Golf and Turf Water Conservation, Budget Reduction, Soil Enrichment. Eco-Safe Systems enhances your bottom line by cutting water costs and chemical use. Conservation of a valued resource comes into play by Ecosafe Systems diffusing ozone into your irrigation water. Our proprietary system eliminates bacteria, bicarbonates and algae while at the same time lowering PH and increasing dissolved oxygen levels. Reclaimed or wellhead water becomes an aerobic clean presence giving you an innovative tool for conservation and a healthy golf course turf. Ozone (03) and oxides of nitrogen that have a negative charge are many more times soluble than stable oxygen (02) and nitrogen. Eco-Safe systems increase the amount of dissolved oxygen and nitrogen in the irrigation waters. This gives you a better water utilization and a way to balance water demand between greens and fairways. Root depth and percolation will increase because ozone irrigation has three effects on soil. 1-Elimination of bicarbonates, calcium in the soil no longer turns to sodium, which is released and lowers the PH. 2- Advance the amount of oxygen into the grounds giving a compound effect. 3-Ozone atoms attach to impurities destroying them in the soil and remove them. This process as a whole, opens up an avenue for water to percolate through, helping eliminate wet spots and standing water- Soil content is aerated allowing roots to penetrate at a greater rate while oxygen generated from ozone molecules enhances the turf. Eco-safe Systems is giving you an advantage on conservation while providing a better growing environment. Ecosafe systems on your golf course can save tens of thousands of dollars in maintenance, down time, and water use. Eco-safe Systems will provide cost cuts by: Eliminates or drastically reduces wetting agent applications. Eliminates algaecide application. Eliminates calcium and acid injection use. Eliminates gypsum applications. Eliminates sulfur burner. Reduces fungicide applications Drasticreduction in hand watering. Irrigation budget reduction. Turf grows vibrant in high sodium soils. Eco-Safe Systems is your partner in water conservation, turf improvement and budget reduction.