Abbott, Dallas Helen I am interested in recent cosmogenic impacts as a source of megatsunamis.
Dallas H. Abbott, Lloyd Burckle, and Perri Gerard-Little, Burckle Abyssal Impact Crater: Did this Impact Produce a Global Deluge?, submitted to Atlantis 2005 conference
Abigania, Maria Isabel Tolentino (Mabel) I was part of the team that re-documented and assessed the 1990
Bohol Earthquake in Central Philippines. The said event was due to an unknown offshore thrust fault based on re-plots of seismicity from NEIC. It resulted to slight recession of the sea although no big wave was produced.
At present I am starting with my research on coseismic uplifts using corals as indicators for the M.S. thesis.
Anderson, Robert (Bob) I am helping to prepare the Seismic safety Commission report to the Governor and
Legislature tsunami hazards, risk, mitigation, preparedness, education and public policy.
R.J. McCarthy and R.L. Anderson, 2003, A Tsunami Mitigation Program within the California Earthquake Los
Reduction Plan, in Submarine Landslides and Tsunamis (A.C.Yalciner, E.N.Pelinovsky, E.Okal, and C.E.
Synolakis eds.) Pages 267-276, Nato Science Series, Kluwer Academic
Arcas, Diego Background in hydro/aero modeling. Interested I how modelers can benefit from sediment transport information.
Atwater, Brian F. I study tsunami deposits as guides to earthquake and tsunami hazards.
Atwater, B.F., and Hemphill-Haley, E., 1997, Recurrence intervals for great earthquakes of the past 3,500 years at northeastern Willapa Bay, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1576, 108 p.
Atwater, B.F., Cisternas V., M., Bourgeois, J., Dudley, W.C., Hendley, J.W. II, and Stauffer, P.H., 1999,
Surviving a tsunami lessons from Chile, Hawaii, and Japan: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1187, 18 p.
Satake, K., Wang, K., and Atwater, B.F., 2003, Fault slip and seismic moment of the 1700 Cascadia earthquake inferred from Japanese tsunami descriptions: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 108, 2325, doi:10.1019/2003JB002521.
Cisternas. M., Atwater, B.F., Torrejón, F., Sawai, Y., Machuca, G., Lagos, M., Eipert, A., Youlton, C., Salgado,
I., Kamataki, T., Shishikura, M., Rajendran, C.P., Malik, J.K., Rizal, Y., and Husni, M., 2005, Predecessors to the giant 1960 Chile earthquake: Nature (in press).
Atwater, B.F., Musumi-Rokkaku, S., Satake, K., Tsuji, Y., Ueda, K., and Yamaguchi, D.K., 2005, The orphan tsunami of 1700; Japanese clues to a parent earthquake in North America: U.S. Geological Survey
Professional Paper 1707, published jointly with University of Washington Press, 133 p. (in press).
Barberopoulou, Aggeliki
Beget James E. I'm involved in two tsunami research projects. (1) With the Alaska Volcano Observatory, I'm studying historic and prehistoric tsunamis associated with volcanic eruptions, particularly at Augustine
Volcano in Cook Inlet. (2) With the interdisciplinary TWEAK project, I'm working with Elena Suleimina,
Zygmunt Kowalik and Roger Hansen, using new multi-beam bathymetric data to characterize submarine landslides produced during the 1964 earthquake at Seward and Valdez Alaska, and to link the geologic data to computer models of local tsunami wave generation by submarine landslides, wave propagation, and local run up.
Gardner, Cynthia and Beget, James, 2004. The 1883 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska. EOS, American
Geophysical Union Fall Meeting abstracts and program CD-Rom
Suleimani, Elena, Beget, Jim, Hansen, Roger. and Marriott, Duncan 2004 Tsunami Inundation Mapping for
Seward, Alaska: Tectonic and Landslide Sources. Eos. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting abstracts and program CD-Rom
Davis, K. and Beget, J., 2004. Tephrochronology of tsunamis and explosive volcanism in southern Cook Inlet,
Alaska. EOS, American Geophysical Union Fall meeting abstracts and program CD-Rom.
Begét, J. (2000) Volcanic Tsunamis. In: Encyclopedia of Volcanoes (ed. H. Sigurdsson). p. 1005-1014.
Begét, J. E., and Kienle, J. 1992, Cyclic formation of debris avalanches at Mt. St. Augustine volcano, Alaska.
Nature 356, 701-704.
Bernard, Eddie Thirty years of research on all aspects of tsunamis. Most interested in application of deposits to estimate risk and return rates.
Bernard, E.N. (2005): The U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program: A successful state federal partnership. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 5-24.
Bernard, E.N., F.I. González, and V.V. Titov (2005): The tsunameter and real-time tsunami forecasting. Chikyu
Monthly, 27(3), 210- 215 (in Japanese).
González, F.I., E.N. Bernard, C. Meinig, M. Eble, H.O. Mofjeld, and S. Stalin (2005): The NTHMP tsunameter network. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 25- 39.
Titov, V.V., F.I. González, E.N. Bernard, M.C. Eble, H.O. Mofjeld, J.C. Newman, and A.J. Venturato (2005):
Real-time tsunami forecasting: Challenges and solutions. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National
Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 41-58.
Besana, Glenda M. For more than fourteen (14) years of professional work experience, I have gained expertise in the field of active faults and tsunami hazards mapping and assessment. Through these studies, I had worked with local and international experts in the varying fields like disaster risk management, urban planning, rescue and emergency response, disaster preparedness planning, capacity-building, and policymaking for Philippines and other developing countries. Recent research involvement: tsunami assessment and mapping in southwestern Mindanao, Philippines and Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Cruz, Dela, L. R.C. Del Rosario, and G.M. Besana, Numerical computations of tsunami that can be generated by
Manila Trench earthquake, submitted to JGSP, under revisions.
Besana, G.M., 2005. Report of the February 5-13, 2005 Field Survey at Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Investigation
Report of 2004 Northern Sumatra Earthquake, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University
Press, pp. 20-36.
Besana, G.M.,J.A. Daligdig, and M.I.Abigania, J.E. Talisic, and N.Evangelista, 2004. Insights in the 1990 Bohol tsunamigenic earthquake, Bohol island, Philippines, Abstracts 2004 AGU Fall Meeting.
Besana G.M., Tanioka Y., Ando M., Mirabueno M.H. , Manahan J., DeOcampo J., Perez J,. and Bautista B.,
2004. The May 17, 1992 earthquakes in southeastern Philippines, Geophys. Res. Let.,Vol 31. pp.L24618-
Besana, G.M., M. Ando and M.H. Mirabueno (2004), The May 17, 1992 Event: Tsunami and coastal effects in eastern Mindanao, Philippines, Science of Tsunami Hazards, The Intl. Jour. Tsunami Soc. 22(2), pp.61-68.
Bondevik, Stein Quaternary geologist, background from sea level changes, climate changes, and tsunamis.
This workshop: tsunami erosion, sediment transport and deposition.
Bondevik, S., Svendsen, J.I., Johnsen, G., Mangerud, J., Kaland, P.E., 1997a. The Storegga tsunami along the
Norwegian coast, its age and runup. Boreas 26, 29-53.
Bondevik, S., Svendsen, J.I., Mangerud, J., 1997b. Tsunami sedimentary facies deposited by the Storegga tsunami in shallow marine basins and coastal lakes, western Norway. Sedimentology 44, 1115-1131.
Bondevik, S., Mangerud, J., Dawson, S., Dawson, A., Lohne, Ø., 2003. Record-breaking height for 8000-year-old tsunami in the North Atlantic. EOS 84, 289,293.
Bondevik, S., Løvholt, F., Harbitz, C., Mangerud, J., Dawson, A., Svendsen, J.I., 2005. The Storegga Slide tsunami; comparing field observations with numerical simulations. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22, 195-
Bondevik, S., Mangerud, J., Dawson, S., Dawson, A., Lohne, Ø., in press. Evidence for three North Sea tsunamis at the Shetland Islands between 8000 and 1500 years ago. Quaternary Science Reviews .
Bourgeois, Joanne (Jody) I am a sedimentary geologist interested in all aspects of tsunami science and its broader applications. I have worked on tsunami deposits from the K-T boundary, but currently most of my work is on the last 10,000 years of record, including modern tsunami deposits. My interests include neotectonics, paleoseismology, and tsunami sedimentology. I am particularly keen on using tsunami deposits to inverse model their sources. In recent years I have been drawn to work on Kamchatka by the excellent tsunami record there, the stratigraphic control offered by Kamchatka volcanic ash layers, and by the complex tectonic story on the NW corner of the Pacific.
UW ESS tsunami webpage-
Bourgeois, J., Petroff, C., Yeh, H., Titov, V., Synolakis, C.E., Benson, B., Norabuena, E., Kuroiwa, J., Lander, J.,
1999. Geologic setting, field survey and modeling of the Chimbote northern Peru, tsunami of 21 February
1996: PAGEOPH, v. 154, p. 513-540.
Bourgeois, J. and Johnson, S.Y., 2001. Geologic evidence of earthquakes at the Snohomish delta, Washington, in the past 1200 yr: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 113(4): 482-494 plus Data Repository item 2001034. Online:
Pinegina, T.K., Bourgeois, J., Bazanova, L.I., Melekestsev, I.V., and Braitseva, O.A., 2003: A millennial-scale record of Holocene tsunamis on the Kronotsky Bay coast, Kamchatka, Russia: Quaternary Res., 59: 36-47.
Bourgeois, J., Pinegina, T.K., Ponomareva, V., Zaretskaia, N., accepted pending revision. Holocene tsunamis in the Bering Sea, Russian Far East: Tectonic implications: Geol. Soc. Am. Bulletin.
Celia, Jean
Charusiri, Punya Paleoseismology and Neotectonics investigation
Charusiri, P., Kosuwan, S., Lumjuan, A., and Wechbunthung B., 1998., Review of active faults and seismicity in
Thailand. In Proceedings of the Ninth Regional Congress on Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of
Southeast Asia-GEOSEA98 And IGCP 383, 17-19 August 1998. Shangri-la Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malasia: P.
Kosuwan, S., Saithong,P., Lumjuan, A., Takashima, I. and Charusiri,P., 2000. Preliminary Results of Paleoseismic
Studies on the Mae Ai segment of the Mae Chan Fault Zone, Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand: In
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Coordinating Committee for Coastal and Offshore
Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asian CCOP), Bangkok, P. 17-27.
Takashima, I., Charusiri, P., Kosuwan, S. and Won-in, K., 1999. TL-age dating results on the Mae Chan segment of the Mae Chan Fault, northern Thailand: Constraints for Quaternary faulting. In Proceedings of the
International Workshop GPA99 Tectonics, Geodynamics, and Natural Hazards in West Pacific Asia, 6-15
November 1999.Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam: p.275-286.
Saithong, P., Kosuwan, S., Won-in, K., Takashima, I. and Charusiri, P. Preliminary Study on Morphotectonic
Evidence Along the Moei-Mae Ping Fault Zone, Tak Province, Northwestern Thailand. Asia Conference on
Earthquake Engineering 2004-Manila, Philippines.
Cisternas, Marco Tsunami deposits and earthquake recurrence
Barra, R., M. Cisternas, C. Suarez, O. Piñonez, A. Araneda & P. Popp, 2004. PCBs and HCHs in a Saltmarsh
Sedimentary Record, Use of Cs137 and Tsunami Signatures as Temporal Markers. Chemosphere, 55:965-972.
Atwater, B.; M. Cisternas; J. Bourgeois; W. Dudley; J. Hendley & P. Stauffer, 2001. Sobreviviendo a un tsunami: lecciones de Chile, Hawai y Japón. US Government Printing Office, U.S. Geological Survey, Circular 1187,
20 pp.
Clague, John J. Background in Quaternary geology, geomorphology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, and natural hazard science. Have conducted research on earthquake and tsunami hazards in British Columbia
Clague, J.J., Munro, A., and Murty, T. 2003. Tsunami hazard and risk in Canada. Natural Hazards, v. 28, p. 433-
Blais-Stevens, A. and Clague, J.J. 2001. Paleoseismic signature in late Holocene sediment cores from Saanich
Inlet, British Columbia. Marine Geology, v. 175, p. 131-148.
Clague, J.J., Bobrowsky, P.T., and Hutchinson, I. 2000. A review of geological records of large tsunamis at
Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 19, p. 849-863.
Hutchinson, I., Guilbault, J-P., Clague, J.J., and Bobrowsky, P.T. 2000. Tsunamis and tectonic deformation at the northern Cascadia margin: A 3000-year record from Deserted Lake, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The
Holocene, v. 10, p. 429-439.
Clague, J.J. 1997. Evidence for large earthquakes at the Cascadia subduction zone. Reviews of Geophysics, v. 35, p. 439-460.
Cormier, Marie Helene As a marine geophysicist, I am applying a wide array of methods to characterize and understand the geological events that shape the ocean floor in various environments. Lately, my research has focused on the neotectonics of coastal areas and the associated seismic hazards.
My colleagues and I are developing a methodology for underwater paleoseismology and the characterization of the Holocene behavior of the North Anatolian transform fault beneath the Marmara Sea
(Turkey). Using a combination of high-resolution geophysics and precisely located cores, we mapped the likely termination of the ground rupture from the 1999 Mw=7.2 earthquake, evaluated the Holocene cumulative slip along the main branch, quantified some unexpectedly rapid rate of vertical motion, and recognized several historical earthquakes from the sediment stratigraphy.
We are planning to apply our insight about underwater processes during large earthquakes to investigating the submarine signature of 2004 and 2005 giant earthquakes offshore Sumatra. A NSF "small grant for exploratory research" has funded our participation last March in the Japanese expedition to the epicentral area of the 2004 earthquake. The expedition of the R/V NATSUSIMA was lead by Dr. Wonn Sohn and made use of high-resolution geophysics and a ROV (remotely operated vehicle) to observe disruption at the seafloor off Sumatra.
Cormier, M.H., L. Seeber, C.M.G. McHugh, A. Polonia, M.N. Çagatay, Ö. Emre, L. Gasperini, N. Görür, G.
Bortoluzzi, E. Bonatti, W.B.F. Ryan, and K.R. Newman, The North Anatolian fault in the Gulf of Izmit
(Turkey): Rapid vertical motion in response to minor bends of a non-vertical continental transform, J.
Geophys. Res., accepted.
Seeber, L., Ö. Emre, M.H. Cormier, C.C. Sorlien, C.M.G. McHugh, A. Polonia, and the team of the 2001 Urania
Cruise in the Marmara Sea, Uplift and Subsidence from Oblique Slip: The Ganos-Marmara Bend of the North
Anatolian Transform, Western Turkey, Tectonophysics, 391, 239-258, 2004.
Polonia, A., L. Gasperini, A. Amorosi, E. Bonatti, G. Bortoluzzi, M.N. Çagatay, L. Capotondi, M.H. Cormier, N.
Görür, C.M.G. McHugh, L. Seeber, Holocene slip rate of the North Anatolian Fault beneath the Sea of
Marmara, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 227, 411-426, 2004.
Çagatay, M.N., N. Görür, A. Polonia, E. Demirbag, M. Sakinç, M.H. Cormier, L. Capotondi, C.M. McHugh, Ö.
Emre, and K. Eris, Sea level changes and depositional environments in the Izmit Gulf, eastern Marmara Sea, during the late glacial-Holocene period, Marine Geology, 202, 159-173, 2003.
Polonia, A., M.H. Cormier, M.N. Çagatay, G. Bortoluzzi, E. Bonatti, L. Gasperini, M. Ligi, L. Capotondi, L.
Seeber, C.M.G. McHugh, W.B.F. Ryan, N. Görür, Ö. Emre, B. Tok, and the MARMARA2000 and
MARMARA2001 scientific parties, Exploring submarine earthquake geology in the Marmara Sea, Eos
Transactions AGU, 82 (21), 229 and 235-236, 2002.
Crawford, George Earthquake program manager for Washington’s emergency management division. To change public policy and create a robust risk communications program there must be open discussion and collaboration between disciplines, which this workshop can drive.
Crawford, G.L. 2005, NOAA Weather Radio- A Coastal Solution to Tsunami Alert and Notification. Developing
Tsunami Resilient Communities, National Hazards, Vol 35 (11) pp 163-171.
Johnston, D., Paton, D., Crawford, G.L., Ronan K., Noughton, B., and Burgelt, P., 2005, Measuring Tsunami
Preparedness in Coastal Washington, U.S., Natural Hazards, Vol 35 (1). Pp 173-184.
Crawford, G.L, 2001, Tsunami Inundation Preparedness in Coastal Communities. In: Proceedings of the
International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-18, Seattle,
WA, pp. 214-218.
Dengler, Lori Modern and paleotsunami deposits - what do they infer about tsunami hazard assessment (water height, velocity, number of waves), use of tsunami deposits in tsunami hazard mapping, use of tsunami deposits in education and outreach, and preservation and display of tsunami deposits
Dengler, L. (2005) The role of education in the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, in Bernard, E.N., ed. Developing Tsunami-Resilient Communities, Natural Hazards, Vol 35, p. 141-153.
Dengler, L. A, Magoon, O. (2005) The 1964 Tsunami in Crescent City, California: A 40-year retrospective, in
Wallendorf, L., Ewing, L. Rogers, S., Jones, C. eds Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2005, American society of
Civil Engineers, p. 639-648.
Doner, Lisa I am a paleolimnologist primarily concerned with reconstructing past Holocene records from lake sediments, including changes from climate and sea level, human land use, and catastrophic events. My current project is on two coastal water resource lakes which have a past history of tsunami inundation with a high risk of recurrence in the next 100 years.
Eipert, Annaliese I recently graduated with a BA in geology from Carleton College, where I conducted my senior thesis on OSL dating of the 1960 Chile tsunami. In 2005 I will begin my Master's work on earthquake and tsunami geology at the University of Washington. I am especially interested in the international aspect of this workshop, and in meeting and collaborating with scientists from around the world. I currently work for NOAA's Pacific Hydrographic Branch, and am the contact person for supplying bathymetry data to NOAA's Tsunami Innundation Mapping Effort (TIME) Center.
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of sand deposited by the 1960 tsunami in south-central Chile
(undergraduate thesis): eipert_comps2004.pdf
Fernando, Warnakulasuriya Ignatius Starin (Starin) Weathering mechanism of charnockitic rocks in Sri
Lanka. My interest is to study paleotsunami of Sri Lanka
Filmer, Paul Marine geophysicist with past interest in volcanic edifice collapse and plate flexure. Currently interested in scientific input into political processes (e.g. tsunami preparedness). NSF Program Director,
Geology and International (GEO/EAR) and Infrastructure Development (GEO/OAD).
Fitzhugh, Ben
Fryer, Gerard J. I was drawn into tsunami work by the Shikotan event of 1994. I dabble in tsunami modeling.
I am interested in systems to warn of locally-generated tsunamis, and in quantifying tsunami hazard for guidance in coastal land use.
McMurtry, G.M., G.J. Fryer, D.R. Tappin, I.P. Wilkinson, M. Williams, J. Fietzke, D. Garbe-Schoenberg, and P.
Watts, 2004. Megatsunami deposits on Kohala volcano, Hawaii, from flank collapse of Mauna Loa, Geology,
32, 741-744.
Fujiwara, Osamu Paleontology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
Fujiwara, O., 2004. Sedimentological and paleontological characteristics of tsunami deposits. Memoirs Geol. Soc.
Japan, no. 58, 35-44.(in Japanse with English Abst.)
Fujiwara, O, Kamataki, T. and Fuse, K., 2003. Genesis of mixed molluscan assemblages in the tsunami deposits distributed in Holocene drowned valleys on the southern Kanto Region, East Japan. The Quaternary Research,
42, 389-412.(in Japanse with English Abst.)
Fujiwara, O., Kamataki, T. and Tamura, T., 2003. Grain-size distribution of tsunami deposits reflecting the tsunami waveform -an example from the Holocene drowned valley on the southern Boso Peninsula, east
Japan; The Quaternary Research; 42; 67-81.(in Japanse with English Abst.)
Gelfenbaum, Guy I'm interested in the sediment dynamics of tsunamis, the interpretation of tsunami deposits, and the morphodynamics of coasts under the impact of tsunamis and co-seismic subsidence. I've examined modern tsunami deposits from Papua New Guinea (1998), Peru (2001), and Indonesia (2004), and paleotsunami deposits from Cascadia. I've also examined modern hurricane overwash deposits in North Carolina
Gelfenbaum, G. and Lesser, G., 2003, Modeling coastal morphological response to co-seismic subsidence and tsunamis in the Pacific Northwest, abstract, GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Gelfenbaum, G., and Jaffe, B., 2003, Erosion and sedimentation from the 17 July 1998 Papua New Guinea tsunami. Pure and Applied Geophysics, v. 160, no. 10-11, p. 1969-1999
Preliminary Analysis of Sedimentary Deposits from the 1998 Papua New Guinea (PNG) Tsunami:
The 26 December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: Initial Findings from Sumatra, January 20-29, 2005:
Morton, Gelfenbaum, and Jaffe (in review), Criteria for distinguishing sandy tsunami and storm deposits using modern examples, Journal of Sedimentary Geology, 35 pages.
George, David, L. I'm currently a student in applied mathematics. For the last several years I have been working with Randy LeVeque, developing numerical methods for tsunami modeling. We are using adaptive mesh refinement techniques in order to capture tsunami propagation from the global scale all the way down to local beach run-up. We are particularly interested in developing algorithms that capture the run-up zone robustly and accurately.
Gica, Edison
Glawe, Ulrich 1989 Dipl.-Geol., Erlangen University, Germany, 1991 MSc. Eng Rock Mech., Imperial
College, London, UK, 1992 PhD. Eng. Geology, Erlangen University, Germany.
10 years consultant based in Switzerland and worked in Turkey, Iran, India, Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia, mainly Hydropower Ps. Since 2002 Assoc. Prof. at AIT, a prestigious international higher educational institution based in Thailand.
Interests, among others, fine-grained tsunami deposit sedimentology –innovative methods of analyses
Glawe U., Jain S., Jafri H.S.M., Dutta J. & Singh B.: "Investigations on Fined-grained Recent Tsunami Deposits of Phra Bhat Bay, Andaman Coast, Thailand". Scientific Forum on Tsunami, its Impact and Recovery, Asian
Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand, 06./07.06.2005 of my colleague Assoc. Prof. Dr. J. Dutta:
A. Sugunan, C. Thanachayanont, J. Dutta, and J. G. Hilborn: "Heavy-Metal ion sensors using Chitosan-capped
Gold Nanoparticles", Journal of Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (in press 2005)
Goff, James With Catherine Chague-Goff reported the first tsunami deposits from New Zealand in 1994/1995.
On NZ team to visit PNG in 1998
On US team to visit Sri Lanka this year
On National Advisory Group to Ministry of Civil Defense & Emergency Management in New Zealand
Organized first New Zealand Tsunami Symposium in 2002
Have published peer reviewed papers on at least 22 tsunami deposits that represent at least 14 different events in New Zealand. If one includes in press and submitted deposits there are at least another 22 sites in
New Zealand and overseas.
I am keenly interested in:
i) Identifying the diagnostic criteria of tsunamis and storms. ii) Identifying the geoarchaeological record of tsunamis. iii) Database development iv) Source identification. v) Using tsunami deposits to understand the properties of the waves. vi) Studying the geomorphology of tsunamis - both individual events, other geomorphological associations (what caused them - and linking these together in charting landscape development) vii) The taphonomy of tsunami deposits - how complete deposits are – how they deteriorate over time-
TAPHONOMY OF TSUNAMI DEPOSITS viii) Using deposits to guide coastal development/planning/engineering decisions/hazard mapping/and most recently in developing probabilistic hazard assessment maps.
ix) Tsunami deposits as an educational resource – developing community-based initiatives to achieve buyin to hazard mitigation and awareness programs.
Liu, P., L.-F., Lynett, P., Fernando, J., Jaffe, B.E., Fritz, H., Higman, B., Morton, R., Goff, J. and Synolakis, C.
(2005). Observations by the International Tsunami team in Sri Lanka. Science, in press.
McFadgen, B.G. and Goff, J.R. (2005) An earth systems approach to understanding the tectonic and cultural landscapes of linked marine embayments: Avon-Heathcote Estuary (Ihutai) and Lake Ellesmere (Waihora),
New Zealand. Journal of Quaternary Science, 20, 227-237.
Goff, J.R., McFadgen, B.G. and Chagué-Goff, C. (2004) Sedimentary differences between the 2002 Easter storm and the 15th Century Okoropunga tsunami, southeastern North Island, New Zealand. Marine Geology, 204,
Nichol, S., Goff J.R. and Regnauld, H. (2004) Sedimentary evidence for a regional tsunami on the NE coast of
New Zealand. Geomorphologie: Relief, Processus, Environnement, 1, 35-44.
Goff, J.R. and McFadgen, B.G. (2003) Large earthquakes and the abandonment of prehistoric coastal settlements in 15th Century New Zealand. Geoarchaeology, 18(6), 609-623.
Goldfinger, Chris What I'd like to contribute relates mostly to 1) The past recurrence history, 2) the completeness (or overcompleteness in the case of non-local events) of the tsunami record, and 3) relating multiple proxies to get at event size and origin.
In comparing the still emerging records in Cascadia, which is by far the best paleotsunami/paleoseismic record anywhere, there are close parallels between onshore and offshore records, and some differences. For example, turbidites record an event at AD 1500 that is recorded at few if any land sites, yet it correlates margin wide, and fits many other criteria for a large earthquake. Why was this not recorded onshore? The
offshore turbidite was very small, and missing from some offshore cores. We suspect that this event was much smaller than average, resulting in its spotty appearance. What we're working on now is comparing events in this way, both to use size trends as a correlation tool (since the numerical 14C age correlation is always problematic) and to explore possibilities for crude determination of event size with multiple proxies.
We also see trends in the "size" and robustness of offshore turbidites that suggest spatial patterns that may relate to onshore tsunami/earthquake evidence throughout the records where they overlap, similar to the above example.
Finally, we see multiple "pulses" in the turbidites which commonly correlate regionally, for which we are exploring the origins. One possible origin is that they might come from sediment entrained in the backwash from the tsunami. There are other possibilities, including multisegment mainshocks, closely spaced aftershocks, etc. In any case, whatever they represent may relate to onshore records as well.
Goldfinger, C., Nelson, C. H., and Johnson, J. E., 2003a, Deep-Water Turbidites as Holocene Earthquake Proxies:
The Cascadia Subduction Zone and Northern San Andreas Fault Systems: Annali Geofisica, v. 46, p. 1169-
-, 2003b, Holocene Earthquake Records From the Cascadia Subduction Zone and Northern San Andreas Fault
Based on Precise Dating of Offshore Turbidites: Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, v. 31, p.
Gonzalez, Frank
Higman, Bretwood (Hig) I'm interested in developing an understanding of sand sorting that can be applied to tsunami deposits. I have done work on the 1992 Nicaragua tsunami and the recent tsunamis in the Indian
Ocean. I also have some experience with paleotsunami deposits in Washington, Alaska, and Kamchatka.
Higman, B., 2003, Normal grading patterns in deposits of the 1992 Nicaragua tsunami, Abstracts with Programs '
Geological Society of America. 2003.
Higman, B., 2004, Pyroclastic Flow Analogy for Deposition in the 1992 Nicaragua Tsunami, Abstracts with
Programs, Geological Society of America.
Higman, B., Bondevik, S., Borrero, J., Lynett, P., 2004, Tidal Bores as an Anolog for Tsunamis? AGU Abstract
Higman, B., Bourgeois, J., In press, Deposits of the 1992 Nicaragua tsunami, to be published in a book on tsunami deposits edited by Tsunemasa Shiki and published by Elsevier.
Hirakawa, Kazuomi Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology, Significance old landforms for the evaluation of
No publications in English
Hoirup, Don F. Jr. I have worked in the Seismic Hazards Mapping Program with the California Geological
Survey (CGS) since 2000. In 2002, I began representing CGS in the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation
Program (NTHMP) as geo-science advisor to the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services
(GOES). As an independent project, I have initiated the use a GIS to determine submarine slope stability during an earthquake along Monterey Bay canyon.
In 2002, I began assessing bays and estuaries in Marin and Sonoma counties for environmental conditions ideally situated to record high energy tsunami inundation events. Since 2003, I have been under a research permit (Scientific Research and Collecting Permit # PORE-2003(4)(5)-SCI-0003, Study Number PORE-
00323) issued by the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, for the Point Reyes National
Seashore. Currently, at least one suspect tsunami sand deposit has been identified within the marshes of
Point Reyes National Seashore. Additionally, my research at Point Reyes National Seashore has lead to identification of potential tsunami generating landslides.
Future research efforts may include assessment of; California coastal areas ideally situated to record past tsunami inundation events, slope stability along California coastline and inland water bodies capable of tsunamigenic effect, and sedimentation of low laying areas around Lake Tahoe (tsunami/seiche deposits).
In September 2005, the CGS Chief Seismologist Dr. Michael Reichle and I will be hosting the California
Tsunami Sources Workshop in cooperation with the GOES and the NTHMP.
Gonzalez, F.I., et. al.: 2005, Progress in National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program Hazard Assessment.
Natural Hazards v.35, Number 1, 89-110.
Horton, Ben In Pacific Northwest and Japan, through funds provided by the USGS NEHRP and the Dawai
Foundation, I support two graduate students who are helping to reduce uncertainty regarding past and future earthquake hazard. I have worked extensively in the tropical environments such as Northern Australia,
Indonesia and the Malay-Thai Peninsula. In particular, I am the lead PI on the following project: INDIAN
Funding for the research came from National Science Foundation’s Human and Social Dynamics priority area, the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation Program in the Engineering Directorate, and from the Office of International Science and Engineering.
We have an experienced, multinational, interdisciplinary team of scientists who will use a suite of research methods drawn from both the natural and social sciences to elucidate the immediate pre- and posttsunami trajectory of events and impacts associated with the 2004 tsunami catastrophe in the Indian Ocean.
The research will involve several graduate students from all countries working collaboratively with all members of our team.
Horton, B. P., Gibbard, P. L., Milne, G. M., Stargardt, J. M., 2005 in press, Holocene sea levels and palaeoenvironments of the Malay-Thai Peninsula, southeast Asia. The Holocene
Horton, B. P., Thomson, K., Woodroffe, S. E., Whittaker, J. E., Wright, M. W., 2005 in press. Contemporary foraminiferal distributions, Wakatobi National Park, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, Journal of Foraminiferal
Sawai, Y. Nagumo, T. and Horton, B. P., 2004. Diatom-based elevation transfer function along the Pacific coast of eastern Hokkadio, northern Japan ^Ö an aid in paleo-seismic study along the coasts near Kurile subduction zone. Journal of Quaternary Science, 23, 2467-2484.
Sawai, Y., Satake, K., Kamataki, T., Nasu, H., Shishikura, M., Atwater, B. F., Horton, B. P., Kelsey, H., Nagumo,
T., Yamaguchi, M., 2004. Transient uplift after a 17th-century earthquake along the Kuril trench. Science,
206, 1918-1920.
Horton, B. P., Larcombe, P., Woodroffe, S. E., Whittaker, J. E., Wright, M. W. and Wynn, C., 2003.
Contemporary foraminiferal distributions of the Great Barrier Reef coastline, Australia: implications for sealevel reconstructions. Marine Geology, 3320, 1-19.
Hughes, Jonathan F. Trained as a paleoecologist, I use plant fossils preserved in wetland deposits to identify and date ancient earthquakes.
Hughes, J.F., and R.W. Mathewes. 2003. A modern analogue for plant colonization of palaeotsunami sands in
Cascadia, British Columbia, Canada. Holocene 13: 877-886.
Hutchinson, Ian paleotsunamis, sea-level change, diatoms as paleoenvironmental indicators
Hutchinson, I., Clague, J.J. and Mathewes, R.W. 1997. "Reconstructing the tsunami record on an emerging coast: a case study of Kanim Lake, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada". Journal of Coastal Research 13,
Hutchinson, I. and McMillan, A. 1997. "Archaeological evidence for village abandonment associated with late
Holocene earthquakes at the northern Cascadia subduction zone". Quaternary Research 48, 79-87.
Hutchinson, I., Guilbault, J-P., Clague, J.J., and Bobrowsky, P.T. 2000. "Late Holocene tsunamis and tectonic deformation at the northern Cascadia margin: sedimentary and palaeoecological evidence from Deserted
Lake, Vancouver Island." The Holocene 10, 429-439.
Williams, H. and Hutchinson, I. 2000. "Stratigraphic and microfossil evidence for two late Holocene tsunamis at
Swantown marsh, Whidbey Island, Washington State". Quaternary Research 54, 218-227.
Williams, H.F.L., Hutchinson, I., and Nelson, A. 2005. "Multiple sources of late Holocene tsunamis at Discovery
Bay, Washington State, USA." The Holocene 15, 60-73
Imamura, Fumihiko Tsunami engineering to mitigate the damage and disaster due to tsunami through research on hazard map, tsunami warning, soft and hard structure, and public education
Harada,K. and F.Imamura: study on the evaluation of tsunami reducing by coastal control forest for actual conditions, Proc. APAC 2003 Makuhari, Japan,pp.16-17, 2004
Imamura,F. and K.Hashi: Re-examination of the source Mechanism of the 1998 Papua New Guinea earthquake and tsunamis, , Pure and applied Geophysics, vol.160, no.10-11, pp.2053-2069, 2003
Minoura, K. F. Imamura, U. Kuran, T. Nakamura, G. A. Papadopoulos, T. Takahashi, and A. C. Yalciner:
Tsunami Hazards associated with explosion collapse processes of a dome complex on Minoan Thera,
Submarine Landslides and Tsunamis edited by A. C. Yalciner, E. N. Pelinocsky, E. Okal, and C. E. Synolakis,
NATO Science Series, IV earth and environmental Science, vol.21, pp.229-236, 2003
Jaffe, Bruce I have studied tsunami deposits for 10 years. I was a member of international teams that traveled to Papua New Guinea to document the 1998 tsunami and to Sri Lanka to document 26 December 2004 tsunami. I also led international teams that documented tsunami sedimentation studies from the 2001 Peru,
2004 Indian Ocean, and 2005 Sumatra tsunamis. I am Project Chief of the United States Geologic Survey
Tsunami Risk Assessment Project.
My tsunami research interests include (1) inverse sediment transport modeling of tsunami deposits to estimate tsunami flow velocity, (2) identification of tsunami deposits, and (3) developing methods to extend the record of tsunamis beyond the historical record using tsunami deposits. - Daily reports the recent field team in Sumatra studying the 28 March
2005 and 26 December tsunamis and earthquakes. - The December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: Initial
Findings on Tsunami Sand Deposits, Damage, and Inundation in Sri Lanka.
Jaffe, B., Peterson, C., and Peters, B., 2004, Using tsunami deposits in a probabilistic inundation study at Seaside,
Oregon: Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl. (abs.).
Jaffe, B., Gelfenbaum, G., Rubin, D., Peters, R., Anima, R., Swensson, M., Olcese, D. Bernales L., Gomez, J., and
Riega, P., 2003, Tsunami Deposits: Identification and Interpretation of Tsunami Deposits from the June 23,
2001 Peru Tsunami, Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Sediments 2003, CD-ROM
Published by World Scientific Publishing Corp and East Meets West Productions, Corpus Christi, TX, USA.
ISBN 981-238-422-7, 13 p.
Jaffe, B. E. and Gelfenbaum, G., 2002, Using tsunami deposits to improve assessment of tsunami risk: Solutions to
Coastal Disasters 02, Conference Proceedings, ASCE, p. 836-847.
Jankeaw, Kruawun Paleotsunami deposits, tsunami mitigation and warning.
Johnson, Sam Background- some paleo-tsunami work in Puget Lowland, stratigraphy, and sedimentology. My present position is supervising (i.e. fundraising, reviewing tsunami projects, etc.) tsunami research in USGS.
Kamrath, Anke I am heading an effort to preserve data brought back by NSF reconnaisance teams for the recent Tsunami event. The data will be incorporated into the NEES (Network for Earthquake Engineering
Simulation) data repository -
The data will be made available to the broader research community.
Keating, Barbara BA (Fla. State), MS and PH.D. (U. Texas), trained in geosciences and specialized in marine geology. Since 1976 she has been a research scientist at the University of Hawaii. She was a past Chair of the Marine Geology Division (Hawaii Institute of Geophysics). In 1994, she was a visiting scientist at
NIWA (Wellington), USGS, and U. Arizona. She has served on several state, federal and international task forces, panels and committees related to tsunami hazards, geology of Pacific Islands, marine resources in the
Pacific (Coral Reefs, Mn. Crusts, Fisheries), subsea mapping, etc. She has organized and been the chair a dozen national and international meetings on topics associated with tsunami, submarine landslides, and coastal deposits, and the geophysics of the Pacific Ocean. She has provided a leadership role in defining the relationship between landslide and tsunami.
She is past treasurer, and current President of the International Tsunami Society. She has published 7 books, 2 side-scan sonar undersea map atlases, and 80 referred publications. Her edited volumes include:
Landslides and Tsunami, Seamounts, Islands and Atolls, Offshore Mineral Resources of the Central Pacific.
Her edited atlas volumes include the, Hawaii Seafloor Atlas and the Pacific Seafloor Atlas. She is currently an editor of a book on Mega-tsunami and a special journal issue on the same topic. Her latest publication
about landslides, tsunami and climate change with W. McGuire appears in Advances in Geophysics. She is a member of the State of Hawaii Tsunami Technical Review Committee and the Hawaii Tsunami Observers
Program. She is currently involved in developing an international training course for professionals on
Tsunami Hazards, at the University of Hawaii.
Keating, B. H., Helsley, C. E., Waheed, Z., and Dominey-Howes, D. (2005) 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami on the
Maldives Islands: Initial Observations, Science of Tsunami Hazards, submitted June 8, 2005.
Dominey-Howes, D., and Keating, B. H. (2005) in Tsunami Risk in the SE Asia and Western Pacific Regions,
Catastrophe Insurance- Challenges for Insurers in the Asia-Pacific Region. (Ed. Neil R Britton), Proceedings of a Conference, Aon Re Australia, Brisbane Australia, submitted June 1, 2005
Keating, Barbara H. and McGuire, W. J. (2004). Instability and structural Failure at Volcanic Ocean Islands and the Climate Change Dimension, in Advances in Geophysics, v. 47, 175-271.
Keating, B. H., Whelan, F., Businger, S., and Wanick, M. (2005). Queen’s and Sandy Beaches, Comparison of
Storm Deposits vs. Historic Tsunami Deposits, Marine Geology, in prep.
Keating, B. H. and Whelan, F. (2005) Elevated Carbonate Deposits on Oahu, Hawaii: Evidence for uplift rather than mega-tsunami? Marine Geology, submitted.
Kelsey, Harvey Paleoseismology, relative sea level studies.
Kelsey, H. M., Nelson, A. R. Witter, R. C., and Hemphill-Haley, E. 2005, Tsunami history of an Oregon coastal lake reveals a 4,600 year record of great earthquakes on the Cascadia subduction zone, Geological Society of
America Bulletin, 117, 1009-1032.
Sawai, Y., Satake, K., Kamataki, T., Nasu, H., Shishikura, M., Atwater, B. F., Horton, B. P., Kelsey, H. M.,
Nagumo, T. and Yamaguchi, M., 2004, Transient uplift after a 17th-century earthquake along the Kurile subduction zone, Science, 306, 1918-1920.
Witter, R. C, Kelsey, H. M., and Hemphill-Haley, E. 2003, Great Cascadia earthquakes and tsunamis of the past
6,700 years, Coquille River estuary, southern coastal Oregon Geological Society of America Bulletin, 115,
Kelsey, H. M., Witter, R. C. and Hemphill-Haley, E. 2002, Plate-boundary earthquakes and tsunamis of the past
5,500 yr, Sixes River estuary, southern Oregon, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 114, 298-314.
Witter, R. C., Kelsey, H. M. and Hemphill-Haley, E. 2001, Pacific storms, El Nino and Tsunamis, Competing mechanisms for sand deposition in a coastal marsh, Euchre Creek, Oregon, Journal of Coastal Research, 17,
Kelsey, H. M., Witter, R. C. and Hemphill-Haley, E., 1998, Response of a small Oregon estuary to coseismic subsidence and postseismic uplift in the past 300 years; Geology, 26, 231-234.
Kong, Laura The ITIC is an office of the UNESCO IOC. The IOC is coordinating the implementation globally of tsunami warning and mitigation systems, focusing presently on the Indian Ocean. The IOC has coordinated activities in the Pacific since 1965.
Kortekaas, Stella PhD within EU project GITEC-TWO (Genesis and Impact of Tsunamis on European Coasts-
Tsunami Warning and Observation). Title PhD thesis: Tsunamis, storms and earthquakes: distinguishing coastal flooding events
EU Marie Currie post-doctoral fellowship. Title project: Geological identification of historical tsunamis: application in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece
Interests: tsunami deposits: identification and distinguishing them from other coastal flooding deposits.
Kortekaas, S. 2005. Tsunami waarschuwingssysteem hebben wij er een nodig in de Noordzee? Website in associated with the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.
Papadopoulos, G.A. and Kortekaas, S. 2003. Characteristics of landslide generated tsunamis from observational data. In: Locat, J. and Mienert, J. (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequence. Advances in
Natural and Technological Hazards Research 19. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 267-374.
Cundy, A.B., Kortekaas, S., Dewez, T., Stewart, I.S., Collins, P.E.F., Croudace, I.W., Maroukian, H.,
Papanastassiou, D., Gaki-Papanastassiou, P., Pavlopoulos, K. and Dawson, A. 2000. Coastal wetlands as recorders of earthquake subsidence in the Aegean: a case study of the 1894 Gulf of Atalanti earthquakes, central Greece. Marine Geology, 170, 3-26.
Kortekaas, S., Andrade, C., Andrade, M.A. and Dawson, A. 1999. Palaeotsunami deposits at Martinhal (SW
Portugal) associated with the earthquake of November 1st 1755 AD. In: Heinrich, P. and Schindele, F. (eds.)
Tsunamis, Proceedings International Conference on Tsunamis, May 1998, Paris, France, 57-66.
Kravchunovskaya, Katya Exchange graduate student studying with Jody Bourgeois, interested in studying tsunami deposits as they relate to coastal morpho-neotectonics.
Lagos, Marcelo I’m working with tsunami modeling and tsunami deposits in Central-South of Chile. My research uses this natural evidence to validate tsunami inundation maps and as a risk indicator for education.
Cisternas M, Atwater F, Torrejón F, Sawai Y, Machuca G, Lagos M, Eipert A, Youlton C, Salgado I, Kamataki T,
Shishikura M, Rajendran CP, Malik J, Rizal Y, Husni M. 2005. Predecessors of the giant 1960 Chile earthquake. Nature. (accepted).
Lagos M & Gutierrez D. 2005. Simulation of 1960 tsunami in an estuary of Central - South of Chile". Revista de
Geografia Norte Grande 33:5-18.
Lagos M & Cisternas M. 2004. Tsunami deposits as a risk indicator: sedimentary evidences. Revista Geografica de
Chile Terra Australis 49: 329-351.
Latief, Hamzah Tsunami modeling, hydrodynamics
Latief, H. and F. Imamura (1998), Numerical Simulation of the 1994 East Java tsunami, Indonesia. Proceedings. of
11th Congress of the IAHR-APD, Yogyakarta
Latief, H. and. S. Hadi, (2001) Research on Tsunami Risk and Its Reduction in Indonesia: Present and Future, workshop on Development of Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Technologies and Their
Integration for the Asia Pacific Region (EQTAP), Kamakura Japang, 3-5 December 2001.
Latief, H (2002) Earthquake and volcano tsunamigenic data base and zoning and their application for tsunami early warning system in Indonesia, Symposium on Seismology, Earthquake Hazard Assessment and Risk
Management Asian Seismological Commission 2002, The National Society for Earthquake Technology,
Nepal, Kathmandu, 24-26 November 2002
Latief H., S. Hadi, F.Imamura, Numerical Model for Tsunami Inundation Area and Its Sediment Transport in
Pancer Bay, International W/S on Tsunami Risk and Its reduction in the Asia-Pasific, ITB, March 18-19, 2002
Latief, H., S. Hadi, H. Sunendar, A.R. Gusman (2003), Potential Tsunami Around The Sunda Strait, International seminar/ Workshop on Tsunami, In Memoriam 120 Years of Krakatau Eruption-Tsunami And Lesson
Learned from Large Tsunami, BMG-IOC-DKP, Jakarta-Anyer, 26-29 Agustus 2003
LeVeque, Randall J. The development of numerical methods with adaptive mesh refinement for modeling the propagation and run up of tsunamis.
Logsdon, Miles Grant II (Grant) I am a graduate student in the Central Washington Uuniversity geology department. The goal of my master’s thesis is to locate and describe paleoseismic evidence for great subduction zone earthquakes, including tsunami deposits, on the west coast of Sumatra.
Ludwin, Ruth I have a background in geology and geophysics and currently work as a seismologist at the
Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network. I am interested in helping the public in the Pacific Northwest grasp the reality of earthquake & tsunami events that far exceed the severity of any experienced since
European settlement.
My interest in the conference is to improve my general understanding of tsunami phenomena and the strengths and limitations of available methods of scientific inquiry, and to listen to and participate in discussions related to public outreach.
R. S. Ludwin, R. Dennis, D. Carver, A. D. McMillan, R. Losey, J. Clague, C. Jonientz-Trisler, J. Bowechop, J.
Wray, and K. James, Dating the 1700 Cascadia Earthquake - Great Coastal Earthquakes in Native Stories,
2005, Seismological Research Letters, V. 76, No. 2
Lynett, Patrick My background related to this workshop is in hydrodynamic modeling of tsunamis. My particular interests are in the waves generated by landslides, and the nearshore transformation of tsunami waves.
Korycansky, D. G. and Lynett, P., Offshore Breaking of Impact Tsunami: the Van Dorn Effect Re-Visited,
Geophysical Research Letters, v. 32, No. 10, 10.1029/2004GL021918. 2005
Lynett, P. and Liu, P. L.-F., "A Numerical Study of the Runup Generated by Three-Dimensional Landslides,"
JGR-Oceans, doi:10.1029/2004JC002443. 2005
Lynett, P., Borrero, J., Liu, P. L.-F., and Synolakis, C.E., Field Survey and Numerical Simulations: A Review of the 1998 Papua New Guinea Tsunami, Pure and Applied Geophysics, v.160, p. 2119-2146. 2003.
Liu, P. L.-F., Lynett, P., and Synolakis, C.E., Analytical Solutions for Forced Long Waves on a Sloping Beach,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 478, p. 101-109. 2003.
Lynett, P. and Liu, P. L.-F., A Numerical Study of Submarine Landslide Generated Waves and Runup, Proc.
Royal Society of London A. v. 458, p. 2885-2910. 2002.
MacInnes, Bre Graduate student studying with Jody Bourgeois and interested in determining the difference between tsunami and storm deposits.
Mahrt, Beth Graduate student studying with Jody Bourgeois interested in looking at the sand sources for tsunami deposits and telling the difference between tsunami and storm deposits.
Malik, Javed N. Research Area: Active faults and paleoseismic investigation along Himalayan foothill zone.
Interests related to this workshop: I along with my colleagues carried out reconnaissance studies immediately after the 26 December, 2004 earthquake in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. We were able to identify remarkable landlevel changes caused by the Mw 9.3 Sumatra earthquake along A&N islands.
Secondly, working with Brian in Chile gave me enormous exposure to see the magnificent record of paleotsunami deposits. Therefore attending this workshop will be a great opportunity for me to learn more on tsunamis and will enable me to interact with tsunami scientists attending this workshop.
Malik, J. N. and Murty, C. V. R. (2005). Landscape changes in Andaman and Nicobar Islands (India) due to Mw
9.3 tsunamigenic Sumatra earthquake of 26 December 2004. Current Science,
Manson, Connie I was the head librarian at the Washington state geological survey (Washington DNR,
Division of Geology and Earth Resources) from 1978 through Aug. 2003. While there, I established the
“TsuInfo” system, through an NTHMP grant. I edited the TsuInfo Alert newsletter from 1999 through 2003.
I am very concerned about capturing and managing the high volume of reports about the Sumatra-Andaman tsunami. Those should be full-text digital files (e.g, in PDF), stored on a university or government agency server freely available to all.
Martin, Beth Graduate student studying with Jody Bourgeois interested in studying the structure of tsunami deposits
Mayberry, Gari I am the Geoscience Advisor with USAID's Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance. I am interested in learning how information about how to mitigate against tsunami hazards is shared with the public.
Mofjeld, Hal I've been doing tsunami research and applied tsunami development for 15 years, working as well with state agencies on tsunami preparedness. My interest in the workshop is from the standpoint of tsunami deposits as direct evidence for past tsunamis in threatened areas and as quantitative information that can be used to test and calibration numerical tsunami models.
Mofjeld, H.O., F.I. González, V.V. Titov, A.J. Venturato, and J.C. Newman (2005): Effects of tides on maximum tsunami wave heights: Probability distributions. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech. [in review].
Koshimura, S., T. Katada, H.O. Mofjeld, and Y. Kawata (2005): A method for estimating casualties due to tsunami inundation. Nat. Hazards [In press].
Titov, V.V., A.B. Rabinovich, H.O. Mofjeld, R.E. Thomson, and F.I. González (2005): The global reach of the 26
December 2004 Sumatra Tsunami. Science [in review].
Mofjeld, H.O., C.M. Symons, P. Lonsdale, F.I. González, and V.V. Titov (2004): Tsunami scattering and earthquake faults in the deep Pacific Ocean. Oceanography, 17(1), 38-46.
Mofjeld, H.O., A.J. Venturato, F.I. González, V.V. Titov, and J.C. Newman (2004): The harmonic constant datum method: Options for overcoming datum discontinuities at mixed-diurnal tidal transitions. J. Atmos. Ocean.
Tech., 21, 95-104.
Minoura, Koji The occurrence of the 1983 Japan Sea earthquake tsunami triggered my studying tsunami deposits. My interest is in tsunamis of non-earthquake source.
Moore, Andrew I attempt to interpret the hydraulic conditions that prevailed during deposition of tsunami deposits by looking at sedimentary structures and lateral variation in grain size within the deposit.
Moore, A., 2003, Tsunami Deposits, in Encyclopedia of Sedimentology and Sedimentary Rocks, Gerald
Middleton, ed., Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 928 p.
Moore, A., Imamura, F., Yoshida, I., and Hayakawa, T., 2001, Reappraisal of the maximum runup of the 1771
Meiwa tsunami on Ishigakijima, Tsunami Engineering, v. 18, p. 53-60.
Moore, Andrew L., 2000, Landward fining in onshore gravel as evidence for a late Pleistocene tsunami on
Molokai, Hawaii, Geology, v. 28, p. 247-250.
Nanayama, Futoshi Sedimentology
Interests: Sedimentary characteristics and depositional processes of tsunami deposits
Nanayama, F., Shigeno, K., Satake, K. Shimokawa, K., Koitabashi, S., Miyasaka, S. and Ishii, M., September
2000, Sedimentary differences between the 1993 Hokkaido-nansei-oki tsunami and the 1959 Miyakojima typhoon at Taisei, southwestern Hokkaido, northern Japan. Sedimentary Geology, 135, 255-264.
Nanayama, F., Satake, K., Furukawa, R., Shimokawa, K., Shigeno, K., Atwater, B.F., August 2003, Unusually large earthquakes inferred from tsunami deposits along the Kuril Trench. Nature, 424, 660 - 663.
Nanayama, F., Sedimentary characteristics and depositional processes of onshore tsunami deposits: An example of sedimentation associated with the July 12, 1993 Hokkaido-Nansei-oki earthquake tsunami. Tsunamiites -
Features and Implications, Series title: Developments in Sedimentology, Elsevier Science BV (in press).
Narag, Ishmael I am currently involved in the estimation of tsunami hazard and risk in selected vulnerable sites in the Philippines through literature review, numerical modelling and field surveys.
Nelson, Alan R. I studied sediment sequences recording coseismic coastal subsidence and tsunamis at Cascadia between 1987 and 1997, mostly in Oregon. I viewed destruction and deposits of the 1995 tsunami in
Mindoro, the Philippines, two months after the earthquake. I helped with a study of late Holocene tsunami deposits in Discovery Bay, Puget Lowland.
Ollerhead, Jeff, Huntley, D.J., Nelson, A.R., Kelsey, H.M., 2001, Optical dating, ages, and scatter from tsunamilaid sands from Bradley Lake, Oregon: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 20, p. 1915-1926.
Nelson, A.R., Johnson, S.Y., Kelsey, H.M., Wells, R.E., Sherrod, B.L., Pezzopane, S.K., Bradley, L-A., Koehler,
R.D., and Bucknam, R.C., 2003, Late Holocene earthquakes on the Toe Jam Hill fault, Seattle fault zone,
Bainbridge Island, Washington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.115, p. 1388-1403.
Nelson, A.R., Asquith, A.C., and Grant, W.C., 2004, Great earthquakes and tsunamis of the past 2000 years at the
Salmon River estuary, central Oregon coast, USA: Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, v. 94, p.
William, H.F.L., Hutchinson, Ian, and Nelson, A.R., 2005, Multiple sources for late Holocene tsunamis at
Discovery Bay, Washington State, USA: The Holocene, v. 15, p. 60-73.
Kelsey, H.M., Nelson, A.R., Hemphill-Haley, E., and Witter, R.C., 2005, Tsunami history of an Oregon coastal lake reveals a 4600 yr record of great earthquakes on the Cascadia subduction zone: Geological Society of
America Bulletin, v. 117, p. 1009-1032.
Newhall, Chris Volcanology, volcano stratigraphy, eruption forecasting. I'm here to learn more about tsunami deposits and potential cross-fertilization between my work and that presented here. Starting August, I'll also be living a few m above mean high tide line.
Nishimura, Yuichi I have been working on the spatial distribution and lithofacies of tsunami deposits associated with past and recent tsunamis: 1640 Komagatake tsunami, 1741 Oshima-Ohshima tsunami, 17th
Century Hokkaido tsunami, 1993 Okushiri tsunami, 1994 Rabaul tsunami, 2003 Tokachi-oki tsunami, 2003
Sumatra tsunami. I am most interested in criteria for identification of tsunami deposit.
Nishimura, Y., Nakagawa, M., Kuduon, J. and Wukawa, J., Timing and scale of tsunamis caused by the 1994
Rabaul eruption, East New Britain, Papua New Guinea. The IUGG Tsunami Proceedings, in press.
Nishimura, Y., Miyaji, N. and Suzuki, M., Behavior of Historic Tsunamis of Volcanic Origin as Revealed by
Onshore Tsunami Deposits. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 24, 985-989, 1999.
Nishimura, Y. and Miyaji, N., Tsunami Deposits from the 1993 Southwest Hokkaido Earthquake and the 1640
Hokkaido Komagatake Eruption, Northern Japan. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 144, 719-733, 1995.
Nittrouer, Chuck
Odada, Eric
Okal, Emile
Parsons, Jeffery D. I am a marine geologist trained as a fluid mechanician and sediment-transport specialist.
As a result, I am interested in both the mechanics of tsunamis and their associated sedimentary deposits. I have worked on possible triggering mechanisms (i.e., submarine slides) and fluid mechanical analogies of the deposit-forming flows themselves (i.e., turbidity currents).
Parsons, J. D. and Nittrouer, C. A. 2005. Extreme events moving sediment across continental margins: The relative influence of climate and tectonics. In: The Sea: Introductory Ocean Science of the Global Coastal Ocean, eds.
A. Robinson and K. Brink, vol. 13 (in press: .pdf available upon request)
Pestana, Juan M. Background in fluid and soil mechanics. Recent research on submarine slides resulting in local tsunamis. Also in seismic and tsunaminogenic submarine slide initiation.
Biscontin, G., Pestana, J.M., Nadim, F. (2004) Seismic triggering of submarine landslides in soft cohesive soil deposits, Marine Geology, 203 (3 & 4), 341-354.
Pestana, J.M., Biscontin, G., Nadim, F. and Andersen, K. (2000) "Modeling cyclic behavior of lightly overconsolidated clays in simple shear," Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 19, 501-519.
Pestana, J.M., Biscontin, G., Nadim, F. and Andersen, K. (2001) Seismic response of normally consolidated cohesive soils in gentle inclined submerged slopes," Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Geotechnical
Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics. March, 2001, paper 5.32.
Biscontin, G. and Pestana, J.M. (2001) "A simplified model describing the cyclic behavior of lightly overconsolidated clays in simple shear," 10 th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in
Geomechanics," Tucson, Arizona, Vol. I, 309-314.
Peters, Robert (Bob) I graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz with a BS and MS in Earth
Sciences I have been working with the USGS Tsunami Risk Assessment Project since 2000. My research focus is the sedimentology of tsunami deposits with an emphasis on the identification and interpretation of tsunami deposits in the geologic record. I also study the sedimentology of recent tsunamis. I have participated in paleotsunami deposit studies in Oregon, Washington, and California and been a member of
International Tsunami Survey Teams in Peru (2001) and Sumatra (2005).
Peters, R., Jaffe, B., Gelfenbaum, G., and Peterson, C., 2003, Cascadia Tsunami Deposit Database. U.S.
Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-13, 24 pp.
Peters, R. , Jaffe, B., Gelfenbaum, G., Rubin, D.M., Anima, R., Swensson, M., Olcese, D., Anticona, L.B.,
Gomez, J.C.,and Riega, P.C., 2003, Sedimentary Deposits from the June 23, 2001 Peru Tsunami. Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs , Vol. 35, No. 6, September 2003, p. 602
Peters, R., Jaffe, B., and Gelfenbaum, G., 2003, Comparing sedimentary deposits from the 1700 and 1964 tsunamis in Cascadia. Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Sediments 2003. CD-ROM
Published by World Scientific Publishing Corp. and East Meets West Productions, Corpus Christi, Texas,
USA. ISBN 81-238-422-7.
Peters, R., Jaffe, B., Peterson, C., Gelfenbaum, G., and Kelsey, H., 2001, An overview of tsunami deposits along the Cascadia margin; International Tsunami Symposium Proceedings, August7-10, 2001, Seattle, Washington, p. 479-490.
Peterson, Curt Cascadia paleoseismology, paleotsunami deposit mapping
Curt Peterson, Harry Yeh, R.K. Chadha, G. Latha, and Toshitaka Katada. Runup Height, Inundation Distance, and
Flow Competence of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Tsunami, as Recorded by Tsunami Deposits in Thirteen
Shore-normal Profiles from the Tamil-Nadu coastline, India. Submitted to ISET Journal of Earthquake
Schlichting and Curt D. Peterson. Mapped Overland Distance Of Paleotsuami High-Velocity Inundation In Back-
Barrier Wetlands Of The Central Cascadia Margin, USA. Robert B. Submitted to Journal of Geophysical
Peterson, C.D., Jaffe, B. and Peters, R. Estimating uncertainty and frequency of high-velocity paleotsunami inundation from geologic records in back barrier settings, test locality, Cannon Beach, Oregon, central
Cascadia margin, USA. American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco 2004.
Fiedorowicz, B. K., and C.D. Peterson, 2002. Tsunami Deposit Mapping at Seaside, Oregon, USA.
Geoenvironmental Mapping 1:630-648.
Petroff, Catherine Tsunami-Structure Interaction, sediment transport by tsunamis, tsunami education
Prasetya, Gegar My background is coastal oceanography and engineering with special emphasis on coastal modeling (including tsunami) and survey of the coastal area for engineering purposes and post-tsunami survey.
Preuss, Jane Using paleoseismic tsunami deposits in conjunction with land use planning at the macro (regional or community) scale as well as for master planning of larger individual projects. Time frame to apply these interests are pre-event mitigation and post-event reconstruction.
Jane Preuss; "Learning from Sri Lanka: Wake up Call for Coastal Hazards Mitigation" Natural Hazards Observer
May 2005 Volume XXIX Number 5
Jane Preuss: "Why Tsunami Means Wake-up Call: What Plannners can learn from Sri Lanka", Planning Magazine
August 2005 (forthcoming)
Planwest Partners Environmental Impact Statement for Master Planned Community on the Samoa Peninsula
Summer 2005 City of Eureka, California
Harry Yeh, Ian Robertson, Jane Preuss; Development of Design Guidelines for Structures that Serve as Tsunami
Vertical Evacuation Sites 52-AB-NR-200051 (in Draft status)
Jane Preuss Planning for Risk-Comprehensive Planning for Tsunami Hazad Areas National Science Foundation
Priest, George
Rajendran, Kusala Seismologist, working on earthquake recurrence and source characterization. Interest is to seek international collaboration in improving our understanding of earthquake sources in the Andaman and
Nicobar region.
Ramirez, Teresa I am a geomorphologist, specializing in active tectonics, and a multidiscipline investigator of earth sciences. I have particular experience in the investigation and assessment of active faults, coastal tectonics and coastal erosion. I have extensively used geomorphic, remote sensing, GIS, field mapping, surveying, soil-stratigraphic techniques, drilling (auger), coring, logging and documenting cores and dating techniques to assess and characterize active faults, earthquake damage and effects (including tsunamis), and coastal erosion remediation. My experience includes using geochemical, biological, relative and absolute dating (radiometric and cosmogenic) techniques to assess rates of fault activity.
I am currently working on identification, characterization and dating of prehistoric earthquakes and tsunami deposits on the Pacific coast, state of Guerrero, southern Mexico. I have worked internationally in the USA, Russia, Argentina, Cuba, and with special focus in Mexico. I have been the principal investigator for research studies funded by the National Science Foundation, National Geographic Society, the Mexican
National Council for Science and Technology, and The Carnegie Trust.
My main interests in the tsunami deposits workshop are related to understanding the distribution of tsunami deposits and solving questions such as: Are we able to distinguish in the geologic record tsunami deposits produced by different events that have occurred closely in time? I am interested too in the development of a methodology to improve tsunami hazards maps.
Ramírez-Herrera, M.T, Cundy A., Kostoglodov V., Carranza-Edwards A., Morales E., (submitted 2005). Tusnami events of prehistorical earthquakes during the last 5000 years on Guerro coast, Mexico. Congreso Nacional de
Ingenieria Sismica, Selected papers.
Ramírez-Herrera, M.T, Cundy A., Kostoglodov V., Carranza-Edwards A., Morales E., Urrutia-Fucugauchi J.,
2004. Measurements of Active Tectonic Deformation on the Guerrero Coast, Mexico. American Geophysical
Union Fall Meeting, December 2004, San Francisco, Program and Abstracts.
Ramírez-Herrera, M.T., Kostoglodov, V., Kennett, D.J., Voorhies, B., Neff, H., Jones, J.G., 2003, Holocene evolution, sea level changes and active tectonics of the Guerrero coast, Mexico [abs.]: Geological Society of
America 2003, Annual Meeting (November 1-5, 2003), Seattle, Washington.
Rathje, Ellen M. I am a geotechnical engineer with research interests related to geotechnical earthquake engineering and the application of remote sensing to geotechnical engineering, earthquake, and geological processes.
Rathje, E.M., Crawford, M., Woo, K., and Neuenschwander, A. Submitted. Damage Patterns from Satellite Images from the 2003 Bam, Iran Earthquake, submitted to Earthquake Spectra, Earthquake Engineering Research
Rathje, E.M., Woo, K., Crawford, M., and Neuenschwander, A. 2005. Earthquake Damage Identification using
Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Optical Satellite Imagery, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Symposium, IEEE, Seoul, South Korea, July.
Rhodes, Brady With colleagues at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, I have become involved in Tsunami research funded by the Thai Government. None of us have previous direct experience in Tsunami deposits other than our post-tsunami reconnaissance of the Andaman Sea coast of Thailand.
Ruffman, Alan
Ruffman, A. (1991). Notes on the recurrence rate of a November 18, 1929-like event in the Laurentian Slope
(LSP) seismic source zone or of similar shelf-edge/slope events off eastern Canada, in J. Adams (complier),
Proceedings of the Workshop on Eastern Seismicity Source Zones for the 1995 Seismic Hazard Maps,
Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 243, 371-396.
Ruffman, A. (1996). Tsunami runup mapping as an emergency preparedness planning tool: The 1929 tsunami in
St. Lawrence, Newfoundland, Emergency Preparedness Canada, Report for Contract 94-D025
Ruffman, A. (2001). Potential for large-scale submarine slope failure and tsunami generation along the U.S. mid-
Atlantic coast: Correction and comment, Geology 29, 967
Mofield, H.O., Foreman, M.G.G., and Ruffman, A., 1997, West coast tides during Cascadia subduction zone tsunamis: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 24, p. 2215-2218
Scheffers, Anja tsunami geomorphology, coastal research, extreme wave events, dating
Scheffers, A., Scheffers, S. & Kelletat, D. (2005): Paleo-Tsunami Relics on the Southern and Central Antillean
Island Arc (Grenada, St. Lucia and Guadeloupe). Journal of Coastal Research, 21 (2): 263-273.
Kelletat, D., Scheffers, A. & Scheffers, S. (2005): Holocene tsunami deposits on the Bahaman Islands of Long
Island and Eleuthera. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 48 (4): 519-540.
Scheffers, A. & Kelletat, D. (2004): Tsunami Relics in the Coastal Landscape West of Lisbon, Portugal. Science of Tsunami Hazards, 23 (1): 3-16.
Scheffers, A. & Kelletat, D. (2004) Notable Sedimentary Impacts of Holocene Tsunami
Kelletat, D. & Scheffers, A.(2004): Bimodal tsunami deposits a neglected feature in paleo-tsunami research. in:
Schernewski, G. & Dolch, T: Geographie der Meere und Küsten. Coastline Reports, 1:1-20.i Events. Marine
Geology, Special Volume.
Sherrod, Brian
Shiki, Tsunemasa Historical geology of East Asia, marine geology of the western Pacific, sedimentary geology in general.
Tsunamiite - their features and implication. Shiki, Tsuji, Minoura and Yamazaki (eds.) Elsevier, (in preparation).
Proposal of "freeze" and "sedimentary freeze" 2004 IGC Abstract (2004)
Miocene Tsubutegaura tsunamiites and rotation of the western Japan arc. Shiki, Yamazaki and Tachibana.
Cikyu(the earth) Monthly. (2002, in Japanese).
Stratigraphy of the Miocene tsunami-induced and seismic sediments, Tsubutegaura, Chita Peninsula, Japan.
Cikyu(the earth)) Monthly. (2002, in Japanese)
Seisoturbidites,seismits and tsunamiites. Shiki, Cita and Gorsline (eds.). Sedimentary Geology, vol.135, Nos. 1-4,
Sekar, Anusha I am a second year graduate student and am interested in finding out how to use mathematics in modeling Tsunamis.
Synolakis, Costas I have been participating in tsunami field surveys for 13 years, and I am very interested to learn how tsunami deposition can help us infer flow velocities, so we can help validate numerical models.
One of the most vexing aspects of modeling is the calculation of overland flow velocities, and sediment deposits are for now are only reality check.
Tanioka, Yuichiro My background is seismology and tsunami modeling. My research is the study of source processes of large subduction earthquakes using broadband data. The 2004 Sumatra earthquake and tsunami show us the importance of pre-historical earthquake studies including tsunami deposits. Especially, I am interested in the pre-historical earthquake and tsunami studies along the Kurile-Kamchatka subduction zone.
Tanioka, Y., K. Hirata, R. Hino, T. Kanazawa, Slip distribution of Tokachi-oki earthquake eastimated from tsunami waveform inversion, Earth Planets Space, 56, 373-376, 2004.
Satake, K., and Y. Tanioka, The July 1998 Papua New Guinea earthquake: Mechanism and quantification of unusual tsunami generation, Pure Appl. Geophys., 160, 2087-2118, 2003
Tanioka, Y., and T. Seno, Detailed analysis of tsunami waveforms generated by the 1946 Aleutian tsunami earthquake, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 1, 171-175, 2001.
Tanioka, Y and T. Seno, Sediment effect on tsunami generation of the 1896 Sanriku tsunami earthquake, Geophys.
Res. Lett, 28, 3389-3392, 2001
Tanioka,Y and K. Satake, Detailed coseismic slip distribution of the 1944 Tonankai earthquake estimated from tsunami waveforms. Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 1075-1078, 2001
Tanioka, Y., Generation of tsunamis in Okhotsk sea caused by the 1994 great Kuril earthquake, Pure Appl.
Geophys., 157,977-988, 2000
Satake, K, and Y. Tanioka, Source of tsunami and tsunamigenic earthquakes in subduction zones, Pure Appl.
Geophys., 154, 467-483, 1999
Titov, Vasily
Tuttle, Martitia P. I am a geologist and have been involved in paleoseismology, including studies of earthquake-induced liquefaction features, tsunami deposits, and active faults, since 1983. My field work has been mostly in the central and northeastern U.S., southeastern Canada, and the northeastern Caribbean, but also included trips to Australia, India, and Portugal.
In the mid-1990, I began studying tsunami deposits resulting from the 1929 Grand Banks earthquake and submarine slides with Alan Ruffman, Thane Anderson, and Hugh Jeter. Guided by oral histories of the
Grand Banks tsunami, we found likely candidates for tsunami deposits at eight locations along the southern coast of Newfoundland, Canada. We studied the deposit in detail at one of those locations, where we verified the age of the deposit, described its sedimentological and stratigraphic characteristics and topographic extent, and estimated the tsunami inundation distance and the run-up elevation. In addition, we compared the tsunami deposit to a modern storm deposit on Cape Cod, Massachusetts (USA) and proposed preliminary criteria for distinguishing the two types of deposits. I also have experience searching for tsunami deposits in Puerto Rico and studying a possible tsunami deposit along the northern New England coast.
My primary interests are to develop criteria for distinguishing tsunami deposits from storm deposits and to develop histories of paleo-tsunamis for assessing tsunami hazards along the Atlantic Seaboard and the in northeastern Caribbean.
Tuttle, M. P., Witkowski, A., Efros, J., and Ebel, J., Did a tsunami strike the northern New England Coast ~2,000 years ago?, Geology, in prep.
Ruffman, A., and Tuttle, M. P., 2005, Tsunamis of eastern Canada and New England: The primary historical record, Canadian Coastal Conference, submitted.
Tuttle, M., 2005, It could happen here, New York Times, Long Island and Web Editions, January 16.
Tuttle, M. P., Ruffman, A., Anderson, T., and Jeter, H., 2004, Distinguishing tsunami deposits from storm deposits along the coast of northeastern North America: Lessons learned from the 1929 Grand Banks tsunami and the
1991 Halloween storm, Seismological Research Letters, v. 75, n. 1, p. 117-131.
Tuttle, M. P., Witkowski, A., Daniszewska, G., Ebel, J., and Myskowski, E., 2003, Evidence for a large earthquake near Newburyport, Massachusetts, about 2,000 years ago, Seismological Research Letters, v. 74, n. 2, p. 253.
Veytser, Vladimir I am a software developer at SDSC, working for NEES group. My main interest is in establishing a Tsunami Repository. This repository will be based on existing NEES technologies.
Walsh. Timothy J. I'm the geologic hazards program manager for the Washington State geological survey and a member of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program. I am responsible for producing the tsunami inundation maps used for evacuation planning in Washington.
Walsh, T. J.; Caruthers, C. G.; Heinitz, A. C.; Myers, E. P., III; Baptista, A. M.; Erdakos, G. B.; Kamphaus, R. A.,
2000, Tsunami hazard map of the southern Washington coast--Modeled tsunami inundation from a Cascadia subduction zone earthquake: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Geologic Map GM-49, 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000, with 12 p. text.
Walsh, T. J.; Crawford, G. L. Eisner, R. K.,; Preuss, J. V., 2002, Proceedings of a workshop on construction guidance for areas of high seismic and tsunami loading: Washington Emergency Management Division, 25 p.
Walsh, T. J. ; Titov, V. V.; Venturato, A. J. ;. Mofjeld, H. O. ; Gonzalez, F. I. , 2003, Tsunami hazard map of the
Elliott Bay area, Seattle, Washington-- Modeled tsunami inundation from a Seattle fault earthquake:
Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open File Report 2003-14, 1 sheet, scale 1:50,000.
Walsh, Timothy J.; Titov, Vasily V.; Venturato, Angie J.; Mofjeld, Harold O.; Gonzalez, Frank I., 2004, Tsunami hazard map of the Bellingham area, Washington--Modeled tsunami inundation from a Cascadia subduction zone earthquake: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open File Report 2004-15, 1 sheet, scale 1:50,000.
Gonzalez, F.I.; Titov, V. V.; Mofjeld, H. O.; Venturato, A. J.; Simmons, R. S.; Hansen, Roger; Combellick,
Rodney; Eisner, R. K.; Hoirup, D. F.; Yanagi, B. S.; Yong, S. L., Darienzo, Mark, Ptiest, G. R., Crawford, G.
L., Walsh, T. J., 2005, Progress in NTHMP hazard assessment. IN Bernard, E. N., editor, Developing tsunami-resilient communities—The National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program: Springer, p. 89-110.
Wiberg, Patricia Sediment transport processes, marsh depositional processes, reconstruction of hydrodynamic environments from sedimentary deposits.
Woodruff, Jonathan D. My thesis research is studying overwash deposition in lagoon and salt pond environments during extreme flooding events. I am very interested in methods for distinguishing between tsunami and tropical cyclone deposits.
Woodruff J.D, Donnelly, J.P. Scileppi, E. 2005. Sedimentary Archives of Extreme Flooding Events in the
Northeastern Caribbean. AGU abstract, H41C-0304
Advisors Publications:
Donnelly, J. P., S. S. Bryant, J. Butler, J. Dowling, L. Fan, N. Hausmann, P. N. Newby, B. Shuman, J. Stern, K.
Westover, and T. Webb III. 2001a. A 700-year sedimentary record of intense hurricane landfalls in southern
New England. Geological Society of America Bulletin 113:714-727.
Donnelly, J. P, S. Roll, M. Wengren, J. Butler, R. Lederer, and T. Webb III. 2001b. Sedimentary evidence of intense-hurricane strikes from New Jersey. Geology 29:615-618.
Donnelly, J.P., 2005, Evidence of Past Intense Tropical Cyclones from Backbarrier Salt Pond Sediments: A Case
Study from Isla de Culebrita, Puerto Rico, USA: Journal of Coastal Research (in press).
Yeh, Harry Tsunamais
Tonkin, S., Yeh, H., Kato, F., and Sato S. 2003. Tsunami Scour around a Cylinder: an Effective Stress Approach,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 496, 165-192.