnational Bridging for Social Changes” [conference paper] 5 SIFP – Syllabus 2007 Senior International Fellows Program Updated 10/22/07 Interview with Leona Forman in “Note from the Foundation World, CPCS newsletter, Spring 2006: 4-6 [Available on the CPCS website%; printed copies also included in your welcome packet] "A" Leona Forman, Sheila Nogueira and Gláucio Gomes, “In Search of Equity in Brazil.” A BrazilFoundation Perspective, Revista, Spring 2007: 37-41.% "A" Catalina Samper Horak, “Colombian Diaspora Philanthropy in the United States” (Paper for Advanced Seminar in Nonprofit Management, Milano Graduate School). % OCTOBER 24 (Wednesday) Time/Place: *Event: Topic: Speaker(s): Reading(s): 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., The Graduate Center, room 6300 Seminar (re)Defining Community – the Example of the Korean American Community Foundation Amy S. Ahn, Director of Program Development, KACF/Korean American Community Foundation Jessica Chao, Topics in Asian American Philanthropy and Voluntarism. An Extension Course Guide (Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, GC, CUNY) – See especially Seminars 1, 5, 6. "A" Racial, Ethnic and Tribal Philanthropy. A Scan of the Landscape. Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers, November 2006. Available on CPCS website and OCTOBER 25 (Thursday) Time/Place: *Event: Topic: Speaker(s): Time/Place: *Event: Topic: Speaker: Reading(s): 10:30 – 12:30 a.m., The Graduate Center, room 6300 Seminar Raising the Public Profile of Philanthropy through Membership, Education and Partnerships Elizabeth Cham, Senior Research Fellow in Philanthropy, University of Melbourne; former National Director of Philanthropy Australia 2:00 – 4:00 p.m., The Graduate Center, room 6300 Seminar Building a Culture of Philanthropy: the Case of Mexico Marcela Orvañanos de Rovzar, Founder & Executive Director, FONDEA Asesorías S.C. (México); and former Senior Fellow, CPCS Marcela O de Rovzar and Almundena Ocejo, “New Social Investment Fund for Mexico City [Fondo de Estrategia Social (FES)]” Alliance 10, no. 4 (December 2005): 5. "A" Merilee S. Grindle, “Strengthening Philanthropy and Civil Society Through Policy Reform: From Proposals to Action,” in Philanthropy and Social Change in Latin America, ed. Cynthia Sanborn and Felipe Portocarrero (Harvard University, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, 2005): 415-426 Unless noted otherwise in the syllabus, assigned readings will be posted to the Center’s website. To access seminar readings (arranged alphabetically) and other program materials, visit: 6 SIFP – Syllabus 2007 Senior International Fellows Program Updated 10/22/07 Cynthia Sanborn, “Philanthropy in Latin America: Historical Traditions and Current Trends” in: Philanthropy and Social Change in Latin America, ed. Cynthia Sanborn and Felipe Portocarrero (Harvard University, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, 2005): 3-29. OCTOBER 26 (Friday) Day reserved for meetings/research/writing Assignments/ Notes: First (rough) drafts of research papers are due. (Please send electronic copy to, with cc. to 7 SIFP – Syllabus 2007 Senior International Fellows Program Updated 10/22/07 WEEK III OCTOBER 29 (Monday) Time/Place: *Event: Topic: Speaker(s): Reading(s): 9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., The Graduate Center, room 8304 (extended seminar) Seminar Community Foundations: an Overview Dorothy Reynolds, Consultant on Community Foundations Lucy Bernholz, K. Fulton, and G. Kasper, On the Brink of New Promise. The Future of U.S. Community Foundations (Blueprint Research & Design and The Monitor Institute). "A" [Available in .PDF on the Center's website and at:] Mott Foundation, Community Foundations. Building a New South Africa Through Community Philanthropy and Community Development. Pamphlet (Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, 2000).% Mott Foundation, “Sowing the Seeds of Local Philanthropy. Two Decades in the Field of Community Foundations” Pamphlet (Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, 2001). [Available in .PDF on the CPCS website%; copies also available for borrowing from CPCS resource room.] OCTOBER 30 (Tuesday) Time/Place: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., The Graduate Center, room 6300 *Event: Peer Learning Session, facilitated by Barbara Leopold OCTOBER 31 (Wednesday) Time/Place: *Event: Topic: Speaker(s): Reading(s): 1:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, 475 Riverside Drive (at 120th St.), Suite 1842. Tel. 212.870.2936 [Linda Williams] Seminar Community Foundations and the Convening Role (+ the foundation role in share holder activism) Laura Berry, Executive Director, Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility; former Senior Vice President for Philanthropic Services, The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven Emmett D. Carson, “The Road Not Yet Traveled: A Community Foundation Movement for Social Justice.” Paper presented at the Community Foundations: Symposium on a Global Movement, Berlin, Germany, December 4, 2004. "A" Lucy Bernholz, K. Fulton, and G. Kasper, On the Brink of New Promise. The Future of U.S. Community Foundations (Blueprint Research & Design and The Monitor Institute). [Also assigned for D. Reynolds' 10/29 seminar] % NOVEMBER 1 (Thursday) Day reserved for meetings/research/writing Unless noted otherwise in the syllabus, assigned readings will be posted to the Center’s website. To access seminar readings (arranged alphabetically) and other program materials, visit: 8 SIFP – Syllabus 2007 Senior International Fellows Program Updated 10/22/07 NOVEMBER 2 (Friday) Time/Place: *Event: Topic: Speaker(s): Assignments/ Notes: Readings: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., The Graduate Center, room 8203 Seminar Foundation Evaluation Ed Pauly, Director of Evaluation, Wallace Foundation Please come to the seminar prepared to identify: - a program or project you have been involved with as grantmaker or grantee that you think would have benefited from a different kind of evaluation (or from an evaluation if no evaluation occurred); and - 2 issues or questions you would have liked to have answered (that weren’t). Ed Pauly, “The Role of Evaluation in the 21st Century Foundation” in Rethinking Philanthropic Effectiveness, ed. Dirk Eilinghoff (Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2005): 95-110. "A" Francie Ostrower, Foundation Effectiveness. Definitions and Challenges. (Urban Institute, November 2004). [Available on at the CPCS website% and] Unless noted otherwise in the syllabus, assigned readings will be posted to the Center’s website. To access seminar readings (arranged alphabetically) and other program materials, visit: 9 SIFP – Syllabus 2007 Senior International Fellows Program Updated 10/22/07 WEEK IV NOVEMBER 5 (Monday) Time/Place: *Event: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m., The Graduate Center, room 6300 Seminar: Fellows’ presentations of position papers (2) NOVEMBER 6 (Tuesday) Time/Place: *Event: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m., The Graduate Center, room 6300 Seminar: Fellows’ presentations of position papers (2) NOVEMBER 7 (Wednesday) Time/Place: *Event: 10:0 0 – 11:00 a.m., The Graduate Center, room 6300 Seminar: Fellows’ presentations of position papers (1) Time/Place: Event: 12:00 – 2:00 p.m., The Ford Foundation, 320 East 43rd Street (between 2nd & 1st Avenues) Informal lunch meeting and discussion with members of the GrantCraft project and the International Initiative for Strengthening Philanthropy (IISP) Assignments/ Notes: Familiarize yourself with the materials on the craft of grantmaking available on the project’s website – ; and read about the Ford IISP at: Readings: Select and read any GrantCraft project case studies relevant to your work [ or see printed copies in CPCS resource room]. NOVEMBER 8 (Thursday) Assignments/ Notes: Time/Place: Event: Day reserved for revisions, editing and executive Summaries. Program evaluations and meetings lists are due by 5 p.m. 8:00 p.m., Bridge Café, 247 Water Street (at Dover) Farewell Dinner NOVEMBER 9 (Friday) Assignments/ Notes: 10 Final position papers and executive summaries are due by 12:00 p.m.