Council of the European Union Brussels, 10 October 2014 (OR. en) 13676/14 ADD 2 Interinstitutional File: 2013/0442 (COD) LIMITE ENV 788 ENER 410 IND 264 TRANS 452 ENT 207 SAN 361 PARLNAT 241 CODEC 1893 NOTE From: To: General Secretariat of the Council Delegations No. prev. doc.: 13270/14 ENV 764 ENER 40 IND 249 TRANS 432 ENT 198 SAN 347 PARLNAT 231 CODEC 1832 18170/13 ENV 1236 ENER 601 IND 389 TRANS 694 ENT 357 SAN 557 PARLNAT 326 CODEC 3089 - COM(2013) 919 final No. Cion doc.: Subject: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from medium combustion plants - Comments from delegations Delegations will find in the Annex a non-paper received from Belgium on the setting of an emission limit value (ELV) for carbon monoxide (CO) under the proposal for an MCP Directive. ____________________ 13676/14 ADD 2 CM/nv DG E 1A LIMITE 1 EN ANNEX BELGIUM Non-paper from Belgium on the setting of an emission limit value (ELV) for carbon monoxide (CO) under the proposal for an MCP Directive Context The proposal for an MCP directive concerns combustion plants, engines, and gas turbines with a rated thermal equal to or greater than 1 MW and less than 50 MW. It strives to set new emission limit values (ELVs) for three types of pollutant, namely, sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM). The meeting document of 19 September 2014 presents the latest developments in the emission limit values per type of pollutant. The emission limit value tables from this meeting document (annexed hereto) show that the combustion plants, engines, and natural gas-fired turbines must comply with the ELVs for a single pollutant (NOx or nitrogen oxides) only. Basic principles of combustion Natural gas is composed for the most part of hydrocarbon chains in the form of methane (CH4), whereas the air supporting combustion (combustion air) is composed primarily of oxygen (close to 21%) and nitrogen (more than 78%). In the presence of a spark or intense source of heat, methane reacts with oxygen to produce either a flame that is then maintained and stabilized in the case of furnaces or gas turbines or an explosion in the case of gas engines. The fundamental equations of combustion are as follows: (1) C + O2 CO2 H2 + 0.5 O2 H2O S + O2 SO2 In the case of methane, CH4 + 202 CO2 + 2H2O. The theoretical quantity of air is the exact quantity of air needed for the oxygen that it contains to allow complete combustion. That means a perfect combustion air/fuel mixture. Meeting the theoretical air requirement is not enough. In practice, the various types of combustion plant require an additional air supply (excess air) for complete combustion. The consequence of this excess air is the addition of more oxygen than necessary. 13676/14 ADD 2 CM/nv DG E 1A LIMITE 2 EN The EEA (European Environmental Agency) gives a list of the main pollutants in the EMEP/EEA Emission Inventory Guidebook 2013, to wit, “Relevant [combustion] polluants are SO2, NOx, NMVOC, particulate matter (PM), black carbon (BC), heavy metals, PAH, polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins and furans (PCDD/F) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB).” (2) The EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) specifies the pollutants that are generated by certain types of natural gas-fired plant, as follows: “The emissions from natural gas-fired boilers and furnaces include nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), trace amounts of sulfur dioxide (SO2), and particulate matter (PM).” (3) "The primary criteria pollutants from natural gas-fired reciprocating engines are oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and volatile organic compounds (VOC). The formation of nitrogen oxides is exponentially related to combustion temperature in the engine cylinder. The other pollutants, CO and VOC species, are primarily the result of incomplete combustion. Particulate matter (PM) emissions include trace amounts of metals, non-combustible inorganic material, and condensible, semi-volatile organics which result from volatized lubricating oil, engine wear, or from products of incomplete combustion.” (4) “The primary pollutants from gas turbine engines are nitrogen oxides (NOX), carbon monoxide (CO), and to a lesser extent, volatile organic compounds (VOC). Particulate matter (PM) is also a primary pollutant for gas turbines using liquid fuels. Nitrogen oxide formation is strongly dependent on the high temperatures developed in the combustor. Carbon monoxide, VOC, hazardous air pollutants (HAP), and PM are primarily the result of incomplete combustion. Trace to low amounts of HAP and sulfur dioxide (SO2) are emitted from gas turbines. Ash and metallic additives in the fuel may also contribute to PM in the exhaust.” (5) When it comes to the pollutants in the NOx family, the mechanism of NOx formation is triggered when the oxygen (02) in the combustion air reacts with the nitrogen (N2) under the effect of the flame’s high temperature. In this case one speaks of thermal NOx. Reduction of NOx emissions. The simplest method for reducing NOx emissions is to reduce the excess air (see the figure below). Another possibility is to opt for techniques that lower the temperature of the flame. NOx emissions control systems such as low NOx burners and flue gas recirculation (FGR) are frequently installed in combustion plants and appliances, either from the start or by retrofitting. Reducing the excess air in order to reduce the NOx emissions can lead to incomplete combustion. A reduced air supply usually also lowers the plant’s combustion efficiency and increases the emissions of other pollutants, such as: 13676/14 ADD 2 CM/nv DG E 1A LIMITE 3 EN “Carbon monoxide The rate of CO emissions from boilers depends on the efficiency of natural gas combustion. Improperly tuned boilers and boilers operating at off-design levels decrease combustion efficiency resulting in increased CO emissions. In some cases, the addition of NOx control systems such as low NOx burners and flue gas recirculation (FGR) may also reduce combustion efficiency, resulting in higher CO emissions relative to uncontrolled burners.” (6) Note: If carbon monoxide is present in large amounts in confined, unventilated spaces, it can have detrimental health effects, to the point of being lethal in some cases. The types of plant that come under the scope of the proposed MCP Directive are characterised by high input levels and thus involve particularly high air flow and pollutant emissions levels compared with household appliances and the internal combustion engines found in motor vehicles. The presence of combustion plant in closed technical areas creates a risk that may be major if its carbon monoxide (CO) emissions are not controlled. “Volatile Organic Compounds The rate of COV emissions from boilers and furnaces also depends on combustion efficiency. VOC emissions are minimized by combustion practices that promote high combustion temperature, long residence times at those temperatures, and turbulent mixing of fuel and combustion air. Trace amounts of VOC species in the natural gas fuel (e.g. formaldehyde and benzene) may also contribute to VOC emissions if they are not completely combusted in the boiler.” (7) Note: Although they are not concerned by the proposal for an MCP Directive, COVs are subject to national emissions ceilings under the NEC Directive. “Particulate Matter Because natural gas is a gaseous fuel, filterable PM emissions are typically low. Particulate matter from natural gas combustion has been estimated to be less than 1 micrometer in size and has filterable and condensable fractions. Particulate matter in natural gas combustion are usually larger molecular weight hydrocarbons that are not fully combusted. Increased PM emissions may result from poor air/fuel mixing or maintenance problems.” (8) Note: PM is not concerned by the proposal for an MCP Directive for natural gas-fired plant, although it is subject to national emissions ceilings under the NEC Directive. The consequences of reducing the excess air supply are described in the European Commission’s BREF on Large Combustion Plants (LCP) (9) as follows: “Low excess air is a comparatively simple and easy-to-implement operational measure for the reduction of nitrogen oxides emissions. By reducing the amount of oxygen available in the combustion zone to the minimum amount needed for complete combustion, fuel bound nitrogen conversion and to a less extent thermal NOX formation are reduced. A considerable emission reduction can be achieved with this measure especially in the case of old power plants, therefore it has been incorporated in many existing large combustion installations. In general, new plants are equipped with extensive measuring and control equipment that enables optimum adjustment of the combustion air supply. 13676/14 ADD 2 CM/nv DG E 1A LIMITE 4 EN No additional energy is required for low excess air firing and, if operated properly, no reduction in the availability of the power plant should result from this primary emission reduction measure. However, as the oxygen level is reduced, combustion may become incomplete and the amount of unburned carbon in the ash may increase. In addition, the steam temperature may decrease. Reducing the oxygen in the primary zones to very low amounts can also lead to high levels of carbon monoxide. The result of these changes can be a reduction in the boiler efficiency, slagging, corrosion and a counteractive overall impact on boiler performance. Another effect of this technique is that not only will NOX be reduced, but also SO3, which can cause corrosion and fouling on the air preheater and the particulate control device. Potential safety problems, which might result from the use of this technique without a strict control system, include fires in air preheaters and ash hoppers, as well as increases in opacity and in the rates of water-wall wastage.” Justification for setting an emission limit value (ELV) for carbon monoxide (CO) under the proposal for an MCP Directive By imposing compliance with ELVs for only one of the pollutants emitted by gas-fired combustion plant (in this case, nitrogen oxides: NOx), the proposal for a directive allows the continued operation of improperly tuned and/or ageing plant, for which the excess air supply may be reduced (to decrease NOx emissions), to the detriment of combustion efficiency and with increases in emissions of other pollutants not subject to emission controls. Setting NOx and CO emission limit values allows the combustion plant to operate under the best conditions with maximized efficiency and without producing a sudden surge in pollutant emissions (below, on the left: Composants des gaz de combustion = Combustion gas components Mélange combustible/air = fuel/air mixture Zone de fonctionnement optimal des installations de chauffage = Optimal operating zone for heating plant Manque d’air = lack of air Excès d’air = Excess air Couple = torque Consommation = consumption Proportion d’air = proportion of air 13676/14 ADD 2 CM/nv DG E 1A LIMITE 5 EN Combustion efficiency is usually maximized when just enough air is supplied and properly mixed with combustible gases to ensure complete combustion. (10) Control of the combustion process is very important to efficient boiler operation. Incomplete fuel combustion represents wasted energy and results in increased CO and PM emissions. (11) Concomitant NOx and CO emission limit values in other European legislation. Directive 2010/75/EU (IED) already requires compliance with NOx and CO emission limit values for gas-fired combustion plants of over 50 MW. Emission limit values (mg/Nm3) for NOx and CO for gas fired combustion plants (12) NOx CO Combustion plants firing natural gas with the 100 100 exception of gas turbines and gas engines Gas turbines (including CCGT), using natural gas as 50 100 fuel Gas engines 100 100 The same goes for the draft “Ecodesign” regulation establishing ecodesign requirements for the smaller solid fuel boilers (heat outputs of up to 500 kW) that may be put on the market and put into service. It sets limit values for NOx, CO, particulate matter, and organic compounds, as well as minimum efficiency rates. Conclusions Adopting a carbon monoxide (CO) emission limit value (ELV) for gas-fired combustion plants, engines, and gas-fired turbines as part of the proposal for an MCP directive is a minimum requirement. Moreover, CO ELVs for all the types of plant covered by the MCP Directive, in line with what already exists in most national regulations, should be adopted as well. The emission limit value requested for natural gas-fired combustion plant is: ELV (CO) < 100 mg/Nm³, at 3% O2. Concerning the engines using natural gas as fuel, the current CO’s ELV in BE (650 mg / Nm³ at 5 % O2) is a minimum requirement. ELV (CO) < 250 mg/Nm³, at 15% O2 * *(conversion to the MCP oxygen rate). An emission limit value for gas turbines is also necessary, but at the moment BE is still evaluating what emission limit value is feasible. 13676/14 ADD 2 CM/nv DG E 1A LIMITE 6 EN References: (1), (10): ASHRAE Handbook – Fundamental (2009), SI Editions (2): EMEP/EEA (European Environmental Agency) Emission Inventory Guidebook 2013, page 14 (3), (6), (7), (8): US EPA, AP 42 (Compilation of Air Polluant Emission Factors), Fifth Edition, Volume I, Chapter I: External Combustion Sources. 1.4 Natural Gas Combustion (4): US EPA, AP 42 (Compilation of Air Polluant Emission Factors), Fifth Edition, Volume I, Chapter 3: Stationary Internal Combustion Sources.3.2 Natural Gas-fired Reciprocating Engines (5): US EPA, AP 42 (Compilation of Air Polluant Emission Factors), Fifth Edition, Volume I, Chapter 3: Stationary Internal Combustion Sources. 3.1 Stationary Gas Turbines (9): European Commission, BREF Large Combustion Plants (LCP), July 2006 Point (Low excess air) (11): Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Guide to low-emission boiler and combustion equipment selection, April 2002, for the U.S. Department of Energy (12): European Directive 2010/75/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control) 13676/14 ADD 2 CM/nv DG E 1A LIMITE 7 EN Annexes Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the limitation of emissions of certain polluants into the air from medium combustion plants (Presidency proposal), Annexe II 1. Existing combustion plants, engines and gas turbines Emission limit values (mg/Nm3) for existing combustion plants with rated thermal input between 1 and 5 MW Pollutant Solid Other Gas Oil* Liquid fuels Natural Gaseous biomass solid other than Gas Gas fuels fuels Oil other than natural gas (1) (2) SO2 200 1100 350 200(1) (2) (3) NOx 650 650 200 650 200 250(3) Dust 50 50 50 Emission limit values (mg/Nm3) for existing […] combustion plants with rated thermal input above 5 MW Pollutant Solid biomass Other solid fuels Gas Oil Liquid fuels other than Gas Oil Natural gas Gaseous fuels other than natural gas SO2 200 400 […] 350(2)(5) - 35[…] (6) (7) (5) (5bis) 200 - 250(8) - (5bis) NOX Dust 650 30[…] 650 30 200[…] […] 650(8) 30(4)(9) Emission limit values (mg/Nm3) for existing engines and gas turbines Pollutant Type of combustion Liquid Natural Gaseous fuels gas fuels other plant […] than natural gas SO2 Engines and gas 60 15 turbines NOX Engines 190 (1) 190 (2) 190 (2) Gas turbines (3) 200 150 200 Dust Engines and gas 10 turbines 13676/14 ADD 2 CM/nv DG E 1A LIMITE 8 EN 2. New combustion plants, engines and gas turbines Emission limit values (mg/Nm3) for new combustion plants with rated thermal input between 1 and 5 MW Pollutant Solid Other Gas Oil Liquid fuels Natural Gaseous biomass solid other than Gas Gas fuels other Fuels Oil than natural gas SO2 200 1100 350 110 NOx 500 500 200 300 100 200 Dust 50 50 50 Emission limit values (mg/Nm3) for new […] combustion plants with rated thermal input above 5 MW Pollutant Solid Other solid Gas Oil Liquid Natural Gaseous biomass fuels fuels other gas fuels other than Gas than Oil natural gas SO2 200 400 […] 350(5) 35(3)(4) (6) NOX 300 300 200 300 100 200 […] (2)(7)(8) Dust 20 20 […] 20 -(8) Emission limit values (mg/Nm3) for new engines and gas turbines Pollutant Type of combustion Liquid Natural Gaseous plant […] fuels gas fuels other than natural gas SO2 Engines and gas 60(4) 15 turbines NOX Engines 190(1) (5) 95(2) 190 3 (6) Gas turbines ( ) 75 50 75 (7) Dust Engines and gas 10 turbines 13676/14 ADD 2 CM/nv DG E 1A LIMITE 9 EN