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American College of Sports Medicine
Fellowship Program
Dear ACSM Member:
Thank you for your interest in the Fellowship program of the American College of Sports Medicine. The purpose of
Fellowship is to recognize distinguished achievement in sports medicine and related disciplines, as well as a deep
and ongoing dedication to the goals and long-range activities of ACSM. Fellowship is not just another membership
category; it is the future of the American College of Sports Medicine.
In this packet, you will find the items you will need to apply for Fellowship status. Please read through the
Objectives and Requirements to better understand the meaning of Fellowship, and also the expectations and
benefits that go along with this advanced status of ACSM membership. Meeting the minimum requirements
does not guarantee advancement. It only guarantees that your application will be reviewed.
The recommendation form should be sent directly to the two current Fellows whom you have chosen to support
your application. Be sure to include a current copy of your curriculum vitae along with your fellowship application.
Please note that the $25 processing fee must accompany your Fellowship application. This processing fee is
If you have any questions about the Fellowship process, please contact the National Center. The Credentials
Committee looks forward to receiving your application!
Scott Paluska, MD, FACSM
Scott A. Paluska, M.D., FACSM,
Credentials Committee, Chair
American College of Sports Medicine
ACSM Fellowship Application • Revised July 2013 • Tel.: (317) 637-9200 • Fax: (317) 634-7817 •
Objectives of the Fellowship Program
The objectives of the Fellowship program are:
• To recognize distinguished professional achievement in research and/or service in the field of
exercise science and sports medicine
• To recognize distinguished service to the American College of Sports Medicine
• To encourage continued service to the College in a leadership role
The candidate should consider the application for advancement to Fellow status to be a request to become more
active in the internal affairs of the College, including serving in a leadership capacity. An applicant should not
consider Fellow status for personal gratification or enhancement.
Requirements for Fellow Status
The requirements for Fellow status, as outlined in Article IV, Section 3 of the Constitution, and as defined by the
Board of Trustees, are the minimum for advancement. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee
advancement. It only guarantees that your application will be reviewed. The peer review phase of the candidate
evaluation along with the minimum requirements is the real determinant of advancement to Fellowship. The
Credentials Committee considers the items below of particular importance in the peer-review phase.
1. The strength and enthusiasm of the candidate's two Fellow endorsers.
2. The significance, quality, and range of service over time during which the candidate has been
associated with ACSM.
3. For those applying in the research category, the quality of research as reflected in the candidate's
professional publications, particularly in the four first author articles that the candidate will submit that
best represents his or her work.
The candidate must meet the requirements in each Sections (1-7) outlined below. Thus the candidate:
Shall have demonstrated high standards of professional development and a commitment to the
goals and long-range activities of the College.
"High standards of professional development" is defined as contributions to exercise science and sports medicine
through research or distinguished service in medical practice as defined in Requirement “5.”
"Commitment to the goals and long-range activities of the College" is defined as service to sports medicine and
exercise science, with service to ACSM or Regional Chapters being highly desirable, but not an absolute
requirement. In the event that a candidate does not have service to ACSM or its Regional Chapters, exceptional
service to the broader sports medicine and exercise science community in the US or internationally will be
The minimal requirement for service to ACSM can be met by any combination of the items listed on “FORM A, Section I:
Service to ACSM” that add up to a total score of at least a "4" (unless applying in the “Exceptional Service” Category).
2. Shall have earned a diploma from an accredited college or university in one of the following fields:
Doctor of Medicine or Osteopathy, Doctor of Dental Surgery, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of
Education, Doctor of Physical Education, Doctor of Public Health or an equivalent.
The intention of this requirement to be inclusive of other terminal degrees of equivalent education as those listed
(i.e., other terminal degrees such as D.H.Sc., Sc.D., etc.).
3. Shall have been a Professional Member of the College for at least three consecutive years at the
time of application for advancement.
ACSM Fellowship Application • Revised July 2013 • Tel.: (317) 637-9200 • Fax: (317) 634-7817 •
Professional-in-Training membership, student membership, ACSM's Alliance of Health & Fitness Professionals
membership, or any combination of these statuses with the Professional Membership (e.g., one year as a Student
Member and two years as a Professional Member) do not meet the requirement. In addition, any Professional
membership that has lapsed six or more months before being renewed does not meet the requirement.
4. Shall have attended at least two ACSM Annual Meetings of the College within the last five years.
ACSM's specialty meetings (e.g. Team Physician Course, Health & Fitness Summit & Exposition) are not
acceptable to meet this requirement.
5. Shall have submitted a curriculum vitae, including evidence that he or she has fulfilled at least one of
the following:
Service Pathway:
Members who do not publish research in indexed, refereed, peer reviewed journals, may meet the requirements for
Fellowship by performing distinguished service to ACSM and the sports medicine and exercise science community.
This may entail distinguished service in medical practice in some aspect of sports medicine for a minimum period
of three years, which may include being a team physician, involvement in the prevention of sports injuries, or in
exercise testing or rehabilitative medicine. The minimal requirement for service to both ACSM and the sports
medicine and exercise science community can be met by a combination of the items listed on Form A, Sections I &
II (at least “4” points in Section I, and at least “10” points in Section II) that add up to a total score of at least "14."
Research Pathway:
Members who publish papers in peer reviewed journals such as those found in Index Medicus or Citation Index
may qualify for Fellowship by having a distinguished publication record that includes publication of at least four
papers as first author on sports medicine or exercise science topics. The minimal requirement of service to ACSM
with at least 4 points on Form A, Section I also applies.
Exceptional Service Pathway:
Members who do not have the opportunity to give significant service to ACSM (e.g., international members) but
whose service to the sports medicine and exercise science community is considered especially noteworthy by both
ACSM's Board of Trustees and the sports medicine and exercise science community at large, may qualify for
Fellowship by documenting exceptional service. This requires a detailed narrative and a curriculum vitae showing
significant and sustained service.
6. Shall have received a recommendation in writing by two Fellows of the College.
Typed recommendations from two current Fellows of the College are necessary to meet this requirement. Be sure
to include a current copy of your curriculum vitae along with your fellowship application for them to review.
7. Shall have received the approval of the Credentials Committee and the Board of Trustees.
Credentials Committee conducts the initial review of the applications and makes recommendations to the
Board of Trustees concerning advancement.
ACSM Fellowship Application • Revised July 2013 • Tel.: (317) 637-9200 • Fax: (317) 634-7817 •
Process for Advancement to Fellow Status
The process for advancement to Fellow status involves the following steps:
The candidate files an application with the National Center in accordance with the two yearly deadlines of February
1 and August 1.
The National Office reviews the application to ensure that all required materials are included.
The Credentials Committee evaluates applications based on the submission package and makes
recommendations to the Board of Trustees concerning advancement.
The final evaluation is the responsibility of the Board of Trustees. The Committee's recommendation is normally
followed, but in rare cases, information may be available to the Board, which can affect the Committee
recommendations. After the Credentials Committee's review, the Board of Trustees may waive selected
qualifications for Fellow status.
Fellowship is not just another membership category, but your commitment to ACSM and its future; therefore any
Fellow whose membership is delinquent (more than one year) may be reconsidered for Fellowship by adhering to
the following courses of action:
1. After one year of lapsed membership - send dues payment;
2. After two years of lapsed membership - send a letter requesting reinstatement, plus one year
dues payment;
3. After three years of lapsed membership - must resubmit application for Fellowship, plus one
year dues payment
Process for Appealing a Decision by the Board of Trustees
Applicants not advanced to Fellowship may appeal to the Board of Trustees. Upon appeal, the Board will convene
the Appeals Panel, consisting of the Executive Committee of the College and the Credentials Committee Chair.
The Appeals Panel may consider only the information that was originally submitted to the Credentials Committee
with the Fellowship application. If a candidate has additional information that would help their case, that information
must be submitted to the Credentials Committee. The Credentials Committee would then re-review the application
during the next regularly scheduled review period.
Instructions for Completing the Application
All portions of the application must be typed, including the letters of recommendation. Copies of the application
and the Fellow Recommendation Form are available for downloading at Fellow
recommenders should send their recommendations directly to ACSM at, or fax to 317-6347817. Applications may be emailed or mailed.
Emailing Application: attach application, and supporting material and email to Upon receipt
of your application, a $25 bill will be added to your online ACSM account. An email will be sent back to you with
instructions to log into your online ACSM account and pay the processing fee via credit card.
Mailing Application: send one original single sided, clean copy (no binding, no staples) of your entire application
packet including all supporting material, with $25 processing fee (check or credit card.) Applications with binding,
staples, or double sided material cannot be accepted nor reviewed.
Application, supporting material, processing fee, and recommendation letters must be received by the National
Center by the February 1 or August 1 deadline. The processing fee is non-refundable.
ACSM Fellowship Application • Revised July 2013 • Tel.: (317) 637-9200 • Fax: (317) 634-7817 •
American College of Sports Medicine Application for Advancement to Fellow
Application Must Be Typed
Application valid through August 1, 2014
Complete the entire form. If space provided is not adequate, you may attach an addendum.
Application may not be altered. Modification will result in the application not being reviewed.
Deadline Date:
February 1
August 1
Highest Degree Earned (‘to be awarded’ is not sufficient):
Date Received:
Year Joined ACSM:
Completed Years as an ACSM Professional Member:
Pathway: Please indicate which pathway you are choosing to pursue ACSM Fellowship:
Exceptional Service
ACSM Annual Meetings attended in the last five years:
List the two ACSM Fellows who are writing recommendations on your behalf:
Education (List most recent degree first):
Post Graduate Experiences, Special Certifications, Etc.:
Professional Experience (List most recent jobs held first and be sure to include company/institution and title):
Applicants should complete one (1) of the following forms, depending on whether the Pathway selected for
evaluation of credentials is Service, Research, or Exceptional Service (only 1 pathway may be selected.)
Please be as specific as possible when responding to the questions. It is imperative that you include all relevant
information in order for the Credentials Committee to thoroughly review your application. The statement “refer to
c.v.” is not sufficient. You may attach additional sheets containing relevant information where appropriate. You are
also encouraged to include copies of any items you feel would make an important contribution to your application.
ACSM Fellowship Application • Revised July 2013 • Tel.: (317) 637-9200 • Fax: (317) 634-7817 •
Service Pathway Application
Complete FORM A and indicate your total numerical score from FORM A, Sections I and II:
must be at least a “14” to qualify for Fellowship through this Pathway.
Your score
Documentation of your service to ACSM as listed on FORM A, Section I is required. Below, please list service to
ACSM and/or a Regional Chapter with dates and explain as completely as possible. If additional information is
necessary to document your service, attach additional pages.
Describe your clinical and /or professional practice involving sports medicine. Provide an estimate of the number of
hours-spent working in sports medicine and the percentage of your total time spent in sports medicine practice.
(This question is relevant for applicants who have a clinical and or professional practice involving sports medicine.
If you do not, please proceed to the next question).
Service to the sports medicine and exercise science community is required. Please provide documentation of the
service you indicated on FORM A, Section II. This documentation is necessary to meet this requirement. Please be
as descriptive as possible. Include information such as service date(s), organization, location, scope of work, etc.
You may attach additional sheets containing relevant information where appropriate. You are also encouraged to
include copies of any items you feel would make and important contribution to your application.
If relevant, list your professional publications. Include complete citations, with author list, title, journal, volume,
pages and year. Attach copies of up to four professional publications which best represent your work and in which
you are listed as the first author.
After reviewing the Objectives of the Fellow Program, describe in 100 words or less why you would like to be an
ACSM Fellow and why you should be approved for advancement to Fellow status.
If advanced to Fellowship in the College, specifically how do you intend to exhibit your dedication to the goals and
long-range activities of the college? For example, on which Committees would you like to serve? How might you
best serve your Regional Chapter or your international sports medicine or exercise science regional or national
body, etc.? Be as specific as possible.
ACSM Fellowship Application • Revised July 2013 • Tel.: (317) 637-9200 • Fax: (317) 634-7817 •
Research Pathway Application
Complete Section I of FORM A and indicate your total numerical score:
Your score must be at least “4” to
qualify for Fellowship. Completing Section II of FORM A is optional for research pathway applicants but should be
completed if it is relevant to your situation.
Documentation of your service to ACSM as listed on FORM A, Section I is required. Below, please list service to
ACSM and/or a Regional Chapter with dates and explain as completely as possible. If additional information is
necessary to document your service, attach additional pages.
List your research publications that have been published in peer reviewed, indexed journals. Include complete
citations, with author list, title, journal, volume, pages and year. Attach copies of four research publications which
best represent your work and in which you are listed as the first author.
After reviewing the Objectives of the Fellow Program, describe in 100 words or less why you would like to be an
ACSM Fellow and why you should be approved for advancement to Fellow status.
If advanced to Fellowship in the College, specifically how do you intend to exhibit your dedication to the goals and
long-range activities of the college? For example, on which Committees would you like to serve? How might you
best serve your Regional Chapter or your international sports medicine or exercise science regional or national
body, etc.? Be as specific as possible.
ACSM Fellowship Application • Revised July 2013 • Tel.: (317) 637-9200 • Fax: (317) 634-7817 •
Exceptional Service Pathway Application
Complete FORM A and indicate your total numerical score from FORM A, Section I:
If your score is at
least “4” you may wish to apply through the Service Pathway. If you do not have a score of at least “4” you may still
apply for Fellowship on a special case-by-case basis by using the Exceptional Service Pathway. The Exceptional
Service category was created for individuals who do not have the opportunity to give significant service the College
directly (e.g. international members.) If you believe that your service to the broader sports medicine and exercise
science community (service in the US or internationally) is so exceptional that you feel advancement to Fellowship
is warranted, please attach a detailed narrative stating your relevant experiences and reasons why you believe you
should be advanced to fellow status without service to the College at the baseline level.
Describe your clinical and/or professional practice involving sports medicine. Provide an estimate of the number of
hours-spent working in sports medicine and the percentage of your total time spent in sports medicine practice.
This question is relevant for applicants who have a clinical and/or professional practice involving sports medicine.
Service to the sports medicine and exercise science community is required. Please provide documentation of the
service you indicated on FORM A, Section II. This documentation is necessary to meet this requirement. Please be
as descriptive as possible. Include information such as service date(s), organization, location, scope of work, etc.
You may attach additional sheets containing relevant information where appropriate. You are also encouraged to
include copies of any items you feel would make and important contribution to your application.
If relevant, list your professional publications. Include complete citations, with author list, title, journal, volume,
pages and year. Attach copies of up to four professional publications which best represent your work and in which
you are listed as the first author.
After reviewing the Objectives of the Fellow Program, describe in 100 words or less why you would like to be an
ACSM Fellow and why you should be approved for advancement to Fellow status.
If advanced to Fellowship in the College, specifically how do you intend to exhibit your dedication to the goals and
long-range activities of the college? For example, on which Committees would you like to serve? How might you
best serve your Regional Chapter or your international sports medicine or exercise science regional or national
body, etc.? Be as specific as possible.
ACSM Fellowship Application • Revised July 2013 • Tel.: (317) 637-9200 • Fax: (317) 634-7817 •
FORM A – Fellowship Materials
American College of Sports Medicine Fellowship Application – Service Requirements
All candidates for ACSM Fellowship must complete and document service to the American College of Sports
Medicine (Section I.) Additionally, candidates must complete and document additional service to the sports
medicine and exercise science community (Section II.) Use this checklist to determine whether you meet
MINIMUM requirements. The ACSM National Center pre-screens applications to ensure candidates have met the
MINIMIM requirements. If met, the application is sent to the Credentials Committee to be reviewed for
POTENTIAL advancement to Fellowship. See page 2 for more information on committee’s peer- review phase.
Candidates not meeting the minimal requirement for service to the college may be considered as acceptable for
advancement through the exceptional service pathway (as described on page 3.) A narrative explaining your
exceptional service is required for the exceptional service pathway.
Section I: Service to ACSM
All candidates for Fellowship (both research and service pathway applicants) must document at least a total of four
(4) or more points in this section. Applicants are encouraged to document as many points as possible.
Professional Presentations
Presented at an ACSM Team Physician Course (1 point; 2 points if presented at more than one ACSM
Team Physician Course)
Presented at an ACSM Advanced Team Physician Course (1 point; 2 Points if presented at more than
one ACSM Team Physician Course)
Presented at ACSM’S Health and Fitness Summit and Exposition (1 point; 2 points if presented at
more than one ACSM’S Health and fitness Summit and Exposition)
Presented at an ACSM Regional Chapter meeting (1 point; 2 points if presented at more than one
Regional Chapter Meeting)
Presented at an ACSM Annual Meeting/Exercise Is Medicine meeting (1 point; 2 points if presented in
more than one year)
Presented at any other ACSM clinical conference (1 point; 2 points if presented at more than one of these
Conference Title
Conference Title
Presented at any jointly-sponsored ACSM conference (1 point; 2 points if presented at more than one of
this type of conference)
Conference Title
Conference Title
Presented at an ACSM Roundtable event (1 point; 2 points if presented at more than one ACSM
Conference Title
Conference Title
ACSM Fellowship Application • Revised July 2013 • Tel.: (317) 637-9200 • Fax: (317) 634-7817 •
Committee work
Completed a full term of service on an ACSM National Committee (2 points if the full term of service was at
least 2 years)
Completed a full term of service on an Exercise Is Medicine Committee (2 points if the full term of service
was at least 2 years)
Completed a full term of service on an ACSM Regional Chapter Board or Officer (2 points)
Completed a full term of service on a committee of an ACSM Regional Chapter (2 points)
Publications and Reviews
Served as an Editor / Associate Editor for Medicine & Science Sports & Exercise® (2 points)
Served as an Editor / Associate Editor for ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal® (2 points)
Served as an Editor / Associate Editor for Current Sports Medicine Reports (2 points)
Served as an Editor for ACSM’s Regional Chapter News (1 point)
Served as an Co-Editor for ACSM’s Certified News (2 points)
Reviewed manuscripts for Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise® at least two reviews (2 points)
Reviewed manuscripts for Exercise and Sports Sciences Reviews at least two reviews (2 points)
Reviewed manuscripts for Current Sports Medicine Reports at least two reviews (2 points)
Reviewed manuscripts for ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal® at least two reviews (2 points)
Completed a full term of service on the writing group for any ACSM book or pronouncement (2 points)
Published an ACSM Current Comment (1 point)
Wrote a published article for ACSM’s Certified News (1 point)
Reviewed an ACSM Position Stand (1 point; 2 points if served more than once)
Reviewed 2 chapters in an ACSM book or ACSM endorsed book (1 point; 2 points if 3 or more chapters)
Served as an abstract reviewer for an ACSM Annual Meeting (1 point; 2 points if served 2 or more years)
Served as an abstract reviewer for a Regional Chapter meeting (1 point; 2 points if served 2 or more years)
Served as a chair /discussant for the ACSM Annual Meeting of free communications /slide, free
communication/ thematic poster, or clinical case sessions (1 point; 2 points if served 2 or more meetings)
Served as a chair /discussant for a Regional Chapter meeting of free communications /slide, free
communication/ thematic poster, or clinical case sessions (1 point; 2 points if served 2 or more meetings)
ACSM Fellowship Application • Revised July 2013 • Tel.: (317) 637-9200 • Fax: (317) 634-7817 •
ACSM Certification
Served as the certification director for an ACSM Certification examination (1 point; 2 points if served
more than once)
Served as the workshop director for an ACSM Certification workshop (1 point; 2 points if served more
than once)
Served as an examiner at an ACSM Certification examination (1 point; 2 points if served more than
Network Programs
Served as an ACSM Member-Get-A-Member Campaign recruiter for at least two years (1 point)
Served as an ACSM Media Referral Network volunteer for at least two years (1 point)
Served as a Chair or Co-Chair for an ACSM Interest Group for at least one year (1 point)
Served as an accreditation site visitor for the CAAHEP Committee for Accreditation of Exercise Science
(1 point; 2 points if served two or more sites)
Served as State Coordinator for a Demonstration Center School for at least one year (1 point; 2 points if
served two or more sites)
Total Points for Section I:
Your total must be at least “4” or more to meet this requirement. If you do not have at least “4” or more,
Exceptional Service to the overall sports medicine and exercise science community (service in the US or
internationally) may be considered. If this is your case, then a narrative explaining your Exceptional service is
required. The Exceptional Service category was created for individuals who do not have the opportunity to serve
the College directly (e.g. international members.)
ACSM Fellowship Application • Revised July 2013 • Tel.: (317) 637-9200 • Fax: (317) 634-7817 •
Section II: Service to the Sports Medicine and Exercise Science Community
All applicants should document service to the broader sports medicine and exercise community (separate from
ACSM.) For individuals who are applying in the Service Pathway, service to both the American College of Sports
Medicine and the broader sports medicine and exercise science community (in the US or internationally) is
required in order to advance to ACSM Fellowship. A minimum of 10 points is required in this section for Service
Professional Presentations
Presented at an international exercise science or sports medicine meeting (1 point; 2 points if delivered
more than one distinct presentation)
Presented at the national exercise science or sports medicine meeting (1 point; 2 points if delivered
more than one distinct presentation)
Committee Work
Completed a full, normal term of service on the standing committee of a national or international exercise
science or sports medicine association (1 point; 2 points if served on more than one committee)
Completed a full, normal term of service on the Board of Trustees (Directors) of a national or
international exercise science or sports medicine association (2 points)
Publications and Reviewers
Wrote a published book on an exercise science or sports medicine topic (4 points)
Published a paper (first author) on an exercise science or sports medicine topic in a peer reviewed journal
of national or international scope (2 points; 4 points for two or more distinct papers)
Published an article (first author) on exercise science or sports medicine in a lay publication of national
or international scope (1 point per distinct article, not to exceed 4 points)
Wrote a chapter (first author) in a published book on an exercise science or sports medicine topic including
publications in your native country (1point; 2 points if more than one chapter)
Served as a reviewer for a national or international scope peer reviewed journal focused on exercise
science or sports medicine for at least two years (1 point; 2 points if more than 2 years)
Served as a committee member for the National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity, or another
exercise science or sports related organizations (also in your own native country for international member)
for at least two years (2 points)
Served as a committee member in a health related coalition or sports medicine organization of national
or international scope for at least two years (2 points)
ACSM Fellowship Application • Revised July 2013 • Tel.: (317) 637-9200 • Fax: (317) 634-7817 •
Clinical and Lay Service
Served as team physician for any community, high school, collegiate or professional athletic team, or
performance organization (e.g. Ballet Company) for a period of at least three years (6 points)
Served as a physician for any health related or sports medicine national or international organization for
a period of at least three years (3 points)
Presented a lecture to the lay public on a health related issue (1 point per talk, not to exceed 4 points;
presentations must be distinct lectures)
Conducted distinct tutorials/grand round lectures related to exercise science or sports medicine in a
clinical educational setting (1 point; 2 points if more than one)
Established a permanent education service (in the US or internationally) to the community of the whole in
the area of exercise science or sports medicine (e.g. television program, newsletter, clinical education
programs, etc.) (3 points)
Total Points for Section II:
Section I =
(Research and Service Applicants – Must be at least 4 points)
Section II =
(Service Applicants – Must be at least 10 points)
Total =
(Service Applicants – Must be at least 14 points. If not, a detailed narrative must
be attached per information pertaining to Exceptional Service
[e.g. international members] see page 3.)
ACSM Fellowship Application • Revised July 2013 • Tel.: (317) 637-9200 • Fax: (317) 634-7817 •
Checklist for Applicants
Application valid through August 1, 2014 Review
Please review this checklist to ensure you have completed your application for advancement to Fellow. Do not
submit your application until you have fulfilled all for the requirements as outlined. Return this form with your
application, keeping a copy for your records.
Please indicate within which pathway you are applying (only select 1):
Research (I have included 4 research articles where I am listed as first author.)
Exceptional Service ( I have not met the minimal requirement for service to ACSM, and am applying under
the “exceptional service to the broader sports medicine and exercise science community “ provision as
described on page 3 [e.g. – international members.] I have included my detailed narrative).
The following requirements must be met:
“Shall have demonstrated high standards of professional development and a commitment to the goals and
long-range activities of the College”
“Shall have earned a diploma from an accredited college or university in one of the following fields: Doctor of
Medicine or Osteopathy, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Physical Education, Doctor of
Public Health of an equivalent”
“Shall have been a Professional Member of the College for at least three consecutive years at the time of
application for advancement”
“Shall have attended at least two ACSM Annual Meetings of the College within five years”
“Shall have received recommendations in writing by two ACSM Fellow of the College”
“Shall have submitted curriculum vitae, including evidence that he/she has fulfilled at least one of the
following: Distinguished Service, Research, or Exceptional Service” (As defined in the Constitution)
I understand the following must be received at the ACSM National Center before the deadline date:
Complete Application packet per the instructions on page 4
$25.00 processing fee (a bill will be added to my ACSM account)
Two Fellow recommendations for advancement to fellow status
My signature below, I attest that the information stated on my application and supporting materials is truthful and
accurate. I allow ACSM to verify the information within my application. And I have read the minimum requirements,
and the items the Credentials Committee believes to be of particular importance in the peer review phase. I
understand there is a maximum limit of three (3) times that any Member may apply for Fellowship.
Applicant Signature
Mail To:
American College of Sports Medicine
Credentials Committee
401 W Michigan Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202-3233
Email To: Heather Drake –
ACSM Fellowship Application • Revised July 2013 • Tel.: (317) 637-9200 • Fax: (317) 634-7817 •
ACSM Fellows Recommending a Member’s Advancement
To Fellow Status
From: American College of Sports Medicine Credentials Committee
Attached is a recommendation form from the American College of Sports Medicine. The individual who has sent
this form to you is requesting your recommendation for their advancement to Fellowship in the College.
You should receive a copy of the candidate’s fellowship application and a current copy of their curriculum vitae.
Before completing the recommendation form, you feel this individual meets the standards set forth by ACSM and
within the fellowship application. Answer the following questions and make detailed and candid statements to
assist us in judging the applicants qualifications for advancement to Fellow Status in the College. Please use
additional pages if necessary. The Credentials Committee will keep your comments confidential.
Please Type Recommendations. Use Additional Pages If Necessary.
A Word version of this form is available at
The applicant and the Credentials Committee appreciate your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions,
please contact the ACSM Membership Department at (317) 637- 9200, ext 136, or
ACSM Fellowship Application • Revised July 2013 • Tel.: (317) 637-9200 • Fax: (317) 634-7817 •
Advancement to Fellow Recommendation Form
Please type this recommendation form. Use additional pages if necessary.
I am applying for advancement to Fellowship status in the American College of Sports Medicine, and have
enclosed a copy of my completed application and my curriculum vitae for your review. I respectfully request your
recommendation on my behalf. This recommendation needs to be received at the ACSM National Center by:
February 1
August 1
Please return your recommendation to:
American College of Sports Medicine
Credentials Committee
P. O Box 1440
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1440 USA
Fax: (317) 634-7817
Applicant Name:
I have reviewed the applicant’s fellowship application and curriculum vitae and feel this individual meets the
standards set forth by ACSM and within the fellowship application.
How long have you known this applicant?
What do you consider to be the applicant’s strengths?
What do you consider to be the applicant’s weaknesses?
What do you consider to be the applicant’s most outstanding accomplishments?
Please rate the applicant’s commitment to sports medicine. Explain the rationale for your rating.
Please rate the applicant’s commitment to the American College of Sports Medicine. Explain the rational for your
Strongly recommend
Do not recommend this applicant for advancement to ACSM Fellow Status.
Recommend with Reservations
Printed Name
Current Position
ACSM Fellowship Application • Revised July 2013 • Tel.: (317) 637-9200 • Fax: (317) 634-7817 •