Guidelines and Expectations for Miss

Guidelines and Expectations for Mrs. Havlak’s Classroom
Course Outline – Advanced English II
English II is a full-year course emphasizing reading, writing, vocabulary, and oral
communication skills. As part of the course we will be using the Elements of Literature,
fourth course and the Elements of Writing, fourth course. Vocabulary words will be
taken from the Vocabulary Workshop, fourth course. In addition, there will be daily
exercises in grammar, mechanics, and usage. Throughout the course of the year we will
study many different genres of literature including the novel, the short story, drama, and
poetry. To Kill a Mockingbird and Fahrenheit 451 are the novels we will read in class
this year along with the play Antigone. Assessments will include essays, objective tests,
quizzes, open response questions, and projects. Midyear and final exams will be given.
On occasion, films will be shown to enhance the unit/lesson covered in class. Following
is a list of possible films to be shown in class. If you object to any or all of the following
films, please indicate that on the form in the back.
The Emperor’s Club
Finding Forrester
Freedom Writers
To Kill a Mockingbird
Hey Boo: Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird
Akeelah and the Bee
Conduct and Behavior
1. All students are expected to act in a manner that is respectful and courteous
towards staff and other students. Students who disrupt the educational process
can expect the following consequences:
a. First Offense – Verbal Warning
b. Second Offense – Points lost on student’s rubric grade
c. Third Offense – Afterschool detention (possible phone call home)
Continued misbehavior will result in a student being removed from the classroom and a
discipline report being sent to the assistant principal.
2. All students are expected to arrive to class on time and prepared to work. When
the bell rings, you are expected to be seated, quiet, and ready to work with the
appropriate materials (ie: pen, pencil, paper, book, homework, textbook(s), and a
notebook). Students who arrive late to class or come to class unprepared will lose
points on the daily rubric.
3. Cell phones and other electronic devices should be put away during class unless
they are explicitly being used for educational purposes as directed by the teacher.
Students using electronic devices for non-educational purposes will first be given
a warning. Students who need subsequent reminders will face other disciplinary
actions including but not limited to losing points on their daily rubric and
lunch/afterschool detentions.
4. Students are responsible for making up missed work. If a student is absent he or
she should arrange to get the assignment from either another student or myself.
Students who intentionally miss class will not be allowed to make up missed
5. With the exception of water, no food or drink is allowed during class.
6. In addition to these rules, rules that are explained in the handbook also apply in
this class.
Homework Policy
1. All homework is due at the beginning of class. Late homework assignments will
not be accepted unless you have an excused absence. If you know you are going
to miss class due to a sporting event, field trip, or appointment, check with me in
advance to find out the assignment for that day. If you are absent, check with
another student or see me to find out the work that was missed. You can also call
the school or email me at for your assignment.
2. Essays and projects handed in late will lose five points per day off the total score.
Grading Policy
1. Your grade will be comprised of tests, quizzes, essays, homework, classwork, and
a rubric (See Student Accountability Rubric in the Student Handbook). All work
will be assigned a point value. At the end of the quarter, the student’s grade will
be the average of the total number of points divided by the total number of
possible points. For example, if a student earns 810 points out of 900 possible
points, his or her score would be a 90%.
2. Any student caught cheating will receive zero points for that assignment.
3. I am available for extra help afterschool on Monday and Wednesday unless other
arrangements are made.
4. Extra credit opportunities will occasionally be offered to the whole class but not
on an individual basis.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read the guidelines and expectations for Mrs. Havlak’s classroom and understand
Student’s Signature
Parent/Guardian’s Signature
Email Address: _______________________________________
Phone Number: _______________________________________